Spanish Composition Part 20

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_Cuando empiezan las manos, las lenguas suelen callar._[24]


=71.= The word _only_ is both adjective and adverb. As an adjective it is in Spanish =unico=. (Cf. English _unique_.)

_You are the only person in whom I can confide._

=Tu eres la unica persona a quien puedo confiar.=


(_a_) _The only thing_ (_fact_) is rendered =lo unico=.

_The only thing she knew was that he had taken that train._

=Lo unico que sabia era que habia tomado aquel tren.=


(_b_) As an adverb _only_ is rendered =solo=, =solamente=, or, modifying expressions of quant.i.ty, =no mas ... que= (=de= before numbers). For the order of the phrase in the sentence, see the examples.

_If I only had what my father gave me, I shouldn't have enough to pay the baker._

=Si solo tuviera lo que me da el padre, no tendria para pagar al panadero.=


_They saw only soldiers on the platforms._

=Veian solo soldados en los andenes.=--BLASCO IBanEZ.

_I have only three._ (_I have but three. I have just three._)

=Tengo solo tres.= (=Tengo tres solamente. Tengo tres, nada mas. No tengo mas de tres.=)

(_c_) _If only_, expressing a wish contrary to fact, is rendered =ojala= with imperfect or pluperfect subjunctive.

_If only he were here._

=Ojala que estuviera aqui!=

=72.= =Solo= without the accent means _alone_, or _single_.

_The other compartment was occupied by a single man._

=El otro compartamento estaba ocupado por un hombre solo.=


_Bernard loves me alone and I love only him._

=Bernardo me quiere a mi sola y yo quiero solo a el.=


(_a_) _Alone_ (_with_) is often rendered =a solas= (=con=).

_Alone, I weep much and am fearfully sorry for myself._

=A solas lloro mucho y tengo compasion atroz de mi mismo.=


_We left him alone with his conscience._

=Le dejamos a solas con su conciencia.=--EMILIA PARDO BAZaN.

=73.= The verb _to hear_ is =oir= when actual hearing is meant. Sometimes =sentir= is used in the same sense.

_I put my ear to the lock and heard voices and laughter._

=Pegue el oido a la cerradura y oi voces y risas.=


_Scarcely did she hear the noise and see us, when she got up._

=No bien sintio el ruido y nos vio, se levanto.=--JUAN VALERA.

_(a)_ When _to hear_ has the force of _to find out_, _learn_, it is rendered =saber=.

_You have heard from my father how much these orchards please me._

=Ha sabido por mi padre lo mucho que me gustan estas huertas.=



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