Ashes - Ambush In The Ashes Part 30

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And this was something he couldn't hand over to Thermopolis. The ex-hippie turned warrior had his hands full with all the hundred of details with the new brigade designation.

Ben sighed and stood up to get another mug of coffee. It was then he noticed Anna standing in the door to his office, smiling at him.

"What are you so happy about?" Ben asked.

"Search helicopters found the team and Dr. Chase and those doctors who fled with him. They're all alive."


Ben ignored his Hummer and ran over to the como shack, almost scaring the communications specialist half to death when he burst into the room.

"Where are they?" Ben asked. He calmed himself. "My team, Dr. Chase?"

"About three hours away, General." The tech stood up and pointed to a spot on a wall map of Africa. "They were spotted right there."

Ben stared and shook his head. "Never more than twenty-five miles from the original battle scene all the time. I'll be d.a.m.ned."

"Yes, sir. Your team was all hard hit. They couldn't be moved."

"But they're all going to make it?"

"According to the medics on board the choppers, they're all up and walking around, General."

Ben patted the soldier on the shoulder and smiled. Then he stepped out of the building and sat down on the lowered tailgate of a pickup truck.

He exhaled a couple of times, then slowly built himself a cigarette.

Anna came running up, accompanied by half a dozen other Rebels, all of them original members of Ben's old 1 Batt and survivors of the battle.

Ben held up a hand. "They're all okay. Be here in a few hours. That's all I know. We'll all have to wait."261 261.

The knot of Rebels was all grins as they walked away. Anna stayed, plopping down on the tailgate beside Ben. She looked disapprovingly at the cigarette in Ben's hand.

"Don't say a word about it," Ben warned.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"I'm sure."

"So when the team gets here, we'll be ready to shove off, right, General Ben?"

"In about six weeks, Anna."

She unwrapped a couple of sticks of gum, stuck them in her mouth, and chomped for a few seconds. "That will put us out of the rainy season, right?"

"Just about."

"And then we can start kicking Bruno Bottger's a.s.s, right?"

"That's the plan."

She hopped down from the tailgate. "I'll be at the airport."

"I'll see you over there in about an hour."

Ben finished his smoke and began walking toward the runways, his security team falling in behind him. The area in and around the airport had become a staging area, with hundreds of thousands of tons of supplies stored and stacked everywhere and more coming in every day. Ben looked up at the sky. Huge transport planes were circling, bringing in more supplies and equipment and troops from the States.

In another week, Ben could start shaking down his new brigade and about a month after that, they would be rolling south.

At the airport, his new XO, John Michaels, came running up. "Is it true, General? Your team and Dr. Chase were found and all okay?"

"It's true. They'll be arriving here in about two and a half hours."


"All right!" He shook Ben's hand and walked away, smiling.

Ben sat in the shade of a deuce-and-a-half and waited. Occasionally an unsuspecting Rebel would walk past, give Ben a startled glance, and move quickly away. But the news of Ben's presence had spread quickly and most at the airport gave him a wide berth.

Anna strolled up and sat down on the gra.s.s beside him. "General Ben?"

she finally broke the silence."Yes?"

"What's the final tally on Rebels lost in the a.s.sault?"

"Just over fifteen thousand."

Ben and Anna sat for a time in silence, watching the planes land and take off. They watched as the final contingent of fresh troops from the States deplaned stiffly after their long ride and line up on the tarmac.

"That new bunch fills us out, doesn't it?" Anna asked.

"That's it, baby. We'll start shaking down in a couple of days."

"And then?"

"We cross Nigeria and cut straight south, through Cameroon."

"I'll be glad to get this show back on the road. What about transportation for us?"

"Our new wagon is due to arrive here in a few days. Built especially for us in the SUSA. It's supposed to be state of the art."

"Cooper will like that."

"Captain's chairs for all of us, sliding doors for you people. Doors that slide on ball bearings and can be kicked open easily in case of emergency. Radios built in for Corrie with a permanent up-link so we can talk to anybody, anywhere. Four-wheel drive on demand, custom-built from the ground up. Armor-plated with gla.s.s that will stop a 7.62 round."



"You don't suppose they'll have to be sent back to the States for treatment, do you?"

Ben laughed and ruffled the young woman's short hair. "I don't think so, baby."

"I hope not." She stood up and brushed herself off. "I think I'll walk around some. I'm too antsy to sit still."

"Have fun."

Ben dozed off there in the shade of the deuce-and-a-half, sleeping lightly for twenty minutes or so. When he awakened, he rinsed his mouth out with water from his canteen and rolled a smoke. A little while later, he heard the whapping sounds of the helicopters coming and stood up, walking over to the helicopter landing pads. He stood and watched his team and Dr. Chase jump from the choppers.

No, they wouldn't have to go back to the States for any treatment. They were all right.

Ben waited until they were all showered and dressed in clean clothing and checked by the doctors at the hospital before visiting them all. He had hugged them all at the airport before doctors had shooed them allinto ambulances.

"Well, gang," he told them, pulling out a chair and sitting down at the table. "You tell me what happened, then I'll tell you my story. And start with how in the h.e.l.l we got separated. I'm at a loss there."

"I saw you get hit, General," Cooper said, after exchanging glances with the others and receiving nods to go ahead. "We all did. It was a big piece of shrapnel, I guess. Tore your helmet off and we figured took part of your head with it. Blood was everywhere. We didn't have more than a split second to look. The enemy was all over us. Then Anna got hit and went down to her knees. When I looked again out of the corner of my 264.

eye, she had gotten up and was wandering off, like she was in a daze . . ."

"I was, I guess," Anna said. "I don't remember any of this."

Jersey picked it up. "We were all hit by that time and down to sidearms and throwing grenades. Then Dr. Chase and some of his medical people can running up and dragged us out of there. I don't know what kept him from getting killed, boss. He was yelling and cussing and calling Bottger's troops a bunch of G.o.dd.a.m.n savages and he had a pistol in each hand and his doctors were throwing grenades. We turned to look for you, and d.a.m.ned if you weren't gone. You had just disappeared."

Ben chuckled. "I must have crawled off into that thick brush behind the ditch."

"Whatever you did, we couldn't find you," Beth said. "Just about the time we cleared the compound and made it into the bush, Bottger's troops made their final rush and overwhelmed any who were left. We all had our packs on and full rucksacks on a strap, plenty of water, so we just kept walking. We were all hit, but none of us real bad, just b.l.o.o.d.y as h.e.l.l.

And p.i.s.sed off," she added grimly.

Corrie said, "Some of the doctors got minor wounds, but Dr. Chase didn't get a scratch on him. That man must lead a charmed life."

"He'll tell you it's all due to clean living," Ben said.

"d.a.m.n right, I will," Lamar said, walking into the room. He had been standing in the door, listening. "Well, now it's your turn, Ben. What happened to you?"

Ben quickly brought them up to date and for a time the group just sat there, drinking coffee and staring at each other.

Beth broke the silence. "We pa.s.sed through several villages. The people had all been killed."


Ben nodded his head. "Genocide. We figure Bottger's killed millions of Africans, men, women, and kids."

Lamar cursed under his breath for a moment, then pulled out a chair and sat down. "I like the new brigade plan, Ben. Not that you needed my approval to do it, mind you." He grinned. "Good to see you, you oldwarhorse."

The two friends grinned at each other for a moment, then Ben's grin faded and he asked, "Sorry about your doctors, Lamar. The replacements are just about all in from the States."

"They were good people. Take Bruno Bottger alive, Ben."


"Yes. I want to castrate the son of a b.i.t.c.h with a very dull knife."

"Lamar!" Ben drew back in feigned shock. "You're turning into a vicious man, you know that?"

"Screw you, Raines," the chief of medicine said, pus.h.i.+ng back his chair and standing up. "Let's just get this show on the road." He bent down and looked more closely at the long scar on Ben's face, faded now with healing and the sun. "Good thing that hunk of shrapnel hit you in the head. That's the one place on your carca.s.s that's the least likely to get damaged, considering it's empty most of the time." He walked quickly out of the room chuckling, before Ben could retort.

Things were back to normal.


Ben's team was declared fit to return to duty-limited at first-and the team was back together. A few days after their return, Ben's personal vehicle was brought in and Cooper and Corrie spent the next several days going over it. Although it had less cargo s.p.a.ce than their old wagon, it was much more state of the art and much more comfortable riding. To avoid standing out even more than it did, the big wagon was painted olive green.

Rebel Scouts had penetrated deep into Nigeria and reported that Bottger's troops were nowhere to be seen. They had pulled back and appeared to have stretched out in small units, west to east from Gabon over to Kenya.

And the Scouts also reported that millions in Nigeria appeared to have died from Bruno Bottger's practice of genocide. They also warned to be on the lookout for wild animals, who were making a fast and very dramatic comeback. There were prides of lions seemingly everywhere one turned. And while no Rebel Scout had been attacked by a lion, it would be a bit disconcerting to come face to face with a large lion while walking through the bush.

Ben called for one more meeting with his brigade commanders to map out and finalize plans before the 267.

ten brigades jumped off in their offensive against Bottger's army.

"First of all," Ben said, standing up to face the ten brigade commanders, "let me say that both Jackie Malone and Buck Taylor are well on their way to recovery. But their days in the field are over. They will remain stateside and take over command of training bases. The bodies of several batt coms who were killed during Bottger's a.s.saulthave been recovered and sent back to the States to be buried with honors. The bodies of the other officers and men were buried with honors near where they fell. Most were unrecognizable.

"All right, let's admit we took the worst beating we've ever suffered and learn from it and put it behind us. I don't know what we could have done to prevent it. Bruno just simply outfoxed many of us ... myself included. But we'll all try to ensure something like that will never happen again. But don't ever underestimate the intelligence of Bruno Bottger. The man is surely insane, but brilliantly so.

"We've got a lot of green troops with us now. But I suspect by the time we reach Bruno's first front, they'll be well on their way toward becoming seasoned hands. At the very least the barfing at the sight and smell of rotting bodies will have ceased. Once we hit Bruno's first line of defense, nursemaid time for green troops will be over." Ben looked at the nine brigade commanders, included among them his son, Buddy, and his daughter, Tina. Tina sat beside the ex-mercenary, West. Someday, when there were no more wars to be fought, they planned to marry.

"We're better equipped now than we've ever been," Ben continued.

"Practically everything we have is state of the art or has been upgraded. Including one very large surprise I don't intend to show Bruno until we get almost nose to nose."


The brigade commanders all smiled at that. Ben picked up a long pointer and moved to the huge wall map. "All right, folks. Let's get down to it."

The ten brigades, numbering forty battalions, plus Therm's 19 Batt, were lined up and ready to go. Scouts had prowled all over the country south of the brigade line for a hundred and fifty miles, mapping out the best roads and where bridges were still intact, and where there were no bridges, the best place to ford the stream or river.

And they reported that while millions had died under Bruno Bottger hideous plans of genocide, there were still thousands and thousands who were in desperate need of help.

Dr. Chase had elected to stay with Ben's 501 Brigade. When Ben told him what the Scouts had reported, the Chief of Medicine merely shrugged and said, "We'll do what we can."

Meaning that in his opinion, unless the Rebels wanted to leave behind men and equipment and be prepared to stay for years, teaching the people the right way to deal with the land and keep it productive, Chase and his people would fix them up now, and they would starve later anyway.

"I know, Lamar," Ben said. "But what else can we do?"

"Nothing," the doctor agreed. "But I don't believe for one minute Bruno managed to kill off a hundred million people in Nigeria alone. That's a lot of people to kill, Ben. Say he did manage to kill off ten percent, and that's probably high, and say starvation and disease another twenty-five percent. That still leaves sixty-five million people. Where are they? What happened to them?"

269Ben held open his hands. "I don't know, Lamar. I know only what the Scouts report."

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Ashes - Ambush In The Ashes Part 30 summary

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