Manual of Gardening Part 74

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_Squashes._--Plant seed in hills 6 ft. apart. The directions for planting melons may be followed. The same remarks apply to pumpkins and other vegetables of this kind.

_Sweet-potatoes._--If slips or vines are at hand, they may be planted late in the month for the earliest tubers. The whole potatoes may be planted on a ridge to yield vines for later planting.

_Strawberries._--The mulching of beds or rows should be no longer delayed, if clean and plentiful fruit is wanted.

_Tomatoes._--About March 15 the frame plants may go to their fruiting quarters. It is necessary to use some judgment in this matter, as they may be killed or injured by an April frost. Seed may be sown in the open ground for plants for late fruiting. Set the plants 4 ft. apart each way.


_Alternantheras_ should go out now.

_Annuals_ of all kinds may still be sown where they are to flower, as they transplant with difficulty at this season.

_Coleuses._--Plant out in the beds now. Cuttings root readily, simply requiring to be stuck in.

_Beans_ of all kinds can be planted, limas especially.

_Beets._--Make another sowing.

_Cabbage plants_ obtained from spring sowings should be set out as soon as fit. The ground requires to be very rich to carry this crop.

_Cuc.u.mbers._--These can be sown anywhere now.

_Corn._--Make a sowing to yield roasting ears to come in after that sown last month.

_Okra._--Sow in drills 3 or 4 ft. apart.

_Peas._--Make a sowing of early varieties for the last time.

_Squash (bush) and pumpkin_ may now be planted.

_Tomatoes_ should be got out to their fruiting quarters as early in the month as possible. Let them be set at least 4 ft. apart each way.


_Beans._--Plant a few more bush and pole beans.

_Celery_ may now be started. The bed or box needs plenty of water, and should be shaded from sun.

_Lettuce_ requires careful handling to encourage it to germinate. It is best sown in a box and kept shaded and moist.

_Melons, cuc.u.mbers, squashes, and pumpkins_ may be sown.

_Radishes._--Sow the yellow and white summer varieties.

_Remarks._--It is a constant struggle with weeds throughout this month, and the cultivator and plow are ever going. As the land becomes vacant, sow corn or plant sweet-potatoes--draws or vines. Sow some late Italian cauliflower. Let the orchard have constant and thorough cultivation, and remove all unnecessary growth from the trees as soon as they appear. Be always on the lookout for borers. Keep the strawberries as free of gra.s.s and coco, or k.n.o.b-gra.s.s, as possible.


_Beans._--All kinds may now be sown.

_Cauliflower._--Sow the Italian kinds.

_Corn._--Make a planting at the beginning of the month and again at the end.

_Cuc.u.mbers._--Plant a few more hills. The plants at this season must be given plenty of water.

_Endive._--Sow, and attend to the tying up of the plants that are of sufficient size.

_Melons._--Sow for a succession a few more water and muskmelons.

_Okra_ may still be sown.

_Radishes._--Sow the summer varieties now.

_Squashes and pumpkins_ may yet be sown.

_Sweet-potato_ vines may now be set out in quant.i.ties.

_Tomatoes._--About the middle of the month sow for the fall crop.


_Beans._--Bush and pole beans may be planted towards the end of the month.

_Cabbage and cauliflower_ may now be sown, but the main sowing should be deferred until next month.

_Carrots._--A sowing should be made.

_Celery._--Sow and transplant what plants there may be on hand.

_Cuc.u.mbers._--These may be sown now for pickling.

_Endive._--Transplant and sow.

_Grapes_ should be kept well tied to trellis, and unnecessary growth removed, so that the wood may have the chance of becoming thoroughly ripened. If the cultivator and plow are not used judiciously, a second growth will be started, which is not desirable.

_Lettuce._--The seed requires to be sprouted before being sown, and if the sowing is done on a dry day the drills should be watered.

_Radishes._--Sow the summer kinds.

_Strawberries._--Keep the beds clean of weeds and gra.s.s.

_Tomatoes._--Make a sowing early in the month, or, what is much better, take cuttings from plants still in bearing.

_Turnips._--Sow a few after a shower towards the end of the month.

_Remarks._--Much cannot be done this month, as the weather is hot and dry, but the opportunity should not be lost for killing weeds and preparing for the planting season, which is now rapidly drawing near.

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Manual of Gardening Part 74 summary

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