Spanish Composition Part 32

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(_a_) 1. Quien sera?--exclamo la joven que se habia puesto palida. 2.

Seria mi hermano el que ha hecho eso? 3. Sono la campanilla, pero el viejo no la oyo por ser el sordo. 4. Seran ya las tres? Sonaria la campanilla sin que nosotros la oyesemos? 5. Voy a mandarle todo lo que me ha pedido menos este libro, que no puedo pasarme sin el. 6. Me dijo que a las doce de la noche habia sonado la campanilla del telefono.

Quien me telefonaria a esas horas? 7. Ya no le queda mas dinero que la pequena suma que heredo de su padre el ano pasado. 8. Seria el vecino que me robo el caballo? 9. Es la primera vez que ha faltado a la cita.

Estara mala? 10. Yo no sabia de quien seria el bolsillo que acababa de hallar. 11. No hay quien toque las campanas como usted.

(_b_) 1. Ring the bell and when they open the door ask for him. 2. Who can that man be? There is no one here who knows him. 3. We heard the coins ring as they fell on the table. 4. He speaks no language but English, but he reads Spanish and French. 5. I have no friend but you in the whole city. 6. Could it have been your father who telephoned you last night? 7. Where can my brother be? I hope he has not lost his way.

8. I was wondering if _he_ could have taken them. _She_ could not have lifted them. 9. We had nothing but bread and b.u.t.ter to eat, but it was enough as we were not hungry. 10. What can he be reading that seems to interest him so much? Generally he reads nothing but the daily paper.


_No necesitamos ser serios para ser buenos._[39]


=119.= The verb _to put_ in its simplest meaning of _to place_, _lay_, _set_, is =poner=. It has a very large number of idiomatic uses that call for different translations. Many of these may be learned easily by paraphrasing _put_. So, _to put away_, _put by_ (save), =guardar=, =ahorrar=; _to put back_ (r.e.t.a.r.d), =r.e.t.a.r.dar=; (return a thing to where it was), =volver a poner una cosa en donde estaba=; _to put out_ (extend), =extender=; (extinguish), =apagar=; (expel), =expeler=, =echar=; (disturb, trouble, annoy), =es...o...b..r=, =molestar=; _to put down_ (make a note of), =apuntar=, =poner por escrito=; (to suppress), =suprimir=.

_Don't scold me. Put yourself in my place._

=No me reprenda usted. Pongase en mi caso.=


_I picked up the money and put it in my pocket._

=Recogi el dinero y lo guarde en el bolsillo.=--JUAN VALERA.

_They say that he has a lot of money put away._

=Dicen que tiene ahorrado muchisimo dinero.=

_We will put down the names in this little book._

=Apuntaremos los nombres en este librito.=

_I shall not be satisfied until they have put it down in writing._

=No quedare satisfecho hasta que lo hayan puesto por escrito.=

_Can it be the change of teachers that has put him back so much?_

=Sera el cambio de maestros que le ha r.e.t.a.r.dado tanto?=

(_a_) _To put on_ is translated by the reflexive =ponerse=.

_They are torn, I know, but I put them on fully aware of it._

=Estan rotas, si, pero me las he puesto con todo conocimiento.=


_Note._--Cf. _to have on_, =tener puesto=, =-a=, =-os=, =-as=.

_They had their hats on._

=Tenian puestos los sombreros.=

(_b_) _To put in_ (add) is =anadir=; _to put in mind of_ is rendered =recordar=; _to put in time_ is =gastar= or =pasar tiempo=.

_This house puts me in mind of the house where I was born. I should like to put in a few weeks here._

=Esta casa me recuerda la casa en donde naci yo. Quisiera pasar unas semanas aqui.=

_The lemonade is not very sweet. Put in a little more sugar._

=No es muy dulce la limonada. Anada usted un poco de azucar.=

=120.= =EXERCISES=

(_a_) 1. Apunte usted todo lo que yo le voy a decir pues ya se que tiene Vd. corta memoria. 2. Vuelva Vd. a poner todas esas cosas en donde estaban. 3. Guarda tus libros en este cajon. 4. Ya van a apagar las luces. Salgamos antes de que nos echen a la calle. 5. Me olvide de poner por escrito sus senas en cuanto me las dio. 6. Ponte este vestido. Te cae mas bien que aquel. 7. La llegada inesperada de tantos amigos a la vez es...o...b.. no poco a la senora. 8. Extendio la mano para recibir la limosna. 9. Apaga esa luz que aqui se puede ver bastante bien sin ella.

10. Si, fuera yo usted no me es...o...b..ria por ellos.

(_b_) 1. I must put it down before I forget it. 2. The children have gone to bed without putting their toys away. 3. Put a little more water in (=a=) the tea. 4. There is much sickness in that family. They put it down (=atribuir=) to the water from that well. 5. We hoped to finish before night, but the rain has put us back. 6. Shall I put the lamp on this table? (_Use present tense of verb._) 7. If we don't let her know that we are coming, we may put her out. 8. He put the knife back into his pocket when he saw that we didn't need to cut the string. 9. The wind had put out all the lights, but it had not put out the fire. 10. Do you think they will be able to put down the revolution that has broken out in the southern provinces?


_Do (donde) el honor muerto esta no hay ya de vida esperanza._[40]


=121.= _To strike_ in the sense of _to hit_ is =pegar=; _to strike against_ is =dar contra=; _to strike the hour_ is =dar la hora=; _to strike_ (cease work) is =declara.r.s.e en huelga=.

_It was I who struck him the blow with the ax._

=Yo fui quien le pegue el hachazo.=--JOSe MaRMOL.

_Has it struck ten yet?_

=Han dado ya las diez?=

_He struck his head against the door and hurt himself cruelly._

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Spanish Composition Part 32 summary

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