Spanish Composition Part 25

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=Debemos conservar= (=ahorrar=) =nuestras fuerzas.=

=93.= _To see_ is usually =ver=, but used in conjunction with certain prepositions it calls for other translations. So _to see to_ (take charge of) is rendered =cuidar de=, or =tomar a su cargo=; _to see about_ (ask _or_ inquire about) is translated =informa.r.s.e de= or =pedir informes sobre=.

_I'll see to the baggage._

=Yo cuidare del equipaje, or yo tomare a mi cargo el equipaje.=

_What time do you want me to go and see about it?_

=A que hora quiere usted que yo vaya a informarme de ello?=


(_a_) _To see through_ may be rendered (=llegar a=) =comprender=. _To see a thing through_ is rendered =llevar algo a cabo=.

_There's a problem that I shall never be able to see through._

=Vaya un problema que yo nunca llegare a comprender= (or =que yo nunca comprendere=)!

_We've begun it and we must see it through._

=Lo hemos empezado y debemos llevarlo a cabo.=

(_b_) The exclamatory _see here!_ is rendered =mire Vd.!= and the imperative forms _let's see_ and _let me see_ are translated =a ver= or =vamos a ver=.

_See here! You'll have to hurry if you want to overtake them._

=Mire Vd.! Tendra que da.r.s.e prisa si quiere Vd. alcanzarlos.=

_Let's see if you with your talent can clear this up for me._

=A ver si usted con su talento me aclara esto.=--EMILIA PARDO BAZaN.

_Let's see! Will you tell me what use flowers are?_

=Vamos a ver! Quiere usted decirme que utilidad tienen las flores?=--PALACIO VALDeS.

_Let's see! What have you to declare?_

=A ver! Que tiene Vd. que declarar?=--EMILIA PARDO BAZaN.

=94.= _Half_ as a noun is =la mitad=. As an adjective it is =medio=, which is also its adverbial form. _Half-way there_ is translated =a mitad del camino= or =en medio camino=.

_"They offered me the half now," said the old woman._

=Me ofrecieron la mitad ahora,--dijo la anciana.=


_He always stopped when halfway there._

=Siempre se detuvo a la mitad del camino.=--BLASCO IBanEZ.

_Halfway there, there was an inn._

=En medio del camino se hallaba una venta.=



(_a_) 1. Si Vd. me da la mitad, yo quedare satisfecho. 2. Estabamos medio tristes y medio rabiosos. 3. Queda a media milla de distancia de aqui. 4. A ver si Vd. puede hacerlo mejor. 5. Ahorro mucho dinero en poco tiempo. 6. Es muy habil el medico. Esperemos que salve al nino. 7.

Mira! si no quieres que lleguemos con retraso, date prisa. 8. Yo tomare todo eso a mi cargo. 9. A mitad del camino tuvieron que volver. 10.

Estaba medio enojada porque no le habian dado mas que la mitad.

(_b_) 1. The firemen saved all the people in the house. 2. It is a strange affair. I can't see through it at all. 3. Half is for me and the other half for them. 4. Let's see, what's the good of this? 5. I'll see to the dinner. 6. To save time we sent a servant to see about the trains. 7. The bandits left their victims there half dead. 8. Halfway there they all sat down to rest. 9. Don't leave it half done. See it through! 10. The letter is half written. Let's see! Don't you want to finish it now?


_El que presta a un amigo pierde el dinero y el amigo._[31]


=96.= The word _as_ as a conjunction of cause is rendered =ya que=, =puesto que=, or =como=.

_As you have eaten nothing to-day, it occurred to me to get a supper for you to-night._

=Como hoy no has comido nada, se me ocurrio prepararte una cena esta noche.=--TOMAYO Y BAUS.

_As they won't go with us, let's invite the others._

=Ya que no quieren acompanarnos ellos, invitemos a los otros.=

(_a_) As a conjunction of time or comparison it is =como=, but a temporal clause introduced by _as_ may be rendered by =al= with the infinitive.

_He had a slight acquaintance with foreign literature as many have to-day._

=Tenia un ligero tinte de literatura extranjera como muchos lo tienen hoy.=--FERNaN CABALLERO.

_As I entered the room, they all stopped talking._

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Spanish Composition Part 25 summary

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