Taken By Storm Part 25

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The man scurried after the coins that rolled and spun and scattered in different directions. It would take him a while to collect them all.

In the meantime, Burke s.n.a.t.c.hed Storm by the arm and practically dragged her up the gangplank, down

the narrow steps and into a cabin, then slammed the door shut.

"How did you get yourself into that predicament?"

She was about to answer when he advanced on her. She backed away from him, his face looking as if he

were in a rage.

"You're bleeding," he said and reached for her arm.

She glanced down at her shoulder, the tear made by the whip having gone clear down to her skin.

Before she could explain it was nothing, Burke began pulling off her jacket. She attempted to stop him

when suddenly she wondered if she really knew this man in front of her. He was much more in command, much more at home here. And why wouldn't he be-this was his s.h.i.+p, his command. She was merely a visitor, an observer.

She fought to adjust to the reversal of roles, but not being fully in control did not sit well with her, and shefound it difficult, if not impossible."It's nothing," she said and stepped away from him."Bulls.h.i.+t," he said and advanced on her once again.She held her hand up to stop him. "Clean cloths, fresh water, and I can see to it myself.""It isn't necessary. I'll tend to it for you," he said with a step closer.

"I'l -".

"You'll let me see to it. Then you'll search that chest for an appropriate dress, change and be introduced around the harbor as my wife, Mary," he said firmly. "We have little time and it would be foolish to waste it arguing."

She hated to admit he was right, but then he was in command here, and what choice did she really have.

They did not have time to spare, not if she were to enjoy a day of freedom.She stripped off her jacket and lowered the s.h.i.+rt off her shoulder. She didn't have the inclination to standbare-chested in front of him. Things had changed since that day she had stripped her chest bare mainly toshock him. She had discovered that she liked the American's kisses and his touch.

Her glance drifted to the bed, a good size that would easily hold two people with the bedding of fine wool and thickly stuffed pillows. Would they share his bed this night? Would she taste intimacy once again? Would it prove as satisfying and loving as it had with her husband?

Too many questions waiting for answers.

"It looks worse than it is," Burke announced, cleansing her wound with a wet cloth.

"Surface wound." She glanced up into his dark eyes and for a moment was caught by his concern. He

actually appeared deeply worried, and it startled her. "I'm all right," she a.s.sured him.

"He could have inflicted much more damage." He threw the cloth in the basin, slos.h.i.+ng water over thesides."You arrived in time," she reminded.He cupped her face with his hand. "What if I hadn't?""I would have run,' she answered on a single breath."Where?"In a heart's breath she whispered, "To you."He shook his head slowly, growled angrily beneath his breath, and then ravished her lips as if he had never kissed her before.

That was all it took. They feasted on each other like two hungry lovers long denied. They tasted, took a breath, and tasted some more as if they could never truly satisfy each other.

His hands slipped beneath her s.h.i.+rt and she jumped, startled, when he took hold of her full breast, his

thumb playing havoc with her hard nipple.

Good Lord, she wanted desperately to strip off her clothes and his and jump into his bed and forget the world existed for the reminder of the day. They would be two lovers lost in time.


She pulled away, feeling the loss of intimacy as his lips fell away from hers, his hand slipped reluctantly off

her breast, and his warmth faded with each step that separated them.

"We have little time to spare."

He took a deep breath and nodded. "I will leave you to dress. Meet me on deck when you're finished.

My crew will be aware that you are to be known as my wife. And I'll explain that the lad is recovering from his whipping."

Storm nodded, disappointed, but grateful they had tonight together.Burke walked to the door and stopped after opening it. "You're right, Storm, we have little time tospare, and I'm going to make certain we don't waste a minute of it."

Chapter 20.

B urke gripped the railing and stared down at the dock. He didn't look at anything in particular. He was too busy keeping himself from rus.h.i.+ng back to the cabin and spending the rest of the day making love to Storm.

He should be grateful that she'd reminded him that they were here for other, more important matters, but he wasn't feeling grateful. He was annoyed that he had so little time to spend alone with Storm. They would return to the woods soon enough, and she would once again be an outlaw, but for this brief time, she was his wife. They belonged to each other, and the endearing thought stirred his soul.

"Mr. Longton."

Burke turned and shook his head. "Will you never call me Burke, Douglas?"

"When I captain the s.h.i.+p for you, sir, it's a t.i.tle I'll be calling you by."

Douglas Mahoney had captained the s.h.i.+p for his father, and while his full head of hair was pure white and

wrinkles covered every inch of his face, the tall, slim man was ageless. He had sailed the seas since he'd been seven and complained when his feet touched land. Burke wouldn't trust a voyage without Douglas captaining his vessel, just as his father had.

"You used to call me Burke.""When you were a mere lad. You're not a lad anymore, sir."No, he wasn't. He was a man on a mission of importance, and Douglas understood that, for he had made many a journey to Scotland with his father in search of Cullen.

"The crew has been informed about your wife, Mary, and her affliction."

"Good, my wife..." He paused, thinking the prospect of such an arrangement wasn't displeasing at all.

"...has been of much help on my journey."

"I understand," Douglas said. "Will you and your wife be taking a meal in your cabin this evening?"

"Yes." Burke smiled and nodded. "Yes, we will."

The captain's eyes suddenly turned wide, then he smiled. "Your wife, sir, is a stunningly beautiful


Burke turned to his left, as Douglas walked away, and stood there speechless.

The captain had been right; his wife was a stunningly beautiful woman.

She had chosen a deep blue velvet day dress that made her eyes all the more blue. Her jacket fit snug at

her waist, a violet, high-collared blouse lay beneath, and a bonnet the same color as her dress topped her

head and was decorated with violet plumes that swayed liberally in the cold autumn air.

Her face had been scrubbed clean, her cheeks rosy, and her dark hair swept up beneath the bonnet. She truly resembled a lady of fine breeding and character, but then he had thought that of her since first they met.

Burke finally got control of himself and walked over to her, his hand extended.

She took it and moved into the crook of his arm to whisper, "This outfit suits you?"

He smiled and leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. "It suits you perfectly."

"I've never owned anything of such beauty."

"Now you do, though it is you who makes the dress beautiful."

Her cheeks turned pink, her soft blush flaring his pa.s.sion, and he silently cursed the effect she had on him.

d.a.m.ned if he didn't enjoy feasting his eyes on her and knowing that tonight, she would be his.

He held his arm out to her. "Can I interest you in a stroll along the docks and a visit to a few of the local shops?"

Her smile pierced his heart, and surely did damage to his soul.

"I would be delighted," she said and hooked her arm with his.

The village shops sat just past the harbor. It was a quaint little place where the wealthy came to amuse

themselves with purchases fresh off the arriving s.h.i.+ps.

They were treated royally, especially once Burke began to pamper his wife with various purchases. It

was obvious that the American wished to please his new bride, and how unfortunate it was that she'd been stricken with an ailment that had left her temporarily unable to speak.

Silk ribbons, sweets, and perfume were a few of the items he had indulged her with, and Burke knew

Storm would object once they returned to the s.h.i.+p. However, for the moment she could not argue with his choices, for her supposed affliction prevented her from doing so. She could only smile and nod at her husband's generosity.

They made their way along the buildings, Storm stopping to admire lacy ribbons in the seamstress'swindow."I'll a buy you a few," Burke offered.Storm smiled and stood on tiptoe to kiss her husband's cheek.Burke was surprised until she whispered in his ear.

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Taken By Storm Part 25 summary

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