Spanish Composition Part 31

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=Este criado no vale absolutamente nada. Voy a ponerle de pat.i.tas en la calle.=

(_f_) _To turn into_ (become) is rendered =convertirse en= or =cambiar(se) en=.

_I told the children the story of the prince who turned into a dragon._

=Conte a los ninos el cuento del principe que se cambio en un dragon.=

_The witch turned the princess into a cat._

=La bruja cambio a la princesa en un gato.=

_We took the furniture out of the room and turned it into a gymnasium._

=Sacamos los muebles del cuarto y lo convertimos en= (=un=) =gimnasio.=

(_g_) _To turn up_ in the sense of _to appear_ is rendered =aparecer=, =llegar=, =deja.r.s.e ver=; in the sense of _to happen_ it may be rendered =suceder=, =ocurrir=, =acaecer=.

_That man always turns up when he is least wanted. I hope something will turn up to keep him from coming to-day._

=Aquel hombre aparece siempre cuando menos queremos verle. Ojala que suceda algo que le impida el venir hoy!=

=114.= =EXERCISES=

(_a_) 1. La alfombra se habia puesto roja donde la habia manchado el acido. 2. Apenas hube dado vuelta a la esquina cuando vi al que buscaba.

3. Dirigiendome entonces a la senora que acababa de hablar, vi que se habia puesto muy palida. 4. Compramos un erial y resulto que el subsuelo era un inmenso almacen de carbon. 5. Entonces se convirtio en una hada con alas blancas. 6. Al fin cuando ibamos perdiendo la paciencia se dejaron ver. 7. Tan pequena era la habitacion que apenas podiamos revolvernos en ella. 8. Me he puesto a revolver papeles. 9. Mi buen deseo resulto ser inutil.

(_b_) 1. I wonder how that affair will turn out. 2. He turned the gla.s.s upside down. 3. Turn them all out if they bother you. 4. It is not worth while to do that, because they will surely turn up again. 5. They have turned that building into a school for the blind. 6. When you turn the next corner you will see the building that you are looking for. 7. The poor woman does not know to whom to turn in her distress. 8. The leaves are turning yellow and red. They will fall soon. 9. He was turning the handle of a little organ that belonged to a blind man. 10. All eyes turned in the direction of the speaker.


_Vale mas errar por generosidad que acertar por egoismo._[38]


=115.= English _can_ and _could_, translated by the present and past tenses of =poder= when _possibility_ is implied, are differently translated to express _conjecture_. In the latter case, Spanish uses the future and conditional of the verbs that in English are the complements of _can_ and _could_. The examples should be very carefully studied and compared with those given under section 102.

_What can be the matter with the poor boy?_

=Que tendra el pobrecillo?=--RAMOS CARRIoN.

_Where could Telmo be hidden?_

=Donde estaria metido Telmo?=--EMILIA PARDO BAZaN.

_The first man who made a friend--what could he have been thinking about?_

=El primer hombre que se hizo amigo--en que estaria pensando?=--TOMAYO Y BAUS.

_"It wasn't Peter apparently." "It wasn't? Who could it have been?"_

=No era Pedro a lo visto.--No? Quien estaria?=


Note that the conditional translates both _could be_ and _could have been_.

=116.= _To ring_ is =tocar= as a transitive and =sonar= as an intransitive verb.

_We rang twice before we heard the bell ring within the house._

=Tocamos dos veces antes de oir sonar la campanilla dentro de la casa.=

_At that moment a shot rang out very close._

=En aquel mismo instante sono un tiro muy proximo.=


=117.= English _but_ as a synonym of _however_ is =pero=; as an adversative conjunction it is rendered =sino=; in the sense of _only_ or _except_ it may be rendered =sino= or =no ... mas de= (=que=).

_He is not here at present, but I am expecting him at any moment._

=No esta aqui en este momento, pero le estoy esperando de un momento a otro.=

_She is not Spanish, but Italian._

=No es espanola sino italiana.=

_No one knows it but you._

=Nadie lo sabe sino tu.=

_Remember that now you have no father but this gentleman._

=Acuerdate de que ya no tienes mas padre que este senor.=


=118.= =EXERCISES=

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