Spanish Composition Part 40

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to strike a bargain, =hacer un convenio=, =cerrar un trato=.

to strike a balance, =hacer un balance=.

to strike at, =lanzar un golpe a=.

to strike back, =dar golpe por golpe=.

to strike home (_hit a sensitive spot_), =dar en el hito=.

to strike out (_cancel_), =borrar=, =cancelar=.

to strike up a tune, =tocar= _or_ =taner una melodia=.


to turn away (_refuse admission to_), =no dejar entrar=, =hacer a uno que se vaya=.

to turn down (_refuse_), =negar=, =rehusar=.

to turn down (_fold over_), =doblar=, =plegar=.

to turn in (_deliver, hand in_), =entregar=.

to turn off (_water, gas, etc._), =cerrar la canilla= _or_ =la llave del agua=, =del gas=, _etc._

to turn one's head, =trastornarle a uno la cabeza=.

to turn over a new leaf, =enmenda.r.s.e=, =empezar a vivir vida nueva=.

to turn over to, =traspasar a=, =transferir a=.

to turn to account _or_ advantage, =sacar utilidad=, =ventaja= _or_ =provecho de=.

to turn upon (_attack_), =atacar=.

to turn upon (_depend upon_), =depender de=, =funda.r.s.e en=.


to look down upon (_despise_), =menospreciar=, =despreciar=.

to look out (_be on one's guard_), =estar sobre aviso=.

to look over (_examine_), =examinar=, =repasar=.

to look to (_for help, favors, etc._), =esperar de=.

to look up to (_respect_), =respetar=.

to look well (_seem to be in good health_), =parecer estar bien de salud=.

to look well (_have a pleasing appearance_) (_clothes_), =sentar bien=, =caer bien=.

to look well (_seem fitting or proper_), =ser conveniente=.


to pay back (_take revenge for_), =pagar en la misma moneda=.

to pay cash, =pagar al contado=.

to pay attention to a lady, =cortejar= _or_ =galantear a una senora=.

to pay a call, =hacer una visita=.

to pay in full, =pagar por completo=.

to pay on the installment plan, =pagar a plazos=.

to pay off employees, =despedir= _or_ =des.p.a.char empleados=.

TO Pa.s.s

to pa.s.s on to (_hand over to_), =entregar a=.

to pa.s.s off (_disappear_), =disipa.r.s.e=.

to pa.s.s off as (_treat as_), =tratar de=.

to pa.s.s oneself off as, =da.r.s.e por=.

to pa.s.s sentence, =p.r.o.nunciar sentencia=.


to play a trick _or_ joke, =hacer una mala pasada= _or_ =jugada=.

to play the fool, =hacer el tonto=; _so also_ to play _or_ act blind, =ciego=; deaf, =sordo=; lame, =cojo=, _etc._

to play truant, =hacer novillos=.

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Spanish Composition Part 40 summary

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