The Temptation Of Torilla Part 15

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The Marquis swore beneath his breath.

"I might have guessed that was the sort of construction he would put on it," he said sharply.

"He a s-said that he was a prepared to m-make a b-bargain."

"What sort of bargain?"

Again it was hard to answer the question.

"He a s-said," Torilla faltered after a moment, "that I could either a dine a alone with him a t-tomorrow night in a a p-private room, or I m-must pay him a five thousand pounds before n-noon."

"So that is his game!" the Marquis said quietly.

He bent forward and put one hand over Torilla's fingers, which she had been entwining together in her agitation.

"It is all right, Torilla. I will deal with this. I know this type of bounder and I promise you that shall not be troubled any further."

"I am not w-worrying about a myself," Torilla said, "b-but Beryl."

The Marquis's fingers on hers gave her the same sensations she had felt before when he touched her in the Park.

She felt a streak of lightning stab through her and she had an irrepressible impulse to cling to his hand, to hold on to him tightly and beg him to take care of her.

It was not only Sir Jocelyn, she thought wildly, it was Lord Arkley, her aunt manoeuvring her into marriage, and what she herself felt about the men who approached her. Then she told herself severely that the Marquis belonged to Beryl and things were complicated enough without her relying on him as she longed to do.

The Marquis sensed her agitation and said quietly, "It is all right. I promise you it will be all right."

"If only I had a told Beryl that we had met when I first a arrived at The Hall," Torilla said.

"Why did you not do so?" the Marquis asked in his deep voice.

Torilla found it impossible to answer him.

How could she say that, while she knew she should be ashamed of behaving as she had with a stranger, it had been the most wonderful moment that had ever happened in her life?

As if he knew the conflict in her mind and understood, the Marquis rose to his feet.

"Go back to the ballroom and enjoy yourself, Torilla. Leave me to deal with everything."

"Supposing a Sir Jocelyn a ?"

"He will do nothing to hurt either you or Beryl," the Marquis answered. "I have asked you to trust me even though you think you cannot do so."

"I do a trust you," Torilla answered.

"Despite everything you think about me?"

She raised her eyes to his face and now it was impossible to look away.

She felt that, without his touching her, she was captive in his arms, held by a spell that made her feel as if they reached out to each other across Eternity.

Then abruptly, as if he forced himself to do so, the Marquis looked away from her and said in a different tone of voice, "Your father sends you his love and hopes you are enjoying yourself."

"M-my a father?"

Torilla thought she could not have heard him correctly.

"I have been to Barrowfield," the Marquis explained. "I spent some time with your father and I think you will be glad to know that everything he suggested will be put into operation immediately."

"Do you a mean a ?" Torilla asked, and she could hardly breathe the words.

"The Buddle air-pump, the safety lamps, new water pumps, better safety precautions a there is a whole list of them!"

"I don't a understand," Torilla stuttered, but there was a light in her eyes.

"You were right," the Marquis said, "completely and absolutely right in what you said to me. The pit is indeed a h.e.l.l that should never have been allowed to exist."

Torilla could only stare at him speechless as he went on, "I have sacked the overseer and your father helped me to engage another man. I have forbidden the employment of children under the age of sixteen in my mine and where it is possible women will be excluded altogether."

Torilla clasped her hands together.

"I think I am a dreaming."

"You father said very much the same thing," the Marquis smiled. "There will be presents of money and pieces of beef at Festivals and for the old, and, as in the Fitzwilliam mines, work incentives a four s.h.i.+llings for 'takking bra.s.s' when the men work a full week of six days, besides an increase in their ordinary wages."

Torilla gave a little cry of joy.

"How could you do a anything so wonderful a so marvellous?"

"It is only what you told me to do."

"But I never thought a I never dreamt a "

She suddenly put her hands up to her face.

"I knew afterwards that I should have asked you to help instead of attacking you as I a did."

"I deserved it. I am the last person to plead ignorance when it is a case of neglect. I deserved everything you said to me, Torilla, and a great deal more."

"And now it will a all be a changed," she sighed and there were tears in her eyes.

"A coal mine is always a coal mine and not a pleasant place for anyone, especially someone like you," the Marquis answered. "But your father is satisfied."

"How can I ever thank you?"

Even as she spoke, the colour rose in her face as she remembered that she had asked the same question once before.

The Marquis, she knew, thought the same and once again her eyes were held by his.

"Now that is settled," the Marquis said very quietly, "what are you going to do about us?"

Torilla was still.

"Us?" she whispered.

"Yes a us!" the Marquis repeated. "We both knew what happened when I kissed you, and yet I let you go because I believed I would never see you again and perhaps in time I could forget."

He drew in his breath.

"But we have met again, Torilla, and now I know I cannot live without you."

It was what she felt about him, Torilla thought wildly, and she knew it was the answer to everything that had perplexed and confused her.

Everything that she had been feeling, searching for and worried about was because she had fallen in love when he touched her lips.

She had tried to fight against it, she had tried to deny it, but it was love. The love her mother had felt for her father and he for her.

Love that was Divine, and yet very human, love that made it impossible for her to think of ever belonging to any other man.

"I love you, Torilla!"

The Marquis spoke the words very slowly and yet they seemed to vibrate through her.


She whispered the word, and yet it seemed to Torilla as she spoke that it was trumpeted round the room to echo and re-echo.

"Yes a Beryl," the Marquis answered.

He walked towards the mantelpiece to stand looking down into the fireplace that was filled with flowers as if he thought somehow amongst them he would find a solution.

Torilla stood looking at him, his broad shoulders, his athletic body, his dark head.

Now the barriers were down she knew that she loved him, with her whole being, her mind, her body and her soul.

Everything she was, was his.

"I will go to Beryl and tell her the truth," the Marquis suggested.

"No, you a cannot do a that."

"I will ask her to release me from a marriage, which could only bring unhappiness to both of us."

"Beryl wants to a marry you," Torilla said, "and you know as well as I do that it would a hurt her Socially in a a manner that would be a indefensibly cruel if you jilted her."

"Perhaps I could persuade her to refuse me?"

Torilla made a helpless little gesture with her hands.

"She would never do that. And you know as well there could be no happiness for us if we a hurt Beryl and caused a scandal."

The Marquis turned to face her.

"You are saying all the things I expected you to say, but how can we go on living without each other?"

His face was suddenly drawn and there was an expression of pain in his eyes that made Torilla long to put her arms round him and comfort him.

She knew that what he was suggesting was wrong, completely wrong.

At the same time she thought wonderingly that she had taken it for granted that he was asking her to marry him, although he had not actually p.r.o.nounced the words.

Once again he read her thoughts and said quietly, "You know that I want more than my hope of Heaven to make you my wife, Torilla. I have laughed at love a I told my mother it was something that would never happen to me. But I have been confounded by my own words."

He paused before he went on, "I love you as I did not think it possible to love any woman. Your face is always before my eyes. At night I hold you in my arms as I held you once, then, fool that I was, I let you go."

"It was a wrong of me to let you a kiss me," Torilla whispered.

"It was not wrong but inevitable, something that was bound to happen, because, without knowing it, I have always been looking for you and I think perhaps, my darling, you have been looking for me."

That was true, Torilla thought, but she had not been aware of it. Only now did she know that he was everything she had ever dreamt of a imagined a her ideal.

"Would you be brave enough to come away with me?" the Marquis asked. "To go abroad where we could be married and live quietly for a few years until the scandal and gossip had died down. People forget very quickly."

"How could we a do that to a Beryl?" Torilla questioned.

Equally she thought that nothing could be more wonderful, more perfect, than to be with him and to have nothing to distract their minds from each other.

Then she told herself it would be wrong and wicked to take her happiness at the expense of someone she loved as she loved Beryl.

"I love you," she said softly, "I shall always a love you and there could never be a another man I could marry."

At her words the Marquis took a step towards her, a light in his eyes.

"But I cannot go a away with you," Torilla finished. "We must a forget that we have ever said such things to a each other. You belong to Beryl. She has promised to become your wife and I would not allow you to do a anything that was a dishonourable."

Her voice trembled on the word and the Marquis with an inexpressible pain in his voice responded, "I might have known it would be a punishment for all my sins that I should fall in love with someone as good and pure as you."

"I am neither," Torilla a.s.serted, "but we could not build our happiness on a cruelty."

The Marquis sighed and it seemed to Torilla almost a cry of pain.

"Perhaps we will find a solution," he smurmured, but his voice was dull.

"There will not be one," Torilla answered despairingly, "but I shall pray for you and wherever you go, whatever you do a I shall pray that my love will keep you safe and a perhaps in some little way inspire you."

"As you have inspired me already. Ever since you and I met, Torilla, I have found myself thinking in a manner I have never thought before, wanting to give instead of to take."

He put his hand over his eyes as he continued, "What I saw the conditions in the mine that bears my name, I was appalled, humiliated and ashamed. I would not have felt like that if I had not known you."

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The Temptation Of Torilla Part 15 summary

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