Spanish Composition Part 36

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to get a lesson, =aprender= _or_ =estudiar una leccion=.

to get at (_begin_), =ponerse a=, =meterse a=.

to get behind (_lose ground_), =perder terreno=, =quedar atras.=

to get hold of (_seize_), =asir=, =agarrar=, =apodera.r.s.e de=.

to get lost, =extravia.r.s.e=, =perderse=.

to get off (_start_), =partir=, =marcha.r.s.e=, =irse=, =ponerse en marcha=.

to get off (_escape_), =escapa.r.s.e=.

to get off (_be exonerated_), =lograr a exonera.r.s.e=.

to get on (_be successful_), =tener buena suerte=, =tener exito=.

to get on with (_continue_), =seguir=, =continuar= (_see_ to get along with).

to get one's bearings, =orienta.r.s.e=.

to get over (_recover from_), =recobrar de=, =restablecerse de= (_illnesses, losses_), =dejar= (_timidity, fear, modesty, etc._).

to get ready, =preparar=, =apareja.r.s.e= (_said of people getting themselves ready_).

to get time, =hallar el tiempo=.

to get tired, =cansa.r.s.e=.

to get to be, =llegar a ser=.

to get wind of, =llegar a saber de=, =recibir informes de=.

get up! =arriba!= (_to people_), =arre!= (_to animals_).


to give evidence, =atestiguar=.

to give notice _or_ warning, =avisar=, =advertir=, (_in sense of_ warn) =poner sobre aviso=.

to give one's mind to a thing, =aplica.r.s.e bien a una cosa=.

to give the slip to, =escapar=.

to give trouble, =incomodar=, =hacer que hacer a=.


to grow larger, =dilata.r.s.e=, =ponerse mas grande=.

to grow longer, =extenderse=.

to grow richer, =enriquecer=, =hacerse rico=.

to grow young again, =remoza.r.s.e=.


to hold (_be of the opinion_), =juzgar=, =mantener la opinion=.

to hold (_possess_), =tener=, =poseer=.

to hold (_be valid_), =ser valido=.

to hold (_be strong enough not to give way_), =tener fuerza=, =tener solidez=.

to hold on (_not to let go of a thing seized_), =no dejar una cosa=.

to hold off (_delay an action_), =hesitar=, =diferir una accion=.

to hold one's tongue, =calla.r.s.e=.

to hold up (_raise_), =alzar=, =levantar=.


to keep accounts, =llevar cuentas=.

to keep at, =persistir en=, =perseverar en=.

to keep awake (_not to go to sleep_), =quedar despierto=.

to keep somebody awake, =impedir el dormir a alguien=.

to keep books (_commercial_), =tener libros=, =llevar libros=.

to keep down (_keep in subjection_), =sujetar=.

to keep down (_keep in moderation_), =moderar=.

to keep house, =manejar la casa=.

to keep hold of, =no dejar=.

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Spanish Composition Part 36 summary

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