Ashes - Ambush In The Ashes Part 7

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Ben muttered under his breath.

Paula frowned and gave him a very odd look. "I beg your pardon, Ben?

Surely, I must have misunderstood. Did you just refer to your president as an a.s.shole?"

"What the h.e.l.l are we going to do with her, boss?" Corrie asked, after Paula had left the CP.

"I have no idea. I ought to send her over to Therm and let him deal with her."

"Then she'd have access to Emil," Jersey said. "You really want that?"

"Oh, G.o.d, no." Ben sighed. "Well, I guess we're stuck with her." He paced the room for a moment, then turned to his team, his face brightening with a smile. "We could always sneak off in the night and join the Scouts up ahead."

"Sure, General Ben," Anna said. "And an hour after we were reported missing, every 'copter and plane in North Africa would be up looking for us, in addition to hundreds of troops and eighteen highly p.i.s.sed-off batt corns."

"Well, it was just a thought."

"Speaking of Thermopolis," Corrie said. "I just spoke with him. The subject was Emil Hite."

65.65"Do I have to hear this?"

"Yes. Emil and his followers are now wearing the traditional dress uniform of the French Foreign Legion, complete with kepi."

"Where the h.e.l.l did they get those?"

"Therm says he thinks they brought them over from the SUSA."

"Where the h.e.l.l did they get them over there?"

"I don't know. But Emil is quite a sight to see, so says Therm."

"I hope we're spared that sight."

"He's carrying a sword," Corrie added with a smile.

"I don't want to hear any more."

Laughing, the team left Ben's office and Ben stood by the window for a time, staring out. Then he smiled, thinking about Emil and the many antics the little con artist had pulled over the years. Ben's smile widened when he thought about the thousand miles that separated them.

The last American leaving Casablanca s.h.i.+pped out on the evening before Ben's 1 Batt was due to pull out of the city, heading for Marrakech.

There were several dozen Europeans sailing with the Americans. They chose not to return to Europe, preferring to take their chances in America instead. Scouts had reported that Safri was burning out of control, deliberately set ablaze by the gangs after looting the city.

The Rebels would head for Marrakech, then over to the coastal city of Essaouira. After that? ... it all depended on what the Scouts, working far ahead of the main column, reported back.

Ben had placed Paula Preston in the center of the column, with the medical personnel. She and Dr. Chase had hit it off from the first, and it kept her out of Ben's way.

66.William W. Johnstone The Rebels did not see one living soul between Casablanca and Marrakech.

They pa.s.sed through afew long-deserted villages, and occasionally spotted the bleached bones of animals and humans, but nothing else.

"Scouts are reporting farming going on in the Haouz Plain," Corrie reported. "And the city has a home guard that have successfully battled the gangs. They've also kept the population down to a controllable level, one they could manage to feed, to one degree or another. But they're desperately short of medical supplies."

"What kind of shape is the airport in?"

"Clear and ready for traffic. Six klicks west of the city. Scouts are there now."

"Head for airport, Coop."

"On our way, boss.""Scouts have home guard directing us around the city," Corrie said.

Ben said, "Corrie, have the Scouts alert the commanders of the home guard and the officials of the city that the airport will be where I'll set up my CP. I would like to meet with them as soon as possible."

"Right, boss."

"And the city's doctors, as well."

"Ten-four, boss," Corrie said, a smile curving her lips. She had already done all that. Corrie knew how to stay a few steps ahead of Ben. The team had been together so long, they could usually antic.i.p.ate the other's moves.

As the column began approaching the far outskirts of the city, there were burned out hulks of vehicles and houses either burned or pocked with bullet holes.

"I don't see any bra.s.s twinkling in the sunlight," Beth observed.

"They're picking it up for reloading," Ben said. "By now they must be desperately short of gunpowder and lead . . . and everything else needed for survival."

67.They were, as Ben soon discovered.

A CP had been set up for him about half a mile from the airport, in a reasonably clean and undamaged building. MASH units were swift in setting up, and the cooks were at work within half an hour after the column halted.

Planes started coming in within the hour, off-loading medical supplies, clothing, and food.

"We could have held out for perhaps another month, General," the commander of the home guard told Ben, speaking in French-accented English. He was a former army officer, born and reared in the city. "Six weeks max. We're nearly out of everything."

"Who is supplying the gangs, Colonel?" Ben asked.

"Bottger," the colonel was quick to reply. "The n.a.z.i b.a.s.t.a.r.d's goal is to control all of Africa. And the truth is, he isn't promising so much that he can't deliver. He may be a first cla.s.s son of a b.i.t.c.h, but he's a smart one."

"What is he promising those who follow him?"

"Food, medical care, and certain of the more intelligent of them high positions in the governing of their respective nations. And it's working."

"The b.a.s.t.a.r.d is smart, isn't he?"

"Or he has very good advisors."

Ben shook his head. "No. I've fought Bottger before. He runs the show,be a.s.sured of that. He's very intelligent, but also very arrogant. And that arrogance is going to be his downfall."

"I would very much like to be there when you kill the man, General Raines."

"Perhaps you will be, Colonel. Who knows? But one thing is for certain."


"I didn't travel all the way to Africa to shake the b.a.s.t.a.r.d's hand."

68 Nine While supplies had dwindled to the critical point in the city, the residents were in far better physical shape than their counterparts in the other North African cities Ben and his 1 Batt had visited.

"When the Great War came, everyone raced off to the port cities seeking a way out," a local doctor explained to Ben. "They became grossly overcrowded with not enough medicines or food. The sanitation systems were overworked and either poorly maintained or not maintained at all.

And that is fertile ground for disease." The man shrugged his shoulders.

"You saw what happened."

"Yes, we certainly did. So that's what they were fleeing from. Well, that's one mystery solved." He looked at the doctor. "But won't the same thing happen here should thousands try to flood your city?"

"No, General. We won't permit it. We've reached maximum capacity. It's a terrible thing to say, but some of us have to survive to rebuild. We've already sent out hundreds to the smaller towns to start over, and so far, it's working to a satisfactory degree."

"I know the feeling, Doctor. Believe me, I do. It's hard to turn people away."

"But sometimes necessary."

"Very much so."

69.The citizens of Marrakech had not allowed their city to turn into a slum or be looted by vandals and thugs. In the face of everything that had happened, they had maintained order and their dignity and pride. That had helped pull them through the years of bad times.

In every s.p.a.ce available, someone was growing a garden. On the outskirts of the city, chickens were being raised in huge numbers. The people of Marrakech were not going to be defeated; they were going to pull out of the ashes of war and prosper.

The airport stayed busy around the clock, huge cargo planes bringing in supplies for the once-beleaguered city. The railroad leading to the city was useless, for vandals had destroyed miles of track, rendering it inoperable.

"How about Essaouira?" Ben asked the colonel. "I've not yet sent my Scouts over there.""Forget it," the colonel was blunt. "It's been looted and sacked so many times it's only a hulk of what it used to be. Pirates used it for a time, but even they finally abandoned it and moved on, some of them moving on down the coast to Agadir. South from there ..." He shook his head. ". . .1 don't know. We lost radio contact with the Canary Islands a long time ago. I don't know what is happening there. Probably pirates have taken over the islands. That would be my guess. But. . . who knows for sure. Allah, alone."

"Then I guess Agadir is next on our list of scenic places to visit," Ben said with a smile.

"You'll have a fight on your hands there, General."

"It helps to break the monotony, Colonel."

The Rebels took a secondary road from Marrakech over to Agadir and were met by Scouts miles from the city.

70."We've got a fight coming, General. Pirates occupy the city, and I have never seen a sc.u.mmier bunch anywhere."

"How are they armed?"

"Light weapons, mostly. We didn't see any heavy stuff."


"Women, mostly. Only a few kids. The women are, well, where I was raised we used to call them road"

Ben smiled. "I get the picture. Well, I suppose we'd better get busy. We came here to take out the garbage, so let's do it."

"Take out the garbage," Paula repeated, walking up with Dr. Chase. "What an insensitive phrase to use when one is about to wage war against another human be-ing."

Jersey, who had been eating a candy bar, looked at the woman, wrapped up her candy bar and stuck it in her pocket, belched, and walked off.

Ben turned his head to hide his quick grin. Jersey did not much care for Paula Preston. She was fond of referring to her as "That whiny liberal b.i.t.c.h."

"That young lady does not like me," Paula said. "And I cannot imagine why."

"You're a politically correct liberal," Ben informed her. "That's why."

"I certainly am," she replied indignantly. "And there is something the matter with that?"

"Paula, this is neither the time nor the place to discuss it. I am about to start an a.s.sault on that town."

"Aren't you going to ask them to surrender?"

Ben sighed. "No, Paula. I was not planning on asking them to surrender.""Well!" she huffed up. "I think . . ."

"Lamar, would you please take this woman to the rear 71.71.of the column?" Ben had lost his patience. "We are about to move in and if those pirates in the town have mortars, it's going to get very dangerous up here."

"Of course, Ben." Lamar took Paula's arm and gendy but firmly led her away.

"That woman is a fruitcake," Beth muttered.

"Yeah, boss," Cooper said. "How come we always get stuck with the yoyos?"

Ben smiled, his quick burst of temper fading as rapidly as it came. "I suppose the best answer to that is the one the prost.i.tute gave when a customer asked her how she ever got in the business." Ben chuckled.

"Just lucky, I guess."

The pirates had no stomach for a fight against professionals. Before the Rebels could even move into position, die pirates were scrambling for their boats and attempting to head out to sea.

They didn't get very far.

Rebel helicopter guns.h.i.+ps had been hovering just out of sight and sound of the small city. When die pirate s.h.i.+ps were just out of the harbor, the pirates thinking they had gotten clear, the guns.h.i.+ps swooped in, low and fast and deadly, machine-gun and cannon and rocket fire rocking and rolling. The harbor became a watery grave for the pirates, who learned a hard lesson about the Rebels diat day: They gave no quarter and asked for none. War was not a game to them ... it was a profession.

"Send teams out to scutde those boats still floating," Ben ordered.

"Clear die harbor. We're going to need it."

"We've got a few prisoners," Corrie said, after acknowledging Ben's orders and transmitting them.

"Bring the officers to me."

72.The pirates, Ben surmised, had spent their youth watching too many old pirate movies; they obviously envisioned themselves as real swashbucklers: Earrings in both ears, bandannas around their heads, tattoos on every available patch of skin.

"They all speak English," Jersey informed him.

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Ashes - Ambush In The Ashes Part 7 summary

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