Biggles In Borneo Part 2

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"How did it go ? " asked Taffy.

"Come in the mess and I'll tell you about it," answered Biggles, handing his camera to Flight Sergeant Smyth, "Everyone make out his combat report While the show is fresh in mind. Then, I think, a spot of breakfast is indicated."

A check-up revealed that the show had been more successful than Ginger had supposed.

Algy had set fire to several machines standing on the aerodrome as well as shot up the hangars. He had also sprayed a parade ground where a number of j.a.panese soldiers had a.s.sembled. Bertie had shot down a flying-boat which had been unlucky enough to arrive while the attack was in progress. As he put it : "The jolly old pilot seemed to be all at sea, as if he couldn't make out what was happening-if you get my meaning ? The silly a.s.s didn't wonder long. I hit him a crack amids.h.i.+ps and he fell on the pier."

"Did anyone count the wars.h.i.+ps ? " asked Biggles. "I made out two beastly destroyers, a gunboat and two transports;" said Bertie.

"That's what I thought," replied Biggles. "The photographs should give us confirmation.

Well, considering that I only intended to have a look round, to get our bearings, we've made a good start. At any rate, we've let the know we're about. Apart from the damage we've done, our sudden arrival at a place so remote from a British base will probably upset all their calculations. The commander-in-chief must be very worried, wondering if and when the same sort of thing is going to happen again."

Rex Larrymore grinned. "When ii it going to happen again ? "

"To-morrow, I hope," answered Biggles. "There are several places that should provide us with plenty of meat.. I'm sorry we couldn't do anything for those fellows in the sailing-boat."

"That reminds me," put in Ginger. "I've got a suggestion to make. It occurred to me on the way home."

"Let's have it," invited Biggles.

"It struck me as a pity that we couldn't drop something to the fellows in the boat - I mean food in particular. Don't you think it would be a good idea for each machine to carry what we might call an emergency box, containing iron rations, medical supplies and so on ? Then, if one of us had to make a forced landing, the others could drop their boxes as well, so that the people on the ground would have a supply to go on with - enough to keep them alive until they could be rescued. in the same way, if we saw any white folks on the ground -and there must be quite a number who have escaped, or who are trying to escape from the j.a.panese-we could be really helpful."

Biggles nodded. "That's a good idea," he agreed. "You might see about it right away."



THE following day, splitting his force to obtain quick results for the Higher Command, Biggles obtained photographs of Singapore, Algy confirmed the damage at Kuching, while Bertie made a reconnaissance over Surabaya, in Java. All three machines returned safely, without combat, which caused Biggles to remark that most of the front line aircraft were probably in the more active theatres of war-China, Burma and Timor. If the presence of the British squadron resulted in some of these machines being recalled, so well and good.

He also stated that he intended to wait for the Liberator to return before undertaking further operations, in the first place because he did not want to run the petrol supply too low, and secondly, he thought it was likely that the Liberator would bring special instructions.

"Now the Higher Command knows we are here you can be pretty sure they'll start asking us to do things," he remarked.

"Too true, old warrior, too true," murmured Bertie sadly.

"Still, that's what we're here for," Biggles pointed out.

Later in the day, hearing laughter, Ginger strolled over to the native village to find Tug Carrington, with Rex Larrymore acting as interpreter, giving several warriors lessons in the art of boxing, which was to them something entirely new. Most of the village had turned out to watch. There were cries of delight and amazement as time and time again a warrior would strike-none too gently-at Tug, but hit nothing more substantial than air ; for Tug, balanced lightly on his toes, not only avoided the clumsy blows with professional ease, but landed a couple of punches before the discomfited warrior could recover-much to the joy of the spectators.

Tiring of this sport, Ginger strolled on a little way into the forest, which he had not yet properly examined. It surpa.s.sed anything he could have imagined. Everywhere, on the ground and in the trees, were great humps and mats of moss from which sprouted uncouth pitcher plants and orchids. The picture presented was artificial rather than natural ; with a moss-encrusted roof, sup.

ported by mossy columns, the forest looked more like a fairy grotto than a jungle. On examination Ginger found the moss to be the home of countless small insects and reptiles. He took care not to disturb them.

The sun was setting, and twilight quickly closing in, as he strolled back to the camp. As he walked he became aware that somewhere far away a drum was tapping-not so much a regular beat as a curious broken mutter. Presently other drums joined in, enhancing the strange wildness of the scene. He jumped when close at hand yet another drum joined in the savage music-toma-tomatom-tom, toma-tom-toma-tom.

Walking towards the sound, Ginger came upon a scene that was as barbaric as could be imagined. Suspended from a great branch was what appeared to be a length of tree-trunk, hollow, with a slit down the side. Upon this a Punan, wearing a hideous mask and decorated like a Christmas-tree, was beating with his fists, sometimes pausing to listen.

In these intervals the distant drums could be heard answering. Around the performer the warriors of the tribe had formed a silent circle. Chief Suba was there, with Rex beside him. They, too, appeared to be listening intently.

* Ginger went up to Rex. "What's going on ? " he asked wonderingly.

"Bush telegraph," answered Rex laconically. "Bush what ? "

Telegraph. These fellows don't need radio. They can speak to each other over enormous distances with these drums."

"So I've been told," replied Ginger. "What are they talking about now ? "

"I don't know, but it's something unusual. I don't understand this drum talk-I don't think any white man has ever got the hang of it. The whole thing is a mystery. I only know that Suba has told me things within a few minutes of their happening hundreds of miles away, and he's been right every time. Presently he'll tell us what this is all about."

The drumming ended abruptly, and a sound like a sigh escaped from the a.s.sembled warriors. At this moment Biggles and several officers appeared through the trees. They, too, apparently were curious to know what the noise was about.

Suba spoke rapidly to Rex, waving his hands in primitive pantomime. Rex turned to the British officers. "He says there are three white men in the jungle. They are travelling up a river in a boat. Yellow men are pursuing them."

Biggles stared. "That sounds grim."

"If the drums say it is so, you can bet your life it's true."

"I don't doubt it," admitted Biggles quickly. "I've had some experience of this sort of thing. Ask Suba if there is any other information."

There was a brief conversation and Rex turned again to Biggles.

"He says that two of the white men are sick. The yellow men will catch them."

"They must be the three fellows we saw in the boat yesterday morning I" cried Ginger. "

That's about it. The are after them. They've headed into the jungle in the hope of escaping capture."

Biggles looked grave. "Poor beggars. They'll never get through." He looked at Rex. "

Ask Suba if he knows how far away they are."

Rex spoke again to the chief, who held up two fingers.

"That means two days' march," said Rex. "These fellows don't reckon distance as we do.

Two days, to natives who are used to the forest, means about forty miles."

"I say, you know, we ought to do something about this," put in Bertie, polis.h.i.+ng his eyegla.s.s. "We can't let these beastly collar three of our fellows-no, by jingo."

Biggles looked worried. "What can we do ? " he asked helplessly. "We're here for major operations, not to rescue odd people in the jungle. Of course, if it was a matter of flying down and just picking them up I'd do it like a shot ; but even if we saw these blokes we couldn't land in the jungle."

"What about asking Suba to send out a relief party ? " suggested Algy.

"If these chaps are sick they ought to have medical attention," interposed Ginger.

"I realize that," muttered Biggles. "Like you, I feel we ought to do something, but it isn't easy to see what we can do. I daren't leave here myself for any length of time in case the Liberator comes back with urgent instructions." He looked at Rex. "Ask Suba in which direction he reckons these white men are."

Rex spoke to the chief, who without hesitation pointed towards the north-east.

"That's it," declared Ginger. "That's where we saw the boat yesterday."

"The chief says he's willing to send some warriors if the white men are friends of ours,"

said Rex. "I'll take a medical chest and go with them if you like. After all, I'm not a service pilot, so you don't really need me now I've introduced you to Suba. I could send up smoke signals so that from the air you could see where we were. At present the fellows must be in the bamboo belt."

"That sounds a sensible arrangement," answered Biggles. "I suppose these Punans can get through the jungle?"

"They can if they want to-after all, it's their home. They don't go far in the ordinary way because there's no need."

"All right," agreed Biggles. "I'll leave you to do what you think best. We'll co-operate as far as we can. When will you start ? "

"As the matter is obviously urgent I think we ought to start right away," announced Rex, after he had spoken to Suba.

"Can I go ? " asked Ginger.

"No," returned Biggles shortly. "I don't want you down with fever. Besides, I shall need you in the morning. We'll have a look round from the air as soon as it gets light."

Realizing the wisdom of this decision, Ginger did not argue. Instead, he waited with the others while the rescue - party, a score of painted warriors armed with razor-edged, broad-bladed war kris., and blowpipes, filed away into the jungle. Suba took the lead, and Rex, a rifle in the crook of his arm, walked beside him.

Having nothing more to do, the officers returned to the mess, and soon afterwards dispersed to their sleeping quarters.

Ginger was awakened by the roar of aero engines. Running out in his pyjamas, he was surprised to find that dawn was just breaking. Against the pearly grey of the sky the Liberator was circling, losing height. By the time he had got his clothes on it had landed and taxied under its palm-frond canopy. Angus, Ferocity Ferris and Henry Harcourt were climbing down. Biggles was already there.

"So you got through all right ? " he called to Angus. "Where did you get those bullet-holes in your tail ? "

"We had a little affair wi' a bunch of Mitsubis.h.i.+ fighters just after we left Darwin,"

explained Angus. "One of 'em did that." He pointed to the tail. "He won't do any more shooting in this world, I'm thinkin'. Ferocity made a bonfire of him. I've brought ye a load of stuff, Biggles, and a despatch from the Air Commodore at Darwin. I know what it's about, because he told me. It seems that Mindanao-that's the biggest of the Philippine Islands, as dootless ye know-has fallen. They think maybe the American general, Barton, has escaped, so will ye keep a look-out for him."

"That's a pretty tall order," answered Biggles. "There are about ten thousand islands in these waters. What are we supposed to do-call at each one in turn ? "

"It isna an order," returned Angus. "The Air Commodore just mentions it in case we see anybody that looks like the general. Losh, I'

m tired. I'll help myself to a spot of sleep if you don't mind."

"Go ahead," Biggles told him, and turning to the flight sergeant, who was standing by, ordered him to see about getting the big machine unloaded. He then read the despatch, but finding that it contained no more than Angus had related, he put it away and turned to Ginger.

"Let's go and try to locate these fellows in the jungle," he suggested. "The rest of you stand by until we get back. We shan't be long."

A few minutes later the Beaufighter was in the air, skimming the tree-tops on a north-easterly course. Ginger studied the ground closely, but could see no sign of Rex and the Punans-not that he expected to. Nothing could be seen except the tops of trees rising and falling in undulations, with a steady slope towards the distant sea. Here and there it was possible to get a glimpse of a broad mysterious river, sometimes placid, sometimes white with foam as it tore through a gulch in the mountains. It was up this stream, presumably, that the white men had entered the island in their desperate effort to escape from the j.a.panese.

Ginger was still staring down when Biggles's voice came over the telephone. " Tally-ho !

I think we've found something." With *the words the Beaufighter began to climb.

Looking ahead, Ginger saw, not without surprise, a seaplane. It was a type of aircraft that he had never seen before, but as it was neither British nor German he a.s.sumed that it was j.a.panese.

Very soon Biggles confirmed this. "It looks like an old Kawanis.h.i.+," he observed. "It carries a crew of two. They haven't seen us-they're much too interested in something on the ground."

The j.a.panese aircraft was, in fact, circling repeatedly at a low alt.i.tude. The rear gunner was crouching over his gun, which pointed downward in a manner that suggested he had either been using it against a ground target, or was about to do so.

"We'd better dispose of the opposition before we try to see the object of attraction,"

remarked Biggles in a hard voice. "I've got a pretty good idea of what he's after, though."

The combat with the j.a.panese aircraft was hardly worthy of the name. It was obvious that both pilot and gunner apprehended no danger whatever, for they continued to circle, devoting their entire attention to the ground. Biggles merely manceuvred the Beaufighter between it and the sun, and then, going in close, shot the aircraft to pieces. This occurred at such a low alt.i.tude that the crew could not have used their parachutes even if they had not been hit by bullets, and the whole thing fell into the trees where the jungle at once hid it from view. After a swift reconnaissance of the sky for other possible aircraft, Biggles went down to the tree-tops, and after cruising up and down for a minute or two, came upon something for which he was not unprepared. Half submerged in shallow water near the bank of the river was a boat. It was lying at a bend, where the swirl of the water had thrown up a strip of beach in the shape of a crescent moon.

When Ginger first saw the boat it appeared to be abandoned. There was no sign of life.

But as the Beaufighter roared low over it a white man ran from the fringe of jungle near the spot. He looked up at the aircraft, gesticulating violently. Biggles took the Beaufighter still lower ; in fact, he came down the river with his wheels nearly touching the water, a position from which it was possible to see two other men. One was sitting up, and the other lying in the shade of a palm.

Ginger spoke sharply to Biggles. "Those fellows are in a bad way."

I'm afraid you're right," answered Biggles, pulling the Beaufighter up to turn back over the spot.

"Rex must still be a good day's journey away." "Quite that."

"He may never find these chaps."

"We can indicate the spot from the air," Biggles pointed out.

"What about me going down with the emergency box, to give them a hand until Rex arrives ? " suggested Ginger.

"Are you talking about baling out ? "

"Of course."

"It's risky. Ten to one you'll fall in the river or get hung up in the trees."

"The river is shallow near the boat or it would be out of sight," protested Ginger. "I think we ought to take a chance to help those chaps. A few hours may make a lot of difference, apart from which it would encourage them to know that help was on the way."

Biggles hesitated. "All right-if you feel like taking a chance," he agreed.

I'll risk it," declared Ginger. "Come up the river as slowly as you dare."

"Okay." Biggles turned the Beaufighter, and lining up with the stream, brought the machine along at little more than stalling speed.

With the emergency box and the portable medicine chest under his left arm, Ginger went to the escape hatch. See you later," he called, and slid through.

His jump was well timed, but as Biggles had prophesied, he fell into the trees. When he saw what was going to happen he bunched himself, raising his knees to his chin and protecting his face with his arm. Fortunately he did not strike a big branch ; he crashed through the smaller ones, disturbing a school of monkeys which fled, shrieking. The parachute fabric caught in the branches ; it was torn to shreds, but it broke his fall, and he landed in a heap of swampy ground with the torn shrouds, the emergency box and the medicine chest beside him. As he picked himself up he heard a cras.h.i.+ng in the bushes, and a white man, thin and pale from fever or exhaustion, or both, stood before him.

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Biggles In Borneo Part 2 summary

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