The Wildwood: Smolder Part 14

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And what are you wearing? He let his gaze roam over her, taking in the gray tank top and how it clung to her small b.r.e.a.s.t.s, the hem cropped at her ribs so he could see her flat stomach. The panties matched the top, and they covered a lot, which was sort of a disappointment.

But she was pretty much wearing nothing so how could he be disappointed with that?

Do you like crotchless panties?

He frowned, reaching out to stroke his fingers across her cheek. Her skin was soft and she seemed to lean into his touch. Do you?

I asked you first. She raised a brow. Be honest.

This felt like a trick question. I guess theyre . . . pretty pointless? His gaze dropped to her panties, lingering there. He knew what lay beneath the soft fabric and he wanted to touch her. Desperately.

She clapped, looking pleased. That was the right answer. Okay, lets take your s.h.i.+rt off.

Whats my surprise? He let her unb.u.t.ton his s.h.i.+rt, helping her only when he needed to shrug it off. She pulled his T-s.h.i.+rt from where it was tucked into his pants, her fingers brus.h.i.+ng against his stomach and making his c.o.c.k twitch.

You dont wear a bulletproof vest? She frowned up at him, her fingers working the b.u.t.ton on the front of his pants.

He shrugged out of his T-s.h.i.+rt and tossed it on the floor. I took it off at the station. Its too d.a.m.n hot right now. That extra layer makes me uncomfortable.

But otherwise, you wear one, right? She met his gaze once more, concern filling her eyes.

Yeah. I do. Though Ive never been shot at in my life. He touched the center of her bottom lip with his thumb, rubbing her there. Her mouth was s.e.xy. The stuff of dreams. Everything about her was s.e.xy. He still couldnt believe he was doing this with Delilah. A woman hed l.u.s.ted after for so d.a.m.n long he was positive he never had a chance with her.

Good. I dont like thinking of you out there without one. You need protection. She undid the b.u.t.ton and slid down the zipper of his uniform pants, her fingers skimming the front of his boxer briefs. Just like that, he had an erection. Though I think its kind of hot that you wear a gun. Wheres your holster?

Left my belt on the kitchen counter. He sucked in a breath when she pushed his pants down his legs until they fell in a heap around his feet. Uh, I still have my boots on.

Oh, let me take care of that for you. She climbed off the bed and shoved him down so he sat on the edge of the mattress. He was too stunned to react when she knelt at his feet, casting him a shy yet sultry smile before she went to work on his boots, untying them and then loosening the laces before she started to pull the right one off his foot.

Thats when he noticed the back of her panties. The fluffy white cotton ball sitting in the direct center of her a.s.s, a flash of white surrounding it. Whatcha got going on back there? He waved a finger toward her backside.

Smiling, she untied the laces on his other boot. Youll just have to wait and see.

Is that my surprise?

Perhaps. She shrugged, her fingers busily working the laces before she pulled the second one off, tearing his socks off next. He kicked off his pants. There. All better?

He had the sudden image of her doing this for him every night when he came home from work. Or maybe hed ma.s.sage her feet after a long day at the studio. Shed cook him dinner and theyd tell each other about their day, laughing over stories of the weirdos he encountered or the old regulars who made 911 calls mostly because they were lonely and looking for company. Shed tell him about her students and who had real potential as a future dancer. Theyd laugh over shared stories about their friends. Drink wine or beer and watch TV before they went to bed and he made love to her . . .

A nice fantasy that could be reality if hed just get over his hang-ups once and for all.

Now lie down, she told him, offering him a sweet smile that was pure innocence. But the way her eyes flashed told him she had something else planned, and he followed her command, curious to see what she was going to do.

He hadnt lied when he said he was tired and probably wouldnt be good company tonight. Seeing his dad, worrying over his mom, being frustrated by that Josh p.r.i.c.k, and lacking sleep from the night before had worn him the h.e.l.l out. But he was glad she was here. He needed the distraction Delilah provided.

She crawled on top of him, straddling his hips as she leaned over him and brushed her mouth against his. You comfortable? she asked.

Yeah. He cupped the back of her head and brought her in for another kiss, trying to take it deeper, but she resisted. What are you doing?

Trying to relax you. And kissing wont relax you. Itll just get you all worked up. She smiled and moved down him, her hair drifting across his chest, her hot mouth pressed against his skin. He closed his eyes and breathed deep, his c.o.c.k straining against the front of his boxer briefs, eager to get out and join the party.

What youre doing right now is getting me all worked up, he said, hissing out a breath when she kissed his stomach, her fingers teasing at the waistband of his underwear.

Oh, whoops. She didnt sound very sorry. You want to see your surprise now?

h.e.l.l yeah. He popped his eyes open to find her smiling at him.

You have to close your eyes.

I just did.

You have to close them again. She tilted her head to the side with a s.e.xy pout. Please?

Without a word, he closed his eyes, waiting impatiently for his surprise. She slid off him, then slid back on but her voice sounded far away.

Okay, you can open them now.

He did, blinking at what was in front of him: Delilahs perfect a.s.s covered in those soft gray panties, the outline of a white bunny rabbit in the dead center of her a.s.s, the white fluffy tail wagging back and forth in his face. She was giggling, half of her a.s.s was hanging out, and hed never seen a cuter"or s.e.xier"sight.

What do you think?

He skimmed his fingers along the bottom curve of one perfect a.s.s cheek, his fingertips dipping beneath the fabric. I think I just discovered I have a thing for bunnies.

DELILAH SHOULD FEEL shameful for wagging her a.s.s in front of Lanes face but she was having too much fun to worry about it. Plus, she was enjoying the appreciative way he kept touching her, his fingers sneaking beneath her panties and touching her bare skin. The way hed trace the outline of the bunny, his finger pressing on the fabric so she could really feel him.

And he felt really good.

So this is my surprise.

Yes. It is. Do you like?

I think its adorably s.e.xy.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? She looked down, her face awfully close to his boxer brief'covered erection, and she leaned in, dropping a kiss on his c.o.c.k. He groaned, making her smile.

Its a good thing. f.u.c.k, such a good thing. He tugged on her panties, his hands diving right in, fingers sliding forward, between her legs. She jolted against his touch, sucking in a breath when he pushed two fingers inside her wet center. d.a.m.n, woman.

She closed her eyes and rode his fingers, shameless in her movements, reveling in the way he made her feel. He pushed her panties to the side, exposing her, and she couldnt bother to care at how close or how much he could see. And he could see everything. Shed always believed her b.u.t.t was her best feature"though it looked like Lane preferred her legs"so she worked her hips and pushed her backside closer to his face, making him chuckle.

You like this? he asked as he continued to f.u.c.k her with his fingers.

Mmm-hmm. Oh, G.o.d. He hit a particular spot deep inside that felt far too good. Way too good. It was early. Shed only just climbed on top of him and shed fully planned on giving him a b.l.o.w.j.o.b to end all, but hed taken charge as usual and now here she was, working herself on his fingers, practically bouncing, drawing closer and closer to that magical, sparkly o.r.g.a.s.m that hovered just on the other side of that delicious edge.

It was when he lifted his head and put his mouth on her that she exploded. A surprised cry escaped her as she came all over his face, her body trembling as he gripped her hip with one big hand and held her in place. He licked her quivering flesh until her o.r.g.a.s.m subsided and she was afraid shed melt away into nothing. Her chest felt tight and she could hardly catch her breath but oh my G.o.d, that o.r.g.a.s.m was freaking fantastic.

I take it you like bunnies now too, right? he asked, his voice deep and so full of male satisfaction from making her come that she almost wanted to laugh.

She glanced over her shoulder, breathless at the sight of him. I love bunnies, she said solemnly.

Me too. He slid his fingers between her legs again, making her bite her lower lip, and then he was shoving her away from him, his expression growing dark. Grab a condom out of the bedside table. Hurry.

Why do I need to hurry? She scrambled off him and crawled over to the bedside table, pulling open the drawer and reaching for the box of condoms he kept inside. She pulled one out and he s.n.a.t.c.hed it from her fingers before she could hand it to him. Baffled, she shut the drawer and turned to find hed already shed his boxer briefs and was rolling the condom over his very thick, very aggressive-looking c.o.c.k.

Because I need to be inside you. Come here. Ride me. He pulled her on top of him, his c.o.c.k pressed at her entrance as his hands shoved at the hem of her camisole, and she tore it off, tossing it on the floor. She reached between them, guiding his c.o.c.k, and rose up on her knees, sending him deep inside her.

He kept his gaze on her as his hands slid up to cup her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and play with her nipples. She tossed her head back, closing her eyes as she rode him, her movements awkward at first as she tried to find her rhythm, but once they hit that sweet spot, she moved in earnest. Loving how deep he went, she rocked against him, gasping when his hands fell to her hips and gripped her tight.

Im gonna f.u.c.k you fast, he muttered as he started to move, lifting his hips and pulling her down on his c.o.c.k, the sensation sending another one of those o.r.g.a.s.mic jolts through her. Christ, Dee, I have no control when it comes to you.

She bounced up and down, loving that she was the reason he lost all control. She wanted that, cherished that. He was always so rigid, so calm, but when he was with her, he let go. He felt. He wanted. He needed.

Tears p.r.i.c.ked at the corner of her eyes and she mentally fought them off. Now was not the time for tears. He was f.u.c.king her brains out. This wasnt an emotional love-filled moment. It was raw and possessive and beautiful and real. She fell over him, her mouth finding his, their tongues twisting, teeth clas.h.i.+ng, a growl escaping as he gripped her tightly. They moved together as if they were made for each other and when he tore his mouth from hers, a ragged groan falling from his lips as he went still for that one long second just before the o.r.g.a.s.m swept over him, she clutched at his hair, staring at him, her mind filled with just one thought: This man? He belonged to her.

Chapter Sixteen.


Delilah hadnt seen or heard or even received smoke signals in the sky from his stubborn a.s.s for an entire week. Nothing. Nada. Shed talked to his sister. Shed talked to his brothers. h.e.l.l, shed talked to his mother when she stopped by the dance studio after picking up a gallon of milk from Hillside Market one late afternoon. Angela had glided in with a smile on her face and a crus.h.i.+ng hug just for her. Delilah had figured she was there to see Wren, whod already gone home, but Angela only laughed and shook her head.

Oh, no dear, I came to see you. I wanted to invite you to dinner at my house next week. All the children are coming. West is bringing Harper. And Id hoped Lane would bring you. She beamed, looking terribly pleased with herself. Say yes. Id love to have you as part of the family.

That had been three days ago. Of course, shed said shed be there, though she hadnt mentioned to Angela that Lane, the jacka.s.s, hadnt invited her. Hadnt even mentioned the dinner.

His behavior left her terribly confused. And mad as h.e.l.l.

What had she done? Where had it all gone wrong? She didnt know. Their last night together had been mind-blowing. When hed made her come with his mouth, oh G.o.d. She still got s.h.i.+vers just thinking about it. Then shed come again when theyd had s.e.x the first time. And the second time. Hed even made her come with only his fingers"her fourth o.r.g.a.s.m of the evening. And then theyd done it one more time, right before dawn, before she could sneak out of his bed and tiptoe out of his house like a thief in the night. Hed f.u.c.ked her hard, pus.h.i.+ng her into the mattress, using her completely, his focus only on himself. Shed let him be selfish, relis.h.i.+ng the wild expression on his face, the way hed handled her so roughly. Not so rough that he caused her pain but he definitely hadnt behaved like a gentle, sweet lover.

Shed enjoyed every freaking minute of it too. Lane could unleash on her anytime he wanted. Shed left his house on wobbly legs, her entire body aching deliciously, and thought of him every time she crossed her legs or stretched her thighs throughout the day. She hurt in the best possible way and she wanted him to bring back that ache again.

And again.

But of course, he had to go and ruin everything. Disappearing off the face of the earth"and come on, the town wasnt that big. She hadnt seen him in seven long days. If she were ever tempted to murder someone, it would be right about now. Shed curl her hands around his thick neck and choke the life out of him. And just before he gasped his last breath, shed let go and offer him comfort because d.a.m.n it, even at her maddest, she couldnt stand the thought of him not being a part of her life.

Stupid, big, dumb manly jerk.

Well, he couldnt avoid her forever. She knew for a fact he was working. That he was the only deputy on patrol this afternoon. Should she call him?

No. Not directly at least.


An idea popped in her head. A bad one. Well, more like bad in the sense that she was doing something she shouldnt. She found a mess behind the studio when she first came in, and she figured kids did it. She really did want to report it so maybe they could catch the little vandals. But calling 911 to get Lane here would be a huge no-no.

So she put in a call through the nonemergency line, saying that she suspected vandalism behind her place of business and could they please send a deputy over when they got a chance so she could make a report?

The dispatcher said a car would be over within the next hour, and Delilah waited patiently, searching the web yet again for compet.i.tion locations. The plan was already in place and they had a tentative compet.i.tive dance team of eight girls put together so far. Two of them wanted to do solo routines. Wren said money-wise they were set to go. Now they were working on routines, costume choices, and exactly how many compet.i.tions they wanted to partic.i.p.ate in. She was excited. Her business was thriving, she was doing new things, and she shouldve felt on top of the world.

But she wasnt. The man she was in love with"yes, in love with, she could fully admit to herself now"was being ridiculous. That she had to practically call 911 to get him to see her was the lowest of the low. But she figured a woman in love would do whatever it took to garner her mans attention.

She was still at the computer in the studio office when the hairs on the back of her neck started to p.r.i.c.kle and stand on end. The front door swung open and she heard a muttered oath once it slammed shut.

It was Lane.

Smoothing a shaky hand over her hair, she stood and went out to confront him though he was the one to speak first.

Really, Dee? Youre making false calls to get me to see you? And you still leave the door unlocked?

Oh, he had a lot of nerve to nag when he was the one running scared.

Lifting her chin, she glared at him. I did not make a false call.

He lifted his brows but didnt say a word. d.a.m.n it, that was a s.e.xy look on him. In fact, he was infuriatingly s.e.xy right now. She was such a sucker for Lane in his uniform, and an irritated, uniformed Lane was still s.e.xy. No other man did it for her. Only Lane could make her heart race wearing that black deputy sheriffs uniform and a very dark, very somber frown on his too-handsome face.

Glaring at him, she clenched her hands into fists and swore she wouldnt say or do something stupid.

Come out back. Ill show you the vandalism. She turned and started toward the back of the building, glancing over her shoulder to find him frozen in front of the door. Come on, she urged with a wave of her hand.

He fell into step behind her, following her through the studio, the office, until they reached the back door. Turning the lock, she pushed the heavy door open so that they both emerged outside. She pointed to a small, nearby Dumpster that had been tipped over, falling into an old table she kept out there and crus.h.i.+ng it completely.

See? Vandalism. Who knocks over a Dumpster? Probably kids. She wasnt sure. Neither the door nor the lock had been messed with and that made her feel better. She figured whoever had been out here was mostly harmless.

He stood there silently, surveying the damage with his hands resting on his hips. His nearness sent a crackling energy through her veins and made her want to reach out and grab him. Shake him. Kiss him. Tell him she loved him and he needed to stop acting so silly . . .

What was on the table? His quiet, stern voice broke through her muddled thoughts.


What did you use the table for?

Oh. Well, there are a few stray cats who hang out around here so sometimes I put out a bowl of cat food. She felt sorry for the strays that were too wild to really pick up but could always appreciate a free bowl of food. Theyd wind their bodies around her legs and brush up against her, meowing their requests, but the moment she reached for them, theyd run off.

Hmm. They reminded her of a particular someone. The man standing in front of her was like one of those elusive-jerk cats. Teasing her but never quite able to make the commitment.

It was likely racc.o.o.ns.

What? She blinked up at him. How could racc.o.o.ns tip over a Dumpster? No way. How could they knock it over?

The wheels look pretty wobbly. They were. The thing leaned to the left most of the time. It was on the small side, old and rusted out and just as much a piece of garbage as what they stashed in there. And there have been reports of a family of racc.o.o.ns around here causing trouble. Ive actually taken calls on them. He peered inside the Dumpster and shook his head. Your bowl is in here and theres not a lick of cat food remaining.

Probably because the cats ate it all.

More like the racc.o.o.ns ate it all. They love that stuff. You know this, Dee. You cant leave a bowl of cat food outside all night. The moment it gets dark, racc.o.o.ns and all the other critters are out looking for an easy meal.

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The Wildwood: Smolder Part 14 summary

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