Wait For The Sunrise Part 37

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He was sit ting on the porch swing, listening to the clatter in thewind, when Cynthie joined him, breathless from a run down the stairs. He wrapped an arm around her and she settled against him, reminding him of theway she had slept in his arms.

He cleared his throat.

"You wanted to talk to me about Louie?"

Cynthie was momentarily startled before she remembered her excuse.


Louie. I think I know of someone who can run the ranch, at least until he's

better. "

Winn nodded.

"I hope so." He put the swing in motion and felt Cynthie curl her legs up

under herself and snuggle closer. He wondered if she was having any more

luck concentrating on their conversation than he was.

' "I'm not sure what Louie will want to do when he heals, but it is true that he's been giving both Jeremiah and Peter more responsibilities lately and he might want to cut back some more."

"Jeremiah could take charge," Winn suggested. "I've thought of that, but he and Mary want to get married and I think he'd like to have his own place. I know Mary would."

Cynthie was quiet for a moment then continued. "No, I have someone else inmind. He's a good manager, great with figures. He hasn't been around here very long, but I think I know him well enough to trust him."

Winn felt a touch of jealousy that Cynthie would know of someone he hadn'tmet yet, someone she was planning to bring onto her ranch.

"Does he know anything about cattle?" Winn hoped it sounded likeprofessional interest.

"He's had quite a bit of experience, I understand." After a moment she added thoughtfully, "I'm not sure his judgment's quite so good where horses areconcerned, but I have Peter for that."

Winn was still skeptical. To hear her talk, she'd found a miracle. He warned, "What about the men? Jeremiah and the others do what Louie says outof respect" -- She interrupted enthusiastically, "He's a born leader. I've seen him, Winn. He takes charge and people want to follow."

Winn didn't like to hear her sound so eager. It took a moment to get thenerve to ask, "Who is this man?"


Winn was speechless. He stopped the swing abruptly and Cynthie strained tosee his face in the early, pale light.

"Cynthie." He shook his head. He couldn't think of what to say to reasonwith her.

She laughed, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Now don't tell me you've had a better offer."

"Cynthie," he repeated.

She laughed again and snuggled against him. In a moment he put the swing back in motion. When he spoke, he sounded serious."I guess we better discuss my terms, then.""Terms?""Well, I don't take a job unless I know what's expected of me. You need to know where I stand on certain things, too."

"But, Winn, I meant " He didn't let her finish.

"My word goes unless you can convince me I'm wrong. You won't hire or fire

anyone without discussing it with me."

"Winn..." She tried to interrupt.

"I want it understood, right now, that I'll run this ranch a little

different. I don't want to hear all the time that Victor did this or Louie "

Suddenly his lips were covered with hers. She gave up the kiss when he

started laughing.

"Will you shut up!" She sounded so exasperated, he almost felt sorry for her.

He tried to look innocent.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but I thought you were trying to hire me."

"That wasn't exactly... Oh, never mind!" She was embarra.s.sed to admit it but

she had been asking him to marry her. She straightened and started out of

the swing.

His arms tightened around her and held her there. They could hear the m.u.f.fled sound of the clock inside as it chimed five times.

"It's nearly sunrise," he said, tugging her arm a

little to try to coax her back to him.

"I was almost done with my terms.

There's only one more. "

She turned toward him but kept a little distance, not ready to give in yet.

"One last term and then I'll have to think about it. I'm not sure you're what I'm loo king for, after all."

Her tone wasn't very convincing but Winn didn't smile."My last term, and this one's the most important. You'll have to marry me."Cynthie turned to face him. In a second she threw her arms around his neck, causing the swing to rock crazily. He pulled her to him and kissed her."I love you, sweet woman," he whispered."Would you wait here with me and tell me about the sunrise?""Yes, my love," she said through happy tears. In a moment, with her head on his chest and his arm around her shoulder, she was curled up in the swingbeside him to wait for the sunrise.


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Wait For The Sunrise Part 37 summary

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