Spanish Composition Part 18

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Ya es hora de irnos, si no queremos llegar con retraso. 9. No me gusta escribir con plumatintero. 10. Quiere mucho a todos sus maestros. 11.

Que tal el tiempo en aquella region? A mi no me gusta un clima frio.

(_b_) 1. I don't like this song, I'm not going to learn it. 2. This time I'm sure you will like what I have brought you. 3. At that time there was only one school in the town. 4. I get letters from them from time to time. 5. I asked him what the new play was like and he said it was very interesting. 6. She had on a big hat that was like a bee-hive. 7. Every time I see him he talks like that (_in that way_). 8. The river encircles the city like a silver chain. 9. What time does the train arrive? Isn't it time to go to the station? 10. Well, _I_ don't like your new dress. It looks like (=parecer=) an old lady's dress.


_En cosas de fe, para ver claro hay que ser ciego._[22]


=63.= _Very_ as an adverb is =muy=. As an adjective it is =mismo=, =-a=.

When it stands alone it is =mucho=. _Very much_ is always =mucho= or =muchisimo=.

_He was a very intelligent man, fortunate in his mining business._

=Era hombre muy inteligente, afortunado en su comercio de minas.=--PeREZ GALDoS.

_This very afternoon I will go to his house._

=Esta misma tarde ire a su casa.=--LOS QUINTERO.

_"I shall be very glad," she said with a smile._

=Me alegrare mucho,--dijo con una sonrisa.=--JUAN VALERA.

_It would be very much better to leave it for the present._

=Seria muchisimo mejor dejarlo por lo p.r.o.nto.=

(_a_) Emphatic _very_ is often translated by the suffixes =-isimo= and =-ito=.

_There did not appear to be any internal injury, but he did have a very high fever._

=Lesion interior no parecia que hubiese, pero si tenia fievre altisima.=


_She fell ill, very_, VERY _ill. The doctor said she was going to die._

=Se puso mala, muy malita. El medico dijo que iba a morir.=


=64.= The verb _to play_ is translated =jugar a= when it means _to play games_ or _take a part in a drama_. _To play instruments_ is rendered =tocar=.

_The children were playing in the street. They were playing ball._

=Los ninos jugaban en la calle. Jugaban a la pelota.=

_And the woman, what part does_ SHE _play in all this?_

=Y la mujer, que papel juega ella en todo ello?=


_Go and play the piano so that these gentlemen may hear you._

=Vete a tocar el piano para que estos senores te oigan.=


=65.= The verb _to need_ is rendered either =necesitar=, =hacer falta=, or =faltar=.

_What this boy needs is the pure air of the country._

=Lo que le hace falta a ese muchacho es el aire puro del campo.=--RAMOS CARRIoN.

_I do not need to inform you that first I asked for the other one._

=No necesito advertirle a Vd. que primero pedi la otra.=


_The tea isn't needed now. You may take it away._

=Ya no hace falta el te. Puede Ud. lleva.r.s.elo.=


_Less than this was necessary to satisfy the hearers._

=Menos de eso se necesitaba para satisfacer los oyentes.=


Note the order in the first example and compare with Sections 51, note, and 60.


(_a_) 1. A el no le hace falta (no le falta) mucho, pero a mi me hacen falta (me faltan) muchas cosas. 2. Necesito un hombre que cuide de los caballos. 3. Su casa es muchisimo mas grande que la nuestra. 4. Quien ha jugado (_or_ hecho) el papel de Shylock en la representacion de anoche? 5. Tan cansaditos estaban que se acostaron en cuanto llegaron.

6. Llevatelo, que a mi no me hace ninguna falta. 7. Los vi esta misma manana. Parecian contentisimos. 8. En la casa siempre hay que hablar quedito porque siempre hay alguien que esta durmiendo. 9. Tomo en la suya la manecita. La temperatura estaba altisima. 10. Lo primero que hace falta para querer es el corazon.

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Spanish Composition Part 18 summary

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