The Watcher Chronicles: Oblivion Part 14

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"Mason, please," I beg, "I need you. I need to feel all of you."

Slowly, so my body can adjust to the girth of his manhood, Mason pushes into me. I don't feel any pain, just a fullness, like I've finally found a missing part of myself. Once he's fully inside me, he doesn't move, just lets my body get used to him being there. When he does begin to move his hips, I feel a spark of electricity which emanates from our joining and sets every nerve ending in my body on fire. Mason stokes the fire he's created with every thrust of his hips until I scream out his name reaching the cliff of bliss and free falling into oblivion.

Chapter 10.

Mason pulls the comforter over us afterwards. I lay my head on his chest and listen to the slowing beat of his heart. I snuggle into him, basking in the afterglow of our first time making love. He holds me and I hear him sigh contentedly.

"Thank you," I tell him.

"For what exactly?"

"For making me wait until we were back home. If I live to be a hundred, I will never forget this moment."

Mason kisses the top of my head. "Neither will I, Jess."

I rest my chin on Mason's chest and look at his face. "Do you age at all?" I ask.

"No, not as a Watcher."

"So you're immortal?"

"For now."

I feel my forehead crease in confusion. "What do you mean by 'for now'?"

"Do you remember what I said in the alternate universe? About Brand being human here in ours?" Mason asks.


"After we seal the Tear," Mason says, hesitating before he finishes his statement like he's not sure how I'm going to take what he has to say, "I've asked G.o.d to make me human too so we can live a normal life together."

I feel tears of joy sting my eyes and don't try to stop them from falling.

"You would do that for me?" I ask. "You would give up what you are... for me?"

"I would do anything on this Earth for you, Jess. You need to know that. I don't need super strength or instant teleportation; I don't need any of it if I have you."

I lean up and press my lips to Mason's, my tears making the kiss salty.

"I love you," I tell him.

"I love you too."

We lie in each other's arms for a while longer until hunger for food reminds me I need to eat.

Mason gets out of bed and I watch him as he walks naked over to the entrance of a walk in closet. He turns the light on in the closet and is out of my sight for a moment. When he returns, he's wearing a pair of silky black pajama bottoms and holding something made of white silk in his left hand.

I sigh in utter and complete disappointment. "And here I thought I would have a naked Mason at my beck and call for the rest of the night."

Mason smiles. "I'm fine with that when we're inside the house, but I thought you might like to eat outside like I had planned to do before you seduced me."

I sit up in bed and shrug. "I just knew I didn't want food then. Wasn't it you who said a girl with a healthy appet.i.te usually has a healthy appet.i.te for other things as well?"

"I remember saying something like that."

"Well, I guess you were right."

Mason hands me what he has in his hands and I see it's a silky white night gown with a lacy plunging neckline.

"I bought it for you to wear around the house. I hope you like it."

I kneel up on the bed and make my way to the edge of it towards Mason whose eyes are on my body, not my face. I rest my arms on his shoulders and press my b.r.e.a.s.t.s against his chest.

"Didn't you say something about having good stamina?" I ask, feeling him stir against my legs through his pants.

"I thought you were hungry?" Mason asks, his voice husky.

"After," I say, kissing the side of his neck. "I think I need you more than I need food right now."

Mason tosses the night gown on the floor and neither of us think about clothes or food again for a long, long time.

Eventually, our bodies do require food, especially with all the added calories we're burning up. I sit out on the terrace at the table while Mason serves me the meal he prepared.

"It's a little cold," he says of the poached salmon and tarragon potatoes.

"I could probably eat it even if it were raw I'm so hungry," I laugh, fork at the ready.

I look around the terrace and ocean view while I nibble on a piece of potato.

"Whose house is this anyway?"


I look at Mason. "Just how many mansions do you own?"

Mason smiles shyly. "A few."

"Are we going to make love in all of them?" I ask coyly.

Mason almost chokes on the potato in his mouth. He clears his throat.

"If you would like to, I'm pretty sure I can arrange that."

"Hmm," I say, mulling the idea over in my mind. "I most definitely think that's what I want. Would that allow us to make love on every continent?"

"All except Antarctica. But I could always arrange something there if you want."

"No, too cold," I say, taking a bite of my salmon.

"I feel confident I could find ways to keep you warm," Mason says suggestively with a roguish grin and the promise of s.e.xual delights in his eyes.

"I'll get back to you on that," I tell him, feeling myself blush under his gaze.

"Are you seriously blus.h.i.+ng?" He asks. "After the things we just did in my bed?"

"I'm still a little new to this you know," I say in my defense.

"You're a fast learner," he replies, smiling appreciatively at me.

"You need to stop smiling at me," I say. "I really do need to try and eat."

Mason turns his smile into a scowl and I laugh.

"You are such a goof," I tell him, returning my eyes to my plate so I can concentrate on eating as fast as I can without choking.

When we get through with our meal, Mason takes me down to the kitchen with him. I sit on one of the wooden stools at the large kitchen island while he cleans the dishes.

"So I have a question," I say.

Mason closes the door on the dishwasher and turns to face me, leaning his back against the counter with his arms folded in front of him.

"Yes?" He asks, looking intrigued to hear what I'm about to ask.

"That text you sent, about the indoors or outdoors, where exactly outdoors did you have in mind?"

A slow smile spreads Mason's lips. "And why do you ask?"

I roll my eyes. "You know why."

"Maybe," he hedges. "But I want you to tell me."


"Because I want to hear you say it."


Mason phases over to me, standing beside me. I turn to face him and he spreads my legs so he can stand in between them.

"Tell me," he murmurs, leaning down and kissing the side of my neck.

I feel my pulse quicken and a now familiar warmth spreads within the depths of my body.

"Because I want to make love to you in as many different places as we can," I confess as his lips travel up to that secret spot behind my ear that only he knows exists.

"Now, was that so hard to say?" He whispers in my ear, a tease in his voice.

"No," I sigh, "not hard at all."

Mason slides his hands up my thighs scrunching the length of my night gown up to my hips. He easily lifts me off the stool, placing his hands under my thighs so my legs naturally wrap around his waist. I place my arms around his neck for balance as he phases us.

The light of the full moon casts a silvery glow against the leaves of the forest we stand in. The sound of flowing water draws my attention and I turn my head to find a small waterfall behind me. Mason kneels down on the dewy gra.s.s beside the small pool of water in the glade. He keeps me perched on his thighs so I don't get wet but I have another idea.

I scramble off his lap and stand up. When I look back down at him, he looks completely and adorably confused.

"I need to give you something," I tell him which makes him look even more confused. "Wait here."

I walk over to the waterfall and find a small rocky ledge that runs behind it. Once I'm s.h.i.+elded by the wall of water, I take off my nightgown and stand under the spray until my hair is soaking wet and I feel sure all of my make-up is washed off. I leave my nightgown where it lay against the rocks and walk out from behind the falls to give Mason his gift.

He's standing now and watches me with parted lips as I emerge from behind the fall of water completely naked.

As I walk up to him I say, "Is this how you pictured me?"

I hope to remind him about his comment just that afternoon and the night of my fake date with Chandler. He said then that he wanted to see me completely naked, without make-up and my hair freshly washed.

"No," he says huskily with a small shake of his head, "I never could have imagined you looking this beautiful."

He gathers me against him and lays claim to my lips in a searing kiss. Mason lies on the ground bringing me with him in the circle of his arms positioning me to lie on top of him. I drink in the sweetness of his lips, unable to get enough and desperately wanting more. I feel his arousal stir between my legs. I reach down with one hand to push the top of his silk pajama bottoms down far enough to release him. Mason groans his pleasure as I wrap my fingers around him and guide him into me. I soon realize I'm in complete control of how quickly my body envelopes him. I slowly ease myself down him and feel Mason tremble underneath me as I instinctively begin to move my hips, gliding my body in a steady, smooth dance against him.

Unable to take it anymore, Mason rolls me onto my back and pushes into me so hard and fast I feel as though I might split in two, but I welcome the pleasurable pain. I arch my back, pus.h.i.+ng him even deeper into me until my world explodes into a million glittering pieces.

I feel Mason slow his movement inside me as I fall back to Earth and begin the slow process of gathering back my senses.

I open my eyes and see Mason gazing down at me with so much love and tenderness my heart immediately begins to ache. My heart, my mind, my soul knows there will never be anyone who can make me feel as loved as he does.

He leans down and gently kisses my lips.

"I like watching you lose yourself with me," he murmurs. "I like knowing I can shatter your world and help you pick up the pieces afterwards just to shatter them again."

Mason begins to move faster within me.

"I hope you like your world in pieces, Jess, because I promise to break it quite often tonight," he groans, gathering me in his arms.

And Mason always keeps his promises...

When Mason phases us back to his home, we bathe together in his large walk in shower. He treats me like a fragile doll as he insists on was.h.i.+ng my body and shampooing my hair for me. It's an intimate act that only lovers share. Afterwards, he dries me off, dresses me in one of his white V-neck T-s.h.i.+rts, because I left the night gown behind, and tucks me into bed with him. As I lay in the warm fold of Mason's arms, I feel my body completely relax against him. No one has ever made me feel so cherished and completely loved. It's a feeling I know the love of my life will always make me feel.

When I wake up the next morning, the back of me is spooned against Mason, I feel one of his hands rub up and down the curve of my hip. I can feel a certain part of Mason is also awake and pressing firmly against me.

I turn to face him and instantly feel my heart ache at the sight of him, tousled hair and hooded blue eyes.

"Good morning," I say.

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The Watcher Chronicles: Oblivion Part 14 summary

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