I am the Newly Born Woman of Around Thirty Volume 5 Chapter 16

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Current time is midnight.

Since there was almost no time until dawn, we moved on to immediate execution of the plan.

Laurel remained with Jungun army, Royal palace explosion was delayed due to seductive techniques on Ricardo-sama.

Ricardo is madly in love with Laurel who rarely behaves like a spoiled child and became mellow to it.

We go through the transition magic to the vicinity of King Rugnand, and break through the Jungun Army with the help of Levin-sama.

Riding on a small boat prepared by Levin-sama, we head to the main tower, that is standing on the water.

On the boat without lights, in darkness that one can't see even centimeter ahead.

Even in such a dark darkness Levin-sama seems to have a good field of vision, he steer a small boat without hesitation.

The fish splashes with the bouncing sound, the splas.h.i.+ng sound and the creeping sound made by the s.h.i.+p echoes around.

Surrounding myself to a comfortable vibration,

“Tiara ……”

Forte called out with a quiet voice.

I can see only the shadow in the darkness, but I turn my face towards Forte's voice.

Forte seemed to be watching me.

“I haven't got the answer yet.”

[Do you like Muriel-sama?] That is what Forte asked.

With the appearance of Laurel-chan I couldn't reply then.

To be honest, I am not sure. I had never thought about this so far, and I still don't think straight because of the panic.

However, I never imagined the future where Melba was not near.

I thought it was natural for him to be by my side. Always, for the rest of my life.

His death. If I can avoid it, no matter how dangerous it will be, I will make a bet.

There was no fear of sneaking into the enemy’s castle. I am more afraid of his death than mine.

Melba is even more precious existence to me than I thought.

That's why, for sure I,

“I think, I like Muriel-sama.”

I like Melba.

When I responded to Forte, the s.h.i.+p swayed greatly and I almost fell into the water.

[Ah Dangerous!] I grabbed the s.h.i.+p’s edge and stabilized my position.

[What are you doing!]  Forte did something strange yelling hysterically in a loud voice.

Although boat advanced steadily before, what was the matter with Levin-sama? Since then boat swayed like dizzy insect from time to time.

[Wh, what is it, Levin-sama!?] 

While gripping on to the boat that swayed, we reach the main tower.

Near the main tower Rugnand soldiers stood, but Levin-sama knocked down all the soldiers earlier than they could try to inform of our invasion.

Levin’s fighting way usually vain and vivid, but today he was like a drunken man.

To Forte whispering [be careful] I raised my hand responding that something happened with Levin-sama, and as if his soul was ascending. I wrapped around the robe and stepped foot into the main tower in the water.

In silent midnight the scene of the main tower was creepy.

I was scared of portraits and broken mirrors of King Rugnand.

I felt even more scared due to insecurity while pa.s.sing by Rugnand soldiers, but no one paid attention to me. As expected of the magical tool made by Muriel-sama.

Walking inside of the main tower with the help of robe.

I couldn't think about where Muriel-sama is, so I only have to search in every part, but the main tower is big enough to become exhausted.

While I was out of breath, I tried to peek in the next room, a crooked familiar voice sounded from nearby.

That unpleasant to the ear voice of King Rugnand.

I hesitantly headed for the room voice was coming from.

Fortunately, the door of the room was open.

I gripped the robe tightly, and timidly thrust into the room, with only my head.

In the room King Rugnand was shouting, his aide desperately appealing something while kneeling, and Muriel-sama sitting beside the big window without a concern, gazing outside.

I found Muriel-sama’s presence, and felt relieved without knowing it.

Well, how should I take him?

Even standing outside of the room, should I lure the king of Rugnand and his aides … however the conversation between King and the aides concerned me.

They were talking about the effect of secret medicine that Muriel-sama had drunk.

Rugnand ask his why Muriel Rosway can't produce magical tools as usual, and reply is that the effect of secret medicine has not been clarified yet, for those who had drank it in the past there can be sometimes a trigger, making them remember a few things, thing that engraved strongly will come back in relatively short period of time, the question is, if secret medicine has effect of hindering the memories and retrieving them. However the reaction doesn't have an equal effect on anyone, there are cases of fragmentary memory retrieve, and those who had lost all of it, from the beginning they advised that Muriel Rosway will forget how to create magic tools, if the memory will start to return there were reports about risk of headaches and other side-effects. The aide explained nervously sweating hard.

When I finished listening to the story, I thought what a terrifying drug it is….

You made him drink that thing! I uneasily observed Muriel-sama, he didn't show any interest, and turned his eyes towards the darkest window.

King Rugnand directed his attack to Muriel-sama, [You still can't make magical tools?] Muriel-sama was completely ignoring him, and was idly watching the outside of the window.

King Rugnand grabbed his chin roughly and forced his face towards him.

“I didn't use a secret medicine for you to become this sh.e.l.l.”

He muttered regrettably.

As if his neck was hurting, Muriel-sama had frowned a little.

It only felt like a slightly painful expression, but with s.e.x appeal that I could not describe.

King Rugnand after seeing him swallowed in a trance.

“…… I thought about fully enjoying your body after I destroyed that annoying Jungun, but I am not patient enough.”

He changed his irritated face to l.u.s.tful, and brushed gently on beautiful body of Muriel-sama.

Even though the one looking at him was trembling, and disgustingly touched him, even then Muriel-sama was unresponsive.

Rugnand looking at him snorted.

“Right now you are a mere sh.e.l.l. With this I will subject you to little bit pleasure today. Oh, that's right, I will use an aphrodisiac only few man can oppose."

Making lewd face he distorted Muriel-sama's clothes and left the room.

The aides are hurriedly chased after the King.

Come on, ero-jiji, what are you thinking about when the country in trouble?

I was disgusted, to be full of s.e.xual desires in that age is gross.

Apparently, King Rugnand seems to be careless, as long as Muriel-sama is in his hands he thinks that he can't escape.

Although he is irritated by Muriel-sama who can't produce a magic tool, he doesn't feel cornered, rather he found a reason to torment Muriel-sama.

Unpleasantly dusting off the place touched by the Rugnand King, Muriel slightly arranged his distorted clothes.

It seems that King went to get the aphrodisiac, so he will return soon.

I can't miss this opportunity! Alertly looking at Muriel-sama, but he again was staring outside the window with an empty eyes.

Muriel-sama’s eyes, which s.h.i.+mmer in the seven colors, seemed to be like the gemstones that were out of their life.

As I approach cold Muriel-sama, swallowing stiff atmosphere, I take off the robe to show myself.


Muriel didn’t look surprised and turned only emotionless voice.

The feelings I felt from Muriel-sama were endless.

Even though figure is isolated, presence is still there, the moment he will raise his voice, it will be the end, but for the person suddenly appearing he didn't have any reaction aside from that question.

Despite being frightened by Muriel-sama, I can’t even feel him breathing, as if delicate bisque doll, I desperately explain the present situation.

However even removing the robes, my appearance didn't appear in the eyes of Muriel-sama and my words didn't seem to reach his ears. Everything pa.s.sed through.

I was prepared.

Laurel-chan and others didn't think that Muriel-sama stayed the same, powerful drug affected his brain and it could change even the personality.

So I was prepared to receive the shock when I met Muriel-sama.

Muriel-sama, who lost his memory, was completely out of it, and he looked like a sh.e.l.l with no heart.

I saw Muriel-sama and noticed.

That he is now the true Muriel.

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I am the Newly Born Woman of Around Thirty Volume 5 Chapter 16 summary

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