Spanish Composition Part 39

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to set at naught, =tener en nada=.

to set a time, =senalar un tiempo=.

to set back (_r.e.t.a.r.d_), =atrasar=.

to set forth, show, =manifestar=, =promulgar=.

to set off (_beautify_), =embellecer=.

to set on (_incite_), =incitar=.

to set one thinking, =hacerle a uno pensar=.

to set oneself against something, =oponerse a algo=.

to set on fire, =pegar fuego a=.

to set store by, =dar importancia a=.

to set prices, =fijar precios=.

to set right, =corregir=, =rectificar=.

to set up in business, =establecerse=.

to set upon (_attack_), =atacar=, =acometer=.


to see a joke, =caer en un chiste=.

to see (_call upon, visit_), =visitar=.

to see into (_investigate_), =examinar=, =investigar=.

to see into (_understand_), =comprender=.

to see some one home, =acompanar a uno a casa=.


to take after (_resemble_), =salir a=.

to take an oath, =jurar=, =hacer juramento=.

to take apart, =deshacer=, =separar=, despegar.

to take a liking to, =aficiona.r.s.e a=, =llegar a querer=.

to take a course in, =cursar=.

to take a hint, =da.r.s.e por entendido=.

to take a photograph, =sacar una fotografia=, =retratar=.

to take fright, =asusta.r.s.e=.

to take a trip, =hacer un viaje=.

to take care, =cuidar=.

to take care of, =cuidar=, =tener cuidado de=.

to take charge of, =encarga.r.s.e de=, =tomar a su cargo=.

to take down (_make a note of_), =apuntar=, =hacer apuntes=.

to take for granted, =dar por supuesto=.

to take hold (_seize_), =agarrar=, =asir=.

to take hold (_a.s.sume responsibilities_), =carga.r.s.e de=, =tomar a su cargo=.

to take in (_include_), =incluir=.

to take in (_deceive_), =enganar=.

to take something into one's head, =ponersele a uno en la cabeza=, =occurrirsele a uno=.

to take long, =necesitar mucho tiempo=, =tardar en=.

to take notice, =poner atencion=, =hacer caso de=.

to take offense, =ofenderse=, =pica.r.s.e=.

to take out, =sacar=.

to take pains, =da.r.s.e pena=, =esmera.r.s.e en=.

to take pleasure in, =tener gusto en=.

to take to pieces, =hacer pedazos=, =deshacer=, =despegar=.


to strike one (_occur to one_), =occurrirsele a uno=.

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Spanish Composition Part 39 summary

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