Rockin' Country: The Price Of Love Part 7

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aDo what?a he asked, the hungry look absorbing every part of her body.

aThis. In public.a aDo you see anyone else around?a he asked as he advanced on her. He felt like a hunter stalking his prey. In a few strides, he was close enough so that his body almost touched hers, but not quite. One hand slapped against the paneling next to her head, the other hung loosely at his side. aAm I making you nervous?a He heard her sharp intake of breath.

aNo,a Hannah answered as she nodded her head yes. She had no choice but to widen her stance as he got himself all up in her business.

aI think I am, but I think you like it.a He leaned in, whispering in her ear.

He was precisely right, but she wasnat ever sure that she would be able to voice those feelings out loud. It would always be a struggle. She grasped his waist as his lips brushed against the side of her neck. How long was this elevator ride?

aShould we find out?a She wanted to ask him afind out what?a Her mind was going every which way, and she couldnat concentrate on what they were talking about. The only thing Hannah knew was that she wanted him to take care of the ache that raged inside of her. She wanted that closeness with him and the relief and comfort that only he could give her. Her question was answered when his other hand came around the front of her skirt, pus.h.i.+ng it up so that he could get to her.

aWhat will I find here?a he whispered in her ear, his teeth pulling on the lobe of her ear.

It was hard to stay standing when her knees were weak and all she wanted to do was lie down on this floor and have him go at her. It was in bad taste, she knew, but she would do almost anything he asked her to do without a second thought. She trusted him that much. aExcitement,a she breathed, biting her bottom lip to keep it from trembling.

Pulling aside the fabric that kept them apart, he groaned loudly. aFeels like much more than excitement to me.a He moved his head so that their lips could meet, but before he could do the things he wanted to, the elevator dinged. aIs this our floor?a Hannah blinked hard, yanking the skirt down so that she was covered, and pushed her hair back from her face. aUmm,a she looked at the card in her hand and then the digital display that showed the floor number. aYes, this is it, weare at the end of the hall,a she told him.

aLead the way, babe.a She had come back to herself some before she stepped out of the elevator and onto the carpeted floor of the hotel hallway. She glanced behind her as they exited the elevator; she still wore the heels that shead worn on stage. As she walked down the hallway, she couldnat help but add an extra sway to her hips.

aKillina me,a Garrett told her as he walked behind her.

She chanced another glance back at him and saw that he had slowed, truly admiring what he saw in front of him. It was moments like this that made her so thankful. She knew that she would never have to worry or wonder if this man wanted her. Every time he looked at her, she could tell. It was there in his eyes, in the set of his lips, in the look of adoration on his face. She was truly blessed with the best husband ever, and she was almost positive that Sh.e.l.l was right. They fought just to make up. Making her way to the room shead rented for this night and the next day, she swiped the card in front of it, breathing a sigh of relief when it flashed green at her. Within seconds, Garrett was behind her, pus.h.i.+ng her inside.

af.u.c.king never thought wead get here.a He slammed the door behind them.

No mention was even made of the f-word as he picked her up against him, wrapping her legs around his waist.

aWait, I didnat get a chance to take a shower after the show, I had to come straight here. Thatas why Iam painted up like a two-dollar hooker,a she grinned.

He threw his head back, laughing at her choice of words. aI never took you for a two-dollar hooker, babe. Maybe a ten-dollar one, but never a two-dollar.a He winked. He still held her against him and took stock of where he was.

aThe bedroom is in there, the bathroom should be over there.a She pointed to a closed door on the left.

With long strides, he walked them over that way and burst through the closed door.

aYou can put me down,a she laughed.

aNo, I canat. I donat wanna let you go,a he told her as he let go with one hand, searching for the light switch. When he found it, he flipped it on, taking in the shower that stared back at them. It was gla.s.s and there was a bench seat. af.u.c.k yeah,a he breathed.

He reached in and turned the water on and then set his down on the counter.

aArenat we going to get undressed?a she asked when he opened the door.

aWe can do that just as easily in here.a He carried her into the shower and finally set her down.

aThese are really expensive shoes, Garrett,a she breathed out as he pushed her back against the tile wall, his body enveloping hers.

aIall buy you more, just like Iall buy you another s.h.i.+rt and skirt,a he told her.

She didnat have to ask what he meant when his hands went to her s.h.i.+rt and ripped it down the middle, same with her skirt. She stood there in front of him, the water from the shower running down her body, her clothes hanging in pieces beside her.

aI wish you could see how you look right now.a He ran a finger from her bottom lip down her chest; he hooked it into the cup of her bra, pulling it down. His eyes flashed to hers before they went back down to the skin he had exposed.

Hannah pressed her hands against the hard tile, afraid to touch him. If she touched him, she knew she would make a fool of herself and swoon at his feet. She couldnat let him know that he had that much power yet. Swallowing hard, her eyes followed the path of his finger as it circled the hard tip of her breast. She watched as he lowered himself in a standing push up to grasp the piece of flesh between his lips, using his teeth to toy with her. aGarrett,a she ground out, she was sliding, falling against the slickness of the shower.

aNope, you stay upright,a he told her, taking one hand off the tile and securing it to her hip. aIall help you, baby, if you canat do it yourself.a She circled her arms around his neck, leaning her head back against the cool tile. Her body was on fire and she wanted him to put out the flames, thatas all she wanted him to do. She didnat want him to toy with her anymore. Hannah closed her eyes against the sensations that were coursing through her. aI canat take it.a Her breathing was shallow.

aYou have to, Iam not done with you yet,a he told her, insinuating himself between her thighs.

aNo, I canat.a She pressed herself tightly against his body. When he didnat pay attention to what she was saying, she unhooked one hand from around his neck and trailed it down her body. This was the first time she had ever been this bold with him, but they were marrieda"she could be as bold as she wanted to. Thatas what he kept preaching to her, that there was no reason that either one of them should be embarra.s.sed about anything they wanted to do with the other person. Using her hand, she pushed the cotton of her underwear aside and used the tips of her fingers to give her the relief that he wasnat.

aHannah, thatas gonna make me lose it,a he warned her through gritted teeth, leaning his head against the tile. Even in the heels, he still towered over her.

aGood,a she moaned against his neck. The way they stood put her at the perfect height and she took advantage of it. She used her teeth and mouth to put what she hoped were visible marks there. After the pictures with the other woman, she wanted everyone to know that he was hers.

He reached down, wrenching his belt lose at the buckle and pus.h.i.+ng all his clothing down. Garrett grabbed her around the waist and lifted her so that her legs went around him, her ankles crossing and the heels of her shoes digging into his bare skin. aYou keep that hand right there.a He pushed against her, groaning when he felt the smooth skin of her palm stroke him while she stroked herself. He leaned forward, devouring her mouth with his, wanting her to know exactly how much he had been missing her, missing this, and how connected he felt to her when they showed their physical love to one another.

aG.o.d, Garrett.a She gripped his hair with her other hand, ripping his lips from hers so that she could take a breath.

aI know.a He withdrew and pushed back in, setting a punis.h.i.+ng rhythm for the two of them. It had never been like this for him with any other woman head ever had, and head had a lot. There was no reason to lie, but there was something about the woman in his arms, and it wasnat just the fact that she wore his ring, it was something physical that drew her to him. It made him want to be with her all the time, made him want to bring her pleasure before himself. It made him want to be the giving sort of man that he always imagined a husband would be. aYou feel so good,a he praised her. aHot and warm against me.a His lips met her chin, tilting it up so that he could feast on her neck.

The way he spoke lulled her into a dream world where all that mattered was the feel of him entering and exiting her body and the feel of her own hand on her core. Hannah couldnat even hear the shower anymore, could barely feel the beating down of the water on them. At some point the other cup of her bra had come loose. That was her undoing, the feel of her sensitive flesh rubbing against his.

Garrett crushed her against him, a sound she had never heard ripping from somewhere deep inside him. His hips flexed against hers until it started to hurt and she had to move her legs.

aI canat feel my thighs anymore,a she told him, breathing deeply, trying to get her panting under control.

aSorry, s.h.i.+t, sorry,a he told her, carefully unwrapping her legs, holding her up as she stood on the wet surface.

aCan you take the heels off?a she asked, pus.h.i.+ng her hair back from her face, running a hand up her neck, surprised at how responsive her skin still was.

He leaned down, taking the heels off and placing them on the bench before having a seat himself. His heart was beating out of his chest. aI think you gave me a G.o.dd.a.m.n heart attack,a he grinned over at her.

aMe?a she laughed. aThat was all you, buddy.a Reaching over, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him, sitting her on his lap. aI love the h.e.l.l out of you, donat forget that.a aI know.a She pushed his wet hair out of his eyes. It was getting much longer than normal. aI love you too.a

Chapter Twenty.

aWhat are we going to do today?a Hannah asked Garrett as they sat at the table in their hotel room, enjoying their breakfast.

aWe really need to do something besides spend the whole day here, in bed.a aYes, we do. Although Iam not sure what this place has to offer us.a aMe neither,a Garrett sighed, pulling his phone over to him. He fiddled around for a few minutes. aNot a d.a.m.n thing. This is the most boring town on the planet.a aWe could hang here, I do have some things I need to do,a she told him. aBut we canat spend all day in bed.a She smiled.

He smiled a slow smile back at her. aAre you sure?a aVery. We get used to that and then what are we going to do for the next few weeks?a She had a point, he had to give her that. aI have some writing for the next session we have to get done. How about I call Jared and see what he and Sh.e.l.l are up to.a aSounds good,a she nodded. aIave got a few things I can write on too. Even if weare only in the same hotel room, Iam fine with that. I just want to be around you until I have to leave.a aMe too.a He leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips.

She finished eating her breakfast and then went to the bathroom to freshen up. Lying on the bench were her beloved high heels. After she brushed her teeth and put her hair up in a ponytail, making sure that everything Garrett had done to her the night before was completely covered, she walked out, shoes in hand. aI think you owe me a new outfit.a He wore a s.h.i.+t-eating grin as he made his way over to where she stood. aSeems like youare right. Do I get to pick out the outfit, or do you?a aDonat really care about the outfit, babe,a she teased him, calling him what he normally called her. aI do care about the shoes, they better well be the same exact ones. Iam giving you these for reference. You donat want to see my southern crazy come out if they arenat the same.a He watched her, his eyes narrowed. aAre you trying to tell me theyave been discontinued and Iam gonna have to give my left nut to get a pair of them?a aYou are so crude sometimes. No they arenat discontinued, but they are very expensive. They were my treat to myself when my first song went number one. I didnat have the money to buy these, but I bought them anyway. They cost me a monthas rent, if that tells you anything.a aI happen to think that the time we had together was worth it. I donat know about youaa he trailed off.

aOh, I never said it wasnat worth it. My favorite thing in the world is when you lose control and you take me any way you want to. I love that.a She ran her hand down his arm, clasping their fingers together. aBut I loved these shoes too. Theyave seen me through some very hard times.a aI can show you some very hard times,a he mumbled, just loud enough for her to hear.

aIam serious, Garrett.a aOh, I am too, like a week ago.a He laughed when she slapped him in the chest. He captured her hand and brought it to his lips.

aStop trying to be sweet after being crude.a She wrinkled her nose.

aYou know you love it.a She opened her mouth to answer him but was interrupted by a knock on the door. Walking over, she opened it, seeing Jared and Sh.e.l.l on the other side. aHi.a She waved at them.

Sh.e.l.l thrust a frappe at her, a smile on her face. aFigured you might need this today.a aI love you,a Hannah laughed, closing her eyes and taking a drink from the cold beverage.

aI have to admit I had ulterior motives.a Hannah took a good look at her friend, and noticed that she wasnat as happy as she should have been after spending the night with her boyfriend.

aDonat be a Debbie Downer,a Garrett yelled from where he sat at the table.

aWhatas going on?a Hannah asked, her stomach clenching for some reason. It was too much that they be happy for longer than a few hours. That was the way this tour was going.

aHave you been on your phone or anything today?a Garrett groaned from where he sat. aNot something else. For f.u.c.king real, canat we all just be happy for one day?a aI honestly wouldnat say anything about this, but I know itas going to upset and p.i.s.s her off in a very big way.a Hannah closed her eyes. aCan you tell me? Maybe it will be better coming from you.a Jared reached over, putting his hand on Sh.e.l.las shoulder for support while she searched to find the words. aThe record company put out an alternate version of your new song. Itas a duet with Bryson Grant.a Silence greeted her announcement and that made Sh.e.l.l nervous. aPlease say something.a aWhat is there to say? How did they do this? Why did they do this? I didnat even record with him.a Hannah was beginning to panic, they could all see it in her face, could tell it in the way her breath was coming quickly, in short pants.

Garrett got up from where he sat. aBabe, calm down. Come on, letas sit down.a aWhy arenat you upset about this?a Her eyes cut to Garrett. aI wanted you on this song.a Tears pooled and her face broke.

as.h.i.+t.a Garrett pulled her into his arms. aItas okay, Iam not mad,a he told her, enveloping her in his arms.

aI am,a she sobbed. aHow dare they do this to me? I was very clear in what I would and would not do about this song. How could they do this? I wrote this song for you, thatas why I was so upset. How could he do this to me? I thought he was my friend.a aHan, they probably did to him what they did to you.a Sh.e.l.l had a seat next to her friend and put her hand on Hannahas arm. aIam willing to bet he recorded his own version, you recorded yours, and they put them together. Donat be so quick to throw Bryson under the bus.a Angry didnat even begin to cover how upset she was at this news. Glancing around the room, she saw what she had to work with and knew what she had to. aYou know what? Iall record my own version and upload it online then.a She sniffed, shrugging as if it wasnat a big deal.

aWhat do you mean?a Sh.e.l.l asked, not understanding.

aI have the person here that I wanted to sing the song with, we have a guitar player, and you would make a phenomenal camera woman. Why canat I do what I wanted to do in the first place?a They all looked at one another, realizing that Hannah was right. They had everything they needed to make a video to upload to YouTube or wherever else they wanted to upload it to.

aAlright.a Garrett shrugged. aLet me learn the words. Jared, you got your guitar?a aDonat go anywhere without it. Let me go back to our room and get it.a aYou donat know the words yet?a Hannah glared over at her husband. Shead sent him the song a few weeks ago.

Garrettas face blushed a deep red. aIave been busy.a aHmmm.a She shot him another look.

aDo not judge me.a He pointed a finger at her. aI love your stuff, but I have been very busy.a She finally let the smile break over her face, wiping the tears away. aYouare cute when youare trying to get in my good graces.a aWoman, I just got there, I donat need to go back to the dog house.a He got up. aIam gonna go with Jared. If heas got another guitar, I might be able to play with him.a Hannah glanced over at Sh.e.l.l; she was already setting up her computer, pulling up the video editors she had on there. aDo you think this is a good idea?a Sh.e.l.l looked up and shrugged. aYou have to stand up for yourself, no matter what that means, no matter how. If you keep letting them walk all over you, then they will. I have to admit that I think this is a super low blow. You were very adamant in the fact that you absolutely did not want to do this with Bryson, and they went behind your back anyway. As bad as it sounds, they deserve whatever they get.a aYou think Iall get in trouble?a aI think youare a songwriter who should be able to perform her song in any way she sees fit. If thatas in a hotel room with her husband and a guitarist, then you should be allowed to do that,a Sh.e.l.l sighed. aTheyare used to jerking you around because they can. If you do this, then they know they canat anymore, and youave taken a huge step in your desire to be free of all the chains. Iam proud of you for this.a aThank you.a Hannah reached over, hugging her friend.

aNow do I think weall both get a stern talking to? Yes, so we might as well go ahead and be prepared for it.a The guys came back then, both carrying guitars. Hannah busied herself with getting the original lyrics and sheet music out of her bag, setting it down in front of them. She had never been a part of the actual music process and was excited to see Jared look at the music and begin to play it. Garrett took a little while longer to catch up on it.

aYou got it,a Jared told him as Garrett struggled with a chord progression. aPut your middle finger here.a He indicated by moving his own fingers. aItall make it easier on you to switch.a Garrett did what Jared told him and they continue to play. The first couple of times it was sloppy, and Garrett had more than a few mistakes. He glanced up at Hannah, his face red with embarra.s.sment. aIt takes me a few times, usually.a He gave her lopsided grin.

aYouare still better than me, I canat even play chord progressions,a she told him. aThe question is can you play and sing at the same time.a Jared laughed from where he sat. aShe called you on that one. Can you sing and play at the same time?a aYes, f.u.c.ker.a He threw one of the papers at Jared.

aSh.e.l.l, you should sing some harmony for us,a Hannah told her.

aWait a second.a Jared glanced over at her, surprise on his face. aShe can sing?a aNot well,a Sh.e.l.l laughed. aBut I can harmonize. I do it with her all the time. Iam on most of the singles. I tend not to ask for a lot of publicity for it because Iam not great at it.a aSheas a very good harmonizer, but sheas very shy about it,a Hannah was saying. aThatas why Iam trying to get her to do it.a aIf itall get you to shut up, then Iall gladly do it.a aGreat!a Hannah beamed.

The group of them got ready, situated themselves, and then Sh.e.l.l hit record. It took them a few takesa"Garrett messed up the chords once, Hannah messed up the lyrics twice, trying to keep from laughing, and then Sh.e.l.l erased what they had considered their best performance. Finally, they got it all together, and by the end of the song, Hannah had tears in her eyes. There was something that she loved about singing with Garrett, and when he looked at her like she was the only person in the world, it solidified that she was exactly where she needed to be.

aLetas get this uploaded,a Sh.e.l.l clapped. aI canat wait to see how many views it has by the end of the night. I can almost guarantee it will out-view Brysonas version.a aI hate to do that to him, but sometimes I gotta do what I gotta do.a Hannah folded her arms over her chest.

aHeall get it. h.e.l.l, I think everybody will get it once they see this. If you could see it from my point of view.a Sh.e.l.l shook her head. aItas beautiful.a Hannah couldnat wait, and she was excited to see what the fans would think of it. As far as the record company went, she could care less; they hadnat cared about her wishes. It was time for her to do what she wanted to and what she knew would be best for her family. Screw anyone who stood in her way.

Chapter Twenty-One.

aWell, it took seven days, but I finally got my nasty gram,a Hannah told Sh.e.l.l as the two of them sat on the tour bus making their way back towards the Midwest.

aAbout uploading that video?a aYeah, I was waiting on it.a She s.h.i.+fted in her seat and pulled the laptop closer to her. aFigured it would have been before now.a Sh.e.l.l stood up and came to stand behind her, reading over her shoulder. aThey are so d.a.m.n condescending,a Sh.e.l.l laughed.

aI know, but I checked with legal, thereas nothing they can do to me. I own the song, I wrote it, and itas published under my company. They can only express their displeasure.a She clapped her hands. aThis not-doing-what-Iam-supposed-to thing is getting to be fun.a aWonder what took them so long?a aI guarantee you they were looking for a way to screw me over. Iam not letting them do it again. The holidays are coming up; I want to spend time with my husband and my family. Iam not letting them put a damper on it. We end this tour the week before Thanksgiving. I am going to spend my first married Thanksgiving with my husband, and then hopefully Iall spend Christmas in my brand new house.a She ran her hand through her hair.

aHowas that going by the way?a aWe close next week. Iam faxing the paperwork in because I canat be there and neither can Garrett. Itas kind of sad. Dadas going to go over and make sure everythingas okay and oversee the changing of the locks and stuff. Then weall transfer my house into your name.a She grinned.

Things were moving ahead on all fronts, and for that she was excited. She couldnat handle anything else going wrong.

aYou still holding up okay? Physically and mentally?a Sh.e.l.l asked. She tried to make it a point to ask now, just because of what their friends.h.i.+p had gone through over the years. If Hannah got overwhelmed, it wasnat good for either of them.

aI am. I weigh in with Garrett tonight, actually.a She checked the calendar. aI think I might be running on the skinny side, but itas not from lack of effort, weare just freakina busy.a aDonat I know that. If he gives you s.h.i.+t, tell him to call me. I got your back on this one.a Hannah giggled, and then settled deeper into the seat. November was coming in cold in the Midwest, and she could see frost on the window. She hugged the hoodie that she wore closer to her body; they still had a few hours before they would reach their destination for the night. aI havenat asked in a long time, because I donat want to make you feel like you have to talk to me about it. I have to admit though, Iam curious. How are things going with Jared?a aItas much different than your relations.h.i.+p with Garrett.a Sh.e.l.l played with a string on the PJ pants she wore. aSometimes I donat necessarily know where I stand with him, other times I think he loves me.a aHas he told you that yet?a With anyone else, Hannah wouldnat have asked, but this was her best friend. They shared everything that they could.

Sh.e.l.l shook her head, biting her bottom lip. aNo.a aAww, honey, Iam sorry.a aIave told him.a Sh.e.l.l shrugged. aBut heas never said it back. It sucks putting yourself out there like that and your feelings not being returned.a aHow do you know they arenat returned? Maybe Jared has a hard time expressing them. Not every guy is like Garrett. I lucked out in a big way. Iam very lucky.a As she said the words, she realized how true they were.

aYou deserve it.a Hannah shook her head. aNot any more than you do. You deserve it too.a aItas not that heas mean to me or that I doubt his feelings, not really. I know I mean a lot to him. He calls me every day, no matter if heas having a good day or a bad day. He still has bad days, although they are few and farther between now. That means everything to me, that Iam the person who he wants to talk to, to bring him back from that ledge. I donat get the feeling that heas had much love in his life from anyone besides Garrett, the guys, and Garrettas family.a Sh.e.l.l worried that she was overstepping her boundaries, but she had to talk to someone about this, and Hannah was her best friend in the whole world.

aWhy do you think that?a Hearing what her friend said made Hannahas heart hurt. No matter where she was in the worlda"in her addiction, in her att.i.tudea"she always knew she was loved. Her parents had made sure of that. To know that there was someone she was close to who didnat have that hurt.

aSome of the things heas said. He doesnat come right out and say his parents were a.s.sholes to him, but there have been little hints here and there. Iave also heard a few things that Garrettas parents have said when they think no one is listening. I get the feeling that Jared was a hard child for his parents to love.a She was delicate in how she worded it.

aThatas BS we both know it.a Hannah thumped her finger on the table. aChildren are not hard to love.a aFor us, no, but we donat know the circ.u.mstances. Iam trying so hard to not be judgy.a aHave you met them yet?a Hannah tried to rack her brain. Come to think of it, no one had ever mentioned Jaredas parents other than in pa.s.sing.

aWhen would I meet them?a aYou think they would care since their son cares.a Sh.e.l.l sighed. aThatas the root of ita"I wonder if he does.a aI thought you said that he does, he just hasnat expressed it.a aI donat know what I mean!a Sh.e.l.l ran her hand through her hair. This obviously bothered her a lot more than she let on.

aWhy donat you cut the c.r.a.p and tell me whatas really going on here?a Hannah raised her eyebrows at her friend, sick of talking in circles. aWe both know if you didnat want to talk about it, you would have told me to mind my own.a aFine. Why do you have to be so f.u.c.king observant?a aI know you and I love you. You listen to me gripe and complain about everything all the time. Itas only fair that I listen to you. Iam here for you just like youare here for me. Tell me whatas going on.a Tears came to Sh.e.l.las eyes, and it was as uncharacteristic for Sh.e.l.l as cursing was for Hannah. It scared Hannah; obviously her friend had been going through some things and kept them quiet.

aI donat know how much longer I can do this,a she whispered.

Do what? As far as Hannah knew things were going great with the other couple. There never seemed to be any tension when they all hung out as a group. aWhat are you doing?a aComing second to what he really wants. Every day is a serious struggle for him, and I donat know that Iam enough to keep him from wanting to go back to the drugs. I donat know that Iam strong enough to handle it, and I donat know if Iam strong enough to pull him back.a She breathed a sigh of relief, almost like that had been weighing her down for a long time.

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Rockin' Country: The Price Of Love Part 7 summary

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