Manual of Gardening Part 42

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Hardy moonflower, _Ipomoea pandurata._(A)

A weed where it grows wild, but an excellent vine for some purposes.

Wild morning-glory, Rutland beauty, _Convolvulus Sepium_(A) and California rose, _C. j.a.ponicus._

The former, white and pink, is common in swales. The latter, in double or semi-double form, is often run wild.

Madeira vine, mignonette vine, _Boussingaultia baselloides._

Root a large, tough, irregular tuber.

Mikania, climbing hempweed, _Mikania scandens._(A)

A good compositous twiner, inhabiting moist lands.

_Woody perennial climbers._

(Climbing shrubs, the tops not dying down in fall except in climates in which they are not hardy.)

_a. Tendril-climbers, root-climbers, scramblers, and trailers_

Virginia creeper, _Ampelopsis quinquefolia,_(A)

The best vine for covering buildings in the colder climates. Plants should be selected from vines of known habit, as some individuals cling much better than others. Var. _hirsuta,_(A) strongly clinging, is recommended by the experimental station at Ottawa, Canada. Var.

_Engelmanni_(A) has small and neat foliage.

j.a.panese ivy, Boston ivy, _A. tricuspidata (A. Veitchii_).

Handsomer than the Virginia creeper, and clings closer, but is often injured by winter in exposed places, especially when young; in northern regions, tops should be protected for first year or two.

Variegated ivy, _Ampelopsis heterophylla_ var. _elegans_ (_Cissus variegata_).

Handsome delicate hardy grape-like vines with mostly three-lobed blotched leaves and bluish berries.

Garden clematis, _Clematis_ of various species and varieties.

Plants of robust and attractive habit, and gorgeous blooms; many garden forms. _C. Jackmani,_ and its varieties, is one of the best. _C. Henryi_ (Fig. 266) is excellent for white flowers. Clematises bloom in July and August.

Wild clematis, _C. Virginiana_(A)

Very attractive for arbors and for covering rude objects. The pistillate plants bear curious woolly b.a.l.l.s of fruit.

Wild clematis, _C. verticillaris._(A)

Less vigorous grower than the last, but excellent.

j.a.panese clematis, _C. paniculata._

The best late-blooming woody vine, producing enormous of white flowers in late summer and early fall.

Trumpet creeper, _Tecoma radicans._(A)

One of the best of all free-flowering shrubs; climbs by means of roots; flowers very large, orange-scarlet.

Chinese trumpet creeper, _T. grandiflora (Bignonia grandiflora_).

Flowers orange-red; sometimes scarcely climbing.

Bignonia, _Bignonia capreolata._(A)

A good strong evergreen vine, but often a nuisance in fields in the South.

Frost grape, _Vitis cordifolia._(A)

One of the finest of all vines. It is a very tall grower, producing thick, heavy, dark leaves. Its foliage often reminds one of that of the moon-seed. Does not grow readily from cuttings.

Summer and river-bank grapes, _V. bicolor_(A) and _V. vulpina (riparia)_.(A)

The common wild grapes of the Northern states.

Muscadine, scuppernong, _Vitis rotundifolia._(A)

Much used for arbors in the Southern states (Plate XV).

Ivy, _Hedera Helix._

The European ivy does not endure the bright sun of our winter; on the north side of a building it often does well; the best of vines for covering buildings, where it succeeds; hardy in favorable localities as far north as southern Ontario; many forms.

Greenbrier, _Smilax rotundifolia_(A) and _S. hispida._(A)

Unique for the covering of small arbors and summer-houses.

Euonymus, _E. radicans._

A very close-clinging root-climber, excellent for low walls; evergreen; the variegated variety is good.

Climbing fig, _Ficus repens._

Used in greenhouses North, but is hardy far South.

Matrimony vine, boxthorn, _Lycium Chinense._

Flowering all summer; flowers rose-pink and buff, axillary, star-like, succeeded by scarlet berries in the fall; stems prostrate, or scrambling; an old-fas.h.i.+oned vine on porches.

Bitter-sweet, _Solanum Dulcamara._

A common scrambling or semi-twining vine along roadsides, with brilliant red poisonous berries; top dies down or nearly so.

Periwinkles, _Vinca minor_ and _V. major._

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Manual of Gardening Part 42 summary

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