Spanish Composition Part 29

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_I take it for granted that you will take the necessary steps to prevent it._

=Doy por supuesto que Vd. dara los pasos necesarios para impedirlo.=

(_d_) _To take place_ is rendered =tener lugar= or =verifica.r.s.e=; _to take possession of_ is translated =apodera.r.s.e de=.

_The funeral took place yesterday and the heirs have now taken possession of the property of the deceased._

=El entierro tuvo lugar= (=se verifico=) =ayer y ya se han apoderado de los bienes del difunto los herederos.=

(_e_) _To take up room_ is rendered =ocupar lugar= or =es.p.a.cio=; _to take care of_, =cuidar de=.

_I'm going to get rid of this table. It takes up too much room._

=Voy a deshacerme de esta mesa. Ocupa demasiado lugar.=

_Don't worry. G.o.d will take care of you and of your family._

=No te apures. Dios cuidara de ti y de los tuyos.=

(_f_) _To take advantage of_ is rendered =aprovecha.r.s.e de=.

_Take advantage of all the opportunities that come to you._

=Aprovechese Vd. de cuantas oportunidades se le presenten.=

(_g_) _To take back_ in the sense of _to return_ is translated =devolver=; meaning _to retract_ it is rendered =retractar=.

_Take this letter back to them and tell them that we want them to take back what they say in it._

=Devuelvales Vd. esta carta y digales que queremos que retracten lo que en ella escriben.=

=108.= =EXERCISES=

(_a_) 1. Dios que cuida de los insectos cuidara de mi y de mi familia.

2. Alli habia muchas personas que se habian apoderado de la chimenea. 3.

No se quite Vd. el abrigo que aqui en este cuarto hace mucho frio. 4. Me aproveche de la oportunidad para contarle lo ocurrido. 5. El cuento de la desgracia ocupo el primer plan del diario de la manana. 6. Tenemos mucho gusto en mandarle lo que nos ha pedido. 7. La recepcion que se verifico con motivo de la visita del insigne autor, atrajo una brillante asistencia. 8. Cuidado! tengo que devolver ese jarro a la vecina y no quiero que me lo quiebres antes. 9. El es.p.a.cio delante de la plataforma fue ocupado por los bancos de los alumnos. 10. Lleveselo! pero ha de ser ahora mismo.

(_b_) 1. Take this back and tell them that it is not the one I asked for. 2. I shall take advantage of your offer. 3. This will take up more room than that. 4. I think they are taking it for granted that we are going with them. 5. Don't you think that you ought to take off your shoes? 6. The trunk took up so much room in the car that there was no room for me. 7. Tell them that I will take charge (=carga.r.s.e=) of all this so that they may take advantage of this time to go and take leave of their friends. 8. It was evident that he took (_had_) great pleasure in telling the children stories when he took care of them. 9. I think he will take possession of the property next week.


_Nada existe en la tierra que no sirve para algo._[36]


=109.= The word _ever_ is translated =nunca= in a negative sentence. Meaning _at any time_, it is rendered =una= or =alguna vez=. As a suffix it is =-quiera=, and the compound word is followed by =que= and the subjunctive.

_Now I deserve you less than ever._

=Ahora te merezco menos que nunca.=--JUAN VALERA.

_Do you think he will ever come to see us?_

=Cree usted que venga una vez a vernos?=

_I would follow her wherever she went._

=La seguiria adondequiera que fuese.=--PALACIO VALDeS.

=110.= The verb _to pa.s.s_ meaning _to go by_ (_through_, _past_) is rendered =pasar por delante de=.

_They pa.s.sed me in groups._

=Pasaron en grupos por delante de mi.=--PALACIO VALDeS.

(_a_) In reference to time, _pa.s.s_ is rendered =transcurrir= when used intransitively.

_I slept confidently that night and let the next day pa.s.s._

=Confiado dormi aquella noche y deje transcurrir el dia siguiente.=


(_b_) _To pa.s.s on_ meaning _to continue one's way_ is rendered =seguir el camino=; meaning _to hand to_, _give to_ it is translated =entregar= or =dar a=.

_When you have finished with it, pa.s.s it on to your friend._

=Cuando Vd. haya acabado con el, entreguelo a su amigo.=

_He stopped to speak to us, but pa.s.sed on immediately._

=Se detuvo a hablarnos, pero siguio en seguida su camino.=

(_c_) _To pa.s.s_ (promote) is rendered =aprobar=; _to pa.s.s_ (be promoted) is =ser aprobado=.

_You will pa.s.s of course, but let's see if that professor will pa.s.s me._

=Tu seras aprobado, eso si, pero a ver si aquel profesor me aprobara a mi.=

=111.= The verb _to pay_ or _pay for_ is usually =pagar=. Meaning _to be profitable_ it is rendered =ser provechoso=.

_There were many there that paid nothing because they had nothing._

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Spanish Composition Part 29 summary

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