Taken By Storm Part 16

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"Two years."

"That's barely time to get to know each other."

Storm smiled. "It was as if Daniel and I knew each other our entire lives from the very start. We loved

the same things, never grew bored of being with each other, and laughed often. He told me that the heavens had designed us specifically for each other and we would never match with another. I agreed."

"So you think you will never love again?"

"I know I will never love again."

"That doesn't seem fair to you or your husband," Burke said.

"Why do you say that?"

"You are young and have your whole life before you. It would not be fair to you never to know love again. And as for your husband, if he truly loved you as you claim, then he would not want to see you alone. He would want you to love again."

"I could never love someone the way I loved Daniel."

"Of course it would be different. Daniel was your first love. There is nothing like a first love, but don't

deny yourself the chance to taste love again. It may be a bittersweet taste at first but you never know.You may develop a liking for the flavor. All I'm saying is at least take a taste."Storm stared at him for a moment, and he thought that she would argue the point.Instead, she said softly, "I'll keep that in mind. And you, Burke? You mentioned once that you have yet to find love.""It hasn't struck me yet.""Is that what you expect it to do, strike you?""Dead in the heart," he said, slapping his hand over his heart.Storm laughed. "It could sneak up on you and gradually claim your heart.""I think I'd see it coming," he said confidently."I don't know. Love can be sneaky," she warned.He shook his head. "It's going to hit me fast and hard and suddenly I'll be in love.""You know, Mr. Longton, love is the one leader no one can usurp."He stood and held his hand out to her. "I'll keep that in mind, but you might be wise to do the same."

Chapter 13.

I t took three days to reach Mewers and they camped in the dense woods that skirted the village. Storm and Philip had arranged a time and location to meet, and after instructing the men and posting guards, she and Tanin were about to leave for the appointed meeting.

"I want to go," Burke said, approaching Storm as she tucked her dirk into its sheath at her waist."It's not necessary.""Not to you, but to me it is, and besides, you've ordered us to stay put until you speak with Philip. What else is there for me to do?"

She reiterated her order. "Stay put."


His stance was as adamant as his declaration. His legs were spread, his boots dug in, and his hands

rested firmly on his hips. He did not intend to be denied his request, and Storm couldn't blame him. If it

had been her brother, she'd make certain to be along every step of the way."I'll follow whatever orders you give." He winced. "Let me rescind that. I'll follow any orders that don'tinvolve causing you pain."

"At least you're honest."

"And always will be," he confirmed with a sharp nod.

Storm gave it a moment of thought and decided there was no reason for him not to join them. "You can

come with us but-" She walked up to him and poked him in the chest as she spoke. "You will in no

way interfere if orders are given that should cause me pain."

Burke looked ready to protest when she poked him again.

"Think twice, Mr. Longton, before you agree."

Burke let out an agitated sigh. "I won't interfere."

"Your word on it."

Another agitated sigh. "I give you my word, though reluctantly." Burke had proven himself an honorable man, and Storm knew he would keep his word once given whether he agreed with the circ.u.mstances or not. It seemed when it came to her, he was overly concerned, but then to him men were meant to protect women. He was doing what he had been raised to do.

"You'll follow between Tanin and me. I don't want you getting lost." She smiled and shook her head.

"But then you wouldn't get lost; you're too good of a tracker."

"True enough, but there's no time to waste so it's best I do as you say."

Storm stumbled in jest, her hand to her chest. "Did I just hear you agree with me?"

He cracked a smile. "It's easy to agree with you when you make sense."

"I make sense all the time."

"Women rarely make sense," Burke said on a laugh.

"Amen to that," Angus said, pa.s.sing by.

Storm grinned and sauntered off. "Have your fun, but do remember that it's a woman who leads you."

They didn't have to wait long for Philip to join them at the designated meeting place. He arrived shortly after them, and they huddled beneath a large spruce to hear what he had learned.

"They took a prisoner out of here just before my arrival," Philip informed them. "It is whispered about in the village as if it is a secret that cannot be divulged."

"Was a name mentioned?" Burke asked anxiously.

Philip shook his head. "No, though mention was made of the size of the man, and from what Peter told us, the description fits."

"Then it could be Cullen," Burke said.

"Don't get your hopes up," Tanin advised. "We have yet to learn of a name. We could be chasing after

the wrong man."

"Which is why we must free the young lad," Philip informed them.

"He knows something?" Burke asked.

Philip nodded. "The lad spent a good two days with the man in the same cell."

"He would know his name," Burke said, excited.

"He would know something," Storm said.

Burke agreed. "Enough for us to learn if it is my brother we chase after."

"A good chance of it," Philip said. "And with the prized prisoner gone and only the lad remaining, there is

a bare minimum of guards around the prison."

"Any idea where he may have been taken?" Burke asked.

Philip shrugged. "I can't even make sense of why this man has been moved around as much as he has

been. Usually a prisoner is kept in one location or perhaps moved once, but this many times?" He shook

his head. "It makes no sense.""He's right," Storm agreed. "I've never known a prisoner to be moved as much as this man. Somethingisn't right. Perhaps the lad will enlighten us."

"The village has many items we can use," Philip advised.

"Malcolm, Angus, and Burke will canva.s.s the village tomorrow."

They returned to camp in silence. With no campfire set, the group munched on the bread and cheese they

had brought with them and retired early.

"A moment of your time?" Burke asked after the others had bedded down.

Storm nodded and they walked over to a large rock and sat with their backs against it.

"You seemed worried earlier about the prisoner being moved so often. Why?"

The half moon cast enough of a glow for Storm to see the concern in Burke's dark eyes, and while shewished to ease his worry, she knew he'd prefer the truth."It's as if someone wishes to hide this prisoner."

"Why would that be?""I'm not sure," she said, shaking her head. "But we aren't dealing with a simple crime, which means it isn't likely that you will be able to buy your brother's freedom, if this man is truly your brother."

"You can't be sure of that."

She shrugged. "As you've often said to me, you never know, though the evidence does proveotherwise.""I can't have come this far to lose my brother this way," Burke said adamantly. "Money speaks loudly and often erases crimes. It will aid in my attempt to free Cullen.""I agree that money can buy almost anything, but be aware there is that small segment money can't buy.""I've yet to find something money can't buy, Storm. It bought you."Her eyes narrowed and she sat up straight. "I was never for sale, Mr. Longton.""I apologize," Burke said quickly. "I phrased that inappropriately. I admire your courage and conviction and meant no disrespect.""Then why say it?" she snapped."Frustration, foolishness, exhaustion? Have I found one that suits you?"She laughed softly and relaxed once again against the rock."This is difficult for me, though I don't like to admit it.""I understand. You don't wish to fail your father. You gave your word, and your word is your honor."He looked at her, startled that she understood. "My father died with a smile when I gave him my word that I would find Cullen. He knew I would not fail him."

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Taken By Storm Part 16 summary

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