Surrendering To The Dragon Part 10

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Tossing the pamphlet on the counter, he walked to stand behind Nikki. "Will do, Doc."

Sid nodded. "Then we'll meet again in a few days. I can answer more questions then."

Rafe waited until Sid was gone before he cleared his throat. "Come on. Dinner's ready and I have a surprise for you."

"If you say it's your d.i.c.k, I will kick you," Nikki muttered.

"I still have my fantasy to play out, remember. You can't say no to that."

"Fine." Nikki stood. "Let's get this over with. I'm sure it's going to be the least awkward dinner of the century."

Anger flashed inside him at her tone. Taking hold of her shoulders, he pulled her close. "I won't have you trying to put distance between us, Nikola Gray. I know neither one of us expected this to happen, but it has. I'm sorry I hurt you before, and I will make it up to you. But if you never give me a chance, our daughter will grow up with two parents who do nothing but argue."

"It could be a son. Plus, the DDA might throw you in jail."


"Don't growl at me, Rafe Hartley. You're not only male but human. You have no idea what it's like to be at the mercy of your dragon's b.l.o.o.d.y instinct and hormones. My choices were to suffer for months in pain or allow the frenzy to take its course, so excuse me while I whine a little. It's not even been a day since I found out I'm knocked up. I need time to absorb it all."

"Take your time with absorbing it, but stop kicking me down in the process."

"What? Does the human need pretty words to feel better?"

Narrowing his eyes, Rafe leaned down until he was an inch from Nikki's lips. "It's more than that. I want to know you, Nikki, but I can't even try if you keep pus.h.i.+ng me away."

Nikki blinked. "Why now? We've had the last six months to get to know each other. Does it take a baby to open up your heart?"

"No. But the staying out of jail part had." Nikki tried to pull away, but Rafe kept her in place. "Tell me the real reason you're fighting this so hard. Because I sense there is one."

Nikki's pupils flashed to slits and back. He wondered what her b.l.o.o.d.y dragon was saying now.

A few seconds later, Nikki replied quietly, "I fancied you once before, Rafe. And I know you've apologized. In my head, I get that. But between our past, the whole baby thing, and me probably not being able to help take down the man who was responsible for Charlie's death, I don't know who I'm supposed to be anymore. If I don't know myself, then how in the h.e.l.l can I try to let you in to know me better?"

"Who said anything about you not being able to take down Bourne?"

"Right, because you're going to let me slink through the woods and help take him down while carrying your baby."

"d.a.m.n right I am. We'll find a way to take down Bourne while you're still able to help me. I vow it on our child's life."

As Nikki searched his eyes, Rafe held his breath. He had a feeling this moment was important. If Nikki dismissed his vow as nothing more than bulls.h.i.+t, he might never have a chance with her. For all her outgoing personality, Nikki held her true self close.

And d.a.m.n it, he wanted to know her better.

Nikki was at one of the those instances in her life that demarcated a "point of no return."

Ever since she could remember, the majority of the clan had seen her as a symbol of hope and put her on a pedestal she neither wanted nor deserved. Being born had been her greatest accomplishment. Nikki's only goal had been to earn the praise and respect of her clan through her own actions.

She had thought her own wishes had ended with the mate-claim frenzy. And yet, Rafe offered her the chance to be the female who not only had a child to give the clan hope, but who could also kick a.s.s and get retribution for Charlie's death.

The only question was-could she trust him with both his vow and her heart again? Because if she opened up to Rafe, Nikki was fairly certain she'd fancy him again. And not just because he treated her as normal, but also because the more she learned about him, the more she wanted to know.

Her dragon spoke up. You'll never know if you push him away. I want him. Don't you? How many male dragon-s.h.i.+fters would offer the same?

More than that, how many would allow me to continue to protect whilst pregnant.

Exactly. We both like him. Let him in.

Nikki gingerly laid a hand on Rafe's chest. She felt his heart thumping faster than normal. Could it be that Rafe was nervous about her answer?

His reaction prodded Nikki to make a decision. Lightly brus.h.i.+ng his s.h.i.+rt, she finally said, "I will try to be more honest. But if you start acting like an a.r.s.ehole, I'm still going to call you out on it."

"Honesty is a good first step. But tell me, Nikki,"-he searched her eyes-"is honesty all you want?"

Her heart rate kicked up as years of dreams came rus.h.i.+ng back. Ones filled with her and Rafe naked, cuddling, or even her flying in dragon form with him in a basket beneath her.

Her dragon chimed in again. If you're going to be honest with him, then be completely honest. He is our mate. We should claim him in all ways, not just with s.e.x. Or, even by having his child.

Up until last week, Nikki hadn't thought twice of finding a mate. h.e.l.l, she'd barely survived a first date.

Logan. She'd forgotten all about him. The date had been nice enough, but as she drowned in Rafe's green-eyed gaze, she knew she wanted more than nice.

Quite simply, she wanted the fire and pa.s.sion that was Rafe Hartley.

"I-I want more than honesty." Taking a deep breath, she spat out the truth before she could change her mind. "But I'm afraid, Rafe."

"Tell me why."

Swallowing, she answered, "My dad found his true mate, and even had a child with her. Yet she abandoned us both as soon as possible. I adore Delphine, but my dad didn't meet her until I was six years old, when she came to visit a friend on Stonefire. We had a hard time of it before that." She paused. Rafe caressed her cheek, and she found the strength to carry on. "Even if the law changes so you can stay, you might change your mind later and leave. Being a human mate to a dragon-s.h.i.+fter is never easy, and sometimes, it takes its toll. I don't want to put any child through the ordeal of losing a parent like I have."

Rafe smiled. "So you want to keep the baby?"

"Yes. No. h.e.l.l, I don't know. But that's not the larger point. You may want to stay now, but you might want to run later."

"You need to have more faith in me, Nikki. Did I ever give up when we were both serving together four years ago?"

She didn't miss a beat. "No."

"Then if I can survive a war zone, I can b.l.o.o.d.y well survive a few barbs or insults thrown my way. Besides, if my sister is to be believed, she will have all of Britain loving Stonefire once her videocast series launches in a few weeks." Brus.h.i.+ng his thumb against her cheek, he murmured, "So, do you want to give this a chance? Because I know I want to."

She'd wanted to hear those words for so long. The only question was if she could make the leap to give Rafe a second chance?

Her beast growled. Of course we can. Stop doubting everything and just go with your gut. Otherwise, maybe I should be the one talking with our human.

If you would stop nattering inside my head, I could answer him.

Her dragon huffed. Use me as an excuse if you like. Just spit out the truth already.

Leaning against Rafe, she whispered, "I want to try."

"Make me believe your answer, Nikki." He moved a fraction closer. "Kiss me not because of your dragon's instinct, but simply because you want to." He lowered his voice. "I know I want you to."

With her heart pounding in her ears, Nikki was done overthinking everything. She raised her face and touched her lips to his. As Rafe gently nipped her lower lip and caressed the light sting with his tongue, she melted against him.

If there was one thing she would never doubt, it was Rafe's ability to make her knees go weak with nothing more than a kiss.

Rafe finally pulled away with a grin, his green eyes content.

d.a.m.n, he was beautiful when he smiled.

When Rafe spoke, Nikki had to concentrate on his response. "If you ever feel as if you're going to retreat and cut me down to protect yourself, then just ask for a kiss. That will remind you of why we should try."

"Oh? So that must make me the best b.l.o.o.d.y kisser in all of England."

Moving a hand to her a.r.s.e, he squeezed. "I rather thought that was me."

Nikki chuckled, and her dragon chimed in, This is better. Be nice to him.

Rafe brushed her cheek, and she met his gaze again as he asked, "What is your dragon saying?"

"She wants me to be nice to you."

Amus.e.m.e.nt danced in his eyes. "And what did you say back?"

"I haven't said anything yet because of a nosey human male interrupting," she teased.

"Well, then." He pulled her tighter against his body and nuzzled her cheek with his own. "Tell her that I only want you mostly nice because your fire and pa.s.sion is what caught my interest in the first place." He leaned back to meet her gaze. "Don't ever lose it, Nikki. I mean it. Or, I will have to tease you endlessly to bring it back out again."

"Always you and the ordering me around."

"I was trying to compliment you, woman."

She smiled widely. "I know. But teasing you is so much fun."

With a growl, Rafe kissed her again, and she forgot about everything but his firm, warm lips. Needing to feel his skin, she ran a hand to the back of his neck and lightly dug in her nails.

Only because she was still sore and exhausted did she not rip off his clothes and jump him.

Her dragon hummed. Maybe tomorrow. Then he can take his time.

And whose fault is that about the rough, rushed s.e.x?

Her beast huffed. I was running on instinct.

As Nikki was about to reply, Rafe murmured against her lips, "Stop thinking so much."

"How can you-"

"You become distant. Tell your blasted dragon it's my turn. She can have you later."

To Nikki's surprise, her beast faded to the back of her mind and settled down.

Clearly, her dragon was rooting for Team Rafe.

Leaning back, Nikki tilted her head. "Did you make me lasagna with heaps of garlic bread?"

The corner of his mouth ticked up. "Maybe."

"Well, if you did, then I'm all yours for as long as it takes to eat it."

"And after?"

"That depends on your cooking."

Rafe's chuckle echoed inside the cottage, and a fraction of doubt lifted from her mind. Maybe, just maybe, she and Rafe could work. The real test would be when they started working on the Bourne case again.

But that was for a different day. Pus.h.i.+ng aside her concerns, Nikki focused on the moment. Because for once, she was just a regular dragonwoman enjoying some downtime with a male. The baby, the mission, and even what the clan thought of her could wait.

And with all of that off her shoulders, at least temporarily, Nikki felt lighter than she had in a long time.

Rafe turned her around so she was at his side, and then looped an arm around her waist. He gestured with his head. "Then come, my lady. A feast awaits."

Torn between rolling her eyes and laughing, Nikki merely leaned against Rafe's shoulder and headed into the kitchen.

Chapter Nine.

The next morning, as Nikki woke up and stretched her arms, she should have b.u.mped into Rafe's warm body. Opening her eyes, she saw his side of the bed was empty.

After earning brownie points for his lasagna and garlic bread, Nikki had agreed to let Rafe sleep in the same bed. But only for sleeping. To her surprise, Rafe had been content to merely pa.s.s out next to her.

He might not have admitted it, but the frenzy had taken its toll on her human.

She blinked. Since when had she thought of Rafe as her human?

Her dragon's sleep voice filled her head. But he is ours.

A conversation, dinner, and sharing a bed hardly const.i.tute a claim.

Considering he trusted us enough to fall asleep first, I would say he wouldn't mind being claimed.

With a sigh, Nikki ignored her dragon and slowly sat up, not willing to acknowledge the soreness in her muscles. If she hurt this much after a frenzy, and Nikki was in top physical shape, she wondered how the human females ever survived it.

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Surrendering To The Dragon Part 10 summary

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