Spanish Composition Part 19

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(_b_) 1. You do not need to tell me that. I know it already. 2. I heard somebody playing the violin. 3. That is the very book I need. Will you lend it to me? 4. She needs a nurse to take care of the children. 5.

(Be) very, very quiet! Mother's asleep. 6. I _do_ like that penknife, but I don't need one. 7. The street is very long and very, very narrow.

8. The little girls are _very_ pretty. My little daughter likes to play with them. 9. The last time they were here they gave me many things that I needed. 10. Are they satisfied with (=de=) what you have sent them? Oh, yes, very.


_Debe estar el valor de acuerdo con la prudencia._[23]


=67.= The verb _to please_ meaning _to give pleasure to_ is rendered =agradar a=; meaning _to satisfy_ it is translated =contentar=; meaning _to want to_, _be willing to_ it is usually rendered =querer=, though it may be translated as in (_a_).

_It pleased him very much to hear that we had arrived safe and sound._

=Le agrado muchisimo saber que habiamos llegado salvo y sano.=

_Do what I may I never manage to please her._

=Haga lo que hiciere nunca logro contentarla.=

_Ask him if he will please come and help me._

=Preguntele si quiere venir a ayudarme.=

(_a_) _Please_ used in the imperative is translated by one of the following expressions: =haga el favor de=, =tenga la bondad de=; =sirvase=. Of these the first two are considered the more formally courteous. All are followed by the infinitive.

_Please be quiet._

=Hagame el favor de callar.=--PALACIO VALDeS.

_Waiter, please open the window._

=Mozo, sirvase abrir la ventana.=

_Note._--In curter familiar speech, the word =favor= alone may be used.

_Please answer at once._

=Favor de contestar en seguida.=

=68.= The verb _to mean_, signifying _to intend_, is rendered =tener la intencion de= or =proponerse=.

_He means to finish the work without any one's helping him._

=Se propone= (=tiene la intencion de=) =acabar el trabajo sin que nadie le ayude.=

(_a_) In the sense of _to wish to say_, _mean_ is translated =querer decir=.

_What does this word mean?_

=Que quiere decir esta palabra?=

When _I mean_ introduces a qualifying phrase, it is often rendered =digo=, _I say_.

_They call her little Pilar. I wish they'd call me little Pilar--I mean, little Antonio._

=La llaman Pilarcita. Si me llamasen a mi Pilarcita--digo, Antonito!=


(_b_) _Not to mean to do something_ is generally rendered by =hacer algo sin querer=.

_I'm sorry I broke the window. I didn't mean to._

=Yo siento haber quebrado el vidriero. Lo he hecho sin querer.=

(_c_) _To mean_ in the sense of _to dare_ is rendered =atreverse=.

_What do you mean by talking to me in that way?_

=Como se atreve Vd. hablarme de esta manera?=

=69.= _Without_ is translated =sin=, except when it introduces a verbal noun in _-ing_, modified by a possessive. In this case, _without_ is rendered by the conjunction =sin que=, the English verbal noun becomes in Spanish a verb in the subjunctive mode and its possessive modifier becomes the subject of the clause.

_He went away without looking at her and without her looking at him._

=Se marcho sin mirarla y sin que ella le mirara a el.=


_I won't go without saying good-by to you._

=No ire sin decirte adios.=--PeREZ GALDoS.


(=a=) 1. Digales que hagan el favor de pasar a la sala. 2. Quiere Vd.

hacerme el favor de plancharme este traje? 3. Sirvase Vd. decir al senor que yo le espero en mi des.p.a.cho. 4. La representacion nos ha agradado muchisimo. 5. Vaya un tonto! Tendra la intencion de quedar aqui? 6.

Sabe tocar el violin, digo, el piano. 7. Este si que la contentara! 8.

No debes llorar sin que yo sepa porque lloras. 9. Mientras llueve no salimos sin paraguas. 10. No salgas sin que yo te de permiso.

(_b_) 1. Please tell him that I'm waiting for him. 2. Do you think this will please him? 3. Don't go without me, please. 4. What do you mean by eating all the candy! 5. It will be impossible for us to go without their seeing us. 6. They have three daughters, I mean, two daughters and one son. 7. Please come as soon as you can if you can come without bringing the others. 8. I didn't mean to do that; please forgive me. 9.

He means that if you mean to do that without your father's knowing it you will have to hurry. 10. He wrote without thinking that it was impossible for him to write without my knowing it.

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Spanish Composition Part 19 summary

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