The Wildwood: Smolder Part 16

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Uh, working?

She made an irritated sound. I know that, but I havent seen you around town this afternoon.

G.o.d, did they all keep tabs on him or what? Im at the bottom of Ridge Point, blocking the road because of the fire, he explained.

Oh. Were there evacuations?

Yeah, voluntary only right now but that could change. The fire is growing at a pretty rapid pace.

How awful, she murmured.

Yeah, so I cant really talk. He could, he just didnt want to talk to Wren. She rarely called him so he figured he was in for something. So whats up?

Preliminary results are in from Moms series of tests.

He held his breath when she hesitated, saying a quick prayer that everything was okay. Yeah?

They believe its a thyroid issue. Nothing too serious, but theyre going to want to conduct more tests and her doctor recommended she see a specialist. Shes supposed to set up an appointment and I told her Id help her.

Relief hit him so hard he literally felt weak. Thats good then, right? Shes going to be okay?

Its good. Shes going to need to be put on medication but sh.e.l.l be fine. He could hear the smile in his sisters voice. I wanted to let you know so you could stop worrying. And warn you that Mom is h.e.l.l-bent on making that family dinner happen. Did you ever ask Delilah to go with you?

No. Felt like a real jerk for that too. We havent really been speaking lately.

Wren blew out a harsh breath. I usually try to mind my own business when it comes to your love life, but thats one of my best friends youre messing with. And I dont like it.

He steeled himself, prepared for the tongue-las.h.i.+ng Wren was so good at giving. Shes a friend to me too, Wren. You know this.

I do, but you two crossed over the just-friends line a while ago. Dont bother denying it. I think shes in love with you, Lane. She has been for years. She paused, letting her words make an impact, which they did. It was like his insides had just been stomped on. If you dont feel the same way, stop stringing her along. Shes a good girl. She has a lot to offer. If youre not going to take her up on it, let her go so she can find someone else who deserves her.

His heart felt like it was cracked wide open. He couldnt imagine letting Delilah go. Not now. Not . . . ever. Are you saying I dont deserve her?

No. You are.

DELILAH PACED THE short length of her living room, anxiously awaiting Lane to show up on her doorstep. It was just past eight fifteen and hed texted her over an hour ago, saying he wanted to come over. Of course, shed agreed. She always agreed when it came to Lane.

He was her biggest weakness. And her one true . . .


Shed worried about him all afternoon, despite her anger. The fire up on Ridge Point Road had grown all afternoon and was now burning over one hundred acres. More engines had been called in and West had gone back to work about an hour ago. Harper was keeping her informed and she appreciated the gesture.

Though really Harper had called to express her worry for West and how sometimes she really hated his job. Delilah had rea.s.sured her that West would be just fine but secretly, she could relate. They might live in a small town where nothing much seemed to happen, but Lane put his life on the line every single day when he went into work.

And it freaked Delilah out.

If they were ever to become something serious"keep dreaming!"would she be able to handle his job and the stresses that came with it? What if he ever got hurt? Just thinking that way left her short of breath. She couldnt imagine something actually happening to him . . .

There was a knock at the door and she rushed to answer it, relieved to find Lane standing in front of her in one piece, looking beyond handsome in a pair of jeans and a dark gray polo s.h.i.+rt. His hair was damp as if hed just come out of the shower, but his eyes were tired. He looked like he wanted to collapse into bed and sleep for the next twelve hours.

Hey, he said, his gaze roaming over her appreciatively. Shed worn a strappy sundress she knew hed like. You look pretty.

Pleasure at his words and the look in his eyes made her stand up straighter. You look good too, though a little tired.

Its been a"hard day.

She wanted to wrap him in her arms and offer him comfort but she restrained herself. She should still be mad, not wanting to take care of him. Whats going on with the fire?

Theyre having a hard time getting a handle on it. The weather doesnt help matters. He grimaced. Theyre starting to think its arson after all. Whoevers doing this is getting out of control.

The restaurant fire was bad enough. That had put people at risk. But this new fire had the potential to put hundreds of Wildwood residents in danger. Thats awful, Delilah said softly.

I know. Its bad. But it feels like everythings been bad lately.

Oh, come on. It hasnt been all bad. If he was implying their getting together was part of the bad in his life she might sock him.

No, youre right. Its just been a little rough. He smiled sheepishly. Okay, a lot rough.

And who was at fault for that? She decided not to call him out on it. Where did you want to go to eat?

Would you hate me if I suggested the BFD?

She almost suggested going somewhere else but she realized that by showing up at the Bigfoot Diner, they would be among locals. Yes, the tourists loved that place but so did the residents of Wildwood. If they showed up together, they were definitely going to stir up some gossip.

We can go there, she said slowly. If you want.

I do. Im starving. Though I also . . . we should talk first. The look on his face terrified her. He wasnt going to give her some we should just be friends speech, was he? They were too far gone for that. No way could they go back to being only friends. She was in love with him. She loved him. Wanted to spend her life with him. Fine, his job scared her but what was even scarier? The idea of Lane not being in her life at all.

No way could she let that happen.

He needed to apologize though. Tell her he was sorry for being such a world-cla.s.s f.u.c.k-up. For always pus.h.i.+ng her away.

Well, come in then. She opened the door wider to let him in, proud that her voice wasnt shaking and that she appeared perfectly calm. He walked inside and she shut the door behind him, about to offer him something to drink when he swept her up into his arms and kissed her thoroughly.

So thoroughly, she was left breathless.

Sorry. Had to get that out of the way, he said once he came up for air, not sounding sorry at all. He released her and she practically stumbled out of his arms, feeling like a fool.

Um, yeah. Thats fine. It was more than fine. Ugh, she shouldve shoved him away but that proved impossible. With the kiss he just laid on her, she couldnt believe she was still standing. And somehow hed moved so fast he was already sitting on her couch, patting the empty spot beside him, indicating he wanted her to join him.

Delilah went to sit on the couch, not as close as she wanted because she needed the distance to keep her head straight. If she snuggled up next to him theyd start kissing again. And kissing led to touching and touching led to s.e.x. And while shed love to get naked with him, getting naked wasnt going to solve their problems. They needed to clear the air first.

He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees as he stared straight ahead. Almost like he couldnt look at her. I dont deserve your forgiveness, but Im sorry I stayed away from you for the past week. I was going through some s.h.i.+t and didnt know how to talk to you about it.

What sort of s.h.i.+t? she asked softly.

Panic. Worry. The usual. He turned to smile at her, looking the slightest bit embarra.s.sed. My feelings for you confuse me. They always have.

Why? Oh, G.o.d. She braced herself. This couldnt be good.

One minute I want you more than anything and the next I want to run away from you as fast as I can. You make me feel . . . too much. He hesitated, took a deep breath before he seemed to decide to go for it. My parents are"screwed up. Thats the example I had as a kid, and their relations.h.i.+p doesnt come close to normal. My dad treated my mom so bad, treated all of us bad, and I hated it. Hated him.

I know, she admitted softly, earning a look from him. I was around your house when I was a teenager. My family has always known yours. I saw what happened.

Yeah. He hung his head, linked his hands together. After everything my dad did, I swore I would never commit to a serious relations.h.i.+p. I was scared Id end up just like him and I didnt want to put a woman I supposedly loved through what my dad did to my mom. I figured it was easier to remain alone than find someone and ruin her. I didnt want to ruin her. I didnt want to ruin"you.

She remained quiet, her throat tight, and wondered if Wayne Gallagher was aware of the lifelong damaged hed inflicted on his children because of the casual choices hed made.

But after spending so much time alone with my crazy thoughts this past week, I realized that I was just hurting myself, thinking like that. I had the perfect woman wanting to be in my life and I kept pus.h.i.+ng her away. It wasnt fair to you and really, it wasnt fair to me either. Im not my father. And youre not my mother. Were two different people, and I hope I can learn from their mistakes so I dont repeat them. He turned to fully face her, his gaze dark and serious. I realized it earlier when we were arguing about the racc.o.o.ns, Dee. It was stupid of me, denying myself and denying you. I dont know why I keep pus.h.i.+ng you away when youre the only thing thats truly bright in my life. Without you Im nothing.

Thats not true . . . she started to say but he shook his head.

It is. Im a grumpy a.s.shole no one wants to be around if I dont have you. Ive denied my feelings for far too long and Im done. I need you, Dee. I need you in my life. I dont want to lose you.

Her heart felt as if it swelled to three times its size at his declaration. Oh, Lane.

He rushed on, not letting her talk. And I understand if you dont want to be with me after how awfully Ive treated you. All I can ask is for you to give me another chance. If you give me that chance, I promise that Ill spend the rest of my days proving to you just how much I care about you. How much I"I love you.

His voice was earnest, his gaze full of fear at what hed just admitted, and she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms tight around his neck and kissing him with everything she had.

I love you too, you maddening, infuriating, stubborn man, she murmured against his lips, smiling when he chuckled, his big, strong arms coming around her to clutch her to him. She thrust her fingers in his hair, pulling down his head so their lips were close. Kissing close. Weve wasted enough time circling each other, dont you think?

h.e.l.l yeah, he said just before he kissed her again. Taking the kiss deeper this time, with plenty of heat and tongue, until she was pus.h.i.+ng at his shoulders to get him to stop. What? he asked irritably when she broke the kiss.

Im starving. She grinned up at him, and he shook his head though he didnt look mad. No, he looked like a man who was completely in love with her. His eyes glowed, his smile was soft, and she knew without a doubt that this man"the man who drove her crazy and frustrated the c.r.a.p out of her"was the very man she was madly, pa.s.sionately in love with. Lets go eat. We can resume all this kissing stuff later.

You promise? he asked, raising a brow.

She leaned in to kiss him one more time. Most definitely.


LANE PUT HIS truck into Park and shut off the engine, turning to look at Delilah sitting in the pa.s.senger seat. You ready for this?

She smiled softly at him, her eyes glowing in the waning sunlight. Hed never seen her look so pretty. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, a few dark brown tendrils curling around her face. She wore a pale pink sleeveless dress that fit her perfectly. She looked . . . elegant. Definitely not like a woman whod be with a guy like him.

Im ready, she said, lifting her chin, the little show of determination reminding him that hed chosen the perfect girl for him after all. How about you?

Im ready. He blew out a harsh breath, trying to expel the nervousness that threatened to take over him. Was he ready to face his parents? Face his entire family with Delilah by his side? He hoped no one gave him a bunch of s.h.i.+t. Hed already warned West, whod claimed he wasnt about to start anything tonight. Holden was bringing his girlfriend, Kirsten, so hed be on his best behavior too.

Wren was the only single one of the bunch, and he doubted shed give him any grief.

It had taken a little longer than their mother originally planned, but they were all going to eat under one roof tonight. His mom was beyond excited, but Dad hadnt seemed too thrilled. Neither were his brothers or sister.

But they were doing this for their mom. And maybe, just maybe, they were doing it for each other. To help the Gallagher family heal.

Lets go then, Delilah said. She went to turn toward her door so she could open it, but he grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her to him, sealing his mouth over hers for a quick, courage-seeking kiss.

But as usual it turned into more. He touched her cheek. She rested her hands on his chest. He deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into her mouth, and she responded in kind. Until she was practically trying to crawl on top of him and he had to grab hold of her arms to stop her.

Were getting out of hand, he reminded her, in my parents driveway.

She smiled and settled back into the pa.s.senger seat, smoothing her hands down the front of her skirt. You have a way of doing that.

Doing what?

Making me forget myself. She glanced over her shoulder when a cars engine rumbled behind them, a smile brightening her face. Oh, good. West and Harper are here.

She climbed out of the truck before he could stop her, and he followed, slamming the drivers side door and shoving his keys in the front pocket of his jeans.

West and Harper approached them hand in hand like a united front. Harper was smiling. West was scowling. Lane could relate. He knew his brother was, out of all of them, the one least looking forward to this family-filled night. West was even more reluctant than he was.

I cant believe Im here, he muttered as a greeting to Lane.

Lane clapped his brother on the back. It wont be so bad.

Got any whiskey? West asked hopefully. I bet thatll get me through.

Stop, Harper said, letting go of his hand so they could link arms. Youre going to be just fine. She leaned her head against his shoulder, and he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

You two are adorable, Delilah said, curling her arm around Lanes.

So are you and Lane, Harper said with a grin. I love this.

Me too, Delilah said, smiling up at Lane.

He got a little lost in her dark eyes for a moment, wis.h.i.+ng he could tell her that he loved her, but he kept his mouth shut. He didnt want to give his brother any ammunition. Didnt want anyone to know what a lovesick fool Delilah had turned him into. That was their private secret.

One he wanted to keep between the two of them.

Lets go, she said to him, and he nodded once, turned toward the front porch, and led the way, Delilah by his side, West and Harper falling in behind them.

Lane felt good. He felt strong. He had his woman with him. His brother and Harper. Wren was already inside and Holden would be here any minute. They were giving this family thing a go once again and he had high hopes.

With the woman by his side how could he go wrong?

Its going to be fine, you know, she whispered as they walked up the steps.

You think so? he asked.

I know so, she said firmly. Well be fine as long as we have each other.

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The Wildwood: Smolder Part 16 summary

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