Surrendering To The Dragon Part 27

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The shot changed to a close-up of Abbott as she began speaking, "Thank you all for coming out today and to those watching at home. I truly hope this marks a new beginning for us all.

"As I mentioned many times during my campaign to be DDA Director, I wish to strengthen ties with all the dragon-s.h.i.+fter clans in the UK. It is my hope we can work together to root out the terrorists while also forming a closer alliance. To accomplish this, a few proposals will be announced over the coming weeks. I even hope to have a public ceremony of good faith soon, to show with actions what my goals are for the future. Under my leaders.h.i.+p, the Department of Dragon Affairs will become a trusted inst.i.tution once more. I only hope the human public will show their support."

The crowd on-screen clapped. When the noise died down, Abbott continued, "In addition to changes within the DDA, I also want to pet.i.tion you, the British public, to help my cause. If you see abuse toward a dragon clan, report it. If you live near one, and they hold an open celebration, one of the changes I hope to see realized, then please attend it. Only when we understand one another can we move forward to create a better future."

Cheers erupted, and the announcer went on to summarize Abbott's accomplishments. The TV went dark and Nikki looked to Bram. Her clan leader motioned toward the blank screen. "Now that Abbott has made her speech, I'm free to share one of her proposals." He looked from Nikki to Rafe and back again. "It concerns you two."

Nikki's heart rate ticked up, but she managed to keep her composure relaxed. "How?"

"Do you two want to be mated?"

Rafe answered before she could, "Absolutely."

The confidence of Rafe's answer made her lean a little more against him. "But how, Bram? Surely Rosalind Abbott hasn't managed to change the laws about female dragon-s.h.i.+fters mating human males? She's been in office for less than quarter of an hour."

"That may be," Bram answered. "However, she hopes that the ceremony of good faith would feature you two being mated publicly, with a special license, in front of cameras."

Nikki stopped breathing. Rafe squeezed her hip before replying, "But what about the others? It doesn't feel right that Nikki and I should have special privileges whilst other dragonwomen don't have the same option."

If she didn't already love Rafe Hartley, Nikki would've fallen for him again. "Rafe's right. As much as I want my human, it seems unfair."

Nikki looked at Jane as she spoke up. "Fair or not, it might be the catalyst for change. Without mine and Kai's case, or even Holly and Fraser's case up in Lochguard, the special licenses for our clans, allowing dragonmen to mate human females, might never have materialized."

Melanie added, "I can understand it might seem selfish to accept this deal, but Jane's right. Besides, the human public has never seen a mating ceremony live before. The article about Bram and Evie was the first step, but images can be much more powerful." She threw a sympathetic look to Jane. "Although, it will mean delaying the launch of your videocast again. I know you wanted to kick it off with yours and Kai's mating ceremony."

Jane shrugged. "I'm already mated to Kai legally. It's just the ceremony we haven't performed." She grinned up at her dragonman. "I know how much he wants to see his name on my arm."

Kai grunted but hugged Jane closer. "We can do it today if you like, love."

Jane blinked. "What about your family or mine? Don't you want them in attendance?"

"I've been patient, but I want to claim you as my own in front of the clan, Jane," Kai stated.

Bram jumped in. "You two can argue about when to have your mating ceremony later. Tell me, and I'll be there. However, for now, Director Abbott is waiting for our reply." Bram stared at Nikki. "I need an answer. Will you allow a public ceremony in front of cameras?"

Nikki gazed up at Rafe. "What do you think? If we do this, it might help the others. But at the same time, the army might discharge you because of bias."

Rafe turned her in his arms until she was facing him. "I've served my country for almost eighteen years. If they feel it's time to discharge me, then it'll be worth it if I can stay with you." He brushed her cheek. "Besides, I'm still rooting for the name Xena for our daughter and need to stick around to see if you choose it or not."

Nikki rolled her eyes. "If it's a girl, I'm not naming her after the warrior princess."

"Then mate me, Nikki, and we'll have months to decide what to name our child." Cupping her cheek, he murmured, "And I promise to do all the cooking if that's what it takes."

She smiled. "Well, in that case..."

Rafe snorted. "Good to see where your priorities lie."

Looping her hands behind his neck, Nikki grinned. "Your cooking is a bonus, but even if you burned toast, I would still want to mate you, Rafe Hartley." She kissed him. "Let's do it."

The second Rafe nodded, Bram's voice filled the room. "Right, then I'm going to contact Abbott's a.s.sistant and confirm. The ceremony will be in three days."

Nikki looked to Bram and blinked. "Three days?"

"Aye, three days. Tell Dylan what you need and he'll get right on the armbands." Bram motioned to Evie. "Come, love. You can help me set this up."

Before Bram could make his exit, Nikki spoke up again. "And what about my secret plan? Do I have the okay to do it tomorrow?"

"If you can be back in time for the public ceremony, agree to wear the new prototype protective dragon armor, and allow Kai to accompany you, then, yes. Everything is in place for you to make it happen," Bram answered.

Rafe gave Nikki a curious look as Bram and Evie left, but Melanie walked up to them before he could ask anything. "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

She nodded, and Mel left with Tristan. Only Kai and Jane were still inside the room with Nikki and Rafe.

Nikki turned in Rafe's arms and leaned against his chest. "I'm sorry we derailed your mating ceremony broadcast plans."

Jane waved a hand. "No worries. Kai wasn't too keen on the public aspect of it anyway. He only agreed because he loves me." She looked to Kai and he shrugged. Jane's gaze returned to Nikki's. "Besides, the open leaders.h.i.+p contest down on Skyhunter might be a better way to launch my series. Provided the winner is open to the idea and an interview."

Marcus King, Skyhunter's former leader, had been one of a handful of people working with White. They had apparently struck some deals about favorable treatment and relocation to a remote island to start a new clan in exchange for tossing most of his clan to the proverbial wolves. Marcus, along with his cohorts, were imprisoned in a DDA facility. A new leader would be chosen in the coming weeks.

Nikki's dragon hissed. Turning on one's clan is one of the most dishonorable things a dragon-s.h.i.+fter can do.

Believe me, I know. But the only good out of it is we might have a new ally down south.

Her beast huffed. I wouldn't hold my breath.

Rafe's voice interrupted her conversation with her dragon. "As much as I love hearing about your future plans, sister, maybe we could talk more about this later? After all, the woman I love just agreed to mate me. I might, I don't know, want to b.l.o.o.d.y kiss her."

Jane grinned. "I suppose so. Although, you know, you do sort of owe me for that."

"Jane," Rafe said in exasperation.

Jane laughed. "Fine, I'll go. Besides, Kai and I have some planning of our own to do."

Jane looked at her mate and Nikki saw the love s.h.i.+ning in both of their eyes.

Between Kai and Jane's upcoming mating ceremony, as well as Nikki and Rafe's, Stonefire would probably have a huge gathering to celebrate. The only downside was that because of the quickness of it all, Nikki would have to wait to meet Rafe and Jane's parents.

Kai guided Jane out of the room, only pausing to nod at Nikki in approval. Once she was alone with Rafe, she faced him again. "I know what you're going to ask, and before I explain, I want you to know it was a surprise. That's the only reason I didn't tell you about my secret plan."

"Just tell me what it is, woman."

Nikki tilted her head. "Are you sure you don't want it to be a complete surprise?"

"No. I want to be prepared. For all I know, you could have us going to Ireland to meet the Irish leader and convince her we'd make good allies."

Nikki snorted. "No, although that's something I might try later." She placed her hands on his chest. "As for my surprise, I've found Gwendolen Price and we have permission to meet her."

A million questions raced through Rafe's mind, but he could only manage, "How?"

Nikki buffed her nails against her chest and looked at her nails. "I'm brilliant, of course. If you haven't learned that by now, then you'd better do it soon."

Tickling her side, Nikki barked out a laugh. He stilled his fingers. "Tell me how, or I won't stop until your side hurts from laughing."

She tried to back away, but he tightened his grip on Nikki's waist. His dragonwoman finally sighed. "I asked for Kai's help. While you were in London, we set things in motion. Bram only heard back today from Rhydian Griffiths, Snowridge's leader. Gwen knows someone from Stonefire wants a meeting, but nothing else. I wanted you to surprise her."

Rafe was happy that he was about to fulfill his promise to his best friend. But also uneasy. "I'm not sure if that's wise. I wasn't exactly Mr. Nice Guy when I last saw her. Noah's death hit me hard, and I took some of it out on her, much like I did on you."

Cupping his cheek, Nikki leaned against him. "Even if she shouts at you, I know you want to see her, Rafe. And you never know, she might look forward to a link to her dead lover. After all, Gwen never found a mate after Noah's death, according to Kai's mother."

"She must've loved Noah."

"It seems like it."

Rafe could say he didn't need to see Gwen or her child. There was the public mating ceremony to prepare for. Not to mention as long as he was still employed by the army, he needed to work on pinning down Simon Bourne's whereabouts.

But Rafe wasn't a coward. He also owed it to Noah to see through his promise.

Rafe nodded. "Then we'll go to see her. When can we leave?"

"Right after you kiss me, we can go. I'll fly you there."

"Wales is a long way. Will you be okay?"

She frowned. "Even though I won't be ill when in dragon form, I haven't thrown up in a week. Our baby is behaving, I'm strong, and Dr. Sid cleared me for flying last week. I'm more than fine to transport you there."

Searching her eyes, Rafe saw truth and determination in them. If Nikki said she could handle it, he would take her word for it. He nodded. "Okay, although I'm curious about this new armor. I didn't think the army had devised anything against the laser guns yet."

"They haven't," Nikki answered. "We've had various prototypes ever since Tristan was attacked nearly two years ago. We don't don them very often because it hinders maneuverability when fighting, but it's not too bad for someone flying at a steady pace."

"I somehow can't see Kai wearing one."

Nikki smiled. "He probably won't. I'm only conceding because of my recent attack and your protectiveness of our baby."

He raised his brows. "So, my growling has finally worked on you then?"

She stuck out her tongue. "Of course not. I made the decision for myself. To protect our child, I'll even wear ridiculous clunky armor." She blew out a breath. "The lengths I go to. Next, I might have to give up sparring for a while."

Pulling her closer, he murmured, "Not until it's absolutely necessary. I want to win our next match and end the tie."

Her fingers lightly brushed the back of his neck. "Oh? You're confident you can beat me next time, huh?"

"Of course. What man wouldn't want to pin the most beautiful woman in the world under him?"

"Pretty words aren't going to bring down my guard, just to let you know."

"And here I thought I was clever," he answered with a wink.

Laughing, she patted his chest. "You're going to have to work a bit harder, Hartley."

Rafe chuckled. Leaning down, he stopped an inch from her lips. "I love you, Nikola Gray."

She smiled. "I love you, too, Rafe."

He took her lips in a rough kiss. Pulling her tighter against his body, Rafe showed Nikki just how much he loved her.

Chapter Twenty-Five.

Rafe tightened the thermal blanket around his body as Nikki glided over Snowdonia National Park in Wales. Kai flew slightly ahead of them, the faint sunlight dancing across his golden hide.

After hours of flying, they were finally approaching their destination, which was nestled within a group of mountains.

As cold March wind blew, Rafe cursed. He had no idea how anyone could live here. Clan Snowridge must be made of hardy souls.

Still, despite the cold and wind, Rafe enjoyed the steady rhythm of Nikki's wings. Looking up at Nikki's underside, he admired the fading sunlight glinting off her hide not covered by her armor. Maybe one day he could fas.h.i.+on a harness and ride on her back. He'd just have to be careful about how he proposed his idea to his soon-to-be mate. Being harnessed probably wasn't her idea of a good time. But if he hinted about her having free rein to dive and scare the c.r.a.p out of him, she might warm up to his proposal.

It was hard to believe they would be mated in a little over two days. A public ceremony wasn't his first choice, but if it meant staying with Nikki, he'd gladly wear one of the traditional dragon-s.h.i.+fter kilt things in front of all of Great Britain in a rainstorm.

As Nikki slowed down the beat of her wings, Rafe checked his pocket for his gift. The solid outline told him it was still there. He only hoped Gwen would listen long enough for him to apologize and give Noah's gift to her and her child.

Once they reached the flat landing area, Kai descended first and s.h.i.+fted back to a human. Thankfully, Kai tossed on some clothes before Nikki made her descent.

Maneuvering her body, Nikki gently laid the basket carrying Rafe on the ground. Then she moved to the side. Kai removed her armor and turned around before Nikki finally s.h.i.+fted back to human. Rafe didn't waste time tossing her a long, warm jacket.

Just as Rafe climbed out of the basket, an older woman approached them. Studying her features, Rafe noticed the faint resemblance to Kai in the shape of the eyes and color of her hair.

The dragonwoman smiled at each of them in turn. "Welcome to Snowridge, Rafe and Nikki." She moved to stand in front of Nikki. "Kai has told me a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Lily Owens, Kai's mother and your official guide during your time here." She turned toward Rafe. "And Rafe Hartley. Kai spoke well of you the last time we talked."

Kai grunted, and Rafe tried not to laugh. Rafe found it hard to believe Kai would praise anything about him, but he wasn't about to call out the man's mother. He nodded. "Mrs. Owens. Thanks for meeting us." He looked behind her, but there was no one else. "Will you be taking us to Gwen?"

Mrs. Owens bobbed her head. "Gwen's daughter was just waking up from a nap, and she didn't want to take Cora right out into the cold."

Noah's mother's name had been Corinne and Rafe had a feeling Gwen had named her daughter after her human grandmother.

Not that he was going to discuss it with Mrs. Owens. "Would you take us to her?"

"Sure," She looked to Kai. "You can go visit your sister while I take them. They'll be safe enough with me."

Kai crossed his arms over his chest. "My job is to watch over them."

Mrs. Owens raised her eyebrows. "Do you think I would put them in danger, Kai Wilbur Sutherland? Gwen is sweet and somewhat quiet these days. She hasn't been a soldier for a long time. She won't hurt them. Besides, Delia has been going on about her reporter dreams. I think she wants to go undercover for practice. You might be able to talk her out of it. After all, she's only sixteen." Kai raised his brows, and his mother sighed. "Okay, Rhydian charged me with watching over Nikki and Rafe. But I wasn't lying about Delia's half-a.r.s.ed plans. Go talk her out of it, Kai. She listens to you."

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Surrendering To The Dragon Part 27 summary

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