Spanish Composition Part 37

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to keep in sight, =tener a la vista=.

to keep in touch with, =no perder comunicacion con=.

to keep out of sight, =no deja.r.s.e ver=.

to keep to, =adherir a=.

to keep watch, velar, =vigilar=.

to keep up, =no cesar=, =continuar=.


to let (_houses, etc._), =arrendar=, =alquilar=.

to let a word fall, =soltar una palabra=.

to let go (_loosen hold on_), =soltar=.

to let off (_guns, etc._), =disparar=.

to let off (_excuse_), =excusar=, =exonerar=.


to make a long story short, =para abreviar=.

to make amends, =compensar=, =indemnizar=.

to make a mistake, =equivoca.r.s.e=.

to make angry, =enfadar=, =enojar=, =poner rabioso=, =dar rabia a=.

to make a point clear, =sacar en limpio un punto=.

to make believe, =fingir=, =pretender=.

to make for (_contribute toward_), =contribuir a=.

to make good (_be successful_), =tener buena suerta=, =tener buen exito=.

to make good (_prove_), =probar=.

to make good a promise, =c.u.mplir con una promesa=.

to make head or tail of, =llegar a comprender=.

to make known, =hacer saber=, =dar a conocer=, =enterar=.

to make light of, =no hacer caso de=, =menospreciar=.

to make no difference, =no importar=.

to make one's escape, =escapa.r.s.e=, =salva.r.s.e huyendo=.

to make out (_come to understand_), =llegar a comprender=.

to make out (_be able to read_), =descifrar=.

to make sense of, =hallar sentido a=.

to make use of, =servirse de=, =emplear=.


to miss an opportunity, =perder una oportunidad=.

to miss the mark, =no dar en el blanco=, =errar el tiro=.

to miss the significance of, =no llegar a comprender=.

to miss the train, =perder el tren=.


to put forward (_one's best foot_), =hacer todo lo posible=.

to put oneself forward (_try to attract notice_), =tratar de atraer la atencion=.

to put in (_insert_), =insertar=.

to put into words, =expresar en palabras=.

to put off (_postpone_), =posponer=, =diferir=, =dejar por otro tiempo=.

to put a person off (_make him wait_), =hacerle a una persona que espere=.

to put out of joint, =dislocar=.

to put to death, =matar=, =quitarle a uno la vida=.

to put to flight, =hacer huir=.

to put together, =juntar=, =ac.u.mular=.

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Spanish Composition Part 37 summary

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