Spanish Composition Part 26

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=Al entrar yo en la sala, todos dejaron de hablar.=

(_b_) The correlative _as ... as_ is rendered =tan ... como=, but _as much ... as_ and _as many ... as_ are rendered =tanto ... como= and =tantos ...


_My father was as charmed as ever with her._

=Mi padre se mostro tan embelesado como siempre con ella.=


_I have as much time as I need, and as many books as I want to read._

=Tengo tanto tiempo como necesito y tantos libros como quiero leer.=

The second _as_ in these phrases may be translated =cuanto=, =cuantos=, or these words may be used to translate both the first and the second _as_.

_I will buy you as much_ (_as many_) _as you need._

=Te comprare cuanto= (=cuantos=) =le hacen falta.=

(_c_) _As soon as_ may be translated literally =tan p.r.o.nto como=, but it is also very frequently rendered =asi que=, =en cuanto=, or =luego que=.

_You are going to do it as soon as you know what I am going to tell you._

=Lo vas a hacer en cuanto sepas lo que yo te voy a decir.=


_As soon as night had closed in, they went again to the judge's house._

=Asi que se cerro la noche se dirigieron otra vez a la casa del juez.=


(_d_) _As for_, _as far as ... is concerned_, _as regards ..._, all may be translated =en cuanto a= or =por lo que toca a=. Otherwise, _as far as_ is translated =hasta=.

_As for him, he said that he had had them also._

=En cuanto a el, dijo que las habia tenido tambien.=--JUAN VALERA.

_"As for me," said old Peter, "I know it by heart."_

=Por lo que me toca a mi,--dijo el tio Perico,--lo se de memoria.=


(_e_) When _as_ introduces a clause the action of which is represented as occurring simultaneously with the action of the clause, it is translated =a medida que=.

_The children drew their grandmother toward them as they spoke._

=Los ninos tiraron a su abuela hacia si a medida que hablaban.=



(_a_) 1. Sabes tan bien como yo lo que tenemos. 2. En cuanto me den el dinero, voy a Madrid. 3. Luego que venga la criada, pideselo Vd. 4. A medida que las lanchas entraban en la ensenada, el grupo iba mermando poco a poco. 5. Al salir de la casa vieron al hombre que se escapaba. 6.

Como yo le vi por ultima vez el ano pasado, no se si se acordara de mi.

7. Al fin y al cabo lo ha hecho como lo quiero yo. 8. Quieren que yo las acompane hasta la iglesia. 9. Por lo que le toca a Juan, ya ha prometido darme el suyo. 10. Tengo cuantos necesito por lo p.r.o.nto.

(_b_) 1. As I was walking in the park this morning I met an old friend.

2. As for you, some fine (good) day you are going to get what you deserve. 3. This is not so large as I wanted it. 4. Save your money as much as you can while you are young. 5. As for me myself, I spend as much as I earn. 6. Will you go as far as the corner with me? 7. They are studying Spanish as so many are doing now. 8. You must sign it as well as (=tan bien como=, or =tanto como=, =lo mismo que=) I. 9. As soon as I find the man who owes me all that money, I will lend you some. 10. As we approached the village, the sky was getting darker.


_La libertad nunca puede ser por tiranos defendida ni propagada por esclavos._[32]--EMILIO CASTELAR.

=98.= The verb _to want_ in the sense of _to wish_ is translated by =querer=. Meaning _to need_, _be in want of_, it is rendered =necesitar=, =tener menester=, =hacer falta a=.

_I want you to tell me at once._

=Yo quiero que usted me lo diga en seguida.=--ECHEGARAY.

_I want another book. Have you any more?_

=Necesito= (=tengo menester=, =me hace falta=) =otro libro. Tiene Vd. mas?=

_They want three more chairs._

=Necesitan otras tres sillas.=

_Note._--Observe the position of =otras=. The word =otro= regularly precedes a numeral.

=99.= In the conjunctive phrase _either ... or_, _either_ is translated =o=.

As a p.r.o.noun it is translated =o el uno o el otro=. At the end of a negative sentence _either_ is rendered =tampoco=.

_Either I'm much mistaken or this is going to cause talk._

=O me engano mucho o esto va a dar que hablar.=


_Do you want this pen or the fountain pen? Either will do._

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