Start Your New Life Today Part 21

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Arranging your life so your new healthy habits fit right in is a key to long- term commitment.

What ways can you introduce positive reinforcement into your plan? What ways can you remove temptation to fail? Are there people you can team up with who can help support your goals? Could you plan vacations that focus on health and fitness? Or on relaxation and spiritual refreshment? If we get serious about it, there are innumerable ways most of us can tinker with our lives to help make success easier than failure. You can succeed. I believe you are on your way to great things.

The key to implementing any plan is to take small steps.

Walking a mile takes about two thousand steps. There are no other options or shortcuts. And every one of those steps is a tiny success that brings you closer to your goal. The same is true of any other big goal you reach by breaking the final goal into smaller, doable steps. Plan short-term goals to have something to aim for.

Here are five ways to make success easy: 1) Laugh at setbacks. You will have setbacks. That's part of life. One of the big differences between successful and unsuccessful people is not whether they have setbacks, or even the frequency of their setbacks, but how they respond to them. Successful people are able to have a setback and try again. Having a bad day does not mean you have to have a bad life.

2) Make it convenient. If you are a busy person-and who isn't?-you will have to find ways to fit your program into your schedule.

3) Find exercise and types of foods you like. Making yourself do something you hate won't last very long.

4) Set realistic goals.

5) Reward yourself. When you lay out your short-term and long-term goals, go ahead and jot down some appropriate rewards for yourself with it.

Celebration can be a big part of this. Celebrations and parties help give structure to your journey and let you reflect on what you've accomplished. They also let your friends and family know how important your new goals are to you-and receiving their support can make all the difference.


Put the Tools to Work It would be so easy had G.o.d not given us free will. We could wander through the days like robots, eating the fruit that falls into our hands and waiting for something to happen to us next. But He did give us free will, which gives us tremendous responsibility but also the possibility of total joy and fulfillment.

G.o.d will give you all the tools you need on earth to reach spiritual completion. But it is up to you to take up those tools and put them to work restoring your health and respecting the body He gave you. He will help you and make it as easy on you as possible, but He won't do the work for you. The work is an essential part of the fulfillment, an essential part of the process of freeing your soul from bondage. When you are in the depths of self-pity, knowing you are the one who must make right choices can feel like a pressure and responsibility you just don't want; but once you make the commitment to maintaining your body and soul as you should to be a person of excellence and power, you discover that free will is your most valuable possession.

G.o.d will give you all the tools you need on earth to reach spiritual completion. But it is up to you to take up those tools and put them to work.

That is why you must avoid self-pity at all costs. Self-pity is an emotion that feeds on itself and steals your power. You need power to become the person you were meant to be, and you cannot be pitiful and powerful at the same time. I had a major problem with self-pity in my earlier years, and not until I stopped feeling sorry for myself did I start making progress.

We feel better about ourselves when we approach life boldly, ready to be accountable and responsible. You don't have to hide from anything. You can do whatever you need to do in life. You can look healthy and attractive. You can feel great inside and out. You can live a life that keeps you fit and happy and productive for G.o.d into old age. It is all up to you. Through G.o.d, you are ready for anything. Confront your life head on and never turn back!

When it comes to taking responsibility for your own life, there is no wiggle room. The time has come to be very honest with yourself and with G.o.d. You either do what is right or you don't! Make the decision to use everything you have learned about walking with G.o.d to break old habits and be transformed. When you have a moment of privacy, take a deep breath, clear your head, and repeat this phrase: "I am responsible for my own life. No one can take charge of it but me. If I am unhappy or unhealthy, I know I have the power to change. I have all the help and knowledge I need, and with G.o.d's hand today I will start becoming the person of excellence I have always known I could be."

Blessings on you for the exciting and wondrous journey you are taking.


G.o.d Restores Us Soul and Body Over the years I have learned how to take care of myself; and most of all I have learned that I can have a lifetime of health for my body and soul. I believe good health for the whole person requires a solid faith in G.o.d through Jesus Christ. He helped me through all the rough years and He restored me. G.o.d showed me what to do and led me to make positive changes. Sometimes it took me a long time to fully obey, but I can say from experience, G.o.d's ways work. His Word is filled with guidelines for good health; any person who follows them will experience good results.

I believe good health for the whole person requires a solid faith in G.o.d through Jesus Christ.

I have been in some deep, dark places where I could see no light at all. I started my life in such a place. I know how hopeless it can seem. My home life when I was young was extraordinarily dysfunctional. I began to feel the effects of it in my body by the time I was a teenager. The first trouble I remember was constipation and stomach pains. I went to the doctor, who told me I had a spastic colon. Only years later did I learn that disorder is usually caused by excessive tension, nervousness, and stress. Remember, any time the body cannot relax, that state of "disease" promotes disease.

By the time I was thirty-six I began having more serious symptoms in my body. I got sick for four months straight. I felt so bad most of the time I could hardly get off the couch. I realize now it was because my body was already breaking down due to the years of stress. Later I started having hormone imbalances. My monthly periods were too frequent and excessive. I took shots of estrogen every ten days to be able to function. Eventually I had a hysterectomy, which immediately plunged me into the "change of life."

In 1989 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The tumor was fast-growing and estrogen-dependent, which not only meant I needed immediate surgery but also that I could no longer take hormone-replacement therapy while going through early menopause. I had surgery and endured several more years of sheer misery because my hormonal system was such a mess. As you might imagine, with this and a few other related health problems, I was a wreck.

Despite all of this I continued my work in the ministry. I traveled, taught G.o.d's Word, stood in faith for my own healing, and often wondered how I could go on much longer. I worked hard, but I did not enjoy anything.

Eventually I started reading books on nutrition and exercise. I firmly believe G.o.d led me to them. I began to realize that eating right and physical activity had to be a way of life. Going on fad diets to lose some weight, only to return to bad habits and gain it back, was getting me nowhere. I was tired of that cycle. I imagine many of you are also.

The books I read at that time did not include information on stress. Back then, few scientists understood the strength of the mind-body connection like they do today. Plenty of the doctors I saw (and I was always seeing doctors) did tell me that I was under extreme stress and desperately needed to make some lifestyle changes. I knew I couldn't just take a year off to recover. We had a large staff at our ministry and I felt they all depended on me. After all, if I did not do my part, then n.o.body got a paycheck. When people who loved me tried to tell me I needed to stop working so hard, I just told them they did not understand my calling.

I was helping everyone else but not taking the time to help myself. I was a workaholic. Even though this all seemed overwhelming and insurmountable, G.o.d taught me about living a balanced life, and through that knowledge He delivered me from poor health.

I can truthfully say that I feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually than I ever have in my life. That's a big claim! I live every day pa.s.sionately, and what a breathtaking change that is. Too many of us get trapped in a rut of negative thinking, believing our healthiest days are behind us and that we will simply get more out of shape, sicker, and less energetic as we age. I'm living proof that's not so! These are my best days. I have energy and contentment as I've never known, a fierce faith, and I fully expect to live out my life in health and grace. No matter your age or condition, you can do the same. We have a promise from G.o.d that we can still be very productive in old age. If you haven't done so already, begin today making the right choices to live a healthy and productive lifestyle for all your life.


Trust G.o.d.

My prayer as I finish this book is that it will be an invigorating launch point for your new life of faith in Christ. You may not understand all the material I have covered but I hope you will keep this resource handy and allow its instruction to continue to encourage and strengthen you for years to come. As I've said many times, your transformation into the image of Jesus is a process that will not be complete until we see him face-to-face, so be sure you don't get discouraged if your progress seems slow. Keep taking steps of faith each day holding to G.o.d's Word, seeking His will, and living in His ways, and you will keep moving toward the abundant life He's promised!

I want to encourage you to also pursue an active relations.h.i.+p with a local church. It is important to be with people who want to serve G.o.d like you do. You need to find a church that feels like home to you, so even if it takes a while just keep looking. Wors.h.i.+ping G.o.d and studying His Word with others is a vital part of growing in G.o.d. And be sure you find a church that believes in and teaches the Bible as the complete and flawless Word of G.o.d. Attend regularly, learn incessantly, and give of your time and resources. If you've not been baptized, I recommend you do that as soon as possible in obedience to G.o.d's Word. It is an outward sign of your inward decision to follow Christ.

I urge you seek the power of the Holy Spirit daily, because He is the One Who gives us the help we need to live a successful and fruitful life. Lean on G.o.d for everything, because without Him you can do nothing.

If you are anything like I was, you may have tendencies toward selfishness so you must learn to give. Giving is a vital part of the Christian lifestyle that Jesus teaches. Give of all your resources including time, talent, and money. Helping others through giving is one of the best things you can do for yourself. When you help someone else, you actually release joy in your own life.

Each of our lives is a journey and we don't always understand all the things we encounter along the way. Some of the things that happen to us do not seem to be fair, but if we trust G.o.d He causes all things to work out for good in the end.

Learning to trust G.o.d at all times is the only way we can successfully complete our journey with joy. Trust means we will always have some unanswered questions. We won't mentally understand everything that takes place because G.o.d's ways are far above our ways. Although we don't always understand G.o.d, we can always trust Him. He is good and only seeks to do what will benefit us in the end.

G.o.d wants to be your friend so I encourage you to talk to Him as you would a close friend. Always give Him first place in your life and serve Him with your whole heart. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of sharing G.o.d's Word and principles with you.

I pray that you will enjoy every day of your new life!

About the Author.

JOYCE MEYER is one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers. A #1 New York Times bestselling author, she has written more than seventy inspirational books, including The Confident Woman, I Dare You, the entire Battlefield of the Mind family of books, her first venture into fiction with The Penny, and many others. She has also released thousands of audio teachings as well as a complete video library. Joyce's Enjoying Everyday Life radio and television programs are broadcast around the world, and she travels extensively conducting conferences. Joyce and her husband, Dave, are the parents of four grown children and make their home in St. Louis, Missouri.

Other Books by Joyce Meyer.

New Day, New You Devotional.

I Dare You.

The Penny The Power of Simple Prayer.

The Everyday Life Bible (hardcover or bonded leather).

The Confident Woman.

Look Great, Feel Great Battlefield of the Mind*

Battlefield of the Mind Devotional Battlefield of the Mind for Teens.

Battlefield of the Mind for Kids Approval Addiction Ending Your Day Right 21 Ways to Finding Peace and Happiness The Secret Power of Speaking G.o.d's Word Seven Things That Steal Your Joy.

Starting Your Day Right Beauty for Ashes (revised edition) How to Hear from G.o.d*

Knowing G.o.d Intimately The Power of Forgiveness.

The Power of Determination The Power of Being Positive The Secrets of Spiritual Power The Battle Belongs to the Lord.

The Secrets to Exceptional Living Eight Ways to Keep the Devil Under Your Feet.

Teenagers Are People Too!

Filled with the Spirit Celebration of Simplicity The Joy of Believing Prayer Never Lose Heart Being the Person G.o.d Made You to Be A Leader in the Making "Good Morning, This Is G.o.d!" (gift book) Jesus-Name Above All Names.

Making Marriage Work (previously published as Help Me-I'm Married!) Reduce Me to Love Be Healed in Jesus' Name How to Succeed at Being Yourself.

Weary Warriors, Fainting Saints Be Anxious for Nothing*

Straight Talk Omnibus Don't Dread Managing Your Emotions.

Healing the Brokenhearted Me and My Big Mouth!*

Prepare to Prosper Do It Afraid!

Expect a Move of G.o.d in Your Life . . . Suddenly!

Enjoying Where You Are on the Way to Where You Are Going.

A New Way of Living When, G.o.d, When?

Why, G.o.d, Why?

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Start Your New Life Today Part 21 summary

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