I.N.R.I Part 24

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Then Simon said: "I rely on Him Who has so often fed His people in the desert."

"Words won't cure our hunger to-day," remarked Andrew, and was frightened at his own temerity. Then Bartholomew put his hand on Matthew's arm and said: "Brother, give that bread to the Master."

"Do you think I'm knave enough to eat it myself?" blazed up Matthew.

He got up, went to the Master, and gave Him the bread.

"Have you already eaten?" He asked.

"Master, we are all satisfied."

Jesus looked at him searchingly, and took the bread.

Just at that moment a cry of delight broke from the men. The mist had suddenly lifted; they could see far out into the sunny world. And beneath them lay the blue, still plains, stretching away until they cut the sky. Far off in the sky were clouds s.h.i.+ning like the golden pinnacles of temples. Along the sh.o.r.e lay a chain of villages, and then the sea, studded with sails. The view was so extensive and so bright that they could not but rejoice.

"From over there beyond the water came the heathens," said Matthew.

"And over there will the Christians go," added Simon.

"Who are the Christians?" asked Bartholomew.

"The adherents of the Anointed."

"They will go forth and destroy the Romans," said James.

"Ss.h.!.+" they whispered, and laid their fingers on their lips. "He does not like such talk."

He did not seem to have heard them. He had risen and was looking out in silence. Then He turned to one and another to read in their faces how their spirits stood, whether they had lost heart or whether their courage was strengthened by the sight of the splendours of G.o.d by which they saw themselves surrounded. Simon had become very thoughtful. He pondered on the Master's words and on the miracle they had wrought in him. Of all the wisdom that he had ever heard, none was so lofty and clear as this divine teaching. It created a heaven which had not existed formerly. And yet! why was one still so weak? He had turned sidewards and thoughtfully nodded his head.

"What trouble one has with his own people!" he murmured. James laughed and said: "With your own people? Who are they? I see only one of your own people, and that is you yourself."

"That's just the one who troubles me," said Simon. "For, you know, the rascal is timid. I can't forget that. The suddenness overwhelms him.

'Twas so for weeks down in Capernaum whenever the soldiers came near us, and in Sidon when that weaver suddenly appeared. Oh, my friend and brother! If it is a question of always sharing want and disgrace with Him, I am ready, I have courage for that. But when I've to stand in absolute danger, my heart fails me. Can such a one be fit to go with the Master?"

"We are fishermen, not heroes," a.s.sented James. "I do not know which needs more courage, a life of hards.h.i.+p or a swift death."

"I must confess one thing to you, brothers," interposed Andrew. "I am not clever--but I'm not satisfied. Can anyone tell me what will become of us?"

Simon's attention was diverted. Brother Philip came up and plucked him by the sleeve. He gave him a piece of bread. Simon took it in order to give it to Matthew.

"What is this?" he asked.

"Philip gave it me, but I'm not wanting it."

"But," said Matthew, "it is the piece of bread I just gave the Master."

The piece of bread went round the circle, from Matthew to the Master, from Him to John, then on from one to the other until it returned to Matthew, When they were amazed to find that no one needed the bread, the Master smiled and said: "Now, you like to see miracles. Here is one. Twelve men fed with one piece of bread."

"The bread did not do that, Lord. The word did that."

"No, friends; love did it."

Single drops fell from the trees, others hung like long needles and sparkled. Just as the sea lay spread out below, so the summits of the mountains were now revealed, the snow-peaks, and the pinnacles of rock, while the ice-fields were visible until near midnight. The deep stillness and the softness in the air made the men dreamy. Some were inclined to sleep. Others thought of what the future might have in store for them, and thinking thereon suffered themselves to sink, untroubling, into the will of G.o.d.

All at once Jesus raised His head a little, and said softly so that those nearest Him heard it: "You hear people talk about Me although they are silent in My presence. What do they say?"

The disciples were alarmed at the sudden question, and said: "People say all kinds of things."

"What do they say about Me? Whom do they say I am?"

Then one answered: "They all take you for some one different. They prefer to believe in the most unlikely things."

But as he continued to look questioningly at them, they became communicative and told: "One says that you are the prophet Jeremiah; another that you are Elijah of whom they know that he was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot. Or they say you are John the Baptist whom Herod caused to be murdered."

Then Jesus lifted His head still higher and said: "People say that, do they? But you, now? Who do you think I am?"

That came like a thunderbolt. They were all silent. Surely He could see that they had followed Him, and knew why. Could He not see into their thoughts? Had He suddenly begun to doubt their faith in Him? Or had He lost faith in Himself? It is all so mysterious and terrifying.

As they were silent He went on to say:

"You attached yourselves to Me in innocent trustfulness, like men who spread their cloaks at My feet, and paid Me the honours of the Messiah.

When I announced the Kingdom of G.o.d you were with Me. And when some left Me because My way became dangerous, and My person contemned, you stayed with Me, and when My words were not fulfilled as you expected, leading not to worldly power but to humiliation, you still stayed with Me, followed Me into exile among the heathen, and into the desert hills. Who am I, then, that you remain faithful to Me?"

They were so moved that no one was able to utter a word. Jesus continued:

"I shall go down again to Galilee, but I shall find there no stone on which to rest My head in peace. All who are with Me will be persecuted for My sake. I shall go along the Jordan to Judaea, and up to Jerusalem, where My most powerful enemies are. I shall confront them and p.r.o.nounce judgment on them. My words will pierce them, but My flesh will be in their power. I shall suffer shame and disgrace and a contemptible death. That will happen in a short time. Will you still stay with Me? Whence is your trust derived? Who do you think I am?"

Simon jumped up from the ground, and exclaimed loudly and clearly: "_You are Jesus the Christ! You are the Son of the living G.o.d!_"

Solemnly it sounded forth to all eternity: Jesus Christ, the Son of G.o.d!

He stood up straight. Was there not a light round His head? Did not the sky grow bright? The men's eyes were dazzled so that they were obliged to shade them with their hands in order not to be blinded. A sound came out of the light, a voice was heard: "He is My Son! He is My beloved Son!" They were beside themselves; their bodies were lifeless, for their souls were in the heights. Then Jesus came down to them out of the light. His countenance had a strange look; something extraordinary had pa.s.sed over Him. With outstretched arms He came slowly towards the disciples: "Simon! Did you say that of yourself?

It was surely an inspiration from above. Such a faith is the foundation of the Kingdom of G.o.d; henceforth, then, you shall be named Peter, the rock. I will found My community upon you, and what you do on earth in My name will hold good in heaven above."

Simon looked round him. "What?" he thought in the secret recesses of his heart, "am I raised above the others? Are none of the brothers equal to me? That is because I am humble." Jesus turned to them all, and said: "Prepare yourselves, be strong; evil times are approaching.

They will kill Me."

As He said that, Simon Peter grasped His arm with both his hands, and exclaimed pa.s.sionately: "In the name of G.o.d, Master, that shall not happen."

Upon which Jesus said quickly and severely: "Get behind me, Satan!"

They looked round them. What a sudden change! For whom were the hard words meant? Simon knew; he went down and hid himself behind the young cedars. There he wept and shook with grief.

"John, He hates me!" muttered the disciple, and hid his face in his young companion's gown, for John had gone to comfort him. "John! It was my pride. He sees our thoughts. He hates me!"

"No, Simon, He does not hate you; He loves you. Think of what He said to you just before. That about the rock. You know what Jesus is. You know how He has to pour cold water so that the fire of love may not consume Him. And you must have touched on something that He Himself finds difficult. I'm sure of it. I believe that He is suffering something that we know nothing about. It is as though He saw it was the Father's will that He should suffer and die. He is young, He feels dismayed, and then you come and make the struggle harder for Him.

Stand up, brother; we must be strong and cheerful and a support to Him."

And when they gathered together, prepared for further journeying, Jesus looked round the circle of His faithful adherents, and said, with solemn seriousness: "In a short time you will see Me no more. I go to the Father. I build my Kingdom upon your faith, firm as rock, and give you all the keys of heaven. With G.o.d, heaven and earth are one, and everything you do on earth is also done in heaven."

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I.N.R.I Part 24 summary

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