Spanish Composition Part 21

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(_a_) 1. Yo no puedo trasnochar. Es lo unico que me hace dano. 2. Un dia le vieron solo y se acercaron para hablarle. 3. Hablaba a solas con el Argentino. 4. Solo de oirle se puso mas animado. 5. Supe por mi hermano que ustedes asistieron al teatro anoche. 6. Solo aquel hombre podria adquirir tanto dinero en tan poco tiempo. 7. El tio que habia sido el unico apoyo de la familia acababa de morir. 8. Dejele a este nino!

Por que se burla usted de el? 9. Hay solamente tres aqui. Tres, nada mas?

(_b_) 1. He alone knew what had been done for them. 2. I have heard from home only once this week. 3. He has many books in his library, but only a few are good. 4. I think I hear a child crying. Well, it's only the children playing in the yard. 5. Leave the room. I want to speak with your brother alone. 6. We heard something like a groan, but I think it was only the wind. 7. Did you hear what happened this morning? You didn't? (=no?=) Well, I meant to tell you when we were alone. 8. We drink only water. 9. The lesson wasn't hard. It was only that I didn't have much time. 10. This is the only time that I have been able to see you alone.


_El miedo hace esclavos. La esclavitud hace rebeldes._[25]


=75.= English _right_ as a noun indicating that which is legal, or permissible, is translated =derecho=.

_I haven't the right to take it away with me._

=No tengo el derecho de llevarmelo.=

(_a_) _To be right_ as the opposite of _to be wrong_ or _mistaken_ is rendered =tener razon=; meaning _to be just_ it is =ser justo=.

_Was it right to leave the boy in that deserted place?_

=Era justo dejar al muchacho en aquel lugar desierto?=


_Uncle is right. We must send him to Paris._

=Tiene razon el tio. Debemos mandarle a Paris.=--RAMOS CARRIoN.

(_b_) As the opposite of _left_, _right_ is =derecho=.

_In her right hand she held a lamp._

=En la mano derecha tenia una lampara.=

The phrases _on the right_ and _to the right_ are rendered =a la derecha=.

_St. Mark's church is on the right._

=La iglesia de San Marcos se halla a la derecha.=

(_c_) _All right_ is translated =bueno= or =bien=.

_All right, then. I'll give you a dollar for it. That's all right, isn't it?_

=Bueno, entonces. Le dare un duro por el. Esta bien, no?=

=76.= When _duty_ is expressed, English _must_ is translated =deber=. When _must_ expresses _what is probably true_, =deber de= is the translation.

To express _necessity_, =tener que= is used.

_Children must obey their parents._

=Los ninos deben obedecer a sus padres.=

_He must have a high opinion of her._

=Debe de tener un alto concepto de ella.=--JUAN VALERA.

_I must go to the city to-day._

=Tengo que ir a la ciudad hoy.=

(_a_) When _must_ is followed by a pa.s.sive infinitive, =hay que= or =ha de= is used with the infinitive. =Hay que= also translates the impersonal _one_ (_we_, _you_, _they_, _people_) _must_.

_It mustn't be said that this meeting was in vain._

=No ha de decirse que este encuentro fue en vano.=


_One must talk of that. One must remember that._

=Hay que hablar de eso. Hay que acorda.r.s.e de eso.=


(_b_) Expressing conjecture or probability _must_ is often translated by the future and conditional of the verb which in English is the complementary infinitive with _must_. The future translates the present, and the conditional the perfect infinitive.

_He must know something about it. He must have worn something._

=Algo sabra de eso. Algo se pondria.=--LOS QUINTERO.

_It must be because she did it. It must have been that._

=Sera porque ella lo haya hecho. Eso seria.=


(_a_) 1. Llaman a la puerta. Seran ellos. 2. Su hermano debe de ser complice. 3. La hazana debio de suceder anoche. 4. No debes llorar sin decirme por que. 5. Ha de perdonarme usted si soy un poco malicioso. 6.

No hay que apura.r.s.e. Estara bueno en un momento. 7. Usted debe de haber visto la casa en donde vivo. 8. Debe de ser esa casa blanca a la derecha. 9. No hay que esperarlos hoy. Tienen razon en no venir. 10.

Serian las tres cuando al fin llegaron.

(_b_) 1. I must write a letter to a friend who is ill. 2. That man must have a very poor memory. 3. I have brought you a dozen eggs. Is that all right? 4. It is not right to tell a child what he must do and not help him to do it. 5. On the right of the avenue was (=halla.r.s.e=) a beautiful park. 6. Look what I have written. It is all right, isn't it? 7. The bell rang, didn't it? It must be the postman. 8. It must have been John who telephoned me last night. 9. Is this bill right? It must be. It seems to be all right. 10. I must telephone him and tell him that it must be done before night.

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Spanish Composition Part 21 summary

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