Speciation of the Wandering Shrew Part 9

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_Sorex vagrans_ Baird, Rep't Pacific R. R. Survey 8: pt. 1, Mammals, p. 15, July 14, 1858.

_Sorex suckleyi_ Baird, Rep't Pacific R. R. Survey 8: pt. 1, Mammals, p. 18, July 14, 1858, type from Steilacoom, Pierce Co., Was.h.i.+ngton.

_Sorex dobsoni_ Merriam, N. Amer. Fauna, 5:33, July 30, 1891, type from Alturas or Sawtooth Lake, alt.i.tude about 7200 ft., E base Sawtooth Mts., Blaine Co., Idaho.

_Sorex amoenus_ Merriam, N. Amer. Fauna, 10:69, December 31, 1895, type from near Mammoth, 8000 ft., head Owens River, E slope Sierra Nevada, Mono Co., California.

_Sorex nevadensis_ Merriam, N. Amer. Fauna, 10:71, December 31, 1895, type from Reese River, 6000 ft., Nye-Lander Co.

line, Nevada.

_Sorex shastensis_ Merriam, N. Amer. Fauna, 16:87, October 28, 1899, type from Wagon Camp, Mt. Shasta, 5700 ft., Siskiyou Co., California.

_Type._--Adult male, alcoholic; No. 1675, U. S. Nat. Mus.; obtained at Shoalwater (Willapa) Bay, Pacific Co., Was.h.i.+ngton; received from J. G.

Cooper, and entered in Museum catalog on October 23, 1856.

_Range._--The Great Basin, and Columbia Plateau west across the mountains to the Pacific coast of northern California, Oregon, Was.h.i.+ngton and southwestern British Columbia.

_Diagnosis._--Size small for the species; average and extreme measurements of 8 topotypes are: total length, 104.1 (99-109); tail, 43.3 (42-45); hind foot, 12.9 (12-14). Summer pelage ranging from (15'_k_) Cinnamon Brown through (15'_m_) Proutt's Brown to (17'_m_) Mummy Brown. Winter pelage (13""_m_) Fuscous Black to (17""_m_) Chaetura Black.

_Comparisons._--For comparison with _S. v. monticola_ see account of that subspecies. Differs from _S. v. halicoetes_ in relatively narrower and more attenuate rostrum and in less brownish underparts in winter pelage; smaller and more brownish (less grayish) than _Sorex vagrans_ from the southern Sierra Nevada.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 18. Probable geographic ranges of _Sorex vagrans vagrans_, its derivative subspecies, and _S. v.


1. _S. v. vancouverensis_ 2. _S. v. vagrans_ 3. _S. v. halicoetes_ 4. _S. v. paludivagus_ 5. _S. v. obscuroides_ 6. _S. v. mixtus_ ]

_Remarks._--Restriction of the range of _S. v. monticola_ to Arizona and New Mexico leaves shrews that were formerly a.s.signed to this subspecies from Utah, Idaho, Was.h.i.+ngton and southern British Columbia una.s.signed. Several names are available for consideration. The name _Sorex vagrans dobsoni_ Merriam, 1891, type locality Alturas Lake, Blaine Co., Idaho, was once applied to small shrews from Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Utah, but was considered by Jackson to be synonymous with _S. v. monticola_. The name _Sorex vagrans amoenus_ Merriam, 1895, type locality near Mammoth, Mono Co., California, has been applied to wandering shrews from western Nevada, northeastern California and southern Oregon. _Sorex vagrans nevadensis_ Merriam, 1895, type locality Reese River on Nye-Lander Co. line, Nevada was considered by Hall (1946:119) to be synonymous with _S. v. amoenus_.

Specimens of _Sorex vagrans_ west of the Cascade Mountains have long been referred to the nominate subspecies which has its type locality at Willapa Bay, Pacific Co., Was.h.i.+ngton. Over so wide an area it is only to be expected that some geographic variation is to be found.

Thus specimens from central Nevada average slightly paler in summer pelage than those from the Pacific Coast or from the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. In addition there are slight average differences in size from place to place. Topotypes of _S. v. vagrans_, however, show a fair degree of variability and some are nearly as pale as the paler Great Basin stocks. Furthermore topotypical individuals of _vagrans_ can be lost in series of _S. v. amoenus_, although _amoenus_ is shorter-tailed on the average. Specimens from the western foothills of the Rocky Mountains show an amazing series of relations.h.i.+ps with the montane _S. v. obscurus_. In Utah, as previously pointed out, complete intergradation occurs. At 1 mi. N Heath, Was.h.i.+ngton Co., Idaho, the lowland and the highland forms approach each other within a short distance and still maintain a degree of distinctness, especially in size. In northwestern Montana intergradation is extensive (Clothier, 1950). In northeastern Was.h.i.+ngton distinctly separable populations occur within a few miles of one another. In southern British Columbia some populations are clearly intergrades while at 6 mi. S Yahk intergradation seemingly has not taken place. Where some intergradation has occurred the result often has been increased size of the lowland shrews, although they usually retain the reddish summer pelage rather than acquiring the more grayish pelage of _obscurus_.

The name _dobsoni_ was based upon shrews from a place where lowland and highland forms occur almost together with only a slight amount of intergradation. Examples of "_dobsoni_" may not with certainty be distinguished from typical _vagrans_ except that they are, as Merriam (1895:68-69) points out, somewhat larger. Merriam (_loc. cit._) further notes that _dobsoni_ is "intermediate in size and cranial characters between _S. vagrans_ and _obscurus_;" a statement which hits very close to the heart of the matter. I consider the name _dobsoni_ to apply to intergrades. To attempt to apply the name to the highly variable populations of intergrades from British Columbia to southern Idaho seems inadvisable. I have examined the possibility of using the name _amoenus_ for the animals from this region. The characters which set _amoenus_ apart from _vagrans_, slightly shorter tail and slightly darker summer pelage, however, are not universally found in shrews from the Columbian Plateau and eastern Great Basin and furthermore these differences between _amoenus_ and _vagrans_ do not seem to me to be of great enough magnitude to warrant subspecific recognition of the former. Thus the name _S. v. vagrans_ may apply to shrews in the region under consideration. The subspecies, as thus thought of, embraces several incipient subspecies, namely (1) the populations on the isolated mountain ranges of Nevada, (2) the coastal rain forest population and possibly (3) the population on the Columbian Plateau.

In western British Columbia, Was.h.i.+ngton, and Oregon no evidences of intergradation between _S. v. vagrans_ and the races _setosus_, _permiliensis_, _bairdi_, _yaquinae_, or _pacificus_ are seen. In this region _S. v. vagrans_ occurs sympatrically with one or the other of these subspecies. Different degrees of differentiation thus obtain between the subspecies _vagrans_ as here defined and the surrounding subspecies of _Sorex vagrans_ to wit: complete intergradation and allopatry in Utah with _S. v. obscurus_; partial intergradation and partial sympatry with _S. v. obscurus_ in the foothill region from Idaho to British Columbia; no intergradation and complete sympatry with all the other races of _Sorex vagrans_ from the Cascades to the coast and south to San Francis...o...b..y. The relations.h.i.+p of _S. v.

vagrans_ to the wandering shrews of the high Sierra is discussed on page 58.

Throughout most of the Great Basin and Columbian Plateau _Sorex vagrans_ is, with the exception of the rare _S. merriami_ and _S.

preblei_, the only small shrew. In the Cascades and in the coastal lowlands it is the only small shrew except for _S. cinereus_ and _S.

trigonirostris_, both extremely rare and local in this region. _S.

vagrans_ seemingly competes to a certain extent with the larger _S.

trowbridgii_ in western Was.h.i.+ngton and seems to be partially dominant to _trowbridgii_, at least in marshy habitats (Dalquest, 1941:171).

_Specimens examined._--Total number, 1197.

BRITISH COLUMBIA: _Osoyoos District_: Okanagan, 20 PMBC; Okanagan Landing, 2 PMBC; Nahun Plateau, 2 PMBC. _Vancouver District_: Vancouver, 2 PMBC. _New Westminister District_: Port Moody, 16 BS; Westminster Jct., 4 AMNH; Langley, 1 BS; Vedder Crossing, 1 PMBC; Huntingdon, 69 NMC; Sumas, 16 BS; Cultus Lake, 1 NMC. _Similkameen District_: Princeton, 6 Mile Creek, 1 NMC. Hedley, Stirling Creek, 7 NMC; Fairview-Keremeos Summit, 5 NMC; Oliver, 1 NMC; Westbridge, 6 NMC; Osoyoos, 1 PMBC; Osoyoos-Bridesville Summit, 4 NMC; Cascade, 7 NMC. _Nelson District_: Kuskonook, 1 PMBC; Rossland, 14 NMC; Trail, 2 NMC; Creston, 4 PMBC, 4 NMC; near Creston, 7 NMC. _Cranbrook District_: Cranbrook, 5 BS; Yahk, 2 NMC; Yahk Camp 6, 2 NMC; Goatfell, 2 NMC. _Fernie District_: Newgate, 3 NMC.

WAs.h.i.+NGTON: _Whatcom Co._: Blaine, 1 BS; Beaver Creek, 5 WSC; Glacier, 1 BS; Mt. Baker Lodge, 1 WSC; Lake Whatcom, 1 BS; Barron, 2 BS.

_Okanogan Co._: Sheep Mtn., 3 BS; E. end Bauerman Ridge, 1 BS; Oroville, 1 BS; Hidden Lakes, 1 BS; Loomis, 1 BS; Conconully, 1 BS; Twisp, 1 BS. _Ferry Co._: 5 mi. W Curlew, 2 BS. _Stevens Co._: Marcus, 1 BS. _Pend Oreille Co._: Canyon, 1 WSC; Metaline, 2 BS; Sullivan Lake, 1 BS. _San Juan Co._: East Sound, Orcas Island, 3 BS; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, 1 BS; San Juan Park, 2 WSC; Blakely Island, 1 KU; Richardson, 6 BS. _Skagit Co._: Cypress Island, 1 KU; Hamilton, 1 BS; Sauk, 1 BS; Avon, 3 BS; Mt. Vernon, 2 BS; La Conner, 5 BS.

_Island Co._: San de Fuca, Whidby Island, 3 BS; Greenbank, Whidby Island, 2 BS; 3 mi. N Clinton, Whidby Island, 1 BS. _Snohomish Co._: Oso, 2 BS; Hermosa Point, Tulalip Indian Reservation, 7 mi. W and 1/2 mi. N Marysville, 3 KU. _Chelan Co._: Entiat, 2 BS. _Lincoln Co._: 6 mi. E Odessa, 4 BS. _Spokane Co._: Marshall, 7 BS. _Clallam Co._: Neah Bay, 29 BS; 8 mi. W Sekin River, 1 WSC; mouth Sekin River, 1 WSC; Dungeness, 1 BS; Port Townsend, 3 BS; Ozette Indian Reservation, 1 CMNH; Sequim, 4 BS; Tivoli Island, Ozette Lake, 1 CMNH; Garden Island, Ozette Lake, 3 CMNH; Elwah, 1 WSC; Blyn, 1 BS; Soleduck River, 1 BS; 12 mi. S Port Angeles, 1 WSC; Forks, 9 CMNH, 1 BS; Cat Creek, 1 WSC; Lapush, 5 BS. _Jefferson Co._: Jefferson Ranger Station, N Fork Hoh River, 5 CMNH; Duckabush, 6 BS. _Kitsap Co._: Vashon Island, 2 BS.

_King Co._: Redmont, 2 BS; Kirkland, 20 BS; Seattle, 1 WSC, 3 KU; Northbend, 2 BS: Lake Was.h.i.+ngton, near Renton, 2 BS; Kent, 1 BS; Enumclaw, 1 BS. _Grays Harbor Co._: Lake Quinault, 9 BS; Aberdeen, 20 BS; Westport, 5 BS, 2 WSC; Oakville, 1 BS. _Mason Co._: Lake Cushman, 11 BS; Hoodsport, 1 BS; North Fork Skokomish River, 1 BS; Shelton, 2 BS. _Pierce Co._: Puyallup, 6 BS; Steilacoom, 1 BS; 6 mi. S Tacoma, 2 BS; Roy, 3 BS; Bear Prairie, Mt. Rainier, 1 BS; Reflection Lake, Mt.

Rainier, 1 WSC. _Kitt.i.tas Co._: Blewett Pa.s.s, 3 BS; Easton, 3 BS; 2 mi. E Cle Elum, 4 FC; Ellensburg, 2 BS. _Grant Co._: Moses Lake, 1 BS; 9 mi. S and 1 mi. W Neppel, 1 UM. _Whitman Co._: Hangman Creek, Tekoa, 1 WSC; 4 mi. ENE Pullman, 1 KU; 2 mi. N Pullman, 2 WSC; 2 mi. NW Pullman, 1 WSC; 2 mi. W Pullman, 1 WSC; Pullman, 5 WSC; Armstrong, 1 WSC; 5 mi. NE Wawawai, 1 BS; Wawawai, 5 WSC. _Thurston Co._: Nisqually Flats, 2 BS; Nisqually, 1 BS; 4 mi. S Olympia, 1 BS; Tenino, 4 BS.

_Pacific Co._: Tokeland, 4 BS; 1 mi. S Nemah, 2 FC; 1 mi. N Bear River, Willapa Bay, 8 FC; 1/4 mi. N Bear River, 3 FC; 3-1/2 mi. E Seaview, 6 FC; Ilwaco, 1 BS. _Lewis Co._: 8 mi. W Chehallis, 2 BS; Chehallis, 2 BS; Toledo, 1 BS. _Yakima Co._: Selah, 7 KU; Wiley City, 4 BS.

_Wahkiak.u.m Co._: Cathlamet, 1 BS. _Skamania Co._: 45 mi. SE Toledo, 2 BS; Carson, 1 BS; Stevenson, 1 BS; 15 mi. NW White Salmon, 1 BS.

_Klickitat Co._: Trout Lake, 15 mi. S Mt. Adams, 2 BS; 15 mi. N Goldendale, 1 WSC; Goldendale, 1 BS. _Walla Walla Co._: College Place, 1 KU. _Columbia Co._: Starbuck, 3 BS. _Garfield Co._: 1 mi. E Pomeroy, 1 SGJ. _Asotin Co._: 21 mi. SE Dayton, 1 BS; Rogersburg, 1 BS.

IDAHO: _Bonner Co._: 4 mi. S Sandpoint, 1 UM. _Kootenai Co._: Coeur d'Alene, 2 BS. _Shoshone Co._: Osburry, 1 BS; Mullan, 2 BS. _Latah Co._: Felton's Mills, 1 WSC; Cedar Mtn., 5 WSC. _Lewis Co._: Nezperce, 2 BS. _Idaho Co._: Seven Devils Mtn., 1 BS. _Adams Co._: Summit of Smith Mtn., 7500 ft., 5 KU; New Meadows, 1 BS; Tamarack, 1 BS.

_Was.h.i.+ngton Co._: 1 mi. NE Heath, SW slope Cuddy Mtn., 4000 ft., 7 KU.

_Boise Co._: Bald Mtn. R. S., 10 mi. S Idaho City, 1 BS. _Elmore Co._: Cayuse Creek, 10 mi. N Featherville, 1 BS. _Canyon Co._: Nampa, 5 BS.

_Blaine Co._: Sawtooth City, 5 BS; Alturas Lake, 1 BS. _Bonneville Co._: 10 mi. SE Irwin, 5 BS. _Bannock Co._: Pocatello, 1 BS, 1 KU; 1 mi. W Bancroft, 1 KU; Swan Lake, 1 BS. _Owyhee Co._: Grasmere, 1 SGJ.

_Ca.s.sia Co._: 10 mi. S Albion, Mt. Harrison, 1 BS.

MONTANA: _Sanders Co._: Prospect Creek, near Thomson Falls, 4 BS.

_Lake Co._: Flathead Lake, 5 BS. _Ravalli Co._: Ba.s.s Creek, NW Stevensville, 2 BS; 2 mi. NE Stevensville, 1 UM; Corvallis, 4 BS; 6 mi. E Hamilton, 1 KU.

OREGON: _Clatsop Co._: Seaside, 1 BS. _Was.h.i.+ngton Co._: 5 mi. SE Hillsboro, 1 BS; Beaverton, 1 BS. _Multnomah Co._: Portland, 20 BS; Portland, Switzler Lake, 5 BS. _Hood River Co._: 2 mi. W Parkdale, 1 BS; north slope Mt. Hood, 2 BS. _Umatilla Co._: 10 mi. W Meacham, 2 BS; Meacham, 3 BS. _Union Co._: Elgin, 2 BS; Kamela, 2 BS; Hot Lake, 2 BS. _Wallowa Co._: 25 mi. N. Enterprise, 4 BS; Wallowa Lake, 23 BS; S Wallowa Lake, 1 BS. _Clackamas Co._: Estacada, 1 KU. _Marion Co._: Salem, 8 BS; Permilia Lake, 2 BS. _Benton Co._: Corvallis, 2 BS; 5 mi.

SW Philomath, 5 BS. _Linn Co._: Shelburn, 1 BS. _Jefferson Co._: 20 mi. W Warm Springs, 2 BS. _Grant Co._: Beech Creek, 6 BS; Austin, 1 BS; Strawberry b.u.t.te, 1 BS; Strawberry Mts., 12 BS. _Baker Co._: Homestead, 1 BS; Cornucopia, 11 BS; Rock Creek, 1 BS; Bourne, 7 BS; McEwen, 1 BS; Huntington, 1 BS; Anthony, 42 AMNH. _Lane Co._: north slope Three Sisters, 3 BS; Vida, 1 BS; Mapleton, 1 BS; Eugene, 2 BS; 10 mi. S McKenzie Bridge, 1 BS; Florence, 1 BS. _Deschutes Co._: Paulina Lake, 7 BS; Lapine, 8 BS. _Crook Co._: 1 SGJ. _Douglas Co._: Winchester Bay, 1 SGJ; Scottsburg, 3 BS; Drain, 5 BS; Lookinggla.s.s, 1 BS; Diamond Lake, 6 BS. _Coos Co._: Empire, 5 BS. _Curry Co._: Port Orford, 1 BS; Gold Beach, 4 BS. _Klamath Co._: Anna Creek, Mt. Mazama, 1 BS; Crater Lake, 14 BS; Upper Klamath Marsh, 2 BS; Ft. Klamath, 35 BS; Klamath Falls, 6 BS. _Lake Co._: 10 mi. SW Silver Lake, 3 BS; west fork Silver Creek, Yamsay Mts., 4 BS; Plush, 1 BS; Warner Creek, Warner Mts., 1 BS; Warner Mts., 3 BS; Gearhart Mts., 17 SGJ; _Harney Co._: Diamond, 2 BS; Keiger Gorge, Steens Mts., 3 BS. _Malheur Co._: 8 mi. W Jordon Valley, 1 BS.

WYOMING: _Lincoln Co._: 13 mi. N and 2 mi. W Afton, 6 KU; 10 mi. N Afton, Salt River, 2 BS; 9 mi. N and 2 mi. W Afton, 6 KU; 7 mi. N and 1 mi. W Afton, 4 KU; c.o.keville, 1 BS; 12 mi. N and 2 mi. E Sage, 2 KU; 6 mi. N and 2 mi. E Sage, 1 KU.

CALIFORNIA: _Del Norte Co._: Smith River, 2 BS; Crescent City, 20 BS.

_Siskiyou Co._: Beswick, 1 BS; Hornbrook, 3 BS; Brownell, Klamath Lake, 1 BS; Mayten, 2 BS; Squaw Creek, Mt. Shasta, 5 BS; Upper Ash Creek, Mt. Shasta, 1 BS; upper Mud Creek, Mt. Shasta, 8 BS; Wagon Camp, Mt. Shasta, 5 BS; Warmcastle Soda Springs, Squaw Creek Valley, 2 BS; Sisson, 7 BS. _Modoc Co._: Davis Creek, Goose Lake, 1 BS.

_Humboldt Co._: _Humboldt Bay_, 10 BS. _Trinity Co._: Canyon Creek, 2 BS. _Shasta Co._: Fort Crook, 11 BS; Dana, 17 BS; Fall Lake, Fall River Valley, 3 BS; Ca.s.sel, 2 BS; 12 mi. E Burney, 1 BS; La.s.sen Peak, 13 BS; Kellys, Warner Creek, 1 KU; Drakes Hot Springs, Warner Creek, 2 BS. _Mendocino Co._: Russian Gulch State Park, 2 FC. _Plumas Co._: 12 mi. NE Prattville, 2 BS; Spring Garden Ranch, Grizzly Mts., 3 BS; Sierra Valley, 1 BS. _Sierra Co._: Lincoln Creek, 1 BS. _Sonoma Co._: Petaluma, 3 BS; Point Reyes, 7 BS. _Placer Co._: Donner, 3 BS. _El Dorado Co._: Tallac, 3 BS. _Mono Co._: Mt. Conness, 1 BS; Mono Lake, 1 BS; near Mammoth, 8000 ft., head of Owens River, 2 BS. _Inyo Co._: Alvord, 1 BS.

NEVADA: _Elko Co._: Mountain City, 1 BS; Three Lakes, 1 KU; west side Ruby Lake, 3 mi. N White Pine Co. line, 8 KU; Ruby Mts., 9 BS; W side Ruby Lake, 3 BS. _White Pine Co._: W side Ruby Lake, 3 mi. S Elko Co.

line, 1 KU. _Nye Co._: Cloverdale, Reese River, 3 BS.

UTAH: _Weber Co._: Beaver Creek, S Fork Ogden River, 2 UU; Huntsville, 10 mi. E Ogden, 1 UU; Hooper Bay Refuge, 4200 ft., 1 UU; Riverdale, 4200 ft., 3 UU; Riverdale, 4250 ft., 1 UU; 3 mi. SE Ogden, 2 UU; Snow Basin, 2 UU; Snow Basin, S part Wheeler Canyon, 1 UU; Uinta, 2 mi. W Weber Canyon entrance, 4 UU; 2 mi. W Uinta, 1 UU. _Salt Lake Co._: City Creek Canyon, 6 mi. NE Salt Lake City, 4700 ft., 2 UU; 1 mi. up City Creek Canyon, 4600 ft., 1 UU; 3/4 mi. above Forks, City Creek Canyon, 1 UU; The Firs, Millcreek Canyon, 1 UU; Olympus Water Box, 1 UU; Salamander Lake, Lamb's Canyon, 9000 ft., 3 UU (near _obscurus_); Salt Lake City, 7500 ft., 1 UU; 1 mi. W Draper, 4500 ft., 6 UU; Draper, 4500 ft., 5 UU; 1-1/2 mi. SW Draper, 4500 ft., 1 UU; 3 mi. SW Draper, 4400 ft., 2 UU; 3 mi. S Draper, 4400 ft., 2 UU; 1 mi. S Draper, 4500 ft., 1 UU. _Juab Co._: W side Deep Creek Mts., Queen of Sheba Canyon, 8000 ft., 3 UU. _Wasatch Co._: Midway Fish Hatchery, 5450 ft., 1 UU.

_Marginal records._--BRITISH COLUMBIA: Okanagan; Westbridge; Kuskonook; Cranbrook. MONTANA: Flathead Lake; 6 mi. E Hamilton; Prospect Creek. IDAHO: Cedar Mtn.; New Meadows; Alturas Lake; 10 mi.

SE Irwin. WYOMING: 13 mi. N and 2 mi. W Afton; 6 mi. N and 2 mi. E Sage. IDAHO: 1 mi. W Bancroft; Swan Lake. UTAH: Beaver Creek, South Fork, Ogden River; Midway Fish Hatchery; west side Deep Creek Mts., Queen of Sheba Canyon, 8000 ft. NEVADA: Baker Creek (Hall, 1946:120); Reese River (_ibid._); 2 mi. S Hinds Hot Springs (_ibid._).

CALIFORNIA: Mono Lake (Jackson, 1928:110); near Mammoth; Alvord; Mount Conness; Donner; Buck Ranch (Jackson, 1928:110); Warner Creek, Drake Hot Springs (_ibid._); Canyon Creek; Cuddeback (Jackson, 1928:105); Novato Point (_ibid._), thence northward along the coast to WAs.h.i.+NGTON: Friday Harbor, San Juan Island. BRITISH COLUMBIA: Port Moody.

=Sorex vagrans obscuroides= new subspecies

_Type._--First year female, skin and skull; No. 30064/42074, U. S.

Biol. Surv. Coll.; obtained on August 9, 1891, by Frank Stephens from Bishop Creek, 6600 ft., Inyo Co., California, original no. 811.

_Range._--The Sierra Nevada of California, north at least to El Dorado County, intergrading northerly with _S. v. vagrans_.

_Diagnosis._--Size medium for the species; average and extreme measurements of 5 topotypes are: total length, 107 (103-112); tail, 47 (45-50); hind foot, 12.8 (12-13.5). Skull relatively broad interorbitally; color of dorsum in summer pelage nearest (17"'_k_) Olive Brown.

_Comparisons._--Differs from _S. v. vagrans_, with which it intergrades to the north, in: longer tail and total length; skull larger and relatively broader interorbitally; color in summer grayer (less reddish), the lighter subterminal color bands of the hair often showing through the darker tips and imparting a grizzled appearance to the dorsum. Differs from _S. v. parvidens_ to the south in: skull relatively broader interorbitally and less flattened; teeth slightly larger.

_Remarks._--_S. v. obscuroides_ has long been called _S. v. obscurus_.

In fact, _obscuroides_ is separated from the range of _obscurus_ by the intervening, smaller subspecies _S. v. vagrans_. _S. v.

obscuroides_ resembles _S. v. obscurus_ in color and size but the skull is smaller, although relatively slightly broader. The resemblance in color is possibly due to the fact that _obscuroides_, like _obscurus_, is a high mountain form. _S. v. obscuroides_ intergrades with _S. v. vagrans_ along the crest of the Sierra between Yosemite National Park and La.s.sen Peak and on the eastern slope of the Sierra from approximately Mammoth northward. Specimens from Donner are intergrades but are closest to _S. v. vagrans_. Although all specimens from La.s.sen Peak are referable to _S. v. vagrans_, some show cranial characters of _obscuroides_.

_Specimens examined._--Total number, 76. CALIFORNIA: _Mono Co._: Mt.

Dana, 6 BS; Mt. Lyell, 11 BS. _Mariposa Co._: Tuolumne Meadows, Muir Meadow, 9300 ft., 1 BS; Tuolumne Meadows, Mt. Unicorn, 1 BS; Tuolumne Meadows, N base Mt. Lyell, 8 BS; Tuolumne Meadows, Soda Springs, 4 BS; Lake Tenaya, 5 BS. _Madera Co._: San Joaquin River, 8000 ft., 4 BS.

_Fresno Co._: Horse Corral Meadows, 3 BS. _Mono Co._: head of Owens River near Mammoth, 2 BS. _Inyo Co._: Bishop Creek, 5 BS; Round Valley, 1 BS. _Tulare Co._: E. Fork Kaweah River, 7 BS; Mt. Whitney, 5 BS; Whitney Creek, Mt. Whitney, 4 ChM; Whitney Meadows, 9700 ft., 1 BS; Mineralking, 2 BS; N. Fork Kern River, 9600 ft., 1 BS; S. Fork Kern River, 4 BS; Kern Lakes, 1 BS.

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Speciation of the Wandering Shrew Part 9 summary

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