Surrendering To The Dragon Part 5

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Nikki's heart thumped inside her chest. Her and Rafe. Could it ever work? Nikki wasn't about to let a male try to dominate her life. She was a Protector and would always be a Protector. It was the only way she could help the clan.

More than that, there was the issue of her past with Rafe. He apparently didn't remember what had happened between them four years ago. Nikki wasn't sure she could just brush that under the rug and try to start over. And if she did mention it and brought back the memory, Rafe might leave anyway.

His words from earlier repeated inside her head: I'll be d.a.m.ned if I let my daughter grow up without a father.

Placing a hand over her lower abdomen, Nikki tried to imagine a life raising a daughter, or maybe a son, with Rafe. Even forgetting the whole mating him was illegal tidbit, it was highly likely she and Rafe would kill each other within a few non-frenzy weeks of interacting.

Memories of Rafe's tongue caressing her body, including between her thighs, heated her skin. If they fought, she had no doubt that the make-up s.e.x would be extraordinary.

Of course, there was a lot more to life than s.e.x.

Opening her eyes, Nikki moved to the shower and turned on the hot water. As she stepped into the spray, she focused on the more pressing matter of her father. Given what Nikki's biological mother had done, Hector wouldn't want Nikki's child to be given away to strangers.

However, before she convinced her father of her adoption plan, Nikki needed to convince herself again about why she wanted to do it in the first place.

Rafe leaned against the wall in the hall and resisted running his hand through his still damp hair. Clearly, there had been some miscommunication however many days ago the frenzy had hit. The question was whether Kai had withheld it on purpose or not.

If Rafe had gone in knowing about adoption, he might be okay with it.

Okay, that was a f.u.c.king lie. Rafe would never give up a child of his. One of his a.r.s.ehole uncles had knocked up a woman in Australia and left her to rot. Rafe would never do the same.

In that second, Rafe decided that if Nikki honestly didn't want the baby, he'd raise him or her on his own. The tricky bit would be convincing the DDA to allow him to do it. He'd also probably have to ask his d.a.m.n sister's mate for help with the dragon bits.

Regardless, any child of his would have a home and be loved.

Nikki's door opened and screeched against the floor. His mouth fell open when he faced her.

He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen her in something other than her Protector uniform. Nikki wore a simple long-sleeved maroon tunic top that hugged her slim figure, complete with gold and black leggings that showed off her toned legs. Her hair was damp and slightly curling. He barely noticed the faint circles under her eyes. All he noticed was the lack of confidence in her gaze.

Rafe growled. "You're f.u.c.king beautiful, Nikki. Own it."

Fire flashed in her eyes. "Gee, thanks for your permission. I never would've been able to feel pretty without it."

Taking hold of her bicep, he drew her close. "Can't you take a compliment, woman?"

She raised her chin. "Maybe. But I have a feeling you're just trying to sweet talk me so I'll protect you from my father."

Judging by the firmness of her jaw, Nikki was being serious.

Rafe barked out a laugh and Nikki frowned. "What's so funny?"

"After serving nearly eighteen years in the army, handling your father should be easy enough."

"You are aware he can s.h.i.+ft into a rather large red dragon, aren't you?" she drawled.

He scrutinized her face. "I'd almost say you're worried about me."

She stepped back and Rafe released his hold. Nikki went around him, careful not to touch. "Not that it matters. I'm kicking you out the front door before I go to talk with him."

Like h.e.l.l. Rafe drew Nikki up against his chest. He ignored her narrowed eyes and replied, "I'm not leaving my child until I know I will be a part of her future."

"So, if it's a boy, you'll just waltz away? Good to know."

Clenching his jaw to keep from shouting, he lowered his face nearer to hers. "Stop deflecting every time I try to have a serious discussion. You can't brush this under the carpet, Nikki. You're more than aware of how stubborn I can be. I'm staying."

"Then for once, I hope the DDA springs a surprise visit. Then you'll be out of my hair."

"You don't mean that. And I'll prove it."

He closed the distance between their lips and kissed her.

Chapter Five.

The instant Rafe's lips touched hers, Nikki opened her mouth on instinct. She might be furious at him for refusing to leave, but she couldn't resist one last kiss good-bye with the most attractive male she'd ever met. Then she could kick him out for good.

Turning them around, Rafe backed her against the wall. His lips were slow and gentle. Gone was the need from the frenzy and in its place was tenderness. Maybe Rafe truly meant what he'd said about staying and taking care of their child.

Nikki's resolve to kick him out lessened a fraction.

When he finally broke the kiss, he cupped her face. His hot breath tickled her lips as he whispered, "That didn't seem like a kiss from a woman who never wants to see me again."

The satisfaction in Rafe's gaze broke the happy moment. "Is everything a compet.i.tion for you? That's yet another reason you should go, or we may end up killing each other in the process. I don't like to lose, but neither do you."

He stroked her cheek and Nikki restrained herself from leaning into his touch. "Life will be interesting, especially if we keep score."

Her beast chimed in. Interesting is good. Very good. Especially if it involves lots of compet.i.tions. I wonder what he'll do if we challenge him to be the best s.e.x we've ever had.

Shut it, dragon. There's more to life than s.e.x.

Maybe. But it's a good start. It'll keep me happy, for one.

Rafe's voice interrupted her inner conversation with her beast. "So, is your dragon cheering for me or siding with you?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

He grinned and Nikki drew in a breath. d.a.m.n, he was beautiful when he smiled.

"Then she's cheering for me, isn't she?" he asked.

Tell him yes I am.


You will regret it later if you push him away.

As Nikki tried to think of how to answer that, her father's voice echoed through the house. "Nikola Helen Gray, you have sixty seconds before I come up and carry out my threat."

Rafe whispered, "I'm tempted to keep you up here so that I can see him toss you over his shoulder."

Sticking out her tongue, she ducked down and away from Rafe. "I'm more worried about what he'd do to you. Believe me, if Delphine's cooking goes cold before we eat it, he'll roar for hours. My stepmother was his second chance and he'll do whatever it takes to keep her happy. Punching a human or two is nothing if it keeps Delphine content."

Rafe closed the distance between them and placed a hand on Nikki's lower back. She really should step away, but the heat of his palm felt wonderful.

His expression turned serious. "Don't worry, the food wouldn't go cold. You need to eat and if I have to force feed you, I will."

Looking at him askance, she asked, "Are you sure you're not part dragon-s.h.i.+fter? Because you're acting like one."

"I'm sure. I'm as human as they come." He pressed gently against her back. "Come. Let's get this over with. Unless you want to p.i.s.s your father off more than he already is."

"Oh, he won't stay mad at me. You, on the other hand, had better watch your b.a.l.l.s."

Nikki had never felt the urge to wink at a male before, but before she could stop herself, she did and walked away.

"Little minx," he muttered.

Racing down the stairs, she waited for Rafe at the bottom. Watching him descend with a frown, a playfulness Nikki hadn't experienced since she'd been a teenager bloomed inside her. Maybe not all compet.i.tions were bad.

Freezing at the thought, she banished it. There was no way she and Rafe would ever work, for more reasons than she could count.

Instead, she turned away from the stairs and took in a deep inhalation. Right, Nikki. Focus on what's more important. You need dad on your side before Rafe can win him over.

Her dragon merely chuckled at the back of her mind, which was never a good sign.

Sometimes, Nikki wished she could materialize her inner dragon in front of her and talk some sense into the b.l.o.o.d.y beast.

Rafe's voice interrupted her thoughts. "We're standing in front of the door. So, are you going to try to force me out, or are we going to talk with your father together? I vote for the latter."

Her beast spoke up. I want him.

I know laws and rules mean little to you, but how does ending up in jail sound? We'll never be able to stretch our wings and soar the sky then.

Her dragon grunted. Rafe is our mate. Bram will find a way. He did for the human females.

Yes, but the human females are to help the population grow and gives the government vials of dragon's blood. Dragonwomen breed regardless.

You worry too much.

Her beast stretched out and went to sleep.

Rafe reached out and tickled her side. Slapping his hand away, she whispered, "Stop it." He raised his brows, and she sighed. "Fine, you can come. It'll be fun watching him yell at you."

Not waiting for him to answer, Nikki waltzed into the warmth of the kitchen. While her father was nowhere to be found, Delphine met her eyes and smiled. "Nikki!"

The tall woman with curly, dark brown hair and light brown skin rushed over and engulfed Nikki in a hug. Her mother in all but blood's voice cracked with emotion. "I wondered if this day would ever come, what with you being so focused on security missions and everything."

Nikki drawled, "Yes, because being knocked up is such a big accomplishment."

Delphine pulled back and took Nikki's face in her hands. "Watch your tone, young lady." Delphine's expression softened. "I was talking about me becoming a grandmother. I have so many plans in store for the little one. And let's not forget all of the celebrations before he or she is born."

"Celebrations before?" Nikki echoed before she could stop herself.

"Of course," Delphine answered. "Melanie threw Evie that baby shower. While dragon-s.h.i.+fters don't do such things, it was fun gathering everyone around and watching Evie's reactions to the presents."

If there was ever a time Nikki contemplated drowning herself in a lake, it was the present. She'd barely survived Evie's shower without banging her head against a wall to stay awake.

Delphine continued, "Oh, and then there's the celebration of the birth with the clan, too. And the mating celebration of course."

Nikki interrupted. "Hold on, Mum. Who's mating celebration are you talking about?"

"Why yours and that fine young human over there." Delphine nodded behind her.

Glancing over her shoulder, Nikki met Rafe's gaze, which was full of amus.e.m.e.nt. b.a.s.t.a.r.d. He would pay later. "Even if it weren't for that tiny problem of it being illegal, we're not going to be mated."

Delphine made a noise in her throat, and Nikki resisted a sigh. After Nikki met her mother's gaze, Delphine frowned. "Of course you will. My grandbaby needs both of his or her parents. And your father is going to ensure it happens. With his stubbornness, he'll find a way to make it work. Hector will challenge the head of the DDA himself if it means his little girl is happy."

"Speaking of happy-"

Delphine cut her off. "But enough of that for now. How about you introduce me to your handsome human? Is it true he's Jane Hartley's brother?"

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Nikki waited for a second to see if her stepmother would allow her to speak; it was the only way to get in a word with Delphine Gray.

When three seconds pa.s.sed in silence, Nikki jumped on the chance. "Mum, may I introduce Rafe Hartley? Rafe, this is my mum, Delphine Gray."

Rafe opened his mouth to speak, but Delphine rushed up to him and engulfed him in a hug. Nikki bit her lip to keep from laughing at Rafe's startled expression.

Delphine ended the hug and took Rafe's chin in hers, turning his face one way and then the other. "Such a handsome fellow." She moved her free hand to Rafe's bicep and squeezed. "And strong, too. You'll do for our Nikki."

Hector Gray's voice boomed behind Nikki. "We'll see about that."

With both of her parents in the room, Nikki leaned against a counter and crossed her arms over her chest. She wanted to see how Rafe handled the dragon-s.h.i.+fters.

Not that it should matter if he could handle her parents. After all, Nikki fully intended to send him away later in the day.

Still, she looked forward to someone other than her being the focus of her parents' overprotectiveness and prying nature.

Rafe barely had time to recover from Delphine's hugging and squeezing when Nikki's father stood at the back door. As the dragonman pierced him with a glare and growled, Rafe decided to f.u.c.k playing nice and acting complacent. Dragons liked strength; it was time he showed it.

Careful to step around Delphine, Rafe stood tall and crossed his arms over his chest. "Still treating your daughter like a child, I see."

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Surrendering To The Dragon Part 5 summary

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