Surrendering To The Dragon Part 25

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He grinned. "I can live with that."

Before she could say another word, Rafe kissed her. As his tongue slid between her lips, Nikki dug her nails into his back and scalp to bring him closer. She needed to remind him of what would be waiting for him when he came back. Because, d.a.m.n it, Rafe was going to come back and be her mate. She refused to accept any alternative.

Chapter Twenty-Two.

Nikki loved him.

As Rafe kissed her and claimed her with his tongue, he couldn't get her words out of his head: I love you, Rafe Hartley.

He'd answered with something more romantic than he'd intended, but he'd finally gotten through Nikki's barriers. h.e.l.l, the realization that he loved the woman in his arms had come on rather suddenly.

But it was the truth. The dragonwoman had wormed her way into his heart in a very short time. Not only that, she brought out the best in him. Nikki made him a better man. He couldn't imagine life without her smile, her teasing, or even her frown.

Kissing her wasn't nearly enough, but since they were in the middle of a group of cottages, he broke the kiss. Nikki's flas.h.i.+ng pupils told him her dragon was a part of their moment. And he didn't mind at all. "We have fifty minutes. I want to be inside you and hear that you love me again. Are you well enough?"

She frowned, and he wanted to kiss between her brows. "Stop worrying about me. You're wasting time."

He grinned. "Then I'm going to accept that as permission to do this."

Swooping behind her knees, he lifted Nikki against his chest and ran. Rather than complain, she nibbled his neck and licked the sting with her tongue. Her breath was hot against his skin as she said, "I can't wait to see you try this in about eight and a half months time when I'm in labor, and you're too impatient to wait for Dr. Sid to come."

He didn't miss the importance of Nikki joking about the baby and their future. Tightening his grip, he answered, "Don't worry, I'll have a wheelbarrow parked just outside the door. That way I won't break my back."

"Rafe Daniel Hartley, I'm seriously reconsidering getting naked with you."

Chuckling, he kissed her cheek. "Hartley babies are big babies. I was just under ten pounds myself. We can blame the weight on my genes. Fair?"

She snorted. "How about we blame all the inconveniences on your Hartley genes. If you try to make up for the inconveniences, then that's closer to fair."

"I thought you didn't want any special treatment during your pregnancy? I'm just trying to please my lady."

Nikki shook her head. "Charm is definitely not one of your strengths."

Their cottage came into view and Rafe picked up his pace, careful to keep Nikki as steady as possible. "I prefer to settle things physically. I look forward to sparring again."

"I'm only two weeks pregnant. I can spar for the next few months without a problem."

"Right, then that's the first thing we'll do after I get back from London."

"Wow, I didn't think that'd be the first thing."

His voice was husky as he answered, "The sparring will warm you up. I have many, many things I plan to do to you after London. In fact, I think we should take three days off just to have enough time."

"As much as I'd like to coc.o.o.n myself with you for three days, away from the world, what about the army? They might kick you out if you don't show progress on the Bourne case."

Not wanting to spend his precious time with Nikki on uncertainties, he merely answered, "Everything will work out eventually."

Nikki opened her mouth to reply, but he reached their cottage door. Setting her down, he opened it and tugged her inside. Closing the door, he pinned Nikki against it. Taking her hands, he moved them to above her head. "We can talk more later." He kissed her gently. "I want to spend the next forty-two minutes showing you just how much I love you with actions." He leaned against Nikki's body and rubbed his hard c.o.c.k against her stomach. "Because I love you, Nikola Gray, and I want to erase any doubts you might have before I leave."

She tilted her head up. "Then get to it, already."

With a smile, he pressed his lips against hers. Taking her bottom lip with his teeth, he worried the soft flesh before focusing on the top one. Each moan sent a rush through his body and made his c.o.c.k even harder.

But he wanted to feel her skin. Stepping back, he tugged off his s.h.i.+rt and ordered, "Get undressed." Nikki raised an eyebrow. And he added, "Please."

As she stepped out of her shoes and pulled down her leggings, she smiled. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

Rafe took off his boots and socks. "Lord it over me now, because once you're naked, you're the one who's going to be saying please."

Amus.e.m.e.nt mixed with heat danced in her eyes. "You talk the talk, but let's see if you can walk the walk."

Rafe shucked his cargo pants and moved closer to Nikki. He helped pull the tunic over her head before kissing her neck. "First, we need you naked."

Standing up straight, Rafe traced a finger down Nikki's chest until he came to the thin material of her bra. He traced around her hard nipple but was careful never to touch it. After a few more seconds, Nikki's breathing hitched. He met her gaze. "Is there something you want to say?"

He moved his finger a fraction closer to her taut peak but then retreated. Nikki bit her lip and shook her head. "Of course not."

The corner of his mouth ticked up. "Then I'm just going to have to work harder at breaking through your stubbornness." He removed his touch. "Turn around."

Throwing him a curious look, she complied. Rafe gently gathered her long, dark hair and swept it over her shoulder to expose the scar on her back, the one that was a result of her wing injury. Leaning down, he gently kissed it. "Proof of your bravery."

Flicking open the clasp of her bra at the back, he ran his hand down her spine until he reached the waistband of her panties. Slowly sliding a hand inside, he grabbed one of her a.r.s.e cheeks and squeezed the firm muscle. "Proof of your strength."

She looked over her shoulder. "Stop being silly."

Rubbing her a.r.s.e in slow circles, he murmured, "Do you want me to stop?"

Lightly pinching her, she drew in a breath. "No."


Sliding the thin material down her legs, he rubbed his whiskered cheek against her thigh. He'd never get enough of the soft skin or feminine scent that was uniquely Nikki.

With the panties gone, Rafe ran his hands up the outside of Nikki's thighs, her waist, and her ribcage. Even though her bra was now tossed to the side, he didn't touch her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Instead, he pulled her against him and placed his hands possessively over her abdomen. "Another proof of your bravery and strength."

She looked over her shoulder. "What the b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l are you talking about?"

"You overcame your fears and doubts to give me a priceless gift. One that I'll spend the rest of my life trying to repay." He gently kissed her lips. "A family."

Nikki's voice cracked as she murmured, "Rafe."

"I love you, Nikki. Now, let me show you."

Turning in his arms, she looped her hands behind his neck. "And what did you have in mind?"

"So much for an 'I love you, too, Rafe,'" he growled out in a higher-pitched voice.

"I don't sound like that." She grinned when he growled again. "But you're right-I love you, too." Rubbing her nipples against his chest, she whispered, "So, show me just how much you do."

Taking her lips in a rough kiss, he moved his hands to her a.r.s.e and lifted. Nikki wrapped her legs around his waist, and he moved toward the living room.

He stopped kissing his woman long enough to toss a few pillows on the floor. Then he gently laid Nikki down so that the pillows were behind her lower back, lifting her beautiful p.u.s.s.y up toward him.

Spreading her legs wide, he murmured, "Let's get started."

Nikki's heart thudded in her chest. Her emotions ran high, from love to tenderness, to even sadness. How she would ever live without Rafe if something ever happened to him or if the DDA tore him from her side, she didn't know.

Her beast grunted. Stop thinking that way. Everything will work out. Stop worrying.

Before Nikki could reply, Rafe was guiding her down to the floor. Pillows raised her hips and he spread her legs. As he rubbed up and down her inner thighs, she met Rafe's gaze. The heat and love s.h.i.+ning in his eyes stole her breath away.

Pus.h.i.+ng all teasing aside, she whispered, "I love you."

He reached out and cupped her cheek. "I know, my beautiful dragonwoman."

Rafe's words send a rush of heat through her body. His single-focused attention made her feel as if she were the most beautiful female in the world.

Her beast huffed. Yes, yes. He loves us. I want him to show us already.

Impatient beast.

s.e.x makes us feel good. So, why put it off?

With a sigh, Nikki said to Rafe, "My dragon is impatient."

"Not one for romantic words, then?"

She snorted. "Definitely not."

"Then I think it's time for me to speak a language the dragon understands." Taking his c.o.c.k in hand, he pumped up and down slowly. "Are you ready?"

Spreading her legs wider, she grew even wetter in antic.i.p.ation. "Always."

Releasing his c.o.c.k, Rafe leaned down and blew air between her folds. As he licked up and circled her c.l.i.t, Nikki moaned and grabbed the edges of the pillows under her lower back.

Rafe chuckled against her thigh. "I was going to draw this out, but I think my woman is impatient."

Her dragon roared. Yes, he needs to hurry up. I want his c.o.c.k.

Nikki smiled. "More like my dragon is impatient."

"Well, I don't want to keep Lady Dragon waiting." Rafe took his d.i.c.k and rubbed it up and down her slit. "f.u.c.k, you're so wet."

"Always. For you."

With a growl, Rafe thrust into her p.u.s.s.y and she arched her back. But she barely had time to revel in the lovely fullness of Rafe inside her before he moved. Slowly at first, but as he gripped her hips, he moved faster.

Because of her position, she couldn't grip his a.r.s.e cheeks. Wanting to feel his skin, she grabbed his forearms instead and dug in her nails.

Rafe ordered, "I want you to mark my back."

"I can't reach." He increased his pace and Nikki moaned before she could add anything else. "Lean down."

He complied and caged her with his arms. But he latched onto her nipple and suckled before she could so much as touch his back. When he drew her deeper, she raked her nails down his skin. Rafe grunted in approval and lightly bit her. Nikki cried out and dug in deeper. "Yes."

Releasing her, he met her gaze. "Mark me harder. I want a reminder of you on my back."

She complied. "My demanding human."

"d.a.m.n straight."

Taking her lips in a rough, probing kiss, he never stopped moving his lower body. One of his arms snaked between them. When his thumb brushed her c.l.i.t, she groaned into Rafe's mouth. She was so close.

By now, her human was good at reading her cues, and he increased the pressure against her tight bud.

Rafe broke the kiss to meet her eyes. "I want to see you come apart for me, love."

Nikki wasn't sure if it was the human or dragon half that replied, "Then f.u.c.k me harder."

Rafe moved as if his life depended on it, never ceasing his attentions with his thumb. The pressure was building.

Nikki managed to get out, "Tell me you love me again."

"I love you, Nikola Helen Gray. And as soon as I get back from London, I'm going to mate you."

The love s.h.i.+ning in his eyes, combined with his thrusts and attentions to her c.l.i.t, sent Nikki over the edge. As pleasure coursed through her body, she clutched and released Rafe's c.o.c.k. She screamed his name and Rafe stilled inside her as he roared. His o.r.g.a.s.m increased her own, and she could think of nothing but the male inside her.

Soon, Rafe lifted her hips, removed the pillow, and then rolled onto his back taking her with him. Listening to his heart, she reveled in the feel of his chest hair under her cheek and his strong arms around her.

She'd always enjoyed s.e.x before, but having it with the male she loved had made it that much better.

Tightening her grip on him, she kissed his chest and murmured, "I wish I could go with you."

"But you will be, love. The marks on my back are a piece of you. Together we'll be finding a way to take down that Christie b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

Propping her chin on his chest, she looked up. "For someone who swears he can't spew 'romantic c.r.a.p,' you're doing a pretty good job of it."

Rafe's chuckle vibrated under her chin. "I guess it took a stubborn, opinionated, and bossy woman to bring it out of me."

She sighed. "And, there goes the romantic mood."

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Surrendering To The Dragon Part 25 summary

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