Calling Me: Calling Me Away Part 1

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Calling Me_ Calling Me Away.

Louise Bay.

Even though this was only the second morning of waking up with Ashleigh next to me, I knew it was something I could never tire of. Waking with that sweet, s.e.xy smell of hers, the feel of her smooth, flawless skin heating mine supersized my hard-on. I groaned and moved to my side. Grabbing her, I pulled her toward me and buried my face in her hair.

"Morning, gorgeous." I s.h.i.+fted her hips so she faced away from me then skirted my hand over her flat stomach. She relaxed and melted into my body. G.o.d, we fit perfectly. I hooked her leg up over mine and cupped my fingers over her s.e.x.

"Luke," she whispered, gently circling against my hand.

"Did I wake you?"

She shook her head, and I propped myself up so I could see her face. She didn't look sleepy; she looked incredible, her hair fussy and her skin already starting to flush. I began to move my thumb over her c.l.i.t.

"That's not fair," she said.

"Making you feel good isn't fair? I know you like this. I'm coming to understand your body as well as I do the rest of you."

She closed her eyes and sighed as if she was giving in, and I started to rock my hips against the cleft of her b.u.t.tocks. Jesus, she felt good any way I could get her.

"Luke," she whispered again.

"Ashleigh," I replied in the same wistful tone.

I dipped my fingers into her folds, coating them in her slick softness. Jesus, she was more than ready. She widened her legs. "Yes, please." She sighed.


She reached behind and grabbed my hips, fingers digging into my a.s.s.

"Tell me," I said. "Tell me what you want."

"I want you inside me, please."

"Tell me more." I loved her dirty words. They slipped from her as if they were just below the surface, ready to break free. They were a reminder of how the Ashleigh I'd known for so long wasn't the whole girl. That the one lying beside me, begging for s.e.x, was the entire package-in more ways than one.

"I want you to f.u.c.k me and never stop. I want to feel your d.i.c.k in me. Please. Now."

I slid inside her, right up to the hilt. That I'd managed to hold back so long was a miracle.

Her fingernails bit into my forearm, then receded as she got used to me. Blood rushed to my c.o.c.k at the thought of being almost too big for her.

"Just like that," she said.

I started to move behind her, pulling out slowly and then thrusting in hard, the way I knew she liked it. My thumb changed direction, circling over her c.l.i.t, and she clasped my wrist.

"No, it's too much; it's too good. I'm too close, too soon."

I groaned at the fact that I could make her body mine so quickly. I released my thumb. I needed a few more seconds like this, on the brink of climax. Feeling her come around me would send me over the edge.

She reached behind me, grasping at my a.s.s, urging me deeper, harder. I pulled her leg open wider, wanting to get as far into her as I could. f.u.c.k. This was the perfect way to wake up. Every day. Forever.

Her hand slid over her s.e.x. I'd not seen her touch herself, and I closed my eyes, committing the image to memory. Her fingers, slick with lubrication, pulled at my b.a.l.l.s, sending sparks of pleasure up my spine. Jesus, she was wicked. I began to thrust harder.

"I want to stay inside you forever." It was an effort to speak. My mind was so focused on how I felt, how I was making her feel, that my words were labored.

Her hand covered mine and brought my fingers back to her s.e.x. She was ready. I dipped my thumb over the nub of nerves, and she rocked against the pressure.

"Yes, G.o.d yes." Her voice was husky, the way it got before she spiraled.

I picked up my rhythm, pus.h.i.+ng into her, replacing my thumb with my fingers as she writhed beneath me. Sweat trickled down my back as I tried to pull out her o.r.g.a.s.m before surrendering to mine. I wasn't going to be able to hold back much longer. I increased the pressure on her c.l.i.t. She cried out and her body stiffened.

She reached for my head, and I bent and grazed my lips against hers in a sloppy half-kiss. I clasped her hips with my fingers and pushed into her again and again, allowing myself to drown in the remnants of her o.r.g.a.s.m, stealing them, taking them as my pleasure. The feeling in my spine intensified, took me over, and I emptied into her.

I hadn't even stopped moving in and out of her before I began to harden again. Once wasn't enough with her.

"Again, baby?" she asked.

"Always. I never want to stop."

"How do you make it so good?"

"It's all about you. What your body does to me." It was such a turn on that every part of her responded to me as if she needed me.

She s.h.i.+fted beneath me, and although I couldn't bear the thought of not being inside her, the thought of her on all fours gave me the strength to move. She felt the urgency too as she flipped onto her stomach and drew herself up to her knees. Jesus, she was made to pose like that, as if she was just waiting for my d.i.c.k.

"Put it back in, please," she begged, and then I was over her, my chest against her back, right up to the hilt again.

"Is that good?" I asked, teasing her. I knew by her bent head and the sheets fisted in her hands that it was good. I stilled, waiting on an answer.

"Don't stop," she whimpered. "Please, never, yes." I couldn't hold back. I stabbed my hips against her a.s.s.

Having her felt urgent, desperate, primal. My fingers pulled at her hips, my thumbs pressing into the delicate flesh of her a.s.s. I banged against her again and again, deeper and deeper.

Jesus, yes, I wanted to stay just like this forever.

"Look at me, Ashleigh." I needed to see her eyes, watch the effect of my c.o.c.k on her face.

She turned her head slowly, as if it were made of lead. Her eyes were hooded and her mouth parted. She looked at me as her tongue circled her lips, leaving a glistening trail. I couldn't stop the groan that ripped from my chest.

"I need you to get there," I choked just as her back arched, and she screamed my name over and over.

My final thrusts pushed her over and into the mattress, and I collapsed on top of her, our breaths sharp and uneven.

Ashleigh had taken me over. She had given me a taste of something that I never knew existed.

Ashleigh Luke and I managed to pull ourselves out of bed-a good thing, as I risked not being able to walk for a week if we didn't-and arrived for Sunday night dinner with Haven and Jake. I could still feel the after effects of Luke between my thighs, across my skin as we made our way to their apartment.

Arriving together was unusual but not unheard of, so I didn't expect Haven to be immediately suspicious. Still, I wanted to tell her what was going on. For one thing, I failed to keep anything a secret from her for long, and for another she'd be devastated if she put the pieces together herself and realized we'd kept it from her.

After a sleepless night of worry, and a morning of thought-erasing, I'd convinced Luke to let me tell her while he and Jake watched TV.

"Hey guys, good timing," Haven said as she answered the door. "How are you doing?" she asked Luke. "Did you work things out?" Luke had texted Haven to say he wouldn't be staying with them on Friday and night, but he hadn't told her where he was going to be. She'd obviously a.s.sumed that he'd gone back to Emma. My stomach churned. Why had she been so quick to think that's where he'd end up? Was that relations.h.i.+p as over as Luke seemed to think it was? Maybe Haven thought a reconciliation between Luke and Emma would be a good thing.

Luke deflected the question. "Where's Jake?"

"I love your little bromance. Go see your friend. He's in his study."

Luke leaned toward me as if to kiss me. My horror must have shown on my face as he stopped himself and started to chuckle.

"Be quick," he whispered.

"What?" Haven asked.

I shrugged.

I didn't see any wine on the counter. "Haven't you opened a bottle yet?" I asked as I looked inside the refrigerator.

"No, I was waiting for you. There should be a nice Oyster Bay in there."

s.h.i.+t, I was going to have to do this while we were sober.

I poured us a drink and settled on the barstool. Haven was grating cheese. So, this was my moment-before she started anything with the knives.

"So, I went to that awards thing with Luke on Friday," I said.

"You shouldn't torture yourself like that, you know. Let him find his own date."

"I enjoyed myself, actually."

"You did? That's good. Sometimes those things can be okay. Depends who you sit next to and stuff." She fiddled with a couple of switches on the oven.

How was I going to do this? I wasn't sure what kind of reaction I was going to get from her. I wanted her to be thrilled, but a niggling feeling in the pit of my stomach told me that that wasn't going to be her response.

"Did I tell you I got that job for the Sunday Times?" she asked. Since Haven had gone freelance, her career had taken off. I was so proud of her.

"Holy h.e.l.l, really? That's awesome." I stood up and gave her a hug. "I knew you could do it-that's amazing. What's that one about? The school thing?"

She nodded. "I can't believe it. I mean, I still want to do the independent, online stuff, but who's going to say no to the Sunday Times?"

"What's going on over there?" Luke shouted from the sofa. We were hugging and grinning. Maybe he thought I'd told her already.

"Haven got an article for the Sunday Times," I replied.

"Oh, yeah, I think she said." Luke nodded.

Haven rolled her eyes. "Brothers, hey?"

This was it. A natural break in the conversation. I needed to say it now.

"So, you know on Friday-" I began.

"I think these are done," she interrupted, glancing at the oven. "I've made cheese straws so the boys don't start whining about being hungry." She opened the oven door and took a baking tray out. "Guys, I've got snacks," she shouted across the room.

Luke bounded over, briefly rubbing my lower back as he pa.s.sed me, then headed to the refrigerator. A s.h.i.+ver ran through my body. We should have just stayed home today. It would have been less complicated.

"What's going on over here?" he asked, fumbling for beers.

"We're cooking, and I'm telling Ash about the Sunday Times since you don't seem interested at all," Haven said.

Luke looked at me and grinned, knowing I'd chickened out so far. "So did Ash tell you we kissed on Friday night?"

"Luke!" I said. "I was meant to ease her into that. Not just blurt it out."

Haven looked at her brother, then at me and then back at her brother. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean we kissed, and did other stuff. I have feelings. She has feelings." He shrugged. "We're, you know . . ."

"Very smooth, Luke," I said.

"What?" he asked. "At least I told her."

"I was going to tell her. I was picking my moment."

I looked at Haven as she stirred something in a pan as if her life depended on it.


She took a deep breath. "I don't know what to say." To suggest she didn't look pleased was an understatement.

"Are you upset I've not told you until now?" I asked. She looked as if she were about to cry.

"Why now?" she asked. Luke tried to put an arm 'round her, but she shrugged it off. "You've had years to get it together. What's different?" It was a good question. What was different?

"Well, I was with Emma, and before that we were young-really young-and I didn't realize how I felt until recently," Luke said softly to his sister.

"Tell me what you're thinking, Haven," I said. "Please be honest." My stomach was churning. I hated to see her upset at the best of times, but this time I'd caused her unhappiness.

She turned off the stove and glanced between Luke and me. "I think we have a really good thing going here. We all love each other. We're family and now you guys get p.i.s.sed together and put all that in jeopardy." She gave up stirring the pan and turned toward us. "Luke, you and Emma finished about five seconds ago and that was a serious, long-term thing. You can't just get over it in twenty-four hours," she said, pointing at Luke. "And you, you've loved this guy for forever, and I don't want him to break your heart." Her voice was getting higher and higher. "If you do, I'll be forced to make a choice between which one of you I spend holidays with and stuff. It will be horrible."

"Hey, what's going on here?" Jake asked, as he wandered over and pulled Haven close to him.

"These f.u.c.kers." She pointed at Luke and me.

"What's happened?" Jake was looking at Luke.

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Calling Me: Calling Me Away Part 1 summary

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