The Ring Of Earth Part 12

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'When you're able to steal the pillow from beneath my sleeping head, then you'll have truly mastered uki-as.h.i.+ uki-as.h.i.+. And only then will you have the necessary skill to cross a Nightingale Floor.'

Giving the boy an affectionate pat on the head, Soke settled himself in front of the hearth and started the fire for dinner.

Hanzo glanced up at Jack, frustration etched across his face.

'It's impossible,' complained Hanzo under his breath. 'I've tried, but he always always wakes up!' wakes up!'



'How's the shakuhachi shakuhachi playing coming along?' enquired Soke. playing coming along?' enquired Soke.

Jack looked up from his breakfast of rice, miso soup, pickles and broiled fish. He'd virtually forgotten the taste of barley bread, b.u.t.ter and cheese that formed the staple ingredients of his breakfast back in England. In fact, his previous life was little more than a faded memory. Jack often wondered if he'd even recognize England when he eventually found his way home. More to the point, would his sister recognize him him?

'To be honest, I haven't practised much,' Jack admitted, feeling a little guilty. Another week had pa.s.sed and, although he'd found the flute a pleasant enough pastime, he considered his energies better spent on skills more relevant to being a ninja and helping him on his journey to Nagasaki. 'I've been concentrating on uki-as.h.i.+ uki-as.h.i.+ and the Secret Fists.' and the Secret Fists.'

'You really should practise everyday.'

'I've kept up my breath-control training,' Jack added quickly.

'The shakuhachi shakuhachi is more than meditation and breathing exercises.' is more than meditation and breathing exercises.'

Soke picked up his flute and began to play. His soulful melody lulled Jack, who leant against the wall to respectfully listen. Partway through the tune, Soke raised the bamboo flute and pointed it in Jack's direction.

All of a sudden, there was a sharp phut phut.

A black dart shot out from the end of the flute and pierced the wooden pillar beside Jack's head. Jack was too startled to say anything. Hanzo, his mouth full of rice, spluttered with laughter.

Soke lowered his flute. 'As I was saying, you really really should keep up your practice.' should keep up your practice.'

'It's a weapon weapon?' exclaimed Jack, regaining his composure.

Soke nodded. 'A blowpipe in disguise.'

Putting down the flute, Soke stood and retrieved his walking stick. 'If a ninja is going to travel freely, he has to carry weapons that don't arouse suspicion.' Soke tapped his cane. 'As innocent-looking as this is, my walking stick makes a very effective hanb hanb. I can use the staff to strike, restrain or even throw an enemy.'

He twisted the head of the bamboo stick.

'With a slight adaptation, it becomes even more lethal.' adaptation, it becomes even more lethal.'

Swinging the cane round his head, a short length of chain shot out and whipped through the air, its weighted end pa.s.sing a hair's breadth from Jack's nose. For a second time, Jack swallowed back his shock. This wasn't turning out to be the relaxed breakfast he'd expected.

Slipping the chain back inside his walking stick, Soke then pointed to the various farm tools that lay around the doma doma. 'For a ninja, anything can become a weapon. We've adapted the rice flail into the nunchaku nunchaku; the sickles we use for harvesting become deadly kama kama; the grappling hook is a kaginawa kaginawa for both climbing and hooking an enemy. In fact, the more common the item, the better.' for both climbing and hooking an enemy. In fact, the more common the item, the better.'

Soke picked up one of the has.h.i.+ has.h.i.+ he'd been using for breakfast. With a flick of his wrist, he threw the chopstick at Jack. It penetrated the wall like an arrow, the quivering shaft directly in line with Jack's eyeball. he'd been using for breakfast. With a flick of his wrist, he threw the chopstick at Jack. It penetrated the wall like an arrow, the quivering shaft directly in line with Jack's eyeball.

'With the right technique, a has.h.i.+ has.h.i.+ can become a very effective can become a very effective shuriken shuriken,' explained Soke.

Jack pulled out the chopstick and examined it in amazement. He'd never take a has.h.i.+ has.h.i.+ for granted again. for granted again.

'Come,' beckoned Soke. 'We'll find Tenzen. He's one of the best at shuriken-jutsu shuriken-jutsu.'

The three of them wandered over to the village square, where they found Tenzen with Kajiya in his forge. They bowed their greetings to one another and Soke invited Tenzen to introduce Jack to the Art of the Shuriken Shuriken.

'Shuriken are a simple, but versatile weapon,' explained Tenzen as Kajiya laid out a selection of throwing blades some were straight iron spikes; others were flat and star-shaped; some looked like needles; others like knives. are a simple, but versatile weapon,' explained Tenzen as Kajiya laid out a selection of throwing blades some were straight iron spikes; others were flat and star-shaped; some looked like needles; others like knives.

'As you can see, most are small enough to conceal in your hand. This gives us the element of surprise in a fight.'

Tenzen picked up an eight-pointed throwing star, a hole through its centre.

'Although they can kill,' he said gravely, 'we mainly use shuriken shuriken to distract the enemy.' He pointed to various parts of Jack's body. 'Targets are the eyes, face, hands or feet. Basically any area not protected by a samurai's armour.' to distract the enemy.' He pointed to various parts of Jack's body. 'Targets are the eyes, face, hands or feet. Basically any area not protected by a samurai's armour.'

'Are these poisoned?' Jack asked, recalling Dragon Eye's devious tactics.

Tenzen shook his head. 'You can can poison the tips for a more lethal effect, but you have to be very, very careful when handling them yourself. I'd advise against it until you've become more skilled.' poison the tips for a more lethal effect, but you have to be very, very careful when handling them yourself. I'd advise against it until you've become more skilled.'

Jack gazed in dread fascination at the varied array of shuriken shuriken.

'What's that one used for?' he asked, pointing to a large shuriken shuriken with a spiralled cord attached. with a spiralled cord attached.

'It's a little invention of mine,' answered the bladesmith, grinning with pride. 'Inspired by the Ring of Fire. I've attached a fuse, so the shuriken shuriken can be lit and thrown to start a fire. Tenzen's been testing it out for me.' can be lit and thrown to start a fire. Tenzen's been testing it out for me.'

'I've heard it works rather well,' said Soke, giving Kajiya a congratulatory pat on the back. 'Tenzen, will you show Jack the three main techniques for throwing a shuriken shuriken?'

Bowing, Tenzen selected several of Kajiya's shuriken shuriken and took up position in the square. At one end were three fence posts driven into the ground. Even at this distance, Jack could see the wood was pockmarked and guessed they were regularly used for target practice. and took up position in the square. At one end were three fence posts driven into the ground. Even at this distance, Jack could see the wood was pockmarked and guessed they were regularly used for target practice.

By now, some of the villagers had gathered round to watch the display.

Choosing a straight spiked shuriken shuriken, Tenzen threw it overarm at the target. It struck the first post with a resounding thunk thunk. Then he selected a flat-bladed shuriken shuriken, flinging this one underhand. The weapon pierced the second post, sending a splinter of wood flying. Finally, he flicked a star-shaped shuriken shuriken sideways from waist level. The silver star flashed through the air to penetrate the third post. Each attack was effortlessly executed and devastatingly accurate. sideways from waist level. The silver star flashed through the air to penetrate the third post. Each attack was effortlessly executed and devastatingly accurate.

'Now ikki goken ikki goken,' instructed Soke.

Hanzo nudged Jack excitedly, whispering, 'The "five blades in one breath" technique! Tenzen's the only one who can do it.'

Fanning out four throwing stars in his left hand, Tenzen weighed-up the first shuriken shuriken in his right hand and took aim. in his right hand and took aim.

In the blink of an eye, Tenzen launched the first shuriken shuriken. His arm moved in a blur as he threw the other four in quick succession. The attack was so fast that before the first star had even hit the middle post, the other four were all airborne. They struck the wood one after the other like a pepper of gunfire.

There was a round of applause from everyone and Tenzen gave a humble bow. He turned to Jack and handed him a four-pointed star.

'You have a go.'

Jack reluctantly accepted it. The shuriken shuriken was lighter than he'd expected and the edges viciously sharp. He felt very uneasy holding the trademark weapon of the ninja, having witnessed first hand the damage they could inflict. His father had been wounded by one, the cook at Akiko's house had been killed with one and Yamato's brother had been poisoned by one. And now was lighter than he'd expected and the edges viciously sharp. He felt very uneasy holding the trademark weapon of the ninja, having witnessed first hand the damage they could inflict. His father had been wounded by one, the cook at Akiko's house had been killed with one and Yamato's brother had been poisoned by one. And now he he was about to learn how to use this weapon himself. was about to learn how to use this weapon himself.

Tenzen mistook Jack's uncertainty for a lack of confidence.

'Hold it between your thumb and forefinger. Not so tight,' he advised, adjusting Jack's finger positioning. 'Grasp it lightly as if holding a swallow's egg. You need to allow the shuriken shuriken to slide from the fingers.' to slide from the fingers.'

Jack did as he was told and lined himself up with the first post.

'Now throw it sideways, flat, as if you're skimming a stone. At the moment of release, tense your fingers and wrist so you get a straight accurate pitch.'

Jack brought back his arm, winding up to throw. As he straightened his arm, with a flick of his wrist he let the metal star go.

The shuriken shuriken shot through the air and struck the target dead-centre. shot through the air and struck the target dead-centre.

Tenzen and Hanzo stared in amazement at Jack, while Soke's eyebrows shot up with surprise. Jack couldn't believe it himself.

'Beginner's luck,' he said by way of an explanation.

Tenzen wordlessly pa.s.sed Jack a second star.

Jack went through the motions again. But the pressure was on this time and he released the shuriken shuriken too late and with too much force. The star veered wildly off target, shooting between the posts, towards the village well. too late and with too much force. The star veered wildly off target, shooting between the posts, towards the village well.

A dark-haired girl let out a surprised yelp as the shuriken shuriken shattered the clay water pot she was filling. Soaked to the skin and looking around furiously for the source of the attack, Miyuki spotted Jack. shattered the clay water pot she was filling. Soaked to the skin and looking around furiously for the source of the attack, Miyuki spotted Jack.

She gave him a deadly stare.

Tenzen, trying to stifle a laugh behind his hand, whispered, 'I think think you need more practice.' you need more practice.'



'Please be seated,' said Shonin, indicating for Jack to take his place between Soke and Hanzo.

Jack had been invited with his hosts for dinner at the farmhouse. Miyuki, Tenzen and a grumpy Momochi sat cross-legged opposite. Shonin was at the head of the table.

Two young girls bearing trays entered the room and began to set out dishes. Although the food wasn't as varied and fancy as the samurai banquets Jack had experienced in Kyoto, it nonetheless looked extremely tasty, with miso soup, purple eggplant, pickles, omelette and grilled fish, as well as several bowls of steaming rice.

'Tell me, how are you finding life as a ninja?' asked Shonin as they ate.

Jack thought for a moment. 'Challenging!' he replied.

But Jack didn't mean this solely in terms of the intense diversity of his ninjutsu ninjutsu training. Or how it conflicted with what he'd learnt as a samurai warrior. He was struggling with his opinion of the ninja themselves. He'd been in their company a month now and, like the skin of the training. Or how it conflicted with what he'd learnt as a samurai warrior. He was struggling with his opinion of the ninja themselves. He'd been in their company a month now and, like the skin of the mikan mikan, his views regarding the ninja had slowly been peeled back to reveal a different truth.

They were no longer the faceless he'd fought against. They were farmers, villagers, children and even training partners. Poles apart as they were from the samurai, this didn't mean the were without virtue or principles. The spirit of were without virtue or principles. The spirit of ninniku ninniku was apparent in every aspect of their lives. Bounded by compa.s.sion and guided by the Five Rings, they possessed a philosophy and way of life equal to that of the samurai's was apparent in every aspect of their lives. Bounded by compa.s.sion and guided by the Five Rings, they possessed a philosophy and way of life equal to that of the samurai's bus.h.i.+do bus.h.i.+do.

And, dare he admit it, Jack enjoyed enjoyed training as a ninja. Their arts, dark and mysterious as they were, made a great deal of sense to him especially considering the long and dangerous journey ahead. Yet he'd sworn since his father's death that the ninja would training as a ninja. Their arts, dark and mysterious as they were, made a great deal of sense to him especially considering the long and dangerous journey ahead. Yet he'd sworn since his father's death that the ninja would always always be his enemy. be his enemy. But were they? But were they?

His experiences were leading him to question this belief. The ninja were s.h.i.+elding him from the samurai and, in the main, had treated him with kindness and respect. He even considered a few, like Soke, Hanzo and Tenzen, were becoming his friends and mentors. But the ninja had been his foe for so long that, despite everything, it was hard to let go of his old convictions. Too much water had pa.s.sed under the bridge to suddenly start trusting them now. He still was no closer to understanding their true intentions or their reason for helping him. So, like Momochi, he remained suspicious and on his guard.

His life as a ninja was indeed challenging ... challenging challenging everything he stood for and had come to believe. everything he stood for and had come to believe.

Shonin nodded sagely, as if reading the conflict in Jack's mind.

'How would you a.s.sess his progress, Soke?'

'Jack's taken to ninjutsu ninjutsu like a duck to water you should see his like a duck to water you should see his aruki aruki in the paddy fields,' he replied, giving Jack a good-natured smile. 'Though he's a touch hit-and-miss with his in the paddy fields,' he replied, giving Jack a good-natured smile. 'Though he's a touch hit-and-miss with his shuriken-jutsu shuriken-jutsu.'

Jack glanced guiltily in Miyuki's direction and caught her scowling at him. She still hadn't forgiven him for breaking her pot and soaking her.

'But he's learning fast, Father,' said Tenzen.

'Good. I'm sure he will under your guidance,' replied Shonin, beaming proudly at his son. 'And, Miyuki, I understand you've been teaching Jack the Sixteen Secret Fists. Does he know them all all?'

'Yes,' she replied, tight-lipped.

I should do, thought Jack. She's demonstrated them on me enough She's demonstrated them on me enough.

'Now, Jack, you've no doubt wondered why I agreed to Soke's request to teach you a samurai the art of the ninja,' said Shonin.

'That has crossed my mind.'

'Well, I'm counting on an exchange of skills. I hear you've introduced Hanzo to the basics of samurai swordsmans.h.i.+p. But I'm intrigued to know more about the Two Heavens. I've heard it's invincible. What can you tell me?'

Jack hesitated. Masamoto only only divulged his secret of the Two Heavens to those few divulged his secret of the Two Heavens to those few Niten Ichi Ry Niten Ichi Ry students he deemed worthy enough in mind, body and spirit. Even if he could have requested Masamoto's permission to reveal such knowledge, he already knew the answer: students he deemed worthy enough in mind, body and spirit. Even if he could have requested Masamoto's permission to reveal such knowledge, he already knew the answer: Never reveal your secrets to the enemy Never reveal your secrets to the enemy. Yet the ninja had openly shared many of their own secret techniques with him. It was surely unreasonable to refuse and disrespectful.

Caught in a dilemma, Jack wished he had Sensei Yamada around to advise him. Then he recalled an allegory the old Zen master had given Yori a few days before Jack left Toba: The cat taught the tiger how to fight. The tiger became very strong. One day the tiger turned on the cat and the cat ran up a tree. That is the one secret the cat never taught the tiger The cat taught the tiger how to fight. The tiger became very strong. One day the tiger turned on the cat and the cat ran up a tree. That is the one secret the cat never taught the tiger.

Jack was in danger of teaching a tiger. But as long as he kept to basic principles and didn't reveal the inner secrets, surely he could tell Shonin about the Two Heavens.

'You do know it?' said Shonin, his tone firm and expectant.

'Of course,' replied Jack, smiling. 'The Two Heavens is a double sword method. The moves are designed to allow attack and defence simultaneously. Masamoto-sama believed that if your life is on the line, you need all your weapons to be of service.'

'A wise man. Go on.'

'While the two swords are the core to this technique, the essence of the Two Heavens is the spirit of winning to obtain victory by any means and with any weapon.'

Shonin nodded appreciatively. 'Much the same principle as in ninjutsu ninjutsu. I'd very much like to speak with this samurai even if he is our enemy.'

'I'm afraid that won't be possible. Masamoto-sama's been banished by the Shogun,' said Jack.

'That is most unfortunate,' replied Shonin. Then a smile curled the edge of his lips. 'Perhaps you you can give me a demonstration of the Two Heavens?' can give me a demonstration of the Two Heavens?'

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The Ring Of Earth Part 12 summary

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