Taken By Storm Part 24

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"Will it take us long to reach the harbor?"

"We'll walk to Barkell, about three villages from the harbor. There we'll meet with friends to get horsesand ride the remainder of the way, saving us time. Then we'll need to sneak aboard your s.h.i.+p-""Where we'll depart the s.h.i.+p as Mr. Longton and his wife, Mary."Burke stood and Storm walked over to him. "While your wife, I will remain silent for the sake of our mission, but be aware that if necessary I will speak up."

"At the appropriate time," he teased.

"Do you prefer a wife who is seen and not heard, Mr. Longton?"

"My wife will have her own mind and speak it. I want no delicate flower that wilts on the vine. She will

need strength to survive the wilderness and respect its beauty."

"Your homeland sounds similar to Scotland. I can understand why you wish to return to it."

"I could live no other place," he admitted.

"I feel the same."

He thought how unfortunate that was for both of them. There could be nothing between them but a brief

interlude, and for some reason the idea terribly disturbed him.

They parted, and Burke returned to sit by the fire. A strong breeze swept through the camp, chilling the late afternoon air even more. The fire kept him warm enough, and besides, he had too much on his mind to even consider the dip in temperature.

He'd need to see to the s.h.i.+p's business while there, and though the s.h.i.+p was due to leave port shortly, he had a feeling it would be better to delay its departure. He might have to make a hasty exit from Scotland once he found Cullen, and his s.h.i.+p would give him that ability.

He didn't know how Cullen would feel about leaving, but given the circ.u.mstances, he might not have a choice.


He had told Storm she had a choice and she did. She would choose to remain in her homeland and fight her crusade no matter how difficult her life. She stubbornly refused to see that she fought an endless battle that would never know victory.

He wished he could get her to understand the uselessness of her cause. That what she did would change nothing and affect only a few lives, and in the end, was it really worth the sacrifice?

To those she had saved it most certainly had been, but on a larger scale, what did she really accomplish? And none of this should make a difference to him, so why did it?

He shook his head and held his hands out to the fire, rubbing them together to warm them.

Storm was much too beautiful and much too intelligent to be wasting her life away in the woods, a wanted outlaw. She should have a home and children and a husband to look after her and protect her.

If she were his wife, he'd protect her with his life and provide generously for her and their children.

He smiled at the thought of a dark-haired little girl as obstinate as her mother running into his arms to be scooped up and hugged.

He gave his head a good shake this time. Was he crazy for thinking of having children with Storm? They came from different worlds. Worlds separated by a vast ocean and love of homeland. He couldn't afford to fall in love with her.

It would cost him dearly to love her and then be forced to leave her here in Scotland. He wouldn't be able to do it. And he didn't see Storm leaving her beloved home.

Another shake of his head warned that his musings were just that, thoughts that meant nothing and would amount to nothing. He and Storm understood each other. They each had an agenda to keep and the stubbornness to stick to it.

He would love Storm for the time he was here but he would not fall in love with her. He couldn't, for love was a commitment he took seriously. When he loved, it would be forever, and that would mean that he couldn't leave Storm behind in Scotland. She would have to return to America with him whether she liked it or not.

In that, she would have no choice.

Chapter 19.

T heir journey went smoothly, and Storm and Burke arrived at St. Andrew Harbor early in the morning. Not a good time to sneak aboard a s.h.i.+p, but there was no time to waste. Philip and William had left camp the same time, and had probably already contacted the mysterious man who possessed the information they required. If all went well they would meet in four days to exchange money for information.

Therefore, they had to get to the s.h.i.+p as soon as possible, see to their business, and leave within two days' time.

"We can't be seen together," Storm said, concealed by a stack of crates at the end of the harbor. Burke could tell she was impressed by the ma.s.sive s.h.i.+p, the gangplank bustling with men unloading crate after crate.

"Agreed," he said with a nod. "I need to get on board, give orders to my crew, and change clothes so that it looks as if I've arrived with the s.h.i.+p. Then we need to get you on board as well."

"We may have to wait until evening when there is less activity and the cover of darkness."

"Not an option," Burke said. "I won't have you here alone along the harbor. You resemble a lad, and with three s.h.i.+ps anch.o.r.ed in the harbor, I guarantee in no time you'd be a crew member ready to set sail on one of them."

Storm resented the idea that he felt her incapable of looking after herself, when by now he knew otherwise.

"You forget who I am," she reminded.

Burke was quick to disagree. "It is exactly who you are that makes me worry over your safety. I gave my word you'd be safe and I intend to keep it. Besides, today is to be a day of fun for you."

"Then what do you propose?" she asked, the day of fun beckoning her to play.

"You remain hidden until I return for you. Then we'll make it appear as if I've taken you on as a cabin boy, and make sure to keep your face smudged. We don't want anyone discovering what a lovely face you have, at least not until you're my wife."


While it was nothing more than a charade they played, the t.i.tle still startled her. It had been three years since her husband had called her wife, and Daniel had an endearingly proud way of using the t.i.tle on occasion. It had filled her heart with joy. Not so this time.

This time it unsettled her.

"I'll be right here waiting," she said.

"I won't be long," he rea.s.sured her.

He mingled easily with the crowd of people along the dock. Storm followed him with her eyes as he maneuvered his way to his s.h.i.+p without hesitation, walked up the gangplank, and was gone from sight.

Had she given this decision time or had she been too quick to agree to a day of fun? Did she truly wish to spend time alone with the American? Did she ache to feel a man's arms around her once again and to share intimacies without ties that bind?

She leaned her back against the crates and slid down until she sat on the hard ground, arms resting on her raised knees.

What was it that attracted her to the American? He was a man much in charge of himself and accustomed to being in charge of others. He wasn't a man who followed but who led, and he did it with honor.

She respected an honorable man, one who when he gave his word lived by it, even if it proved difficult. And Burke refused to give his word unless he felt he could keep it. Such a man was not only to be admired, but also to be trusted.

She found these qualities much more appealing in a man than his features, not that Burke wasn't attractive. He pleased her eyes well enough, but his defined character pleased her more.

"What are you doing? Stealing from my crates?"

Storm jumped at the harsh grumble and spun around to find a large barrel of a man, fingers thick as sausages, waving a coiled whip in the air.

"No, sir," she said, keeping her head respectfully bowed and his eyes distracted from her face. "Resting, that's all, sir."

"Don't lie to me," he yelled and reached out.

Storm ducked and took off past him hoping to get lost in the bustle of the busy dock.

Burke hurried to change clothes, not wanting to leave Storm alone too long. He had promised Tanin and Philip and the rest of the group that he would keep her safe, and he couldn't hold firm to his word if she wasn't with him. She'd be safe enough for a short time hidden behind the crates, but there was always a chance she'd be found.

He stripped off his clothes, washed quickly at the basin filled with water, then dressed in black trousers, white s.h.i.+rt, black vest, and black waistcoat. Unable to tolerate constriction of any kind around his neck, he left several fastenings undone.

s.h.i.+ny leather boots followed and then a comb of his hair with a real comb and not his fingers, and he was near done.

He grabbed coins from the safe he had stocked with money, and picked up his father's diamond ring and shoved it on his pinky. It was the only finger it fit, and he wore it with pride, as had his father.

A chest of garments meant for America had been brought to his cabin on his orders. He wished Storm to have her pick. Something was bound to fit her, and he was eager to see her dressed in fine clothes.

She would certainly be a raving beauty, but then her beauty wasn't defined by what she wore, since she was just as beautiful dressed in lad's clothing. She was striking regardless of what she wore.

He smiled, recalling her smudged face and how he had wanted so badly to kiss her when they had stood behind the crates. He had wanted to kiss her, hold her, and do much more than that, much too often of late. It was a constant thought in his mind and one he definitely wanted to see reach fruition.

Finally finished and anxious to return to Storm, he hurried out of his cabin to the deck. Much of the crew stood at the railing, their attention fixed on the dock below.

Burke hurried to the gangplank, relieved that he had been provided with a distraction to get Storm aboard without being noticed.

That is, until he saw what caught the men's attention.

The whip sliced the air so close to her ear that its crack near deafened her. Storm stood perfectly still. Her shoulder stung from where the tip of the whip had caught her when she had attempted to run. She was grateful her jacket took the brunt of the hit, though it had sliced through, and she could feel the blood dripping down her arm.

"You don't run from me," the man screamed, his full face turning red with rage.

For a second Storm gave thought to running, but the man was skilled with the whip and could do her harm. She remained where she was.

"Come over here," the man demanded.

"I've done nothing wrong, sir." She hoped to delay him until Burke arrived. It was her only chance. That

they had attracted a crowd didn't help matters. Attention was the last thing she needed."I'll not tell you again," the man said loudly. Encouraged by the cheers of the crowd, he raised his whip."Strike the lad and you'll find that whip a noose around your fat neck."The order sliced through the crowd much like the crack of the whip, silencing everyone.Storm thanked heaven for Burke's timely arrival, and when she turned to look, she almost didn't recognize him. Clearly, his dress proclaimed him a man of wealth and station, far removed from the man

she had rescued from the filthy prison, and yet he was the very same one.

He walked with that confident swagger that spoke volumes. He was a man of cla.s.s and distinction, and the man with the whip realized it as quickly as Storm had, for he lowered the weapon, though he refused to relent.

"The lad stole from me and will pay for his crime," he said, shaking his meaty fist.

Storm remained where she was and Burke walked around to stand in front of her. His body completely blocked her from the view of her accuser; that he s.h.i.+elded her was obvious to all.

"The lad belongs to me."

Storm near s.h.i.+vered, his remark more a threat. Burke looked as if he wore no weapon and yet he

attacked with words and a powerful stance. How did he expect to truly defend himself?"Do I need to rescue you again?" she whispered behind him.She heard a low chuckle."We'll see who rescues who."She didn't doubt he would rescue her. His stance alone, blocking her from her accuser, clearly indicated that he didn't intend to surrender her. That he intended to protect her, save her, rescue her was evident,

and the crowd cheered him on.

The realization of the attention they drew suddenly made her realize how precarious their situation could turn. If anyone should dare recognize her, question her ident.i.ty, attempt to ask her name, they would be in trouble.

She reminded him of this in a rushed whisper. "Hurry."

"Agreed," he mumbled beneath his breath.

The big man finally found his voice and courage, though his quavering voice betrayed his unease. "I'll becompensated for his crime."Burke reached into his waistcoat pocket, extracted several coins and tossed them at the man. "You'll get no more."

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Taken By Storm Part 24 summary

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