Spanish Composition Part 30

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=Muchos habia alli que nada pagaron porque nada tenian.=

_Everybody knows that his mines did not pay._

=Todo el mundo sabe que sus minas no le eran provechosas.=

(_a_) _To pay attention to_ has two translations. Meaning _to listen to_ it is =poner atencion=, meaning _to heed_, _act upon_, _mind_ it is =hacer caso de=.

_They never paid any attention to him when he was talking to them._

=Nunca le ponian atencion cuando les hablaba.=

_She used to talk to his aunt without paying any attention to him._

=Hablaba con su tia sin hacer caso de el.=--PALACIO VALDeS.

=112.= =EXERCISES=

(_a_) 1. De todo eso no hice caso sino que siguiera adelante. 2. Ha pasado muchas noches entregado al trabajo. 3. No hay que afirmar que pasamos por la casa de Pepita. 4. No querian nunca hacerlo sin que Vd.

los ayudase? 5. Por dondequiera que vayamos tenemos que llevarlos a ellos. 6. Como quieres aprender si nunca pones atencion? 7. Parece que no tienen la intencion de pagarle. 8. No le haga Vd. caso que se esta burlando de Vd., nada mas. 9. Transcurrio la noche sin que nadie en la casa lograra dormirse. 10. En plena noche los oimos pasar por delante de la casa.

(_b_) 1. We have never had the money to pay for the house although we have always wanted to buy it. 2. Do you know that man who has just pa.s.sed the house? 3. My son has written me that he has pa.s.sed all his examinations. 4. I don't believe that he will ever finish what he is doing. 5. Whoever did this knows how to do it well. 6. Don't pay any attention to them. 7. Whatever book you choose, pay cash for it (=pagar al contado=). 8. I have finished with this and now I am going to pa.s.s it on to my younger brother. 9. Did you ever see the portrait of my father that that painter painted? 10. And so a quarter of an hour pa.s.sed, and the procession pa.s.sed the house again.


_La fe en una gran idea es la vida de la inteligencia._[37]


=113.= The verb _to turn_ has many translations. _To turn_ (_round_) is =volver= or =volverse=.

_He turned and looked him straight in the face._

=Se volvio y le miro cara a cara.=--EMILIA PARDO BAZaN.

_All heads turned towards him._

_Todas las cabezas se volvieron hacia el._--JUAN VALERA.

(_a_) In the sense of _to grow_, _get_, _become_, _to turn_ is rendered =ponerse=.

_Auntie turned all the colors of the rainbow_ (literally, _twenty-five colors_).

=La tia se puso de veinticinco colores.=--PALACIO VALDeS.

(_b_) In the sense of _to go round_ or _to make go round_, _turn_ is =dar vuelta(s)=. In the phrase, _to turn the corner_, the verb may be translated =doblar=.

_He was turning the wheel._

=Daba vueltas a la rueda.=

_It was two o'clock when he turned_ (_the corner_) _into Reconquista Street._

=Eran las dos cuando doblo por la calle Reconquista.=


_Upon turning the corner he found himself in a small plaza._

=Al dar vuelta a la esquina se hallo en una plazuela.=

(_c_) _To turn to_ in the sense of _to address_, _appeal to_, _have recourse to_ is rendered =dirigirse a=. Where the appeal is specifically for help, =recurrir a= may be used.

_"Now you have heard it," he continued, turning to the young lady._

=Ya lo ha oido Vd.,--prosiguio dirigiendose a la senorita.=


_Since my family will not help me, I turn to my friends._

=Ya que mi familia no quiere ayudarme, me dirijo a mis amigos.=

(_d_) _To turn over_ (invert) is =invertir=; meaning _to revolve_ it is =revolver=.

_When he turned the plate over he found what had been hidden._

=Al invertir el plato hallo lo escondido.=

_But, man alive, I can hardly turn over myself!_

=Pero, hombre de Dios, si apenas puedo revolverme yo!=


(_e_) _To turn out_ (prove to be) is rendered =resultar ser= or =resultar= alone.

_It turns out that you are the father of a genius._

=Resulta que eres el padre de un genio.=--ECHEGARAY.

Meaning _to put out_, _expel_, _dismiss_, it is rendered =expeler=, =echar=, =poner de pat.i.tas en la calle=, or =despedir=.

_This servant is absolutely worthless. I am going to turn him out._

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Spanish Composition Part 30 summary

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