Surrendering To The Dragon Part 16

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"Nikki." Meeting Rafe's gaze again, he said, "You don't have to live the memory alone. Share it with me. Please?"

"You saying please makes me nervous."

He grinned. "I'll remember that." His smile faded and he searched her eyes. "Whatever you say stays between us."

She knew Rafe was telling the truth, although it didn't make things easier. After keeping the whole ordeal bottled up for a year, it was hard to expose her raw vulnerabilities again.

Yet as Rafe stroked her side, she believed he wouldn't think less of her regardless of what she told him. "They'd slated Charlie for blood draining. Once she could s.h.i.+ft again, they kept her locked up in a cage and hooked up to draining tubes at all her main arteries. Right before they switched on the machine to pump out the blood, they took me to her. The man told me I could stop it all if I merely told him how to infiltrate Stonefire undetected.

"Charlie was awake. She met my eyes, and I could read the message there-protect the clan, always and forever. It's the motto of the Protectors, and even with her impending death, Charlie held to it fast until the end." Nikki briefly closed her eyes but forced them open again. She needed to get it all out before cowardice prevented her from sharing it all. "I told the man to f.u.c.k off and he nodded. His lackey turned on the machine. As it whirred, blood slowly made its way down the tube. I stared right into Charlie's eyes, telling her how much I wanted to help. I swear she nodded in approval of me, keeping silent. Then the guard took me away to an interrogation room. Charlie was brave, but eventually, the pain was too much, and she roared in desperation.

"If that weren't traumatic enough, they tied me to a chair and punched my injured shoulder a few times. When I still wouldn't give up the information, another man brought out some of his torture instruments. I tried as hard as I could, but the electrocution was too much, and my screams joined Charlie's dying ones. I don't know how long the cycle of electrocution and punching my shoulder went on. To be honest, I'm surprised it healed at all. I eventually pa.s.sed out from the pain and only came to when a team from Stonefire rescued me."

She'd looked away while recounting the events. Nikki could keep her gaze averted, but hadn't come this far just to be a coward. Looking at Rafe, she sucked in the breath at the anger there. His voice was controlled when he asked, "Are the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who hurt you and Charlie still alive? Because if they are, I will find a way to hunt them down and make them pay for their crimes."

Smiling wryly, Nikki shook her head. "I have no idea. They weren't amongst those captured in the rescue attempt, but with all the other attacks over the past year, they might've died in them."

"I sort of hope they are alive. Anyone who hurts my woman will have to deal with me."

She should leave it be, but Nikki wanted clarification. "Your woman?"

Tilting his head, he answered, "Should I say my dragonwoman?"

"Rafe, your future is uncertain and-"

"Forget about the laws and all the excuses for once." He leaned in closer. "With just you and me in this room, would you like to call me your man?"

"Man is such a human term." Rafe growled and she smiled. "But one more question first."

"What?" he barked.

"My, my, someone's temper is coming out to play." At the intensity of his gaze, Nikki pushed aside her desire to tease and answered, "Given everything that happened with the dragon hunters, how do you know I won't freeze up if we encounter them in Ireland?"

Rafe didn't miss a beat. "Because you're stubborn, brave, and out to get retribution for Charlie's death. You made a rookie mistake whilst training. Who hasn't? You have to learn from it and move on. Otherwise, you'll never be able to do your duty or your job. If it triggers a memory, then I expect you to let me know and I will cover you. Together, we can watch each other's backs. It happens in the army, but it can happen with lovers as well."

Her dragon scratched a hole in her prison and said, He has faith in us. That should be enough.

True, Kai and Bram had never stopped believing in her. But as far as Nikki knew, neither of the dragonmen had gone through a similar traumatic experience and had to face the object of their nightmares. Rafe had.

Nikki stood on the precipice of something ma.s.sive. Because after everything that had happened during their chat, she liked Rafe. Maybe even a little too much.

More than that, all his determination, bravery, and even his hidden softer side were starting to convince her he'd be a wonderful father. He would also probably keep his word about allowing her to still work and help take care of their baby.

Their baby.

Rationally, she'd known the child in her belly was little pieces of her and Rafe. But for the first time, she could envision a little boy or girl finding the best way to escape a room and hide. Maybe even keeping her and Rafe guessing for an hour. She couldn't even imagine what sort of trouble their child would get up to when his or her dragon started talking to them.

Unlike what had happened with Nikki's mother, she couldn't picture Rafe running away at the first test or sign of trouble. The only question was whether they could move beyond the s.e.x and attraction and actually fall in love. Not just any love-but a lifelong one.

More than anything, that was what Nikki wanted. If she gave away her heart to a male and had his children, she wanted the security of knowing he'd stick around.

A life with Rafe was beginning to look possible, provided the law changed. Given what Stonefire had done over the last two years, Nikki was fairly confident Melanie and Evie could find a way to keep Rafe around.

Her dragon piped up. And why is that?

Because she wanted him to be her male.

Placing a hand on her lower belly, Nikki looked down. Would she really be able to give up a little piece of Rafe when it came to it?

Her beast roared, but before Nikki could answer her, Rafe placed his hand over hers. At his warm touch, she forced herself to meet his gaze. His deep voice washed over her. "So, have I pa.s.sed your tests? Can I call you my dragonwoman?"

Her heart thumping fast inside her chest, Nikki smiled slowly. "Only if I can call you my male."

With a growl, he maneuvered Nikki to her back. The heavy weight of his body on hers made it difficult to concentrate on his words. "I think that can be arranged." He gave her a quick, rough kiss before whispering against her lips, "I think it's time to claim my dragonwoman."

His fingers brushed between her legs and she sucked in a breath. "Dragons claim their humans. I'm the one who should be claiming you."

Since she was already wet and swollen, Rafe easily pushed a finger inside her. She bit a lip to keep from moaning as he said, "f.u.c.k that. You can do the claiming later." He added a second finger, and she clutched his arms. "You're mine, Nikola Gray."

Removing his fingers, she barely had time to open her mouth before he plunged his c.o.c.k inside her. "Rafe."

Pulling back, he thrust forward. "And after tonight, you'll agree with me."

As Rafe moved, Nikki debated challenging her human. But for once, she said screw it.

Besides, after another thirty seconds, Rafe kissed her as he continued to pound in and out of her and Nikki forgot about everything else but the warm, muscled male above her.

And not just any male-her male.

Chapter Fourteen.

The next day, Nikki stood to the side and watched over her charges inside the great hall-a group of children aged twelve-to-seventeen months.

Considering Nikki usually had a much more active role when it came to clan celebrations, she wondered why Aaron had a.s.signed her this task. Nikki could handle children if she had to, but she wasn't quite a natural.

However, she wasn't alone. Rafe was her partner for the duty and stood a few feet away watching the enclosed pen keeping the toddlers out of trouble. After he met her eyes and smiled, she returned the expression. Putting the mindless duty of watching babies aside, Nikki was far more content than she had been in a long time. Waking up in Rafe's arms had been nice. That niceness had only been intensified when she'd surprised him by devouring his c.o.c.k while he tried to cook her breakfast.

He wasn't the only one who could make someone yell their name by using only hands and a mouth.

Noises from the enclosure caught her attention and Nikki looked back to focus on her task. Memories of Rafe tugging her hair as he came would have to wait for later. If one of the little devils escaped and found trouble, Nikki would never hear the end of it.

All four toddlers were accounted for. Jack and Annabel MacLeod, the children of Melanie and Tristan, were fraternal twins and the celebrated guests. Both were gripping the sides of the pen keeping them from running wild and slowly toddled their way around the perimeter. Behind them sat little Murray, Bram and Evie's adopted son, who was about five months older. Murray played toy dragons with Ella's son, Devon, who was about three months younger than him.

For the most part, the toys and the challenge of walking around the edge of the pen without falling over were keeping the toddlers entertained. All the adults were drinking, eating, and chatting at the other side of the great hall. The celebration seemed more for their benefit than Jack and Annabel's.

Speaking of the devil, Jack pushed his sister. She gripped the fence tighter and shoved back. Jack fell on his b.u.m, but rather than cry, he pulled himself back up. Judging from the glint in his eye, he was up to something.

Jack was most definitely Tristan and Melanie's son. The stubbornness between that pair could move mountains.

Sighing, she whispered to Rafe at her side, "I still say Aaron did this on purpose."

Rafe took a step closer toward her. "It's my understanding that dragon-s.h.i.+fters treasure children, so this should be an honorable post."

Nikki eyed Annabel shaking the gate enclosing the kids. "It sort of is, but we easily could have protected them from the outside."

Lightly caressing her hand with his forefinger, Rafe whispered, "Not every a.s.signment or duty will be glamorous, Nikki. But it doesn't mean it's any less important."

"I know," she muttered as she leaned against Rafe for a second.

Jack now had a toy dragon in one of his hands. Just as he approached his sister and raised his arm in preparation to hit her, Rafe leaned down and swiped it away. Jack babbled something incoherent and went back around the outside, in the opposite direction from Annabel.

Rafe chuckled. "He's pretty determined for a one-year-old."

"Given his parents, are you really surprised?"

Before Rafe could say anything, Annabel leaned against the gate making up the enclosure, and it tilted forward. Before one of the pieces could snap off and let the little one escape, Nikki crouched down and held it up. Keeping her voice friendly yet threaded with dominance, she said, "I know you want out, but the great hall is big and you will get lost. You need to stay in here." The little girl grunted at Nikki's tone and Nikki smiled. Lowering her voice, she whispered, "Besides, you can find a way to outsmart your brother. That's more fun, isn't it?" She pointed behind Annabel. "If you can walk to Jack, you will surprise him. Then you'll win."

The little girl's green eyes moved to her brother. Nikki gave her a little pat. "Try walking. You can do it."

Keeping one hand on the gate, Annabel took a step. Then releasing her other one, she took another wobbly step. The girl took a second to keep her balance before taking another. She was nearly to the other side when Melanie's voice sounded behind Nikki. "Go, Annabel! I knew you'd be the first one to walk. Go to Jack."

At her mother's voice, Annabel looked behind her and promptly fell onto her a.r.s.e. Rather than cry, the girl grunted in frustration. Nikki stood and looked to Melanie. "I think she takes after Tristan."

Melanie sighed. "I think they both do."

Yet despite Mel's tone, love shone in her eyes.

Sensing Rafe's eyes on her, she turned her head. They shared a moment of understanding-they could be cheering on their own child's first steps in less than two years time.

Nikki's dragon spoke up. You are better with children than you think. It will be a joy.

The thing about helping out with other people's children is that you can give them back. I can't do that with a babeebabe of my own.

Of course you can. We have Rafe, who can take over for a while.

Tristan, walking up to the children, prevented Nikki from answering her dragon. Melanie reached into the pen, picked up Annabel, and presented her to Tristan. "She walked, Tristan! You missed it, but I'm sure she'll do it again. Once the twins learn something, they are out to perfect it."

Lightly running a finger down Annabel's cheek, Tristan smiled. "They are clever"

"Tristan," Melanie said with a frown.

"What? I'd rather they be little than angels. It's more fun that way." Annabel put out her arms and Tristan took his daughter. "Isn't that right, my little b.u.g.g.e.r?"

Annabel slapped her hands against Tristan's chest and made some enthusiastic noises. Tristan chuckled. "That's daddy's little girl."

Shaking her head, Melanie moved to the other side and picked up Jack. "Don't worry, Jack. You can be mommy's little boy and help her get back at Daddy later. But first, your grandparents and uncle are here. Let's go see what Uncle Oliver is up to."

Looking across the room, Nikki spotted the gangly seventeen-year-old human male hovering at the edge of the food table. One of the teenage dragon-s.h.i.+fter females, Zinnia, walked up to him with a smile. As Oliver's cheeks turned pink and he picked at the tablecloth next to him, Nikki bit her lip to keep from laughing. She said to Melanie, "You might want to rescue your brother from Zinnia. If she's set her sights on him, he doesn't stand a chance."

Tristan answered, "She talks all the time about landing a human male during She doesn't seem to remember it's illegal."

Melanie nudged his side. "Tristan."

Both Melanie and Tristan looked from Nikki to Rafe and back again.

As Nikki tried to think of how to respond, Rafe moved to her side and wrapped an arm around her waist. At his touch, she leaned into him. Rafe's voice rang confident as he stated, "By the time she's old enough to try and actually land a human, the laws will be different."

Tristan raised his brows. "Like that, is it?"

"Yes," Rafe answered as he tightened his grip on Nikki.

She loved the fact he was claiming her for all to see without hesitation.

Melanie spoke up. "Don't be afraid to ask for help. The sooner the better, because it's not going to be an easy fix." She readjusted Jack on her hip, who was leaning heavily to the side in an effort to get down. "But I'll think on it. I'm sure there has to be a way to make it happen."

Nikki nodded. "Thanks, Mel."

Her beast spoke up. You should've asked for help now.

Things are new and I don't want to jinx it.

Her dragon grunted. I doubt Rafe will see it that way.

Speaking of the devil, Rafe tensed at her side but waited until Melanie and Tristan made their excuses and left them alone. When it was just them and the two toddlers, Rafe whispered, "Are you having regrets? Because that didn't sound very confident to me."

"Don't be growly with me. Everything is new and I don't want to put everyone through the danger and tribulations of changing a human law if it all crumbles in a few weeks."

Taking her chin between her fingers, Rafe leaned in close. "It will crumble if you think it's doomed before we even start."

As they stared into one another's eyes, Nikki was torn between kneeing him in the groin and kissing him.

Rafe had a tendency to do that to her.

Before she could decide which option was more appealing, Rafe lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers. At the contact, electricity sizzled through her body. d.a.m.n the man and his effect on her.

Opening her mouth, she battled his tongue for control.

As Rafe licked and twirled Nikki's tongue, he pulled her flush up against him. The b.l.o.o.d.y woman doubted them and he wasn't having it. He just needed to remind her of why they belonged together.

The hard points of her nipples pressed against his chest through all the layers of fabric between them, and he groaned. Taking the kiss deeper, he devoured Nikki's mouth.

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Surrendering To The Dragon Part 16 summary

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