Eye Of The Needle Part 20

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WHEN LUCY WOKE UP, THE STORM THAT HAD BROKEN the evening before was still raging. She leaned over the edge of the bed, moving cautiously so that she would not disturb David, and picked up her wrist.w.a.tch from the floor. It was just after six. The wind was howling around the roof. David could sleep on; little work would be done today. the evening before was still raging. She leaned over the edge of the bed, moving cautiously so that she would not disturb David, and picked up her wrist.w.a.tch from the floor. It was just after six. The wind was howling around the roof. David could sleep on; little work would be done today.

She wondered whether they had lost any slates off the roof during the night. She would need to check the loft. The job would have to wait until David was out, otherwise he would be angry that she had not asked him to do it.

She slipped out of bed. It was very cold. The warm weather of the last few days had been a phony summer, the buildup to the storm. Now it was as cold as November. She pulled the flannel nightdress off over her head and quickly got into her underwear, trousers and sweater. David stirred. She looked at him; he turned over, but did not wake.

She crossed the tiny landing and looked into Jo's room. The three-year-old had graduated from a cot to a bed, and he often fell out during the night without waking. This morning he was on his bed, lying asleep on his back with his mouth wide open. Lucy smiled. He looked truly adorable when he was asleep.

She went quietly downstairs, wondering briefly why she had awakened so early. Perhaps Jo had made a noise, or maybe it was the storm.

She knelt in front of the fireplace, pus.h.i.+ng back the sleeves of her sweater, and began to make the fire. As she swept out the grate she whistled a tune she had heard on the radio, "Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby?" She raked the cold ashes, using the biggest lumps to form the base for today's fire. Dried bracken provided the tinder, and wood and then coal went on top. Sometimes she just used wood, but coal was better in this weather. She held a page of newspaper across the fireplace for a few minutes to create an updraft in the chimney. When she removed it the wood was burning and the coal glowing red. She folded the paper and placed it under the coal scuttle for use tomorrow.

The blaze would soon warm the little house, but a hot cup of tea would help meanwhile. Lucy went into the kitchen and put the kettle on the electric cooker. She put two cups on a tray, then found David's cigarettes and an ashtray. She made the tea, filled the cups, and carried the tray through the hall to the stairs.

She had one foot on the lowest stair when she heard the tapping sound. She stopped, frowned, decided it was the wind rattling something and took another step. The sound came again. It was like someone knocking on the front door.

That was ridiculous, of course. There was was no one to knock on the front door-only Tom, and he always came to the kitchen door and never knocked. no one to knock on the front door-only Tom, and he always came to the kitchen door and never knocked.

The tapping again.

She came down the stairs and, balancing the tea tray on one hand, opened the front door.

She dropped the tray in shock. The man fell into the hall, knocking her over. Lucy screamed.

SHE WAS FRIGHTENED only for a moment. The stranger lay beside her on the hall floor, plainly incapable of attacking anyone. His clothes were soaking wet, and his hands and face were stone-white with cold. only for a moment. The stranger lay beside her on the hall floor, plainly incapable of attacking anyone. His clothes were soaking wet, and his hands and face were stone-white with cold.

Lucy got to her feet. David slid down the stairs on his bottom, saying, "What is it? What is it?"

"Him," Lucy said, and pointed.

David arrived at the foot of the stairs, clad in pajamas, and hauled himself into his wheelchair. "I don't see what there is to scream about," he said. He wheeled himself closer and peered at the man on the floor.

"I'm sorry. He startled me." She bent over and, taking the man by his upper arms, dragged him into the living room. David followed. Lucy laid the man in front of the fire.

David stared at the unconscious body. "Where the devil did he come from?"

"He must have been s.h.i.+pwrecked...the storm..."

But he was wearing the clothes of a workman, not a sailor, Lucy noticed. She studied him. He was quite a big man, longer than the six-foot hearth rug-and heavy round the neck and shoulders. His face was strong and fine-boned, with a high forehead and a long jaw. He might be handsome, she thought, if he were not such a ghostly color.

He stirred and opened his eyes. At first he looked terribly frightened, like a small boy waking in strange surroundings; but, very quickly, his expression became relaxed, and he looked about him sharply, his gaze resting briefly on Lucy, David, the window, the door, and the fire.

Lucy said, "We must get him out of these clothes. Fetch a pair of pajamas and a robe, David."

David wheeled himself out, and Lucy knelt beside the stranger. She took off his boots and socks first. There almost seemed to be a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt in his eyes as he watched her. But when she reached for his jacket he crossed his arms protectively over his chest.

"You'll die of pneumonia if you keep these clothes on," she said in her best bedside manner. "Let me take them off."

The man said, "I really don't think we know each other well enough-after all, we haven't been introduced."

It was the first time he had spoken. His voice was so confident, his words so formal, that the contrast with his terrible appearance made Lucy laugh out loud. "You're shy?" she said.

"I just think a man should preserve an air of mystery." He was grinning broadly, but his smile collapsed suddenly and his eyes closed in pain.

David came back with clean nightclothes over his arm. "You two seem to be getting on remarkably well already," he said.

"You'll have to undress him," Lucy said. "He won't let me."

David's look was unreadable.

The stranger said, "I'll manage on my own, thanks-if it's not too awfully ungracious of me."

"Suit yourself," David said. He dumped the clothes on a chair and wheeled out.

"I'll make some more tea," Lucy said as she followed. She closed the living room door behind her.

In the kitchen, David was already filling the kettle, a lighted cigarette dangling from his lips. Lucy quickly cleared up the broken china in the hall, then joined him.

"Five minutes ago I wasn't at all sure the chap was alive-and now he's dressing himself," David said.

Lucy busied herself with a teapot. "Perhaps he was shamming."

"The prospect of being undressed by you certainly brought about a rapid recovery."

"I can't believe anyone could be that shy."

"Your own lack in that area may lead you to underestimate its power in others."

Lucy rattled cups. "Let's not quarrel today, David-we've got something more interesting to do. For a change." She picked up the tray and walked into the living room.

The stranger was b.u.t.toning his pajama jacket. He turned his back to her as she walked in. She put the tray down and poured tea. When she turned back he was wearing David's robe.

"You're very kind," he said. His gaze was direct.

He really didn't seem the shy type, Lucy thought. However, he was some years older than she-about forty, she guessed. That might account for it. He was looking less of a castaway every minute.

"Sit close to the fire," she told him. She handed him a cup of tea.

"I'm not sure I can manage the saucer," he said. "My fingers aren't functioning." He took the cup from her stiff-handed, holding it between both palms, and carried it carefully to his lips.

David came in and offered him a cigarette. He declined.

The stranger emptied the cup. "Where am I?" he asked.

"This place is called Storm Island," David told him.

The man showed a trace of relief. "I thought I might have been blown back to the mainland."

David pointed the man's toes at the fire to warm his bare feet. "You were probably swept into the bay," David said. "Things usually are. That's how the beach was formed."

Jo came in, bleary-eyed, trailing a one-armed panda as big as himself. When he saw the stranger he ran to Lucy and hid his face.

"I've frightened your little girl." The man smiled.

"He's a boy. I must cut his hair." Lucy lifted Jo onto her lap.

"I'm sorry." The stranger's eyes closed again, and he swayed in his seat.

Lucky stood up, dumping Jo on the sofa. "We must put the poor man to bed, David."

"Just a minute," David said. He wheeled himself closer to the man. "Might there be any other survivors?" he asked.

The man's face looked up. "I was alone," he muttered. He was very nearly all in.

"David-" Lucy began.

"One more question: did you notify the coastguard of your route?"

"What does it matter?" Lucy said.

"It matters because, if he did, there may be men out there risking their lives looking for him, and we can let them know he's safe."

The man said slowly, "I...did not..."

"That's enough," Lucy told David. She knelt in front of the man. "Can you make it upstairs?"

He nodded and got slowly to his feet.

Lucy looped his arm over her shoulders and began to walk him out. "I'll put him in Jo's bed," she said.

They took the stairs one at a time, pausing on each. When they reached the top, the little color that the fire had restored to the man's face had drained away again. Lucy led him into the smaller bedroom. He collapsed onto the bed.

Lucy arranged the blankets over him, tucked him in and left the room, closing the door quietly.

RELIEF WASHED over Faber in a tidal wave. For the last few minutes, the effort of self-control had been superhuman. He felt limp, defeated and ill. over Faber in a tidal wave. For the last few minutes, the effort of self-control had been superhuman. He felt limp, defeated and ill.

After the front door had opened, he had allowed himself to collapse for a while. The danger had come when the beautiful girl had started to undress him, and he had remembered the can of film taped to his chest. Dealing with that had restored his alertness for a while. He had also been afraid they might call for an ambulance, but that had not been mentioned; perhaps the island was too small to have a hospital. At least he was not on the mainland-there it would have been impossible to prevent the reporting of the s.h.i.+pwreck. However, the trend of the husband's questions had indicated that no report would be made immediately.

Faber had no energy to speculate about problems farther ahead. He seemed to be safe for the time being, and that was as far as he could go. In the meantime he was warm and dry and alive, and the bed was soft.

He turned over, reconnoitering the room: door, window, chimney. The habit of caution survived everything but death itself. The walls were pink, as if the couple had hoped for a baby girl. There was a train set and a great many picture books on the floor. It was a safe, domestic place; a home. He was a wolf in a sheepfold. A lame wolf.

He closed his eyes. Despite his exhaustion, he had to force himself to relax, muscle by muscle. Gradually his head emptied of thought and he slept.

LUCY TASTED the porridge, and added another pinch of salt. They had got to like it the way Tom made it, the Scots way, without sugar. She would never go back to making sweet porridge, even when sugar became plentiful and unrationed again. It was funny how you got used to things when you had to: brown bread and margarine and salt porridge. the porridge, and added another pinch of salt. They had got to like it the way Tom made it, the Scots way, without sugar. She would never go back to making sweet porridge, even when sugar became plentiful and unrationed again. It was funny how you got used to things when you had to: brown bread and margarine and salt porridge.

She ladled it out and the family sat down to breakfast. Jo had lots of milk to cool his. David ate vast quant.i.ties these days, without getting fat: it was the outdoor life. She looked at his hands on the table. They were rough and permanently brown, the hands of a manual worker. She had noticed the stranger's hands-his fingers were long, the skin white under the blood and the bruising. He was unaccustomed to the abrasive work of crewing a boat.

"You won't get much done today," Lucy said. "The storm looks like it's staying."

"Makes no difference. Sheep still have to be cared for, whatever the weather."

"Where will you be?"

"Tom's end. I'll go up there in the jeep."

Jo said, "Can I come?"

"Not today," Lucy told him. "It's too wet and cold."

"But I don't like the man."

Lucy smiled. "Don't be silly. He won't do us any harm. He's almost too ill to move."

"Who is he?"

"We don't know his name. He's been s.h.i.+pwrecked, and we have to look after him until he's well enough to go back to the mainland. He's a very nice man."

"Is he my uncle?"

"Just a stranger, Jo. Eat up."

Jo looked disappointed. He had met an uncle once. In his mind uncles were people who gave out candy, which he liked, and money, which he had no use for.

David finished his breakfast and put on his mackintosh, a tent-shaped garment with sleeves with a hole for his head, and that covered most of his wheelchair as well as him. He put a sou'wester on his head and tied it under his chin, kissed Jo, said good-bye to Lucy.

A minute or two later she heard the jeep start up and went to the window to watch David drive off into the rain. The rear wheels of the vehicle slithered about in the mud. He would have to take care.

She turned to Jo. He said, "This is a dog." He was making a picture on the tablecloth with porridge and milk.

Lucy slapped his hand. "What a horrid mess!" The boy's face took on a grim, sulky look, and Lucy thought how much he resembled his father. They had the same dark skin and nearly-black hair, and they both had a way of withdrawing when they were cross. But Jo laughed a lot-he had inherited something from Lucy's side of the family, thank G.o.d.

Jo mistook her contemplative stare for anger, and said, "I'm sorry."

She washed him at the kitchen sink, then cleared away the breakfast things, thinking about the stranger upstairs. Now that the immediate crisis was past, and it seemed the man was not going to die, she was eaten with curiosity about him. Who was he? Where was he from? What had he been doing in the storm? Did he have a family? Why did he have workman's clothes, a clerk's hands, and a Home Counties accent? It was rather exciting.

It occurred to her that, if she had lived anywhere else, she would not have accepted his sudden appearance so readily. He might, she supposed, be a deserter, or a criminal, or even an escaped prisoner of war. But one forgot, living on the island, that other human beings could be threatening instead of companionable. It was so nice to see a new face that to harbor suspicions seemed ungrateful. Maybe-unpleasant thought-she more than most people was ready to welcome an attractive man.... She pushed the thought out of her mind.

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Eye Of The Needle Part 20 summary

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