Manual of Gardening Part 40

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Common lilac, _Syringa vulgaris._(DD) (The name syringa is commonly misapplied to the species of _Philadelphus._) The standard spring-blooming shrub in the North; 8-15 ft.; many forms.

Josika lilac, _S. Josikaeca._(DD) Blooming about a week later than S.

_vulgaris;_ 8-10 ft.

Persian lilac, _S. Persica._ More spreading and open bush than _S.

vulgaris;_ 6-10 ft.

j.a.panese lilac, _S. j.a.ponica._(DD) Blooms about one month later than common lilac; 15-20 ft.

Rouen lilac, _S. Chinensis_ (or _Rothomagensis_)(DD) Blooms with the common lilac; flowers more highly colored than those of _S.

Persica;_ 5-12 ft.

Chinese lilacs, _S. oblata_(DD) and _villosa_.(DD) The former 10-15 ft.

and blooming with common lilac; the latter 4-6 ft., and blooming few days later.

Tamarisk, _Tamarix_ of several species, particularly (for the North) _T.

Chinensis, T. Africana_ (probably the garden forms under this name are all _T. parviflora_), and _T. hispida (T. Kashgarica_).

All odd shrubs or small trees with very fine foliage, and minute pink flowers in profusion.

Common s...o...b..ll, _Viburnum Opulus._(A)(DD) The cultivated s...o...b..ll (DD) is a native of the Old World; but the species grows wild in this country (known as High-bush Cranberry),(DD) and is worthy of cultivation; 6-10 ft.

j.a.panese s...o...b..ll, _V. tomentosum_ (catalogued as _V. plicatum_). 6-10 ft.

Wayfaring tree, _V. Lantana._(DD) Fruit ornamental; 8-12 ft., or more.

Plum-leaved haw, _V. prunifolium._(A)(DD) Leaves smooth and glossy; 8-15 ft.

Sweet viburnum or sheep-berry, _Viburnum Lentago._(A) Tall coa.r.s.e bush, or becoming a small tree.

Arrow-wood, _V. dentatum._(A) Usually 5-8 ft., but becoming taller.

Dockmackie, _V. acerifolium._(A) Maple-like foliage; 4-5 ft.

Withe-rod, lilac viburnum, _V. ca.s.sinoides.(A) 2-5_ ft. Other native and exotic viburnums are desirable.

Xanthoceras, _Xanthoceras sorbifolia._ Allied to the buckeyes; hardy in parts of New England; 8--10ft.; handsome.

p.r.i.c.kly ash, _Zanthoxylum Americanum._(A)

_Shrubs for the South._

Many of the shrubs in the preceding catalogue are also well adapted to the southeastern states. The following brief list includes some of the most recommendable kinds for the region south of Was.h.i.+ngton, although some of them are hardy farther North. The asterisk (A) denotes that the plant is native to this country.

The myrtle _(Lagerstroemia Indica_) is to the South what the lilac is to the North, a standard dooryard shrub; produces handsome red (or blush or white) flowers all summer; 8-12 feet.

Reliable deciduous shrubs for the South are: althea, _Hibiscus Syriacus,_ in many forms; _Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis; Azalea calendulacea,(A) mollis,_ and the Ghent azalea _(A. Pontica)_; blue spirea, _Caryopteris Mastacanihus;_ European forms of ceanothus; French mulberry, _Callicarpa Americana_(A); calycanthus(A); flowering willow, _Chilopsis linearis_(A); fringe, _Chionanthus Vir ginica_(A); white alder, _Clethra alnifolia_(A); corchorus, _Kerria j.a.ponica;_ deutzias, of several kinds; goumi, _Eloeagnus longipes;_ pearl bush, _Exochorda grandiflora;_ j.a.pan quince, _Cydonia j.a.ponica;_ golden-bell, _Forsythia viridissima;_ broom, _Spartium junceum;_ hydrangeas, including _H.

Otaksa,_ grown under cover in the North; _Jasminum nudiflorum;_ bush honey suckles; mock orange, _Philadelphus coronarius_ and _grandiflorus_(A); pomegranate; white kerria, _Rhodotypos kerrioides;_ smoke tree, _Rhus Cotinus;_ rose locust, _Robinia hispida_(A); spireas of several kinds; _Stuartia pentagyna_(A); s...o...b..rry, _Symphoricarpos racemosus_(A); lilacs of many kinds; viburnums of several species, including the European and j.a.panese s...o...b..a.l.l.s; weigelas of the various kinds; chaste-tree, _Vitex Agnus-Castus;_ Thunberg's barberry; red pepper, _Capsic.u.m frutescens; Plumbago Capensis;_ poinsettia.

A large number of broad-leaved evergreen shrubs thrive in the South, such as: fetter bush, _Andromeda floribunda_(A); some of the palms, as palmettoes(A) and chamaerops; cycas and zamia(A) far South; _Abelia grandiflora;_ strawberry tree, _Arbutus Unedo;_ ardisias and aucubas, both grown under gla.s.s in the North; azaleas and rhododendrons (not only _R. Catawbiense_(A) but _R. maximum(A) R, Pontic.u.m,_ and the garden forms); _Kalmia latifolia(A); Berberis j.a.ponica_ and mahonia(A); box; _Cleyera j.a.ponica;_ cotoneasters and pyracantha; eleagnus of the types grown under gla.s.s in the North; gardenias; euonymus(A); hollies(A); anise-tree, _Illicium anisatum;_ cherry laurels, _Prunus_ or _Laurocerasus_ of several species; mock orange (of the South), _Prunus Caroliniana_(A) useful for hedges; true laurel or bay-tree, _Laurus n.o.bilis;_ privets of several species; _Citrus trifoliata,_ specially desirable for hedges; oleanders; magnolias(A); myrtle, _Myrtus communis; Osmanthus (Olea) fragrans,_ a greenhouse shrub North; _Osmanthus Aquifolium_(A); butcher's broom, _Ruscus aculeatus;_ phillyreas(A); _Pittosporum Tobira;_ shrubby yuccas(A); _Viburnum Tinus_ and others; and the camellia in many forms.

[Ill.u.s.tration XIV: Virginia creeper screen, on an old fence, with wall-flowers and hollyhocks in front.]


Vines do not differ particularly in their culture from other herbs and shrubs, except as they require that supports be provided; and, as they overtop other plants, they demand little room on the ground, and they may therefore be grown in narrow or unused s.p.a.ces along fences and walls.

In respect to the modes of climbing, vines may be thrown into three groups,--those that twine about the support; those that climb by means of special organs, as tendrils, roots, leaf stalks; those that neither twine nor have special organs but that scramble over the support, as the climbing roses and the brambles. One must recognize the mode of climbing before undertaking the cultivation of any vine.

Vines may also be grouped into annuals, both tender (as morning-glory) and hardy (as sweet pea); biennials, as adlumia, which are treated practically as annuals, being sown each year for bloom the next year; herbaceous perennials, the tops dying each fall down to a persisting root, as cinnamon vine and madeira vine; woody perennials (shrubs), the tops remaining alive, as Virginia creeper, grape, and wistaria.

There is scarcely a garden in which climbing plants may not be used to advantage. Sometimes it may be to conceal obtrusive objects, again to relieve the monotony of rigid lines. They may also be used to run over the ground and to conceal its nakedness where other plants could not succeed. The shrubby kinds are often useful about the borders of clumps of trees and shrubbery, to slope the foliage down to the gra.s.s, and to soften or erase lines in the landscape.

In the South and in California, great use is made of vines, not only on fences but on houses and arbors. In warm countries, vines give character to bungalows, pergolas, and other individual forms of architecture.

If it is desired that the vines climb high, the soil should be fertile; but high climbing in annual plants (as in sweet peas) may be at the expense of bloom.

The use of vines for screens and pillar decorations has increased in recent years until now they may be seen in nearly all grounds. The tendency has been towards using the hardy vines, of which the ampelopsis, or Virginia creeper, is one of the most common. This is a very rapid grower, and lends itself to training more readily than many others. The j.a.pan ampelopsis (_A. tricuspidata_ or _Veitchii_) is a good clinging vine, growing very rapidly when once established, and brilliantly colored after the first fall frosts. It clings closer than the other, but is not so hardy. Either of these may be grown from cuttings or division of the plants.

Two recommendable woody twiners of recent distribution are the actinidia and the akebia, both from j.a.pan. They are perfectly hardy, and are rapid growers. The former has large thick glossy leaves, not affected by insects or disease, growing thickly along the stem and branches, making a perfect thatch. It blooms in June. The flowers, which are white with a purple center, are borne in cl.u.s.ters, followed by round or longish edible fruits. The akebia has very neat-cut foliage, quaint purple flowers, and often bears ornamental fruit.

Of the tender vines, the nasturtiums and ipomeas and morning-glories are the most common in the North, while the adlumia, balloon vine, pa.s.sion vine, gourds, and others, are frequently used. One of the best of recent introduction is the annual hop, especially the variegated variety. This is a very rapid-growing vine, seeding itself each year, and needing little care. The climbing geraniums (_Pelargonium peltatum_ and its derivatives) are much used in California. All the tender vines should be planted after danger of frost is past.

So many good vines are now on the market that one may grow a wide variety for many uses. The home gardener should keep his eyes open for the wild vines of his neighborhood and add the best of them to his collection. Most of these natives are worthy of cultivation. Even the poison ivy makes a very satisfactory cover for rough and inaccessible places in the wild, and its autumn color is very attractive; but of course its cultivation cannot be recommended.

Vines that cling closely to walls of buildings are Virginia creeper (one form does not cling well), Boston or j.a.panese ivy _(Ampelopsis tricuspidata;_ also _A. Lowii,_ with smaller foliage), English ivy, euonymus _(E. radicans_ and the var. _variegata_), and _Ficus repens_ far south; others that cling less closely are trumpet creeper, and climbing hydrangea _(Schizophragma hydrangeoides)._

Vines for trailing, or covering the ground, are periwinkle _(Vinca),_ herniaria, moneywort _(Lysimachia nummularia_), ground-ivy _(Nepeta Glechoma), Rosa Wichuraiana,_ species of native greenbrier or smilax (not the so-called smilax of florists), _Rubus laciniatus,_ dewberries, and also others that usually are not cla.s.sed as vines. In the South, j.a.panese honeysuckle and Cherokee rose perform this function extensively. In California, species of mesembryanthemum (herbaceous) are extensively used as ground covers on banks. Page 86.

For quickly covering brush and rough places, the many kinds of gourds may be used; also pumpkins and squashes, watermelons, _Cuc.u.mis foetidissima,_ wild cuc.u.mbers _(Echinocystis lobata_ and _Sicyos angulata_), nasturtiums, and other vigorous annuals. Many of the woody perennials may be used for such purposes, but usually these places are only temporary.

For arbors, strong woody vines are desired. Grapes are excellent; in the South the muscadine and scuppernong grapes are adaptable to this purpose (Plate XV). Actinidia and wistaria are also used. Akebia, dutchman's pipe, trumpet creeper, clematis, honeysuckles, may be suggested. Roses are much used in warm climates.

For covering porches, the standard vine in the North is Virginia creeper. Grapes are admirable, particularly some of the wild ones. j.a.pan honeysuckle is much used; and it has the advantage of holding its foliage well into the winter, or even all winter southward. Actinidia, akebia, wistaria, roses, dutch-man's pipe, and clematis are to be recommended; the large-flowered clematises, however, are more valuable for their bloom than for their foliage (_C. paniculata,_ and the native species are better for covering porches).

The annual vines are mostly used as flower-garden subjects, as the sweet pea, morning-glories, mina, moonflowers, cypress vine, nasturtiums, cobea, scarlet runner. Several species of convolvulus, closely allied to the common morning-glory, have now enriched our lists. For baskets and vases the maurandia and the different kinds of thunbergias are excellent.

The moonflowers are very popular in the South, where the seasons are long enough to allow them to develop to perfection. In the North they must be started early (it is a good plan to soak or notch the seeds) and be given a warm exposure and good soil (see in Chap. VIII).

In the following lists, the plants native to the United States or Canada are marked by an asterisk ((A)).

_Annual herbaceous climbers._ (Grown each year from seed.)

a. _Tendril-climbers_

Adlumia (biennial).(A)

Balloon Vine _(Cardiospermum)_.(A)

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Manual of Gardening Part 40 summary

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