Speciation of the Wandering Shrew Part 8

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_Marginal records._--MONTANA: Bearpaw Mts.; Zortman; Big Snowy Mts.; 16 mi. N White Sulphur Springs; Highwood Mts.

=Sorex vagrans neomexica.n.u.s= Bailey

_Sorex obscurus neomexica.n.u.s_ Bailey, Proc. Biol. Soc.

Was.h.i.+ngton, 26:133, May 21, 1913.

_Type._--Adult male, skin and skull; No. 100440, U. S. Biol. Surv.

Coll.; obtained on May 29, 1900, by Vernon Bailey, from Cloudcroft, 9000 ft., Otero Co., New Mexico.

_Range._--Sacramento and Capitan Mountains of New Mexico.

_Diagnosis._--Size medium for the species; average and extreme measurements of 4 topotypes are: total length, 105.2 (103-107); tail, 41.0 (39-42); hind foot, 13.1 (12.5-14). Color near Olive Brown in summer; winter pelage unknown; skull large and relatively broad; teeth relatively large.

_Comparisons._--Skull larger than that of _S. v. obscurus_ and relatively somewhat broader; much larger in all cranial dimensions than _S. v. monticola_.

_Remarks._--_S. v. neomexica.n.u.s_ is a well-marked subspecies seemingly limited to the mountains of southeastern New Mexico. It is the only species of _Sorex_ thus far recorded from that area.

_Specimens examined._--Total number, 12. NEW MEXICO: _Otero Co._: SW slope Capitan Mts., 2 BS; 10 mi. NE Cloudcroft, 2 BS; Cloudcroft, 7 BS, 1 UM.

_Marginal records._--NEW MEXICO: SW slope Capitan Mts.; 10 mi. NE Cloudcroft; type locality.

=Sorex vagrans monticola= Merriam

_Sorex monticolus_ Merriam, N. Amer. Fauna, 3:43, September 11, 1890.

_Sorex vagrans monticola_, Merriam, N. Amer. Fauna, 10:69, December 31, 1895.

_Sorex melanogenys_ Hall, Jour. Mamm., 13:260, August 9, 1932, type from Marijilda Canyon, 8600 ft., Graham Mts. [= Pinaleno Mts.] Graham Co., Arizona.

_Type._--Adult male, skin and skull; No. 17599/24535, U. S. Biol.

Surv. Coll.; obtained on August 28, 1899, by C. Hart Merriam and Vernon Bailey from San Francisco Mtn., 11,500 ft., Coconino Co., Arizona.

_Range._--Mountains of western New Mexico, eastern Arizona, and the northern Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico.

_Diagnosis._--Size small for the species; average and extreme measurements of 12 specimens from the White Mountains, Arizona, are: total length, 104.3 (98-112); tail, 41.2 (37-45); hind foot, 12.0 (11-13). Summer pelage between (15'_m_) Proutts Brown and (15"_m_) Bister, venter tinged with (15'_f_) Pale Ochraceous Buff; winter pelage near (17"'_k_) Olive Brown; skull relatively broad.

_Comparisons._--For comparisons with _S. v. obscurus_ and _S. v.

neomexica.n.u.s_ see accounts of those subspecies. Skull slightly larger and relatively broader than that of _S. v. orizabae_, and color slightly paler. Differs from _S. v. vagrans_ in: winter pelage grayish (near 17"'_k_ Olive Brown) rather than blackish (17""_k_ or 17""_m_ Chaetura Drab or Chaetura Black); summer pelage slightly grayer; skull relatively slightly broader rostrally and interorbitally.

_Remarks._--_S. v. monticola_ intergrades gradually with _S. v.

obscurus_ to the north and east; indeed the type locality is actually in this area of intergradation. So far as I know, _monticola_ is not in reproductive continuity with any other subspecies of _Sorex vagrans_. Specimens from southeastern Arizona are the smallest and seem to be the most "typical" in the sense that they are most different from _S. v. obscurus_. Some specimens from the whole length of the Rocky Mountain chain in the United States have for years been referred to _monticola_. Some of these, as I have pointed out, belong to _S. v. longiquus_, and others are intergrades between _S. v.

obscurus_ and _S. v. vagrans_. Since _vagrans_ and _monticola_ resemble one another somewhat, and since topotypes of _S. v.

monticola_ actually show the influence of intergradation with _obscurus_, it is easy to understand how intergrades between _obscurus_ and _vagrans_ could have been a.s.signed to _monticola_.

Throughout most of its range, _S. v. monticola_ is the only _Sorex_ present. In some places _monticola_ may occur with _S. na.n.u.s_ or _S.

merriami_. _S. v. monticola_ occurs with the water shrew in southeastern Arizona.

_Specimens examined._--Total number, 80.

ARIZONA: _Coconino Co._: San Francisco Mtn., 3 BS, 6 CMNH. _Apache Co._: Spruce Creek, Tunitcha Mts., 7 BS; Springerville, 1 BS; North Fork White River, White Mts., 12 SD; White River, Horseshoe Cienega, 8300 ft., White Mts., 5 BS; Mt. Thomas, 9500 to 11,000 ft., White Mts., 12 BS; Little Colorado River, White Mts., 4 BS; near head Burro Creek, 9000 ft., White Mts., 1 BS. _Graham Co._: Graham Mts., 9200 ft., 2 BS. _Greenlee Co._: Prieto Plateau, 9000 ft., S. end Blue Range, 1 BS. _Pima Co._: Summerhaven, 7500 ft., Santa Catalina Mts., 3 BS, 1 SD. _Cochise Co._: Fly Park, Chiricahua Mts., 4 BS; Rustler Park, Chiricahua Mts., 1 SD; Long Park, Chiricahua Mts., 1 UM; Huachuca Mts., 1 BS. _Santa Cruz Co._: Stone Cabin Canyon, 8500 ft., Santa Rita Mts., 1 BS.

NEW MEXICO: _San Juan Co._: Chusca Mts., 1 BS. _Catron Co._: Mogollon Mts., 3 BS; 10 mi. E Mogollon, 1 KU. _Socorro Co._: Copper Canyon, Magdalena Mts., 3 BS. _Sierra Co._: Mimbres Mts., near Kingston, 1 BS.

CHIHUAHUA: Sierra Madre, near Guadalupe y Calvo, 5 BS.

_Marginal records._--ARIZONA: Tunitcha Mts. NEW MEXICO: Chusca Mts.; Copper Canyon, Magdalena Mts.; Mimbres Mts., near Kingston. CHIHUAHUA: Guadalupe y Calvo. ARIZONA: Huachuca Mts.; Santa Catalina Mts.; White River, Horseshoe Cienega, 8300 ft., White Mts.; San Francisco Mtn.

=Sorex vagrans orizabae= Merriam

_Sorex orizabae_ Merriam, N. Amer. Fauna, 10:71, December 31, 1895.

_Sorex vagrans orizabae_, Jackson, N. Amer. Fauna, 51:113, July 24, 1928.

_Type._--Adult female, skin and skull; No. 53633, U. S. Biol. Surv.

Coll.; obtained on April 24, 1893, by E. W. Nelson from W slope of Mt.

Orizaba, 9,500 ft., Puebla.

_Range._--Transverse volcanic belt of mountains at the southern end of the Mexican Plateau.

_Diagnosis._--Size small for the species; measurements of 3 specimens from Volcan Toluca, Mexico, are: total length, 98, 100, 108; tail, 35, 39, 40; hind foot, 13, 13, 14. Summer pelage Mummy Brown tending toward Olive Brown; Fuscous to Fuscous-Black in winter; skull and teeth relatively narrow.

_Comparisons._--For comparison with _S. v. monticola_ see account of that subspecies.

_Remarks._--The range of _S. v. orizabae_ probably is not now in contact with that of any other subspecies of _S. vagrans_, although judging by the slight degree of difference between _orizabae_ and _monticola_ the separation between the two has not been of great duration.

_Sorex vagrans orizabae_ occurs with _S. saussurei saussurei_ throughout the transverse volcanic belt.

_Specimens examined._--Total number, 23.

MICHOACaN: Patamban, 1 BS; Nahuatzin, 3 BS; Mt. Tancitaro, 4 BS.

MEXICO: Salazar, 2 BS, 1 KU; Volcan de Toluca, 3 BS.

TLAXCALA: Mt. Malinche, 2 BS.

PUEBLA: Mt. Orizaba, 6 BS.

VERACRUZ: Cofre de Perote, 1 BS.

_Marginal records._--MICHOACaN: _Patamban_. VERACRUZ: Cofre de Perote.

PUEBLA: _Mt. Orizaba_. MICHOACaN: Mt. Tancitaro.

=Sorex vagrans vagrans= Baird

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