The Watcher Chronicles: Oblivion Part 13

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"Yes you do," I tell her. "I've got plenty to go around."

Leah shakes her head. "I couldn't take your money, Jess."

"Yes, you can. My grandfather gave it to me to use as I see fit. And I'm going to give some of it to you. I'll put it in Mama Lynn's name for now but when you turn eighteen, it's all yours. You won't want for anything for the rest of your life."

"Well, first thing I think we need to do is get you some new clothes," Mama Lynn says, looking at Leah's threadbare attire. "What do you think Faison? Outlet store time?"

Faison nods. "Yeah, definitely outlet store time."

I leave Leah in the good hands of Mama Lynn and Faison.

When I get back to my house, it's empty and I feel extremely lonely all of a sudden.

I decide to take a short nap. It's been a long couple of days, and I don't want to fall asleep on Mason tonight. Wait, scratch that. I do literally want to fall asleep on Mason tonight I just don't want to yawn at an inappropriate moment and break the mood. When I lay down in my bed, I hug his pillow and sniff. It still smells like him which makes it easier for me to fall asleep.

Chapter 9.

I wake up to b.u.t.terfly kisses across my cheek. When I open my eyes, I see Mason lying on his side of the bed. I smile.

"How long have you been here?" I ask, drinking in his presence.

"I just got here," he murmurs, brus.h.i.+ng his lips against mine.

"Do you have everything ready for tonight?"

"Anxious are we?"


Mason smiles. "Yes, everything is ready."

I sit up. "Is it five already? I didn't realize I was that tired."

"No, it's four."

I stare at Mason. "You're early? I thought you didn't do early."

"I needed to see you."

I lay back down beside Mason. "Just can't do without me, can you?"

"No," he says, gently rolling me onto my back. He looks down at me and caresses the side of my face with the tips of his fingers, "I will never be able to do without you."

"Jess! Jess, I am here with your dress, mon ami!"

Mason kisses me quickly on the lips. "You better go see what JoJo has for you."

"Do I have to?" I whine. "I was looking forward to a preview of tonight."

Mason smiles and kisses me one more time. "I'll be back. I promise."

He phases and I groan in frustration.

I roll out of bed to go see what JoJo has brought me.

When I get in there, JoJo has Isaiah helping her lay out some very simple looking summer dresses on the couch.

"Ah, there you are, ma cherie. Come, come, look to see what I have brought for you."

There are five gowns lined up over the couch but one in particular catches my eye.

"I thought you might like a few choices for tonight," JoJo tells me.

"If you ladies will excuse me," Isaiah says, "I need to attend to something. JoJo, call me when you are ready to leave."

"Oui, merci, Isaiah."

After Isaiah leaves, I go to stand in front of the one red dress JoJo brought.

"Do you happen to know where Mason is taking me tonight?"

"Non, he just said it would be warm. I don't believe he intends to share you tonight, ma cherie. Even Isaiah doesn't know where you are going."

"Did he pick the dresses out or did you?"

"I did, but," JoJo smiles at me, "he did make one request."

"What was that?"

"That it be easily removable."

I instantly bury my face in my hands and shake my head.

"Mon cher," JoJo said, coming up to me and taking my hands away from my face forcing me to look at her. "Do not be embarra.s.sed. It is a beautiful thing that you and Mason will share tonight. I envy that you get to share your first time with someone you love so much. There is nothing like it in the world. Do not hide your face and act ashamed. Making love with the man who holds your heart is not something to be embarra.s.sed about."

"I think everyone I know knows what we're going to be doing tonight," I lament.

"So?" JoJo shrugs like it's no big deal. "I can not speak for the others but I am jealous of you right now. I have waited my whole life to find a love like your and Mason's. Yet, I have not. Though, I can't say I haven't enjoyed the many lovers I've had over the years but none of them have been the one for me. Cherish the memory of tonight because your first time will only happen once in your life."

"So you've had a lot of lovers?" I ask, testing the waters on how experienced JoJo is.

"Oui, some good, some bad," she laughs.

"Do you have any advice for me?" I ask, not wanting for JoJo to give me a play by play of her love affairs but some pointers couldn't hurt.

"The best advice I can give to you is to relax and let things unfold naturally. You will know what to do when the time is right. Wonderful love making is not something you plan out like a pattern for a dress. Trust Mason to lead you where you need to go."

I lean down and pick up the red full length gown.

The material is a polyester/spandex blend with a plunging neckline that V's at a twist in the material just underneath the bodice. The back is crisscrossed in an intricate pattern and there is a zipper on the side that matches Mason's one request, easily removable.

"Could you stay and help me get ready?" I ask JoJo, not wanting to be alone while I prepare for my night with Mason. I need the company of a friend.

JoJo puts an arm around my shoulders and squeezes. "I would like nothing more."

We don't go over the top with my make-up and hair. After I shower, we simply blow my hair dry and JoJo uses the large barreled curling iron I have to add in some soft curls. I forgo foundation and just use some translucent powder, mascara and red lipstick. JoJo says Mason told her I wouldn't need shoes so I don't put any on. It's almost five when she calls Isaiah to come pick her up and take her home.

I'm looking out the window to my backyard, my fingers fiddling with the crystal star on my necklace when I feel Mason's presence behind me. I turn and see him standing in the middle of my living room dressed simply in a collarless white twill s.h.i.+rt and black slacks.

We stare at each other, neither of us saying a word but both feeling an excited tension filling the s.p.a.ce between us.

"You look beautiful," he tells me, smiling shyly.

"You look quite handsome yourself," I reply, placing my hand over my heart to ease its sudden ache as I realize just how much I love the man standing in front of me.

Mason walks over to me stretching out his arm for me to take his hand.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

I swallow hard and place my hand into his, never feeling more ready for anything in my life.

Before I know it we're standing on a terrace overlooking a sandy white beach. The sun is setting against the horizon and the ocean air smells clean and salty. To the left of me is a small table set for two people to eat dinner complete with white china, silverware and a small arrangement of red and white roses. The sound of the ocean waves cras.h.i.+ng against the beach does little to ease my nervousness.

"Are you hungry?" Mason asks me, still holding my hand, rubbing the pad of his thumb up and down it in a soothing pattern.

I look over at him and shake my head.

"Would you like something to drink? Some wine?"

I shake my head again.

Mason's brows draw together in concern. "Jess, are you all right? If you're not ready, we don't have to do this tonight. We can wait."

I turn to fully face him and lift my hand to gently caress his cheek. Our eyes lock and everything around us seems to fall away leaving us in a world where only he and I exist.

"No," I say in a low whisper, "I don't want to wait. I don't need to eat. I don't need to drink. All I want and need right now is you."

Mason smiles, pleased by my words. He tugs on my hand indicating I should follow him through a pair of wall size French doors off of the terrace and into a s.p.a.cious bedroom. The room is filled with vase after vase of red and white roses infusing the s.p.a.ce with their sweet scent. White and red candles of various sizes are lit on every surface of the room. Their flickering flames glint off the crystal vases causing them to sparkle like diamonds. Standing prominently in the middle of the room is a large king size bed with a dark mahogany headboard, white cotton sheets, comforter and pillows.

Mason gently pulls me against him. As I look up at his handsome face, my heart begins to race and I have to remind myself to simply breathe.

"If you decide you aren't ready for this at any time," he tells me, gently sweeping a wayward tress off my shoulder and letting the tips of his fingers glide down the inside curve of my neck, "the same rule applies tonight. All you have to do is tell me to stop and I will." Mason looks into my eyes to make sure I hear his next words. "No questions asked. No feelings hurt. Making love is something I desperately want to share with you but it's not everything. Just being with you is enough for me, Jess."

"I know it's not everything," I tell him. "But I'm ready to share all of me with you. I don't want there to be any barriers between us, Mason, and I feel like this is the last one we have left. I need to have all of you and I freely give you all of me."

Mason takes in a shuddering breath and I know my words are ones he's been waiting to hear for a while now. I firmly press my lips to his leaving absolutely no doubt that I want tonight to happen. I know Mason has wanted this moment just as much as I have and to finally have the long wait almost over seems like a small miracle. I know now that my soul was simply waiting for Mason to enter my life to make me whole. Without his patience, love, and understanding, I never would have been able to overcome the events in my past or even entertain the idea of a future filled with so many wondrous possibilities. His love healed the shattered remains of my heart and showed me that my life is only limited by my imagination.

Mason's lips leave mine to start a maddening, wet trail of kisses down the side of my neck. The fingers of his right hand easily find the tab of the dress's zipper and I hear the distinct sound of it being slowly drawn down. I feel one of his index fingers loop around the strap over my right shoulder and gently pull it to the side as his lips glide down and welcome the newly bared flesh. His other hand performs the same task on the left and the dress slips past my arms in a whisper of silk to the floor, forming a circle of red around me.

I stand in front of Mason completely naked except for the black stretch lace panties I'm wearing. Not wanting to be the only one unclad, I reach up and begin to slide the ivory colored b.u.t.tons of his s.h.i.+rt through their holes. I lean in and kiss his now bared chest. My eyes follow the path of my hands as I slowly glide them over his hard muscled chest and shoulders. As the s.h.i.+rt falls to the floor behind Mason, I look up to see him watching my every move, his breathing shallow.

Mason takes one small step back from me and I watch as his eyes caress the contours of my body which are completely exposed to him for the first time.

He reaches out a hand and cups one side of my face, rubbing the pad of his thumb across my cheek bone lovingly.

"My G.o.d," he murmurs, a catch in his voice, "you're so beautiful."

In one swift motion, he cradles me in his arms and walks over to the bed, laying me down on the soft sheets and comforter. I watch as he undoes the b.u.t.ton and zipper of his slacks and lets them fall to the floor. The full sight of his manhood pressing against the restraining confines of his underwear doesn't cause me any worry. In fact, I crave to know what it will feel like to have him deep inside me.

Mason eases his weight down beside me on the bed but doesn't gather me close like I thought he would. Instead he lies on his side with his head propped in one hand and uses his other hand to gently explore my body. The tips of his fingers leave a tingling trail as they move across my chest and into the valley between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He languidly circles one nipple with his index finger making it instantly stand on end and then slowly makes his way over to the other for the same adoration.

I watch him as he performs this slow torture. He seems lost in his private mapping of my body, completely focused on his intimate exploration. Briefly, his eyes gaze into mine as if checking to make sure I'm ok with what he's doing before they return to watch my body's reaction to his gentle caresses. Having accomplished his mission of arousal on my breast, his fingers glide past them and splay across the tender flesh of my stomach. He allows the tips of his fingers to run along the lacey edge of my panties causing me to s.h.i.+ver with need for him to continue his exploration past the thin fabric.

Mason looks up at me silently asking if he has my permission to delve even deeper.

I give a small nod and whisper the word "Yes", beseeching him to continue.

He traces the outline of my panties from where it begins just below my belly b.u.t.ton down to where it cuts off on my thigh. His fingers glide down the inside of my thigh causing me to sigh from the pleasure of his touch there. They then travel teasingly across my aching core but don't stop until they reach the inside of my other leg where they slide up and travel back to where he started, just below my belly b.u.t.ton. This very simple act sets the deepest part of my body on fire with an aching need that I know only Mason can satisfy.

"Mason," I beg, wrapping the fingers of one hand around the back of his neck, urging him closer because I can't take much more of his teasing exploration without finding some sort of release.

Mason drags his gaze away from my body and looks into my eyes. His are glazed over with a need of his own. He leans down and brushes his lips lightly against mine in a chaste kiss. Our warm breaths mingle as he teases my mouth with the tip of his tongue. I bury my fingers in his hair forcing his head lower to fully bring our mouths together because I feel as though I'll go insane if I can't gain at least this small release.

Mason groans and brings his body in closer to mine. I feel one of his hands brush the skin of my stomach before his fingers slip past the lace of my panties to find my sensitive flesh. When his finger first touches me in that deliciously sensitive spot, I close my eyes as a wave of pleasure wracks my body. I draw in a quick shallow breath which causes him to break our kiss. I open my eyes and look at him to find a look of concern on his face.

"Are you all right?" Mason asks breathing heavily, stopping the rhythmic motion of his finger against me.

"Yes, please, Mason, don't stop," I moan, bringing his mouth back down to mine.

I feel him smile against my lips and the rhythmic back and forth motion of his finger continues, quickly setting my body on fire. His finger briefly leaves that sensitive spot only to find another as he easily slips it inside me causing me to take in another sharp, shuddering breath. I feel Mason begin to lift his head again but tighten my hold and don't allow his mouth to leave mine, silently answering what I feel sure would have been another question about how I'm doing.

How do I tell him he makes me feel like I'm burning from the inside out and only his touch can relieve the pain? I ache to feel him inside me and finally connect with him not only emotionally but physically.

While holding his head to mine with one hand, I let the other brush down the muscles of his chest and abdomen until I reach the elastic band of his underwear. Without stopping, only needing, I plunge my hand down further and find the hardness of him.

This time it's Mason who takes in a sharp breath against my mouth, but I don't stop to ask questions. Fueled by my deep desire and need for him, I run my hand up and down the length of him, amazed at how hard he is but at the same time how soft his skin is there. My hand continues to play, tease and explore until Mason lets out a deep, almost guttural moan and gently lifts his lips from mine.

"Jess," Mason says against my mouth, "I don't think I can take much more."

"Then take me," I beg him.

Mason quickly removes my panties and I watch as he stands to release the full hardness of his erection from his underwear. He returns to the bed and kneels in between my bent legs. He props himself above me with his hands on either side of my head. I feel his manhood press my tender flesh as if testing whether or not my body is ready to accept him.

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The Watcher Chronicles: Oblivion Part 13 summary

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