The American Country Girl Part 24

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KING--Come back, daughter, be not so foolish.


KNIGHT [_kneeling, sings_]--"Oh, ma charmante. Dost thou love me, fair one?" etc.

PRINCESS--Yea, Sir Knight; Cupid's arrow hath in truth pierced my heart.

KNIGHT--And wilt thou elope with me? Fear not.

PRINCESS--I fear lest thou should think I bear no love for my father, or that I am too easily won. But yea, I will.

KNIGHT [_bends low and kisses her hand_]--I will come even on Wednesday next. Will it be long, sweetheart?

PRINCESS [_waves hand and tosses a kiss_]--Yea, it will be long.


KNIGHT--See, dearest, I am come, and we shall flit away to my castle.

Step forth from thy lattice. Quick! Spring into my arms.

PRINCESS--It is even so.


KING [_rushes in excitedly_]--Where is my daughter? My daughter! [OMAR _appears in response to bell._] Omar, scour the kingdom for that wretched Sir Constantine. He no doubt knows something about my daughter.

[OMAR _retires, while_ KING _walks up and down stage in anger until_ OMAR _returns._]

OMAR [_returns and bows low_]--Your Majesty, I have searched everywhere except in the forest.

KING--What! not found my daughter? Now methinks the forest is the very place to which she and her scoundrel Knight would take themselves. Now will I creep all through the forest, and mayhap I will find these madcapped lovers. Their ill-gained happiness will soon be brought to an end.


[_Knight and Lady enter arm in arm._]

KNIGHT [_radiantly_]--We are now safe. Thy father would never hunt us here. We shall spend our day in the forest.

PRINCESS--It is even so.

KNIGHT [_looking around joyously_]--The birds shall sing at our wedding.

Fragrant wild flowers shall be thy wedding bouquet. Oh! let us scorn not Nature, for she and Love are great friends.

PRINCESS--Yea, 'tis so.

[_The King's voice is heard without._]

KNIGHT [_suddenly in alarm_]--Ah, woe! woe! Here comes thy father. I must not flee, but fight.

PRINCESS [_clinging to Knight_]--Oh! go not forth, my Knight!

KNIGHT--That angry voice! I hoped never to hear more. I am young, I thought experienced. He is old, yet mighty.

KING [_enters_]--Fight with me, Sir Knight, and defend your lady with your body. Do your best, for I am come to test your fame.

[_Duel with swords,_ KNIGHT _falls._]

KNIGHT--Alas! I am weak and my courage fails. Spare me, O King.

KING--So, thou pleadest for mercy. Yea, mercy thou shalt have. But go thou away, far away. Be banished, nevermore to return.

[KNIGHT _departs mournfully._]

KING [_embracing daughter tenderly_]--Weep not, daughter. I shall banish thy lover till thou shalt be more careful how thou dost elope. Have done with thy weeping. Thou shalt have no tears left for thy other lovers if they dare to come.

PRINCESS [_in tears_]--Ah, cruel father! dost thou have no pity for me?

KING--Why did'st thou not tell me before, oh, daughter! I knew not how true was thy love. Would I could call the brave Sir Constantine back.

But that is against the law.


KNIGHT [_calls_]--Oh, Omar!

[_Enter_ PAGE.]

Faithful bearer of my letters, take this to my Lady and tell her that I have died of grief.

[_Sighs, falls and expires._]



PRINCESS [_as_ OMAR _enters_]--Ah! see! here comes a messenger. Now will I see what my dear Sir Knight will say to me.

[OMAR _gives her a letter._]


"Dear Lady--I have died of grief, and shall never see thee more.


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The American Country Girl Part 24 summary

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