The Ring Of Earth Part 13

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Jack had only envisaged giving a verbal explanation of the principles not to demonstrate it. Though uneasy at the idea, Jack felt he had little choice but to agree. After all, what real harm could it do? The technique took years, if not a lifetime, to master. A single demonstration couldn't teach the tiger how to climb.

'I'd be honoured,' said Jack, inclining his head.

'Excellent. Soke will arrange a time and place. Now, I have some welcome news. The samurai patrols have been called off. At least in these mountains.'

Jack could immediately feel the invisible noose round his neck loosening. Finally, he could continue on his way to Nagasaki.

'I do realize you'll want to continue your journey,' Shonin acknowledged. 'However, I'd advise extreme caution as all checkpoints and samurai outposts have been ordered to capture you, dead or alive. You may, therefore, wish to complete your training with Soke before leaving. Now, is there anything else we can do for you?'

'Make me invisible!' said Jack, thinking of the countless patrols and post stations he'd have to negotiate.

'That can be arranged.'

Jack laughed. But his laughter petered out when he saw the Shonin's deadly serious face.

'All ninja learn the art of invisibility,' stated Shonin, matter-of-factly.

'But that's impossible.'

'I ask you, how many people are here now?'

Jack looked round the table. 'Seven.'

Shonin shook his head. 'You forgot Yoko.' He pointed to the serving girl who'd been standing still and silent in the corner. 'Being invisible isn't about not being seen seen. It's about not being noticed noticed.'

'That could be a little more difficult for me,' said Jack, indicating his blue eyes and blond hair.

Shonin dismissed this obstacle with a wave of the hand. 'Soke, please explain.'

The Grandmaster turned to Jack. 'Invisibility is often a question of patience and agility. By combining concealment techniques with stealth-walking, a ninja essentially becomes invisible.'

'But I can't hide all all the way to Nagasaki,' said Jack. the way to Nagasaki,' said Jack.

'True. So sometimes the best place to conceal yourself is right under the samurai's nose,' he said, pointing to Jack's.

'What do you mean?'

'A ninja must be a master of disguise and impersonation. s.h.i.+chi H De s.h.i.+chi H De is the "seven ways of going" ' is the "seven ways of going" '

'Shonin, with all due respect,' interrupted Momochi, 'do you really really think it's right to be revealing such a deep secret?' think it's right to be revealing such a deep secret?'

'This one's essential to his survival,' insisted Soke.

'Jack's agreed to show us the Two Heavens. It's a fair exchange,' p.r.o.nounced Shonin.

Momochi bowed his head in reluctant acceptance.

'As I was saying, s.h.i.+chi H De s.h.i.+chi H De is the "seven ways of going". A ninja may appear as a samurai, a farmer, a is the "seven ways of going". A ninja may appear as a samurai, a farmer, a sarugaku sarugaku dancer, a dancer, a yamabus.h.i.+ yamabus.h.i.+ priest, a priest, a Komus Komus, a merchant or a strolling player. Disguised as such, a ninja can travel freely and without detection. By impersonating an official, we can even gain access to forbidden areas.'

'But I'm not j.a.panese and never can be.'

'You've been practising your shakuhachi shakuhachi?'

Jack nodded.

'Good. This will help make you invisible. The only people officially allowed to play that instrument are the Komus Komus. These Monks of Emptiness also have permission to travel freely through j.a.pan.'

'I still don't understand,' said Jack. He'd been impressed that the instrument was a weapon, but it was no magic flute.

'Yoko!' beckoned Shonin. 'Bring in my Komus Komus garments.' garments.'

The girl slid open a shoji shoji and returned a few moments later with some blue priest's robes in a large round wicker basket. and returned a few moments later with some blue priest's robes in a large round wicker basket.

'Please show Jack how the Komus Komus dress.' dress.'

Slipping on the robes, together with a white obi obi and a golden shoulder shawl, Yoko then put the basket right over her head. and a golden shoulder shawl, Yoko then put the basket right over her head.

'They wear the basket basket!' exclaimed Jack, laughing out loud with amazement.

'It's a symbol of their detachment from the world. And it's the perfect perfect disguise for you.' disguise for you.'



'The Five Rings teach us how to use nature to our advantage,' explained Soke, who sat surrounded by his students upon the bank of the village pond. 'Earth can be used for concealment. Wind for covering our tracks. Fire for destruction ...'

Jack screwed up his eyes, suddenly forced to look away by a blinding flash of light.

'... or distraction.'

Concealed in Soke's hand was a polished silver shuriken shuriken angled to reflect the bright summer sun. angled to reflect the bright summer sun.

'But, of all the elements, a ninja should choose water to be his closest ally,' the Grandmaster revealed. 'Nothing is softer and more yielding than water, yet not even the strongest may resist it. Water can flow quietly or strike like thunder. It can be a weapon, a defence, offer camouflage or provide transport. For example, we've all heard of the Koga ninja using wooden water spiders on their feet to cross moats. I prefer a boat, of course far drier but this method has struck terror into the hearts of the samurai, who now believe ninja can walk on water!'

There was some suppressed laughter at this. Jack, however, didn't join in. He'd been fooled by this very tactic during the a.s.sault on Osaka Castle. He was somewhat relieved to discover the truth behind this supernatural ability.

'Now tell me, what ways can we turn water into a weapon?'

Tenzen raised his hand. 'You could block and divert a river to cause a flood or wash away bridges.'

Soke nodded. 'Excellent. Such a tactic avoids direct engagement with the enemy. However, it requires careful planning and the terrain may limit you. Other options?'

'You can poison a castle's water source,' Miyuki suggested.

'Ah ... yes, very effective. But this may kill innocent people too.'

'Then just the drinking cup of your enemy.'

'Better,' Soke acknowledged.

Jack made a mental note never never to accept a drink from Miyuki. to accept a drink from Miyuki.

'So how about camouflage?' asked the Grandmaster.

Hanzo thrust up his arm. 'You can hide in barrels, urns, wells, ponds, rivers '

'Yes, yes, thank you, Hanzo, we get the idea,' cut in the Grandmaster, gently waving the boy's enthusiasm down. 'Your breathing training will enable you to conceal yourself for short periods of time. But occasionally you'll need to stay submerged for longer.'

Getting to his feet, Soke approached a clump of reeds and plucked a long thin stalk from the waters.

'A hollow reed like this will allow you to breathe underwater. It also has the benefit of blending in with its environment, making it harder for the enemy to detect you. But what if there isn't one to hand?'

'You can use your saya saya,' said s.h.i.+ro, who sat beside Miyuki, picking distractedly at the gra.s.s.

Tenzen, noting Jack's puzzled frown, picked up his ninjat ninjat and showed Jack the end of the scabbard where Jack's samurai and showed Jack the end of the scabbard where Jack's samurai saya saya was rounded and solid, the ninja's had a small breathing hole in it. was rounded and solid, the ninja's had a small breathing hole in it.

Soke continued. 'Finally, water can be used as a defence. You can draw your enemy into a river and force them to fight in the water. A samurai's armour will weigh them down, giving you the advantage. To improve your water-fighting skills, you'll practise your taijutsu taijutsu and weapon work later in the pond.' and weapon work later in the pond.'

Jack hoped he wasn't partnered with Miyuki again. She was more than likely to drown him 'accidentally', of course.

'Water can also act as a s.h.i.+eld. Tenzen, I require you for this demonstration.'

As Tenzen stripped down to his loincloth, Soke went over to the hanging tree where a bow and quiver of arrows rested against the trunk.

'You may be under fire when making an escape, so it's vital you learn how to avoid the arrows and gunshot of the enemy.'

To Jack's utter amazement, the Grandmaster picked up the bow, nocked an arrow and took aim at his student.

Diving into the pond, Tenzen swam hard beneath the surface. Soke fired at him, the arrow lancing through the water. It appeared to strike Tenzen, but he kept going. As Soke launched another two arrows, Tenzen swam on, emerging unharmed on the opposite bank.

'Your turn, Jack,' shouted Tenzen.

'Me?' replied Jack, alarmed at the idea. Tenzen may have made it unscathed, but he he knew what he was doing. knew what he was doing.

'Go on,' urged Hanzo. 'Tengu can't die!' can't die!'

Jack gave Hanzo a doubting look.

'The samurai's too scared,' Miyuki taunted.

Jack realized that if he wasn't to lose face, he had no real choice. Stripping off, he approached the bank.

'Bet the water's cold as ever,' mumbled s.h.i.+ro as Jack prepared to dive in.

The Grandmaster already had an arrow nocked.

'Remember to swim deep,' advised Soke, pulling back on the drawstring and taking aim.

The old man really really meant to shoot him. meant to shoot him.

Jack, taking three deep controlled breaths, dived into the icy waters of the pond. The chill shocked him initially, but he soon began to pump his legs when he caught a glimpse of an arrow shooting past his head. He had to go deeper.

As he swam, he felt an arrow strike his back. Luckily, he was deep enough for the initial momentum of the weapon to have been lost. Even though it didn't pierce his skin, it was a painful reminder of how dangerous the training exercise was.

Not willing to risk surfacing, he kept swimming. But the exertion was putting considerable strain on his lungs. He desperately needed to take a breath. Suppressing the instinct as he'd been taught, he forced himself onwards.

Another arrow glanced off his leg, much softer this time. The dark shadow of the bank drew nearer and Jack exploded to the surface, gulping in a lungful of air. Clambering out, he collapsed on the ground, breathless and horrified by the experience.

'Well done,' said Tenzen, patting him on the back.

'Soke is crazy!' gasped Jack.

Tenzen nodded. 'Usually he blunts the arrow tips.' he blunts the arrow tips.'

The two of them waited together on the far bank while the other students made the perilous crossing. As Jack lay there drying in the sun, he noticed there were no farmers in the fields.

'When do you do do any farming?' he asked. any farming?' he asked.

Tenzen smiled.

'Summer's the best season to be a rice farmer,' he explained. 'Having planted the seedlings in spring, nature takes over. Aside from a bit of weeding and irrigation, we can sit and watch the rice grow. That is when we're not training as ninja. But come end of summer, we'll be working dawn to dusk, harvesting the crop.'

'And that's no fun!' moaned s.h.i.+ro, flopping down next to them, breathless from his swim. 'Won't be long now until we're thres.h.i.+ng the rice till our arms drop off.'

Jack was suddenly aware how quickly time had slipped by. If he didn't move on soon, summer would be over and he'd be travelling through the autumn. The days would be shorter, the nights colder and the journey longer. It was time to go.

Hanzo surfaced and swam over in his direction, a broad grin on his face.

'Told you tengu tengu can't die!' can't die!'

Jack realized it would be sad to say goodbye to Hanzo. Despite the boy's irritating refusal to call him by his name, Hanzo's enthusiasm was infectious. His easygoing nature and openness were refres.h.i.+ng and in contrast to the typically reserved temperament of most j.a.panese. Over the course of their sword lessons together, the boy had proved a quick learner and dedicated student. As a result, Jack had grown fond of the lad.

Hanzo pulled himself out and sat upon the edge of the pond, his feet dangling in the water, as he watched Miyuki prepare to cross.

'Hanzo ...' began Jack, then he tailed off, his mouth dropping open in astonishment.

Jack couldn't believe he hadn't noticed it before. But this was the first time they'd been swimming together.

'What is it?' asked Hanzo.

'Erm ... nothing.'

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The Ring Of Earth Part 13 summary

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