Conjurors: The Society Of Imaginary Friends Part 14

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Water! Kanti called, and a jug of water instantly appeared in her hands. She promptly poured it over Cyruss head and he woke up, sputtering.

A splash would have been enough, ya know.

In the moonlight Valerie could see the relief on Kantis face. She acted tough, but she had been scared for Cyrus, too. Wheres the fun in just a splash?

Cyrus rubbed his temples. Thats the second time theyve robbed me. Dirt bags. He absentmindedly stroked Darlings head, and he made a gurgle of pleasure. Cyrus smiled at Darling as his pain vanished and the glow around him returned.

Who are those guys, anyway? Valerie asked.

Theyre a gang of kids without powers of their own. I heard that one of the Fractus offered them the chance to steal powers if they worked for him. He created that device, the power-eater, so that the gang can steal powers. They get to keep some of the power, and the rest they give to their leader.

Kanti snorted. Give me a break. I dont have powers, and I dont rob people. Besides, cant Azra bring a power out in anyone?

Yeah, but the gang lives for the thrill of trying out all the different powers they steal from Conjurors. It gets addictive, and eventually the power they steal runs out and they have to come back for more. So wed better get out of here before they come back with reinforcements.

Valerie turned to Darling, who was now curled up in Cyruss lap. Come with us. Well keep you safe. Darling jumped back into her arms, and warmth spread through her. With it, all of her aches and pains from the fight disappeared. You didnt have to do that, Darling. Save your energy.

Darling made a small noise and then jumped out of her arms and hurried away into the trees. Where are you going? she called after him.

He never stays in one place too long, and he disappears for long periods of time, Cyrus explained. I think that he hears the calls of children in pain, and he has to go help.

Valerie was a little sad that Darling hadnt decided to join their quest. There was something about him"as if he were created from pure love"that made her heart feel full. She hoped that she would have a chance to meet him again.

The three resumed their quest and trudged out into the desert. Kanti walked slightly apart from the other two, scouting for any sign of the Roaming City. Cyrus and Valerie walked more slowly, and they stared up at the night sky.

There are so many more stars here than there are on Earth, Valerie said.

Hundreds of times more, Cyrus confirmed. And youre only seeing part of their light. The sky is programmed to dim the starlight so it isnt too bright at night.

I miss seeing the constellations I recognize. What are the constellations here?

There arent any. Every night the sky looks different because new stars are always being pulled into the black hole, and other stars disappear when theyre absorbed by the magic in the Globes atmosphere.

I guess no one can navigate by the stars here, then.

Wis.h.i.+ng you were back on Earth?

She stared at Cyrus incredulously. Are you kidding? I love it here. Using my magic, making friends"its more than I ever hoped for.

The expression on Cyruss face changed, and he pouted. It must be nice to have a girl to talk to instead of just me. I bet you two have lots to talk about that I cant even understand. Boys, clothes, whatever else girls talk about.

No ones replacing you, she promised. You always have been, and always will be, my best friend. We have history.

Cyrus smiled, satisfied with her response. Then Kantis shout interrupted their conversation.

Look! I see it!

Sure enough, s.h.i.+mmering in the distance like a mirage, the Roaming City rose before them. Valeries entire body tingled with antic.i.p.ation"it was time to learn about her future. She hoped she would like what she saw.

Chapter 23.

As they approached the Roaming City, Valerie could see a circle of tall, white pillars surrounding an oval pool that reflected the night sky. Beyond the pool, cl.u.s.ters of pale brown huts blended with the sand so well that, if it were not for their shadows, the dwellings would be invisible from a distance. The city was still except for a solitary figure who approached them rapidly. Whoever it was wore a long, dark robe that brushed the ground and a hood that hung low, concealing the face beneath it.

When the figure was a few yards away, a deep, haughty voice bellowed, Who presumes to enter the Roaming City uninvited?

Valerie was embarra.s.sed. Were they not allowed to be here? But Cyrus stepped forward confidently and flashed his widest smile. Im Cyrus, and my friends are Valerie and Kanti. Valerie is here to receive her prophecy. May I ask who you are?

The figure threw back his hood dramatically, revealing long, dark hair held back in a ponytail, and eyes that flashed with irritation. I am the First Prophet of Ephesus, he said in a ringing voice. He gave them a look, and when they just stared back, he said through gritted teeth, I a.s.sume you have brought me a gift to honor me.

Im sorry, but we " Valerie began to stammer, but Kanti interrupted her.

I dont know who you think you are, but thats not how it works. Were not giving you anything.

Then you had better return to where you came from, he said, struggling to keep his voice calm.

You know that is not our way, Putrefus. These travelers have found us, so they have a right to be here, said a light musical voice. A slight woman who stood no taller than Valeries waist stepped out of the shadows.

Stay out of this, Putrefus snarled.

The woman approached, smiling. Excuse him. Since he was named First Prophet, the t.i.tle has gone straight to his head. Then she turned to face Putrefus, and Valerie saw that dark wings were folded against her back. But even you cannot ignore the laws of this city or else you will answer for it. The Roaming City has allowed these travelers to enter, which means that their need for help is great, and their hearts are deserving. To deny them a prophecy would be punishable by banishment.

Well see about that, he replied, and then stormed off in a huff. Kanti laughed outright at his tantrum.

Kanti, get a grip. Were guests here, Cyrus admonished. Kanti made a face at him.

The woman swiveled back to face them with a bright smile. Allow me to welcome you to the Roaming City properly. Im Sibyl. Youve picked a wonderful night to arrive. You will have the opportunity to witness an Illyrian immortality ceremony.

Im sorry, but we cant stay. I need to talk to one of the Oracles immediately to hear my prophecy. There is someone whos depending on me, and I need to help him right away, Valerie said urgently.

Im afraid thats impossible. There will be no prophecies until dawn. We havent had an immortality ceremony here in fifty-nine years, and the entire city has taken the night off to witness it and celebrate. And there is another problem.

Whats that? Valerie asked, worried.

Well, if your need is as great as you say, you will want the most gifted Oracle to deliver your prophecy.

Yes, of course. Where can we find him or her? Cyrus asked impatiently.

You met him. Putrefus is First Prophet, and you may have some work ahead to convince him to help you.

Without another word, Sibyl began making her way back toward the shadowed huts.

Wait, wont you help us? Valerie called after her.

I must a.s.sist with the preparations for the ceremony. I recommend you approach Putrefus tomorrow, and dont be afraid to be particularly complimentary. Also, dont wake him too early. He likes to sleep in after rituals, and he doesnt prophesize as accurately when hes irritable.

Then, before anyone could respond, Sibyl disappeared, leaving the three alone again. Looks like were stuck here for at least tonight, Valerie sighed.

Way to make a good impression, Kanti, Cyrus hissed.

Whatever, Amba.s.sador. Why dont you turn on that magical charm youre always bragging about? Kanti retorted.

Relax, you two! Look on the bright side; well catch a few zzzs. Were not going to be much help to anyone without some sleep.

Kanti nodded reluctantly. Lets set up camp on the outskirts of the city. Then well try to suck up to that sn.o.b, Putrefus, first thing tomorrow.

Tent! Kanti called, and then, in a blink of an eye, a roll of canvas, pegs, and poles appeared on the ground beside them from their call box.

I brought it for you, Val. I know you always wanted to go camping. So I brought an old-fas.h.i.+oned tent, like the kind you use on Earth, Cyrus said with a grin.

Shouldve packed the houseplant, Kanti said. It would have grown into three nice weatherproof canopy beds in three minutes. That would be much more comfy than sleeping on the ground.

Well, I think its really nice of you to remember, Valerie said, before Cyrus could get annoyed by Kantis comment.

Hey, where are the directions for this contraption? Did you pack them? Kanti asked.

You dont need directions, Cyrus said confidently. Youve got me.

Thirty minutes later, Valerie, Cyrus, and Kanti were still struggling to set up the tent.

Forget it. Well never get this up. Lets sleep under the stars, Kanti said, frustrated.

I wouldve had it up by now, but theres a pole missing. Not my fault, Cyrus snapped back.

Look, Valerie said, pointing to the Conjurors trickling out of the huts to gather around the pool. It was just as diverse a group as Valerie had seen in Arden, but everyone wore long robes. They must be here for the ceremony.

A man with bushy, gray eyebrows made his way across the expanse of desert toward them. When he reached the group, he gave them a friendly smile. Looks like you could use some help with that.

Its no use, Kanti said, throwing the pole she was holding onto the ground.

But the man only smiled and worked quietly on the tent, sliding the poles into the canvas sleeves expertly. In a matter of minutes, the tent was standing.

See, I told you there wasnt a missing pole! Kanti said triumphantly.

Cyrus pointedly ignored her comment and turned to the man instead. Hey, thanks! That was impressive.

Leo, at your service, he replied.

How did you get so good at setting up tents? I dont know anyone who uses them on the Globe.

Leo smiled and changed the subject. You three must be here for a prophecy.

Yes. But we have to wait until dawn, after the ceremony, Valerie said with anxiety in her voice. I wonder what an Illyrian immortality ceremony is, anyway.

All of the Conjurors who live in the underwater city of Illyria are immortal. Every once in a while, they allow someone to join them and live forever. That person must enter Illyria through the Sacred Pool, he said, pointing toward the pool of water by the pillars.

Sibyl said its been more than half a century since the last immortality ceremony. What does someone have to do to be allowed to join the Illyrians? Kanti asked, curious.

Leo looked a little uncomfortable. Legend says that if a Conjuror performs one truly selfless act at great personal cost, he"or she"will be offered an opportunity to become immortal. But joining the Illyrians means leaving behind the rest of the world forever.

They can never leave? Valerie asked, intrigued. It reminded her of her own choice to leave Earth forever.

Illyria can only be entered once. If an Illyrian ever chooses to rejoin the world above the water, he will have no second chance at immortality. He will finish his life, and then die like everyone else.

Valerie looked into Leos kind eyes. The ceremony is for you, isnt it Leo?


But wont you miss your life on the Globe?

My family is lost to me, he said, and a shadow fell over his face. I cant go on with life as usual without them. I believe its my destiny to help the Illyrians with their work.

As a keeper of the Akas.h.i.+c Records, Valerie said with reverence.

Yes, he said, sounding surprised by her knowledge. At least I may finally find the answers I have been seeking for so long.

I hope you do. And for what its worth, I think youre doing the right thing. Sometimes you have to leave behind everything youve ever known in order to really start living.

You are really very mature for one so young, Leo said. Valerie blushed. Noticing her discomfort, he changed the subject. There is one thing Ill miss. All of the light! It will be very dark in that underwater world. I can always swim to the surface, of course, but Ill miss waking up to the sunrise.

Valerie thought hard for a minute, and then her face lit up. I have an idea! Cyrus, couldnt you make Leo something to take with him? Something that would glow underwater so that he has a piece of light with him always? Cyrus made me this, Valerie explained, taking her flower out of her pocket. It always glows, night or day. Isnt it the most beautiful thing youve ever seen?

Cyrus beamed with pride, and Leo said, Incredible. I didnt know there was a lightweaver living on the Globe. What a wonderful gift!

Cyrus was already busy pulling starlight to his hands and shaping it. He concentrated, and his hands moved like lightning. Several minutes later, there was a flash. There, he said, and in his hands was a glowing orb that shone so brightly it made Valerie squint. That will stay lit for several months. Then bring it up to recharge it for a few hours. It will last a long time"maybe even forever. Cyrus handed Leo the orb. Look inside.

Leo stared, and Valerie and Kanti crowded closer to see it as well. Inside was a roaring, golden lion.

Its a lion, since youre Leo, Cyrus explained.

Leo looked up and blinked back tears. Thank you, children. I dont think you understand what this means to me.

The high, sweet sound of singing filled the air. Valerie looked in the direction of the mournful music and saw that it was Sibyl, fluttering in the air with her wings spread wide. Though the song was in a language Valerie had never heard before, she somehow knew that it described all of the things that Leo would never experience living underwater among the immortals.

The farewell song, to make sure that I dont take this decision lightly, Leo murmured. Thats my cue. I wont forget you three.

Every cell in Valeries body was responded to the poignant beauty of the music. It made her think of everything she had ever yearned for but never had: a mother to hug her when she was sick; a father to pick her up from school and ask her about her day; a family that was tied to her by blood, who loved her no matter what.

Meanwhile, Leo walked solemnly toward the pool. The orb that Cyrus had created lit up Leos face softly. The Oracles who were crowding around the pool parted to make a path for him. They joined Sibyl in song, and when Leo stepped into the water, the song reached a crescendo. A wave of emotion crashed over Valerie, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

When Leo was waist deep, the singing grew softer. He took one last look around at everyone. Then he gazed at the stars and disappeared beneath the water, leaving only a solitary ripple to mark the spot of his pa.s.sing.

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Conjurors: The Society Of Imaginary Friends Part 14 summary

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