I am the Newly Born Woman of Around Thirty Volume 5 Chapter 13

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The problem is too big, what should I do, I don't understand at all.

There are too many things, and I can’t rearrange them inside of my brain.

I can’t swallow the situation, what happened and what will happen.

Just being scared, the trembling of my body and tears will not stop.

While rubbing my back, Forte patiently listened to my story.

Because Forte is the main character of 【flower blooming under the snow】, I couldn’t tell that this world is in manga, but from the encounter with Melba, I revealed that Muriel-sama was a monster of the forest.

Contrary to the expectation of being astonished, Forte had a loneliest look, expressing  pity as if seeing dim-witted person.

No no, really. Muriel-sama is a demon! 

He was born from a whim of the forest! 

Although I stressed that point, the confident white eyes of Forte made me less confident.

That? Hmm …? Wait a moment.

He certainly is too different from the monster of the forest, I had never seen him eating meat, and there was his heart, that shouldn’t be inside of the monster.

When I learned that Muriel-sama was Melba, I couldn't keep calm in that situation, but when I think about it again, strange things came out.

That? Perhaps a monster was a lie, Muriel-sama was actually a human being … … and I thought of that possibility, [that guy! It is cheating!] I become irritated.

But Forte says that I am a fool to believe it, even a young child would not be fooled.

If there is magical power, I thought that it's not strange for monsters to exist, but no one in this world understands it.

What is the draw, if there is magical power anything could be!

Stupid! I wanted to get bad by being irritated, but now it's not time to feel angry about being deceived.

How can I help Muriel-sama?

Nothing but this should occupy my mind tight now.

I know a lot about the difficulties. I’d like to help Muriel-sama, but I don't have any power to do so.

Rather, the more I think about it, the more I get stuck.

But I have to do something.

There was a lot of deviations in the story until now, and I know that it has come to a place where I can no longer correct it’s trajectory.

But the death of the main cast is too irregular.

Muriel-sama supports Laurel-chan even after her becoming a Queen, he helps Jungun to prosper, leaving his name for the future generations.

Murielsama’s accomplishment, to artificially create magical power, would change the history of this continent.

It will bring various changes in various ways, even transcending common sense.

If Muriel-sama was gone, the influence on Jungun, or the whole continent, would be immeasurable.

The story goes mad.

That is a terrible thing.

But the fear I feel was not about those things.

I am more afraid to lose Melba than about the death of the main cast Muriel-sama.

Muriel-sama who was supposed to leave his name in the history of Jungun.

Melba who helped me whenever I was in trouble, although he was always eating.

They are the same person, now losing any memory and fate because of King Rugnand.

I wonder why the story s.h.i.+fted so much, from where it went wrong?

I should not think about it now, was it mistake that we met that day? And I couldn't throw him away.

There are many children who have no relatives in this world.

They have neither learning nor living skills, and eventually will dedicate themselves to crime.

It was taken for granted that they should be dirty and to look down on them.

If I had no memories of my previous life.

I wouldn’t have had that idea as a child of an ordinary aristocrat, and never said to him who was rolling at the gate, that day at my fifth birthday.

He was supposed to have ended as an unpleasant existence, even if I see him.

If I was an ordinary supporting character, I would have never met Muriel-sama.

I don't know in what kind of circ.u.mstances Muriel-sama was born and raised.

I just realized that I met Muriel-sama on that day, making the distortion to the story.

Originally, Muriel-sama’s weak point was only Laurel-chan.

Because Muriel-sama was not able to toss me away, as we spent many years together.

My presence, our encounter of that day, it was irregularity.

I wish I had not met him. That way, Muriel-sama would not die.

He, who wanted to protect me, I should not exist.

“Tiara, are you okay?”

“… … Yeah …”

Forte looked worriedly at me, while I slipped down and shed tears.

Wiping the tears, and trying to switch the feelings.

I don’t have time to cry.

In any case, I have to concentrate on rescuing Muriel.

While trying to calm my mind with breathing, desperately organizing information.

[Calm down, let’s think. What on earth should I do?]

How can I rescue Muriel-sama from such a desperate situation?

Rugnand palace is a magical non-interference area, and all magical powers are invalidated.

I had magical powers all my life, but in castle it will be disabled.

Ricardo-sama’s words pa.s.sed in my mind and there was a flash when I groaned desperately ….

“…… That ‘s right ! Robe!”

“What is it?”

Suddenly I cried and stood up, Forte rounded her eyes.

I caught a hold of Forte's hands, and was excited.

“Robe! That gray robe was a valid magic tool even in the magical ineffective area!”

That night in the extracurricular cla.s.s, the guards who came in, they didn’t notice me and Melba in the bed.

It had been in my mind for a long time, but finally it's solved.

That robe was a magic tool that can block the appearance anywhere.

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I am the Newly Born Woman of Around Thirty Volume 5 Chapter 13 summary

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