The Wildwood: Smolder Part 13

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Chapter Fourteen.

LANE WAS SITTING at his desk, pecking at the keyboard as he wrote up a report. He contemplated texting Delilah to see if she wanted to get together when his brother strode into his office, plopping down in the chair opposite his desk.

What brings you around? Lane asked, leaning back in his chair. West was in uniform so he was still on duty and he looked frustrated as h.e.l.l. Looks like you got steam coming out of your ears.

I hate that Josh p.r.i.c.k, West muttered, leaning back in his chair as well with his arms behind his head, hands linked at the back of his neck.

Lane could get on the Josh-hate train. That dude gave off a bad vibe. He wasnt friendly and acted like he knew everything. Why do you say that? he asked, keeping his tone and expression neutral.

He wants zero input from any of us. Remember what a d.i.c.k he was to you? Well, think that but amplified by about a million. West dropped his arms, slapping the top of his thighs with his hands. He sucks. Thinks he can take care of our little arsonist all on his own.

Whats the scoop with that anyway?

Our little fire starter has been quiet. No more fires since the one you were out on last. But that was only a few days ago. He tends to strike about once a week. And theyre always small fires, with the exception of the restaurant. I wonder if he got in over his head with that one, West said thoughtfully.

Who knows? Lane shook his head. Whats scary is he could start lighting more fires closer together. Higher frequency is when it gets dangerous. Theyd dealt with their fair share of arsonists around Wildwood in the past. Some were caught quickly. A few years ago Lane had caught one red-handed and hed been proclaimed the town hero during that summer.

Not that Josh or anyone else in prevention gave a s.h.i.+t. They considered everyone in Wildwood a bunch of hicks. Well, the ones hed met at least, and that included the new guy on the scene.

I gave him your list of possible suspects, but I have no idea if hes questioned any of them, West said.

Thanks for that. At least I did my part. Lane reached over and saved his report on the computer before he shut off the screen and turned to face his brother. Stopped by to see Mom earlier.

Hows she doing? Harper and I are stopping by to pick her up in the morning and take her to breakfast.

Dad will probably be there.

West made a face. Hes not invited. I already warned Mom that I wont even come inside the house. Sh.e.l.l need to meet us outside.

I talked to him. Well, more like he talked at me. Not that he wanted to rehash the encounter, but he had no one else to discuss this with. Only West.

Oh yeah? Did he make you feel guilty and call you a s.h.i.+tty son?

Nailed it.

Hes a jerk. He throws out those insults so easily because hes the one whos s.h.i.+tty, West pointed out. Easier to be mean to your own children than look at yourself and all the c.r.a.ppy things you did when they were younger.

He still does those c.r.a.ppy things. Dont forget that. Lane rubbed a hand along his jaw. Hed forgotten to shave this morning and he had some decent stubble growing. Mom wants everyone to get together for dinner soon.

That sounds like torture.

We should probably do it. Its been a long time since weve all been together in one room. It would make her really happy. He blew out a heavy breath. Im worried about her. She looked good today, but when she fainted on us, Im telling you, West, she looked freaking gray and she wasnt making much sense.

Wests expression was troubled. What do you think is wrong with her?

I dont know. Wren took her in this morning to have a bunch of tests done but we wont know the results for a few days. Maybe even a week.

Well take care of her. No matter what happens, weve got this.

Lane met his brothers gaze, saw the sincerity there, and relief trickled in, small but steady. He was dealing with his own guilt but he knew West suffered too. Probably even more so since hed picked up and left Wildwood for years. When he came back, he hadnt made much of an effort to see their parents. Im glad youre back.

West grinned. Seriously? You seemed pretty p.i.s.sed at me when I first showed up.

Yeah, well, I like being p.i.s.sed at you. Gives me purpose. Lane smiled back.

I hear you have a new purpose lately. When Lane tilted his head to the side, West continued. Somethings up between you and Delilah. Like, for real this time.

Lanes smile deflated. He didnt want to talk about this with West. It made him uncomfortable. West and Delilah had been a couple once upon a time and for all he knew, they mightve had s.e.x.

f.u.c.k, he didnt even want to think about that.

For the record, I can read your mind and no, I never had s.e.x with Delilah. We only kissed. I was too scared.

Lanes jaw about hit his desk. Too scared?

West started to laugh. You should see the look on your face. Yeah, bro. I was what, sixteen? I didnt want to get a girl pregnant. I was willing to feel her up any which way I could and if she wanted to feel me up, she could have a go, I wasnt going to stop her. But having actual s.e.x with her? Dee and I didnt go out long enough to make it to that point in our relations.h.i.+p.

He hated hearing these details. Didnt want to think about his brother and Delilah feeling each other up. It freaked him out. Worse, it made him feel guilty for being with Delilah, which was f.u.c.king ridiculous but there ya go. He couldnt fight his feelings. They were what they were.

It doesnt bother you that you two used to be a thing and now Im . . . What? Having s.e.x with her? Messing around with her? Hed told himself to keep it casual, and that was great and all, but he needed to cut this off. Nip it in the bud before emotions got tangled up and he ended up hurting her.

And hurting himself.

It doesnt bother me. Delilah is a great girl. She deserves happiness. West paused, his gaze direct. And so do you. If you like her, Lane, you should make a go of it. Shed be good for you.

Lane remained quiet for a moment, rolling his pen back and forth across his desk. Mom wants to invite Harper and Dee to this family dinner.

Thats great. I know Harper would love to come. h.e.l.l, I want her to come. Sh.e.l.l be my backup and calm my a.s.s down in case I want to do something crazy like sock Dad in the mouth, West said jokingly. Sort of.

Lane figured he was really serious. He understood the feeling.

Yeah, thats great, Lane said. But I dont know if I want Delilah to come with me. Bringing her implies something that might not be true. You know what I mean? I dont want to get everyones hopes up. Including his own.

Shaking his head, West stood. Suit yourself, bro. Bring her or dont bring her, but make up your mind. Shes still a good friend of mine, and shes one of Harpers best friends. I dont want you jerking her around.

Anger suffused him, but he told himself to get over it. It was a waste of time, getting mad at his brother. Im not jerking her around. Shes a big girl. She knows where I stand.

Huh. Better go back over your stance with her, just in case. I gotta go. Ill call you tomorrow and let you know how breakfast went, okay?

See ya, Lane said distractedly. He turned back to his computer and resumed working on the report, concentrating on getting it just right and not thinking about Delilah.

He didnt text her either. Or call her. Probably best to forget about her since eventually, he needed to end this. Stringing her along wasnt cool. He was too busy. Too f.u.c.ked up. Delilah was like this bright light that needed to s.h.i.+ne, and he was the brooding a.s.shole who wanted to spend the rest of his life alone.

He didnt want to be the one to douse her flame.

DELILAH HAD PRETTY much broken into Lanes house again. What the h.e.l.l was wrong with her? He was a deputy sheriff. He carried a gun for a living. Hed already pulled that gun on her once. Did she really want to risk it again?

Delilah sat on the edge of his bed, nibbling on her fingernail. Shed missed him all day and even came up with a s.e.xy little plan to surprise him. But maybe he wasnt the best person to surprise. He still wasnt home, and he shouldve gotten off his s.h.i.+ft hours ago. So where was he? Still working? Or out with someone else?

She frowned and dropped her hand to her lap, glancing around his bedroom. The room was shrouded in darkness, the sun having fallen behind the mountains that surrounded Wildwood a while ago. And he still wasnt home.

It was probably best if she left.

But shed worn the best outfit ever and she didnt want it to go to waste. She couldnt even say what had compelled her to buy it. The usual onslaught of catalogs had hit her mailbox around October and November, trying their best to entice her to buy everything for Christmas. Shed almost tossed out the usually depressing lingerie catalog. She loved looking at all that pretty stuff but she didnt end up buying anything. She didnt have anyone to wear s.e.xy, matching panty and bra sets for.

But when shed seen the cute little lingerie set that cost a whoppin sixty bucks, shed told herself she wasnt allowed to buy it. No way, no how. Sixty dollars was too much to pay for something so frivolous that would most likely end up stuffed in the back of her dresser drawer, long forgotten.

But she couldnt forget about it. Shed held off for one day. Then two. Three. Until the fourth day when shed gone on the stores website, found the outfit, added a sports bra and a cute sweats.h.i.+rt to her shopping cart, and bought it all. Merry Christmas to her.

Seven months later, she still hadnt worn the cute little bunny lingerie set. Until now. She was wearing it for Lane, and she had to admit, she was pretty d.a.m.n adorable.

Deciding to h.e.l.l with it, she grabbed her phone and sent him a quick text of warning, wanting him to know she was at his place.

Im waiting for you in your bedroom. Hope you dont mind.

She stood and went to the mirror that sat over his dresser and studied her reflection, making a little face. Her eyes were bright, her cheeks pink, and her looked good in a soft gray camisole. The material was almost like a sweater, soft and thin. The top was cropped, showing off most of her stomach. The panties gave good coverage. They werent crotchless or anything, and she wondered if Lane was into that sort of thing.

G.o.d, she really hoped he wasnt. Shed always thought crotchless panties were sort of . . . weird? Tacky? Ugly? Why bother wearing them? Wasnt mystery part of the fun?

Her phone buzzed.

Youre at my house? Really?

Biting her lip, she replied.

I am. I have a surprise for you. Unless youre too tired for surprises.

If he said he was too tired and wanted her gone, shed be crushed. Her bunny panties were adorable. She knew Lane would love them if he just gave them a chance.

Seriously, she sounded delusional even to herself. Maybe she was the one who was too tired for surprises.

What sort of surprise are you talking about?

Smiling, she shook her head and typed.

If I tell you, then its not a surprise.

Im pretty worn out.

Her smile faded. If this was his way of getting her out of here . . .

I might not be too much fun.

Now she just flat out laughed. When was he ever really any fun? Fun was not a word shed use to describe Lane. s.e.xy, sweet, fierce, possessive, protective, and a little rigid"yes, those words fit him. But fun?

Nah. And she was okay with that. She was the fun one.

You wont have to do a thing, I promise. Ill do all the work, you can just relax and kick back.

Theres work involved?

Only on my part.

As in she was going to work him over and rock his d.a.m.n world.

Im on my way home now.

Smiling, she set her phone on the bedside table, then turned on the lamp, casting the room in pale golden light. She wanted him to see every single thing she planned on doing to him tonight. And she never wanted him to forget it either.

Chapter Fifteen.

LANE WAS TIRED and grumpy and hungry, not necessarily in that order. Hed been in line ordering a sandwich at the local Subway when hed gotten the text from Delilah saying that she was waiting for him at his place.

Hed told himself that he wasnt going to call her. Wasnt going to ask to see her, wasnt going to invite her over, nothing. But instead, shed let herself in and made herself comfortable. He didnt have the heart to tell her to go home.

Truly? He didnt want her to go home. He wanted to see her. Was intrigued by her surprise. Hed gone ahead and ordered a sandwich for her as well, not bothering to ask if she was hungry or not. He just did it, figuring shed want the sandwich later. They were bound to work up an appet.i.te together eventually.

He ate half of his sandwich on the drive home and brought the Subway bag in with him, stas.h.i.+ng it in the fridge before he made his way to the bedroom. He stopped in the open doorway and stared, surprised by the sight before him.

Delilah was sitting in the middle of his bed, her long dark hair brushed to one side and spilling down her front, her hands braced on the mattress. Her legs were on blatant display, long and slender, and he took a deep, appreciative breath.

She had the best f.u.c.king legs on the planet. Hed never known he was a leg man but when it came to this girl, he definitely was.

Hi. Her voice was soft and inviting and all he wanted to do was go to her.

But he remained where he stood, leaning against the doorjamb. Hey.

Have I ever told you how s.e.xy you are in your uniform? She smiled, her gaze seeming to eat him up.

Have I ever told you how much I love your legs? He entered the bedroom, making his way toward her like he couldnt help himself. It didnt matter that hed told himself he should cut her off. The moment they were in the same room together, he was drawn to her. Was desperate to touch her, consume her, strip her clothes off before he slid inside her . . .

She glanced at her legs, then returned her attention to him. You do?

Oh yeah. Theyre long. s.e.xy as f.u.c.k. The pleased close-lipped smile that curved her lips was worth the confession. I like watching you dance too. d.a.m.n, he so did. He shouldnt admit that either, but he wanted to be honest. You have a beautiful body.

You say the best things, I swear. She rose up onto her knees and scooted toward him, stopping directly in front of him. Youre also wearing too much clothing.

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The Wildwood: Smolder Part 13 summary

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