Taken By Storm Part 15

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She didn't move. "The wound is healing fine."

"Show me," he said, gesturing her to sit.

When she hesitated he asked, "What are you afraid of, Storm?"

"Not you, Mr. Longton," she said, stepping almost nose to nose with him.

"Then prove it. Let me help you."

She could not take a challenge lightly or allow this man to think she was afraid of him.

"All right, Burke, tend my wound," she said and slipped her s.h.i.+rt over her head to stand bare-chested in front of him.

Chapter 12.

"S it," Burke ordered with a tap to the wooden chair. It was apparent Storm had tried to shock him. He hoped his reaction wasn't as apparent, though it sure had surprised him how quickly he had sprung to life. The quicker he could get his eyes off her b.r.e.a.s.t.s the better. They were round and full and her nipples a dark, rosy color and hard, possibly as hard as he was right now.

Relief flooded him when she sat, and though her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were partially out of sight, they weren't out of mind. He worked quickly at changing her bandage and was pleased to see that her wound was healing nicely.

"The st.i.tches should come out soon, don't you think?" she asked looking up at him.

He was forced to meet her eyes and catch a glance of her naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s. d.a.m.n if he didn't ache to touch them, so round and perfect and the hard nipples so deliciously inviting. He could almost feel his tongue exploring them, his teeth nipping at them, and his mouth- He nodded. "I'd say tomorrow or the day after." He turned away from her. "All finished." He wanted her to put her s.h.i.+rt back on. Actually, he needed her to cover up. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were just too d.a.m.ned tempting. All of her was just too d.a.m.ned tempting.

"Thank you," she said.

He turned just as her s.h.i.+rt slipped over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and relief mixed with regret.

"You're welcome. So what now?"

"What do you suggest?" she asked, tucking her s.h.i.+rt around her trim waist and into her trousers.

It was an innocent enough question, but with where his mind had wandered, it was now a dangerous one.

He found Storm attractive, which was surprising. He had reminded himself time and time again that she

wasn't at all his type.

She was too pet.i.te, and yet here he found himself responding to her like a young buck in heat. He had always maintained control when it came to pa.s.sion. There had never been a woman who got him hot and bothered with just one glance. Until Storm.

"No suggestions?" she asked again.

He had suggestions but he was sure she wouldn't approve.

"We continue to question Peter when he feels up to it. If we continue to probe, he may remember


"I thought the same myself," she agreed and walked to the door.

"Aren't you going to rest?" he asked, wondering if Storm required any sleep at all. She didn't look tired.

She actually looked refreshed, and he wondered how she maintained her chaotic pace.

"No time," she said, stopping at the open door. "On the way back we were alerted to a lad barely ten

who was recently imprisoned for hunting on the manor lord's private grounds. He is being held in thevillage of Mewers. His family has no funds to get him released.""So you will.""Wouldn't you?"Burke walked over to her. "I'm right beside you on this one."Once again, the group gathered around the campfire to discuss another rescue mission, and they also hoped to obtain some supplies that were desperately needed.

"Mewers's prisoners are sequestered in a building behind the manor house," Tanin informed the group.

"An easy rescue?" Burke asked, not feeling as much of an outsider, thanks to the last few days spent

with the people in the camp. He had become more aware of their plight and their pride and could empathize with them.

"Unfortunately not," Storm said. "Mewers is the one village that has a thriving market which attracts many people as well as thieves, the hungry, and the needy. The manor lord maintains a large troop of soldiers to see that his prisoners remain imprisoned and that his market is safe from those who don't have the coin to spend."

"A stronghold of sorts," Burke said.

"That it is," Tanin agreed.

"The manor lord there, the Earl of Henwood has close ties with the Earl of Balford. Their properties

adjoin and Henwood has been known to hold prisoners for Balford," Storm explained.

"My brother could be there," Burke said.

Storm nodded. "There is that possibility, which is why Philip has been sent ahead to gather information."

"This could prove a difficult rescue mission," Angus said.

"Not if we plan for it," Storm said. "Philip will provide us with the information we need concerning the

guards' routine. That leaves the market." She turned to Malcolm. "You've been there, haven't you?""I've managed to steal an item or two without being caught," he boasted."Then you and Burke will see to canva.s.sing the market-"Burke interrupted her. "I'd prefer to be part of the prison rescue.""And you may be, but for now, you will learn what you can about the market so that our thievery goes on undetected."

Burke had learned there was a method to her decisions that usually proved accurate and successful, so he would bow to her expertise and follow her lead. For now.

"When do we leave?" Burke asked.

"Early morning," Storm instructed and then proceeded to give detailed instructions as to the mission itself.

When the plans were finalized, Burke informed Storm that he intended to speak with Peter again. He was

surprised or perhaps disappointed that she didn't ask to join him. She simply acknowledged his intentions

with a nod and turned to speak with Tanin.

He found out soon enough that Peter was in no condition to talk and took his leave, intending to look over the weapons that might prove useful on this mission.

He caught sight of Storm entering the woods alone. While everyone there was accustomed to her

independent nature, he still had trouble with it. So he followed her.

She appeared set on a destination, remaining focused on the trail she traveled. Burke didn't find it difficult keeping pace with her though he was amazed at her stamina. She had barely returned from a six-day journey, and here she was walking the woods yet again.

The forest grew thick with trees and brush, making tracking her a bit more difficult but not impossible.

Then suddenly the density gave way to a clearing and the ruins of an old structure.

He remained concealed by the brush and watched Storm approach the crumbled edifice. She took a seat

on what had once been a stone wall that now looked like nothing more than a few stones haphazardly

piled together.

She tilted her head back to the bright sun, and he was captivated by the graceful beauty of her pose. The sun's rays kissed her slim neck, giving it a translucent sheen and inviting soft, subtle nibbles.

d.a.m.n, he couldn't stop thinking about kissing her. He was going to have to satisfy his temptation sooneror later or he'd drive himself crazy. The one kiss they had shared had lingered much too long in hismemory and probably was the cause for his wanting to taste her again.

One more kiss. One more kiss would do it and he'd be satisfied."Why don't you join me, Burke?"He eagerly stepped out of his hiding place. "When did you realize I was following you?""When my sentry signaled me that I had someone on my tail."He shook his head. "I forgot about the sentries you have posted.""In all honesty I would have never known you were following me," she admitted. "Who taught you to track like that?"

"Johnnie, a half-breed friend of mine. We grew up together. Johnnie's father worked for mine andresided on the ranch. We were inseparable. Maybe one day you'll get to meet him.""Not likely, since I have no plans to leave Scotland, and I doubt your friend plans on traveling here.""You never know," Burke said. "Who would have ever thought I'd be sitting on the rubble of a stone wall with a female outlaw in the woods of Scotland?"

Storm laughed softly, and the light tinkle sent a ripple resonating throughout his body until it acc.u.mulated in a rush of gooseflesh down his back.

"Actually, you're sitting on the remains of one of the oldest churches in Scotland." Storm laughed again.

"You look surprised, Burke."

He grinned at the injustice of it all. He couldn't kiss her in the middle of the ruins of a church. It just wasn't right."I would have never thought this a church." What he truly meant was that he would prefer that it wasn't a church.

Storm glanced over the decayed structure. "It was small, barely fitting ten people. I was married here."

"Here?" he asked, looking around. "How long ago were you married?'

"Five years."

"But this structure-"

"Had long been decayed before then," she finished. "But many couples believe that if they wed among

the ruins they will have a strong, long-lasting marriage." Her eyes saddened as she whispered, "A myth."

She had opened the subject of her husband so he felt comfortable to probe. "How long were you

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Taken By Storm Part 15 summary

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