The Wildwood: Smolder Part 6

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Is that so? So what the h.e.l.l was that kiss we just shared?

It was a . . . a moment of learning each other. She was stuttering, her gaze sliding away from his, her cheeks flushed with embarra.s.sment. I thought it was nice, she added weakly.

Nice. Is that how you like it? Nice and sweet with a little bit of tongue and a grope here and there? Nothing too forward? Nothing too rough? He pushed away from the wall, invading her s.p.a.ce, but she didnt move. Merely stood her ground and tilted her head back, her gaze never leaving his as he stared down at her.

She was so beautiful, so willing to stand up to him even when he was being a complete jacka.s.s. And he was acting like a world-cla.s.s jacka.s.s at this particular moment, trying to shock her, disgust her, drive her away.

Im afraid youll take off running if I push you any further. That is your usual mode of operation, she retorted, eyes flas.h.i.+ng. Dont want to scare the big, bad Lane Gallagher. Youre quite the runner, you know.

h.e.l.l if his d.i.c.k didnt get hard at her feisty words. He was trying to drive her away, and she was looking to get a rise out of him. What a combo they made. Theres a reason I push you away, Delilah. Its for your own good.

Please. She practically spit the word out, her lips pursed. You always give me that line, and you know what? I think its total c.r.a.p. I think youre just"scared.

Scared? He raised a brow. Of you? Are you kidding?

Why else would you shove me away at every opportunity? And trust me, I give you plenty of golden opportunities, Lane. I dont know how to make it more obvious, beyond stripping naked right now and begging you to f.u.c.k me.

He started to sweat at her words and the image they fueled in his brain. Lane would give anything to see her shed that dress, step out of her panties, and get on her knees, begging him to f.u.c.k her in that sweet, s.e.xy voice of hers. d.a.m.n it, that was like his dream come true.

Trying his best to remain indifferent, he watched her, concentrating on turning his face to stone. I dont think you have the guts.

Ha! Challenge accepted. Watch this. Shooting him a triumphant smile, she grabbed her skirt and started to pull it up, flas.h.i.+ng him her pale blue cotton panties"of course, innocence personified"offering him a glimpse of her flat, toned stomach, her ribs, and holy h.e.l.l she wasnt wearing a bra . . .

He rushed her, grabbing hold of her arms and halting her progress. She glared at him, struggling against his hold, her nose scrunching up in anger and frustration. A look she seemed to wear only around him.

Let me go, she demanded.

No. He shook his head vehemently. Youre not going to humiliate yourself in front of me.

Id only be humiliated if you told me no.

Lane said nothing, which earned him another glare and a hard kick in the s.h.i.+n. Ow, he muttered. She escaped his grasp, doing a triumphant little dance, and his palm itched to smack her a.s.s. The woman needed some discipline. Not that hed be the one to give it to her.

Gonna have to catch me, she called over her shoulder as she made a mad dash past him, heading down the hall toward his bedroom. He wondered if she was drunk. Or worse, if shed lost her mind.

He came to a halt in the middle of his hallway when he spotted her dress lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. He stared at the fabric stupidly, like a blind man trying to see something for the first time. All he could do was blink.

Delilah had taken off her dress. Meaning, she was naked in his room. Waiting for him. Prepared to beg him to f.u.c.k her.

Chapter Seven.

LANE TOOK A deep breath and opened the door, stopping short at the sight before him: Delilah in the center of his California king-size bed, on her knees wearing nothing but those pale blue panties, not even a bra. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were small, perfect handfuls with nipples the color of a ripe, juicy peach.

His mouth literally watered at the sight of them. He wanted a taste, d.a.m.n it. Just one. Just to know if they would pebble on his tongue. If shed like it when he sucked her deep. Or would she prefer if he just licked them?

It scared him that he wanted to know her preferences. He had no right thinking like this, wanting her, contemplating what he was about to do to her. He clenched his hands into fists again, fighting the urge to go to her and slowly losing the battle.

Why would he turn away such an opportunity, such a gift? How could he tell her no? Denying her would be one of the hardest things hed ever done. One of the stupidest too.

I think you curl your fingers tight because you think thatll prevent you from touching me. The smile curving her lush mouth was inviting. Mischievous. She looked pleased with herself for reading his d.a.m.n mind. Like shed just pulled the ultimate trick on him. You looked shocked, Deputy.

Without a word he shut the door behind him, twisting the lock into place. Not that he was worried about anyone busting in on them . . .

But better to be safe than sorry.

He turned to face her, crossing his arms as he contemplated the situation. Her eyes glittered with excitement and something he couldnt quite put his finger on. All he knew was that hed never seen her look more beautiful. Her body was just as he imagined, lean and slender, her hair tumbling past her shoulders wild and free. The longer he studied her, the more he noticed. Faint tan lines bisected her skin, making her b.r.e.a.s.t.s paler than her arms, her flat stomach and the slight indent of her navel. Hed seen that stomach time and again"the woman wore the skimpiest clothes imaginable when she was dancing, and he always snuck glances before looking away quickly. Guiltily. Hoping like h.e.l.l she hadnt caught him checking her out.

Most of the time, he figured she dressed skimpily just to drive him out of his mind. To set his imagination off on a wild-goose chase, trying to remember what she looked like so exposed. Trying to envision what she might look like completely naked.

So now, he took his time, and the longer he took, the more nervous she seemed to get. Her skin dotted with gooseflesh and her nipples grew harder. She straightened her spine, rested her hands on her hips, her fingers toying with the waistband of those sweet cotton panties she wore, and he was suddenly struck with an idea.

You failed on your promise, you know, he said, his voice low, tone almost ominous.

Her expression faltered just the slightest bit. A regular person wouldve never noticed but he was familiar with everything about Delilah. What are you talking about?

You said youd be naked and begging me to f.u.c.k you. She flinched when he said the word f.u.c.k. He continued on. And youre not naked, Dee.

She glanced down at her panties, her teeth sinking into her lower lip. He bit back a groan, both loving and hating how every little thing she did seemed to set fire to his blood. Im pretty exposed already, Lane.

Not good enough.

Her head jerked up at his firm tone and he felt the teeniest bit of remorse for being so harsh. But then again, this was just the real him coming out. If she wouldnt bend to his will, then theyd realize real quickly it wouldnt work between them.

He had a feeling Delilah didnt much bend to anyone. She was fiercely determined and threw herself into pretty much everything she did. Did that include s.e.xually? He hadnt a clue. But he doubted shed let some bossy a.s.shole tell her what to do in bed. Or in the shower. In his truck. Against the kitchen wall, the bedroom wall, the living room wall. On his couch . . .

Yeah. He was going to be a bossy a.s.shole.

Are you demanding that I take my panties off? Is that what you want? she asked sweetly, but he heard the sa.s.s in her voice too. She was taunting him. Meaning she was playing with fire.

Yes, he bit out harshly, frowning when she climbed off his bed and sauntered over to where he stood, stopping just in front of him.

Delilah tossed her hair over her shoulder and thrust her chest out, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s on proud display. His mouth watered. His hands itched to touch them. His lips tingled, eager to suck on her nipples. Take them off yourself.

They were playing a game. It felt like a power struggle. She pushed, and he pushed back. He shoved, she shoved back even harder.

Well. Hed show her.

Sending her a look, he lowered himself to his knees, something he would never, ever do for another woman. But Delilah was an exception. And at this moment, he was desperate to push her past her comfort zone. Deep down inside, he wanted to scare her. He wanted her to bolt, to run and never look back. He wanted to show her exactly who he was . . .

And he fully expected her to never want to see this side of him again.

She tilted her head down, watching him as her teeth nibbled on her lower lip again. He liked that look. A little unsure, a lot s.e.xy. Reaching out, he curled his fingers around the sides of her panties, his fingers brus.h.i.+ng her skin. She was warm. And trembling. Was it fear? Or did she want him?

He wasnt quite sure.

Lane glanced up, their gazes meeting. Holding. Her chest rose and fell, faster and faster the longer they stared at each other, and he was tempted to say something to put her at ease. But this moment wasnt about ease or comfort. He wanted to push her boundaries.

Slowly he tugged on her panties, exposing her hip bones. The lower plane of her belly, that gentle curve just below her belly b.u.t.ton, such a vulnerable spot that few got to see. Christ, he could smell her arousal. He had a feeling if he slipped his fingers between her legs hed find her wet. Hot.

All for him.

The realization blew his mind.

But he didnt touch her. Nope, he was torturing himself as much as he figured he was torturing her. Tearing his gaze from hers, he pulled her panties down the rest of the way, exposing her completely, until the blue sc.r.a.p of fabric was wound around her knees and he was face-to-p.u.s.s.y. A place he never thought hed be with Delilah, not really. Oh, hed dreamed about it. Jerked off to thoughts of being in this exact spot, over and over again. But never had he believed hed really be here. On his f.u.c.king knees in front of her, breathing across her most sensitive skin, seeing her thighs tremble, her scent winding around him, making him dizzy.

Making him want to taste.


IF LANE DIDNT make a move, didnt G.o.dd.a.m.n do something and soon, Delilah was going to lose it. She was tempted to thread her fingers into his hair and pull. Just to make him yelp, react, touch her, lick her, push his face into her, whatever he had planned. He just needed to do it and get it over with.

Lane slid his hands along the outside of her thighs, his calloused fingers deliciously rough on her skin. She pressed her knees inward, her panties falling to the floor, and she carefully kicked them off, standing before him completely naked.

Completely on display.

Looks like youre the one on your knees, she tried to joke but her voice was shaky and high, her nerves loud and clear. He let his hands fall from her legs and drew himself to his feet, standing above her, so tall, and still fully dressed, making her feel vulnerable.

I think its your turn, he said, his voice like steel"hard and solid and completely unforgiving. Can you do it, Dee? Or are you afraid?

Im not afraid of you, she said. And she wasnt. Hed never instilled any sort of fear in her, ever. He was inherently kind, even when he tried to act like a tough guy. Even though he was a man of the law. He dealt with liars all the time and shouldnt trust a soul.

But theyd known each other a long time, and she hoped he trusted her. She certainly trusted him. Why else would she put herself into this position? Kneeling before him, her gaze dropped to the front of his shorts, the unmistakable outline of his erection. Her mouth went dry. He looked . . . large. Not that she should be surprised, considering she saw him in just his underwear earlier.

Then let me hear you beg. He smirked, looking rather pleased with himself, and she wanted to smack him. The way he acted, she was pretty sure he believed shed chicken out. Well, shed show him.

And use the right words, he added, that smirk still firmly in place. You know what they are.

Oh yes, she did. Maybe she should be ashamed for being on her knees, naked in front of Lane Gallagher, a man shed known for what felt like forever. But she didnt feel ashamed, not at all. She was excited. Arousal buzzed in her veins, making her eager.

She straightened her spine and scooted closer, wanting to grab hold of him but restraining herself. Resting her hands on top of her thighs, she cast him a demure look, hoping she looked both innocent and s.e.xy. She was giving him all she had right at this very moment, and if he responded negatively . . .

Delilah had no idea what she would do.

Im only going to ask this once. She blinked up at him, her lips parted, her tongue darting out for a quick lick. f.u.c.k me, Lane. His eyes followed her tongues every move and she fought the wave of triumph that wanted to sweep over her. Please?

He said nothing, his hands clenched into fists"what else was new?"his nostrils flaring. The tendons in his neck stood out in stark relief, and she had the sudden sense that he was holding himself back.

Pretty please? She said it again, her lips curling into a smile. Im asking nicely.

Do you want to be f.u.c.ked nicely? he asked, his voice tight. Or do you want to be f.u.c.ked hard?

His words conjured all sorts of images, every one of them dirty and wonderful. Shed never had a man ask her if she wanted to be f.u.c.ked hard before. Usually, it just . . . happened. There was no dirty talk. No wicked words whispered in her ear. Shed had no idea just hearing Lane say the word f.u.c.k would have such an effect on her.

His blunt words made her weak. Made her wet. Made her hot"all at once.

Well? Tell me what you want, Dee. He touched her face with his fingertips, his hand curving around her cheek, tilting her head up so their gazes locked. This is why I dont think Im the man for you.

She frowned, confused by his words. Why do you say that?

Because you deserve romance and flowers and quiet dinner dates and heart-shaped candy. All I can offer you are a few stolen nights here and there and hard, dirty f.u.c.ks. Thats all I can give, Dee. Im not a romantic man, never have been. I dont believe in hearts and flowers and love and poems and all that other bulls.h.i.+t. I like s.e.x. I cant deny that I want to have s.e.x with you. But it wont amount to much more than that. A flicker of unease appeared in his eyes when he finished his speech. One moment it was there, the next moment gone.

Delilah released a shuddering breath, opening her mouth to answer as he cut her off.

Im a possessive man too, so if were going to do this, you cant be f.u.c.king around with someone else. If you start liking some other guy, tell me and well end it. There was that uneasy flicker in his eyes again. Like he didnt enjoy admitting that last part.

But she loved that admission. A s.h.i.+ver moved down her spine at his choice of words. What would it mean to be so completely possessed by Lane that he wouldnt dare let another man touch what he claimed as his? Oh, she liked the thought of belonging to Lane. Probably a little too much.

I would never go after some other guy while Im . . . involved with you. She didnt finish what she wanted to say. How there had never really been any other man but Lane. How she couldnt imagine wanting anyone else once she had him. That shed wished for this moment for so long, she could hardly believe it was happening.

If anything was ever going to actually, you know, happen. What else could she do to make Lane see just how good they could be together?

She reached for him, her fingers grazing the front of his shorts, the length of his erection, and he jerked away from her touch as if shed burned him.

Dont start something you cant finish, he warned, and she began to laugh.

How much more obvious can I be, Lane? Im on my knees in front of you, completely naked, and I just begged you to f.u.c.k me. What more do you want from me?

He didnt answer. At least not with words. Instead he leaned down and scooped her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing, holding her close for a moment, like he didnt want to let her go.

And then she was falling, falling. A little shriek escaped her as she bounced on the mattress, her hands pressed against the cool cotton comforter to brace herself. Lane, what are you . . . Her voice dwindled to nothing when Lane ripped off his T-s.h.i.+rt and shoved off his shorts, revealing his very thick, very erect c.o.c.k.

Oh. Wow.

They were naked together and theyd hardly kissed.

Licking her lips, she backed up on the giant bed until she was lying against the pillows, her eyes going wide when he came toward her, his hungry gaze zeroed in on her and nothing else.

Id be an idiot to push you away now, he murmured as he crawled right over her, his arms and legs caging her in, his face in hers. I think weve both known this was going to happen eventually.

She nodded, her throat dry as sand.

Youre so d.a.m.n beautiful. He nuzzled the side of her face with his nose and her eyes fell shut, savoring his words, the way he touched her. You want this, dont you, Delilah?

Oh my G.o.d, stop talking. She grabbed hold of his face, her palms flat against his cheeks as she pulled him to her, their mouths brus.h.i.+ng. Kiss me, Lane. Touch me. Please.

He smiled. Youre begging again.

Desperate measures and all that. Isnt that what you wanted? Ill beg some more if it will make you stop talking and start doing. She started to kiss him but he broke away from her, his breath already coming fast.

Once I start, Im afraid I might not stop, he said.

Perfect, she said just before she forced his lips back to hers.

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The Wildwood: Smolder Part 6 summary

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